File: SourceGeneration\Nodes\BatchNode.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
    internal sealed class BatchNode<TInput> : IIncrementalGeneratorNode<ImmutableArray<TInput>>
        private static readonly string? s_tableType = typeof(ImmutableArray<TInput>).FullName;
        private readonly IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput> _sourceNode;
        private readonly IEqualityComparer<ImmutableArray<TInput>>? _comparer;
        private readonly string? _name;
        public BatchNode(IIncrementalGeneratorNode<TInput> sourceNode, IEqualityComparer<ImmutableArray<TInput>>? comparer = null, string? name = null)
            _sourceNode = sourceNode;
            _comparer = comparer;
            _name = name;
        public IIncrementalGeneratorNode<ImmutableArray<TInput>> WithComparer(IEqualityComparer<ImmutableArray<TInput>> comparer) => new BatchNode<TInput>(_sourceNode, comparer, _name);
        public IIncrementalGeneratorNode<ImmutableArray<TInput>> WithTrackingName(string name) => new BatchNode<TInput>(_sourceNode, _comparer, name);
        private (ImmutableArray<TInput>, ImmutableArray<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)>) GetValuesAndInputs(
            NodeStateTable<TInput> sourceTable,
            NodeStateTable<ImmutableArray<TInput>>? previousTable,
            NodeStateTable<ImmutableArray<TInput>>.Builder newTable)
            // Do an initial pass to both get the steps, and determine how many entries we'll have.
            var sourceInputsBuilder = newTable.TrackIncrementalSteps ? ArrayBuilder<(IncrementalGeneratorRunStep InputStep, int OutputIndex)>.GetInstance() : null;
            var entryCount = 0;
            foreach (var entry in sourceTable)
                // Always keep track of its step information, regardless of if the entry was removed or not, so we
                // can accurately report how long it took and what actually happened (for testing validation).
                sourceInputsBuilder?.Add((entry.Step!, entry.OutputIndex));
                if (entry.State != EntryState.Removed)
            var sourceInputs = sourceInputsBuilder != null ? sourceInputsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree() : default;
            // First, see if we can reuse the entries from previousTable.
            // If not, produce the actual values we need from sourceTable.
            var result = tryReusePreviousTableValues(entryCount) ?? computeCurrentTableValues(entryCount);
            return (result, sourceInputs);
            ImmutableArray<TInput>? tryReusePreviousTableValues(int entryCount)
                if (previousTable is null)
                    return null;
                if (previousTable.Count != 1)
                    return null;
                var previousItems = previousTable.Single().item;
                // If they don't have the same length, we clearly can't reuse them.
                if (previousItems.Length != entryCount)
                    return null;
                var indexInPrevious = 0;
                foreach (var entry in sourceTable)
                    if (entry.State == EntryState.Removed)
                    // If the entries aren't the same, we can't reuse.
                    if (!EqualityComparer<TInput>.Default.Equals(entry.Item, previousItems[indexInPrevious]))
                        return null;
                // We better have the exact same count as previousItems as we checked that above.
                Debug.Assert(indexInPrevious == previousItems.Length);
                // Looks good, we can reuse this.
                return previousItems;
            ImmutableArray<TInput> computeCurrentTableValues(int entryCount)
                // Important: we initialize with the exact capacity we need here so that we don't make a pointless
                // scratch array that may be very large and may cause GC churn when it cannot be returned to the pool.
                var builder = ArrayBuilder<TInput>.GetInstance(entryCount);
                foreach (var entry in sourceTable)
                    if (entry.State == EntryState.Removed)
                Debug.Assert(builder.Count == entryCount);
                return builder.ToImmutableAndFree();
        public NodeStateTable<ImmutableArray<TInput>> UpdateStateTable(DriverStateTable.Builder builder, NodeStateTable<ImmutableArray<TInput>>? previousTable, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // grab the source inputs
            var sourceTable = builder.GetLatestStateTableForNode(_sourceNode);
            // Semantics of a batch transform:
            // Batches will always exist (a batch of the empty table is still [])
            // There is only ever one input, the batch of the upstream table
            // - Output is cached when upstream is all cached
            // - Added when the previous table was empty
            // - Modified otherwise
            // update the table
            var tableBuilder = builder.CreateTableBuilder(previousTable, _name, _comparer);
            // If this execution is tracking steps, then the source table should have also tracked steps or be the empty table.
            Debug.Assert(!tableBuilder.TrackIncrementalSteps || (sourceTable.HasTrackedSteps || sourceTable.IsEmpty));
            var stopwatch = SharedStopwatch.StartNew();
            var (sourceValues, sourceInputs) = GetValuesAndInputs(sourceTable, previousTable, tableBuilder);
            if (previousTable is null || previousTable.IsEmpty)
                tableBuilder.AddEntry(sourceValues, EntryState.Added, stopwatch.Elapsed, sourceInputs, EntryState.Added);
            else if (!sourceTable.IsCached || !tableBuilder.TryUseCachedEntries(stopwatch.Elapsed, sourceInputs))
                if (!tableBuilder.TryModifyEntry(sourceValues, stopwatch.Elapsed, sourceInputs, EntryState.Modified))
                    tableBuilder.AddEntry(sourceValues, EntryState.Added, stopwatch.Elapsed, sourceInputs, EntryState.Added);
            var newTable = tableBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
            this.LogTables(_name, s_tableType, previousTable, newTable, sourceTable);
            return newTable;
        public void RegisterOutput(IIncrementalGeneratorOutputNode output) => _sourceNode.RegisterOutput(output);