// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO.Hashing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
/// <summary>
/// TypeDefinition that represents <PrivateImplementationDetails> class.
/// The main purpose of this class so far is to contain mapped fields and their types.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class PrivateImplementationDetails : DefaultTypeDef, Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition
private const string TypeNamePrefix = "<PrivateImplementationDetails>";
// Note: Dev11 uses the source method token as the prefix, rather than a fixed token
// value, and data field offsets are unique within the method, not across all methods.
internal const string SynthesizedStringHashFunctionName = "ComputeStringHash";
internal const string SynthesizedReadOnlySpanHashFunctionName = "ComputeReadOnlySpanHash";
internal const string SynthesizedSpanHashFunctionName = "ComputeSpanHash";
internal const string SynthesizedThrowSwitchExpressionExceptionFunctionName = "ThrowSwitchExpressionException";
internal const string SynthesizedThrowSwitchExpressionExceptionParameterlessFunctionName = "ThrowSwitchExpressionExceptionParameterless";
internal const string SynthesizedThrowInvalidOperationExceptionFunctionName = "ThrowInvalidOperationException";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayAsSpanName = "InlineArrayAsSpan";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayAsReadOnlySpanName = "InlineArrayAsReadOnlySpan";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayElementRefName = "InlineArrayElementRef";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayElementRefReadOnlyName = "InlineArrayElementRefReadOnly";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayFirstElementRefName = "InlineArrayFirstElementRef";
internal const string SynthesizedInlineArrayFirstElementRefReadOnlyName = "InlineArrayFirstElementRefReadOnly";
internal const string SynthesizedBytesToStringFunctionName = "BytesToString";
internal readonly CommonPEModuleBuilder ModuleBuilder; //the module builder
internal readonly Cci.ITypeReference SystemObject; //base type
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _systemValueType; //base for nested structs
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _systemInt8Type; //for metadata init of byte arrays
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _systemInt16Type; //for metadata init of short arrays
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _systemInt32Type; //for metadata init of int arrays
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _systemInt64Type; //for metadata init of long arrays
private readonly Cci.ICustomAttribute _compilerGeneratedAttribute;
private readonly string _name;
// Once frozen the collections of fields, methods and types are immutable.
private int _frozen;
private ImmutableArray<SynthesizedStaticField> _orderedSynthesizedFields;
// fields mapped to metadata blocks
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Alignment), MappedField> _mappedFields =
new ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Alignment), MappedField>(DataAndUShortEqualityComparer.Instance);
// fields for cached arrays
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort ElementType), CachedArrayField> _cachedArrayFields =
new ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort ElementType), CachedArrayField>(DataAndUShortEqualityComparer.Instance);
// fields for cached arrays for constants
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort ElementType), CachedArrayField> _cachedArrayFieldsForConstants =
new ConcurrentDictionary<(ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort ElementType), CachedArrayField>(ConstantValueAndUShortEqualityComparer.Instance);
private ModuleVersionIdField? _mvidField;
private ModuleCancellationTokenField? _moduleCancellationTokenField;
// Dictionary that maps from analysis kind to instrumentation payload field.
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, InstrumentationPayloadRootField> _instrumentationPayloadRootFields = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, InstrumentationPayloadRootField>();
// synthesized methods
private ImmutableArray<Cci.IMethodDefinition> _orderedSynthesizedMethods;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Cci.IMethodDefinition> _synthesizedMethods =
new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Cci.IMethodDefinition>();
// synthesized top-level types (for inline arrays and collection expression types currently)
private ImmutableArray<Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition> _orderedTopLevelTypes;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition> _synthesizedTopLevelTypes = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition>();
// field types for different block sizes.
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(uint Size, ushort Alignment), Cci.ITypeReference> _dataFieldTypes = new ConcurrentDictionary<(uint Size, ushort Alignment), Cci.ITypeReference>();
// data section string literal holders (key is the full string literal)
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, DataSectionStringType> _dataSectionStringLiteralTypes = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, DataSectionStringType>();
// map of data section string literal generated type names (<S> + hash) to the full text
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, string> _dataSectionStringLiteralNames = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, string>();
private ImmutableArray<Cci.INestedTypeDefinition> _orderedNestedTypes;
internal PrivateImplementationDetails(
CommonPEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder,
string moduleName,
int submissionSlotIndex,
Cci.ITypeReference systemObject,
Cci.ITypeReference systemValueType,
Cci.ITypeReference systemInt8Type,
Cci.ITypeReference systemInt16Type,
Cci.ITypeReference systemInt32Type,
Cci.ITypeReference systemInt64Type,
Cci.ICustomAttribute compilerGeneratedAttribute)
RoslynDebug.Assert(systemObject != null);
RoslynDebug.Assert(systemValueType != null);
ModuleBuilder = moduleBuilder;
SystemObject = systemObject;
_systemValueType = systemValueType;
_systemInt8Type = systemInt8Type;
_systemInt16Type = systemInt16Type;
_systemInt32Type = systemInt32Type;
_systemInt64Type = systemInt64Type;
_compilerGeneratedAttribute = compilerGeneratedAttribute;
_name = getClassName();
string getClassName()
// we include the module name in the name of the PrivateImplementationDetails class so that more than
// one of them can be included in an assembly as part of netmodules.
var name = (moduleBuilder.OutputKind == OutputKind.NetModule) ?
$"{TypeNamePrefix}<{MetadataHelpers.MangleForTypeNameIfNeeded(moduleName)}>" : TypeNamePrefix;
if (submissionSlotIndex >= 0)
name += submissionSlotIndex.ToString();
if (moduleBuilder.CurrentGenerationOrdinal > 0)
name += "#" + moduleBuilder.CurrentGenerationOrdinal;
return name;
internal void Freeze()
var wasFrozen = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _frozen, 1);
if (wasFrozen != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// Sort fields.
ArrayBuilder<SynthesizedStaticField> fieldsBuilder = ArrayBuilder<SynthesizedStaticField>.GetInstance(
_mappedFields.Count + _cachedArrayFields.Count + _cachedArrayFieldsForConstants.Count + (_mvidField != null ? 1 : 0));
if (_mvidField != null)
if (_moduleCancellationTokenField != null)
_orderedSynthesizedFields = fieldsBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
// Sort methods.
_orderedSynthesizedMethods = _synthesizedMethods.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).AsImmutable();
// Sort top-level types.
_orderedTopLevelTypes = _synthesizedTopLevelTypes.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => (Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition)kvp.Value).AsImmutable();
// Sort nested types.
_orderedNestedTypes = _dataFieldTypes.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key.Size).ThenBy(kvp => kvp.Key.Alignment).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).OfType<ExplicitSizeStruct>()
.Concat<Cci.INestedTypeDefinition>(_dataSectionStringLiteralTypes.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value)).AsImmutable();
internal bool IsFrozen => _frozen != 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a field that can be used to cache an array allocated to store data from a corresponding <see cref="GetOrAddDataField"/> call.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data that will be used to initialize the field.</param>
/// <param name="arrayType">The type of the field, e.g. int[].</param>
/// <param name="emitContext">The emit context to use with the array type to extract its element type.</param>
/// <returns>The field to use to cache an array for this data and alignment.</returns>
internal Cci.IFieldReference CreateArrayCachingField(ImmutableArray<byte> data, Cci.IArrayTypeReference arrayType, EmitContext emitContext)
// Get the type code for the array's element type.
Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode typeCode = arrayType.GetElementType(emitContext).TypeCode;
Debug.Assert(typeCode is
Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Int16 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt16 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Char or
Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Int32 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt32 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Float32 or
Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Int64 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.UInt64 or Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Float64);
// Create a dedicated mapped field for the array type, separate from the data that'll be stored into that array.
// Call sites will lazily instantiate the array to cache in this field, rather than forcibly instantiating
// all of them when the private implementation details class is first used.
return _cachedArrayFields.GetOrAdd((data, (ushort)typeCode), key =>
// Hash the data to hex, but then tack on _A(ElementType). This is needed both to differentiate the array field from
// the data field, but also to differentiate multiple fields that may have the same raw data but different array types.
string name = $"{DataToHex(key.Data)}_A{key.ElementType}";
return new CachedArrayField(name, this, arrayType);
internal Cci.IFieldReference CreateArrayCachingField(ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> constants, Cci.IArrayTypeReference arrayType, EmitContext emitContext)
Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode typeCode = arrayType.GetElementType(emitContext).TypeCode;
Debug.Assert(typeCode is not Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.Reference);
// Call sites will lazily instantiate the array to cache in this field, rather than forcibly instantiating
// all of them when the private implementation details class is first used.
return _cachedArrayFieldsForConstants.GetOrAdd((constants, (ushort)typeCode), key =>
// Hash the data to hex, but then tack on _B(ElementType). This is needed to differentiate multiple fields
// that may have the same raw data but different array types.
string name = $"{ConstantsToHex(key.Constants)}_B{key.ElementType}";
return new CachedArrayField(name, this, arrayType);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a struct type of the given size and alignment or creates it if it does not exist yet.
/// </summary>
private Cci.ITypeReference GetOrAddDataFieldType(int length, ushort alignment)
Debug.Assert(alignment is 1 or 2 or 4 or 8);
Debug.Assert(length != 1 || alignment == 1);
return _dataFieldTypes.GetOrAdd(
((uint)length, Alignment: alignment), key =>
// We need a type that's both the same size as the data and that has a .pack
// that matches the data's alignment requirements. If the size of the data
// is 1 byte, then the alignment will also be 1, and we can use byte as the type.
// If the size of the data is 2, 4, or 8 bytes, we can use short, int, or long rather than
// creating a custom type, but we can only do so if the required alignment is also 1, as
// these types have a .pack value of 1.
if (key.Alignment == 1)
switch (key.Size)
case 1 when _systemInt8Type is not null: return _systemInt8Type;
case 2 when _systemInt16Type is not null: return _systemInt16Type;
case 4 when _systemInt32Type is not null: return _systemInt32Type;
case 8 when _systemInt64Type is not null: return _systemInt64Type;
// Use a custom type.
return new ExplicitSizeStruct(key.Size, key.Alignment, this, _systemValueType);
/// <summary>
/// Gets a field that can be used to to store data directly in an RVA field.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">The data for the field.</param>
/// <param name="alignment">
/// The alignment value is the necessary alignment for addresses for the underlying element type of the array.
/// The data is stored by using a type whose size is equal to the total size of the blob. If a built-in system
/// type has an appropriate size and .pack, it can be used. Otherwise, a type is generated of the same size as
/// the data, and that type needs its .pack set to the alignment required for the underlying data. While that
/// .pack value isn't required by anything else in the compiler (the compiler always aligns RVA fields at 8-byte
/// boundaries, which accommodates any element type that's relevant), it is necessary for IL rewriters. Such rewriters
/// also need to ensure an appropriate alignment is maintained for the RVA field, and while they could also simplify
/// by choosing a worst-case alignment as does the compiler, they may instead use the .pack value as the alignment
/// to use for that field, since it's an opaque blob with no other indication as to what kind of data is
/// stored and what alignment might be required.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The field. This may have been newly created or may be an existing field previously created for the same data and alignment.</returns>
internal MappedField GetOrAddDataField(ImmutableArray<byte> data, ushort alignment)
return _mappedFields.GetOrAdd((data, alignment), static (key, @this) =>
var (data, alignment) = key;
Cci.ITypeReference type = @this.GetOrAddDataFieldType(data.Length, alignment);
// For alignment of 1 (which is used in cases other than in fields for ReadOnlySpan<byte>),
// just use the hex value of the data hash. For other alignments, tack on a '2', '4', or '8'
// accordingly. As every byte will yield two chars, the odd number of chars used for 2/4/8
// alignments will never produce a name that conflicts with names for an alignment of 1.
RoslynDebug.Assert(alignment is 1 or 2 or 4 or 8, $"Unexpected alignment: {alignment}");
string hex = DataToHex(data);
string name = alignment switch
2 => hex + "2",
4 => hex + "4",
8 => hex + "8",
_ => hex
return new MappedField(name, @this, type, data);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the field of <see cref="DataSectionStringType"/> or creates one
/// if the type does not exist yet for the given <paramref name="text"/>.
/// If the text cannot be encoded, returns <see langword="null"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static Cci.IFieldReference? TryGetOrCreateFieldForStringValue(
string text,
CommonPEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder,
SyntaxNode syntaxNode,
DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
if (!text.TryGetUtf8ByteRepresentation(out byte[]? data, out _))
return null;
var @this = moduleBuilder.GetPrivateImplClass(syntaxNode, diagnostics);
return @this._dataSectionStringLiteralTypes.GetOrAdd(text, static (text, arg) =>
var (@this, data, syntaxNode, diagnostics) = arg;
string name = "<S>" + @this.DataToHexViaXxHash128(data);
MappedField dataField = @this.GetOrAddDataField(data, alignment: 1);
Cci.IMethodDefinition bytesToStringHelper = @this.GetOrSynthesizeBytesToStringHelper(diagnostics);
var previousText = @this._dataSectionStringLiteralNames.GetOrAdd(name, text);
if (previousText != text)
// If there is a hash collision, we cannot fallback to normal string literal emit strategy
// because the selection of which literal would get which emit strategy would not be deterministic.
var messageProvider = @this.ModuleBuilder.CommonCompilation.MessageProvider;
previousText[..Math.Min(previousText.Length, 500)]));
return new DataSectionStringType(
name: name,
containingType: @this,
dataField: dataField,
bytesToStringHelper: bytesToStringHelper,
diagnostics: diagnostics);
(@this, ImmutableCollectionsMarshal.AsImmutableArray(data), syntaxNode, diagnostics)).Field;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the <see cref="BytesToStringHelper"/> or creates it if it does not exist yet.
/// </summary>
private Cci.IMethodDefinition GetOrSynthesizeBytesToStringHelper(DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
var method = GetMethod(SynthesizedBytesToStringFunctionName);
if (method is null)
var compilation = ModuleBuilder.CommonCompilation;
var encodingUtf8 = getWellKnownTypeMember(compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Text_Encoding__get_UTF8);
var encodingGetString = getWellKnownTypeMember(compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Text_Encoding__GetString);
moduleBuilder: (ITokenDeferral)ModuleBuilder,
containingType: this,
encodingUtf8: encodingUtf8,
encodingGetString: encodingGetString,
diagnostics: diagnostics));
method = GetMethod(SynthesizedBytesToStringFunctionName);
Debug.Assert(method is not null);
return method;
static Cci.IMethodReference getWellKnownTypeMember(
Compilation compilation,
WellKnownMember member)
ISymbolInternal? symbol = compilation.CommonGetWellKnownTypeMember(member);
Debug.Assert(symbol is not null, "The emit layer should check the helpers exist.");
return (Cci.IMethodReference)symbol.GetCciAdapter();
internal Cci.IFieldReference GetModuleVersionId(Cci.ITypeReference mvidType)
if (_mvidField == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _mvidField, new ModuleVersionIdField(this, mvidType), null);
Debug.Assert(_mvidField.Type == mvidType);
return _mvidField;
internal Cci.IFieldReference GetModuleCancellationToken(Cci.ITypeReference cancellationTokenType)
if (_moduleCancellationTokenField == null)
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _moduleCancellationTokenField, new ModuleCancellationTokenField(this, cancellationTokenType), null);
Debug.Assert(_moduleCancellationTokenField.Type == cancellationTokenType);
return _moduleCancellationTokenField;
internal Cci.IFieldReference GetOrAddInstrumentationPayloadRoot(int analysisKind, Cci.ITypeReference payloadRootType)
InstrumentationPayloadRootField? payloadRootField;
if (!_instrumentationPayloadRootFields.TryGetValue(analysisKind, out payloadRootField))
payloadRootField = _instrumentationPayloadRootFields.GetOrAdd(analysisKind, kind => new InstrumentationPayloadRootField(this, kind, payloadRootType));
Debug.Assert(payloadRootField.Type == payloadRootType);
return payloadRootField;
// Get the instrumentation payload roots ordered by analysis kind.
internal IOrderedEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, InstrumentationPayloadRootField>> GetInstrumentationPayloadRoots()
return _instrumentationPayloadRootFields.OrderBy(analysis => analysis.Key);
// Add a new synthesized method indexed by its name if the method isn't already present.
internal bool TryAddSynthesizedMethod(Cci.IMethodDefinition method)
#nullable disable // Can 'method.Name' be null? https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/39166
return _synthesizedMethods.TryAdd(method.Name, method);
#nullable enable
public override IEnumerable<Cci.IFieldDefinition> GetFields(EmitContext context)
return _orderedSynthesizedFields;
public override IEnumerable<Cci.IMethodDefinition> GetMethods(EmitContext context)
return _orderedSynthesizedMethods;
public IEnumerable<Cci.IMethodDefinition> GetTopLevelAndNestedTypeMethods(EmitContext context)
foreach (var type in _orderedTopLevelTypes)
foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(context))
yield return method;
foreach (var nestedType in type.GetNestedTypes(context))
foreach (var method in nestedType.GetMethods(context))
yield return method;
// Get method by name, if one exists. Otherwise return null.
internal Cci.IMethodDefinition? GetMethod(string name)
Cci.IMethodDefinition? method;
_synthesizedMethods.TryGetValue(name, out method);
return method;
internal bool TryAddSynthesizedType(Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition type)
Debug.Assert(type.Name is { });
return _synthesizedTopLevelTypes.TryAdd(type.Name, type);
internal Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition? GetSynthesizedType(string name)
_synthesizedTopLevelTypes.TryGetValue(name, out var type);
return type;
internal IEnumerable<Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition> GetAdditionalTopLevelTypes()
return _orderedTopLevelTypes;
public override IEnumerable<Cci.INestedTypeDefinition> GetNestedTypes(EmitContext context)
return _orderedNestedTypes;
public override string ToString() => this.Name;
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetBaseClass(EmitContext context) => SystemObject;
public override IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> GetAttributes(EmitContext context)
if (_compilerGeneratedAttribute != null)
return SpecializedCollections.SingletonEnumerable(_compilerGeneratedAttribute);
return SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute>();
public override void Dispatch(Cci.MetadataVisitor visitor)
public override Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition AsNamespaceTypeDefinition(EmitContext context) => this;
public override Cci.INamespaceTypeReference AsNamespaceTypeReference => this;
public string Name => _name;
public bool IsPublic => false;
public Cci.IUnitReference GetUnit(EmitContext context)
Debug.Assert(context.Module == ModuleBuilder);
return ModuleBuilder;
public string NamespaceName => string.Empty;
private static string DataToHex(ImmutableArray<byte> data)
ImmutableArray<byte> hash = CryptographicHashProvider.ComputeSourceHash(data);
return HashToHex(hash.AsSpan());
private string DataToHexViaXxHash128(ImmutableArray<byte> data)
if (ModuleBuilder.EmitOptions.TestOnly_DataToHexViaXxHash128 is { } handler)
return handler(data);
Span<byte> hash = stackalloc byte[sizeof(ulong) * 2];
int bytesWritten = XxHash128.Hash(data.AsSpan(), hash);
Debug.Assert(bytesWritten == hash.Length);
return HashToHex(hash);
private static string ConstantsToHex(ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> constants)
ImmutableArray<byte> hash = CryptographicHashProvider.ComputeSourceHash(constants);
return HashToHex(hash.AsSpan());
private static string HashToHex(ReadOnlySpan<byte> hash)
return string.Create(hash.Length * 2, hash, (destination, hash) => toHex(hash, destination));
char[] c = new char[hash.Length * 2];
toHex(hash, c);
return new string(c);
static void toHex(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<char> destination)
int i = 0;
foreach (var b in source)
destination[i++] = hexchar(b >> 4);
destination[i++] = hexchar(b & 0xF);
static char hexchar(int x) => (char)((x <= 9) ? (x + '0') : (x + ('A' - 10)));
private sealed class FieldComparer : IComparer<SynthesizedStaticField>
public static readonly FieldComparer Instance = new FieldComparer();
private FieldComparer()
public int Compare(SynthesizedStaticField? x, SynthesizedStaticField? y)
RoslynDebug.Assert(x is object && y is object);
// Fields are always synthesized with non-null names.
RoslynDebug.Assert(x.Name != null && y.Name != null);
return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name);
private sealed class DataAndUShortEqualityComparer : EqualityComparer<(ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Value)>
public static readonly DataAndUShortEqualityComparer Instance = new DataAndUShortEqualityComparer();
private DataAndUShortEqualityComparer() { }
public override bool Equals((ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Value) x, (ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Value) y) =>
x.Value == y.Value &&
ByteSequenceComparer.Equals(x.Data, y.Data);
public override int GetHashCode((ImmutableArray<byte> Data, ushort Value) obj) =>
ByteSequenceComparer.GetHashCode(obj.Data); // purposefully not including Value, as it won't add meaningfully to the hash code
private sealed class ConstantValueAndUShortEqualityComparer : EqualityComparer<(ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort Value)>
public static readonly ConstantValueAndUShortEqualityComparer Instance = new ConstantValueAndUShortEqualityComparer();
private ConstantValueAndUShortEqualityComparer() { }
public override bool Equals((ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort Value) x, (ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort Value) y)
if (x.Value != y.Value)
return false;
if (x.Constants.Length != y.Constants.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < x.Constants.Length; i++)
if (x.Constants[i] != y.Constants[i])
return false;
return true;
public override int GetHashCode((ImmutableArray<ConstantValue> Constants, ushort Value) obj)
int hash = 0;
foreach (var constant in obj.Constants)
Hash.Combine(constant.GetHashCode(), hash);
// purposefully not including Value, as it won't add meaningfully to the hash code
return hash;
/// <summary>
/// Simple struct type with explicit size and no members.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ExplicitSizeStruct : NestedTypeDefinition
private readonly uint _size;
private readonly ushort _alignment;
private readonly Cci.INamedTypeDefinition _containingType;
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _sysValueType;
internal ExplicitSizeStruct(uint size, ushort alignment, PrivateImplementationDetails containingType, Cci.ITypeReference sysValueType)
RoslynDebug.Assert(alignment is 1 or 2 or 4 or 8, $"Unexpected alignment: {alignment}");
_size = size;
_alignment = alignment;
_containingType = containingType;
_sysValueType = sysValueType;
public override ushort Alignment => _alignment;
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetBaseClass(EmitContext context) => _sysValueType;
public override LayoutKind Layout => LayoutKind.Explicit;
public override uint SizeOf => _size;
public override string Name => _alignment == 1 ?
$"__StaticArrayInitTypeSize={_size}" :
public override Cci.ITypeDefinition ContainingTypeDefinition => _containingType;
public override Cci.TypeMemberVisibility Visibility => Cci.TypeMemberVisibility.Assembly;
public override bool IsValueType => true;
/// <summary>
/// A type synthesized for each eligible string literal to hold the lazily-initialized string.
/// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/main/docs/features/string-literals-data-section.md
/// </summary>
internal sealed class DataSectionStringType : NestedTypeDefinition
private readonly string _name;
private readonly PrivateImplementationDetails _containingType;
private readonly ImmutableArray<Cci.IFieldDefinition> _fields;
private readonly ImmutableArray<Cci.IMethodDefinition> _methods;
public DataSectionStringType(
string name,
PrivateImplementationDetails containingType,
MappedField dataField,
Cci.IMethodDefinition bytesToStringHelper,
DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
_name = name;
_containingType = containingType;
var stringField = new DataSectionStringField("s", this);
var staticConstructor = synthesizeStaticConstructor((ITokenDeferral)containingType.ModuleBuilder, containingType, dataField, stringField, bytesToStringHelper, diagnostics);
_fields = [stringField];
_methods = [staticConstructor];
static Cci.IMethodDefinition synthesizeStaticConstructor(
ITokenDeferral module,
Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition containingType,
MappedField dataField,
DataSectionStringField stringField,
Cci.IMethodDefinition bytesToStringHelper,
DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
var ilBuilder = new ILBuilder(
new LocalSlotManager(slotAllocator: null),
areLocalsZeroed: false);
// Push the `byte*` field's address.
ilBuilder.EmitToken(dataField, null, diagnostics);
// Push the byte size.
// Call `<PrivateImplementationDetails>.BytesToString(byte*, int)`.
ilBuilder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, -1);
ilBuilder.EmitToken(bytesToStringHelper, null, diagnostics);
// Store into the corresponding `string` field.
ilBuilder.EmitToken(stringField, null, diagnostics);
ilBuilder.EmitRet(isVoid: true);
return new Cci.StaticConstructor(containingType, ilBuilder.MaxStack, ilBuilder.RealizedIL);
public Cci.IFieldDefinition Field => _fields[0];
public override string Name => _name;
public override Cci.ITypeDefinition ContainingTypeDefinition => _containingType;
public override Cci.TypeMemberVisibility Visibility => Cci.TypeMemberVisibility.Assembly;
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetBaseClass(EmitContext context) => _containingType.SystemObject;
public override IEnumerable<Cci.IFieldDefinition> GetFields(EmitContext context) => _fields;
public override IEnumerable<Cci.IMethodDefinition> GetMethods(EmitContext context) => _methods;
public override bool IsBeforeFieldInit => true;
private sealed class DataSectionStringField(
string name, Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType)
: SynthesizedStaticFieldBase(name, containingType)
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => default;
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context)
return context.Module.GetPlatformType(Cci.PlatformType.SystemString, context);
public override string ToString()
return $"string {(object?)ContainingTypeDefinition.GetInternalSymbol() ?? ContainingTypeDefinition}.{this.Name}";
internal abstract class SynthesizedStaticField : SynthesizedStaticFieldBase
private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _type;
internal SynthesizedStaticField(string name, Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, Cci.ITypeReference type)
: base(name, containingType)
RoslynDebug.Assert(type != null);
_type = type;
internal Cci.ITypeReference Type => _type;
public override string ToString() => $"{(object?)_type.GetInternalSymbol() ?? _type} {(object?)ContainingTypeDefinition.GetInternalSymbol() ?? ContainingTypeDefinition}.{this.Name}";
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context) => _type;
internal abstract class SynthesizedStaticFieldBase : Cci.IFieldDefinition
private readonly Cci.INamedTypeDefinition _containingType;
private readonly string _name;
internal SynthesizedStaticFieldBase(string name, Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType)
RoslynDebug.Assert(name != null);
RoslynDebug.Assert(containingType != null);
_containingType = containingType;
_name = name;
public MetadataConstant? GetCompileTimeValue(EmitContext context) => null;
public abstract ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData { get; }
public bool IsEncDeleted => false;
public bool IsCompileTimeConstant => false;
public bool IsNotSerialized => false;
public abstract bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public bool IsRuntimeSpecial => false;
public bool IsSpecialName => false;
public bool IsStatic => true;
public bool IsMarshalledExplicitly => false;
public Cci.IMarshallingInformation? MarshallingInformation => null;
public ImmutableArray<byte> MarshallingDescriptor => default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
public int Offset
get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
public Cci.ITypeDefinition ContainingTypeDefinition => _containingType;
public Cci.TypeMemberVisibility Visibility => Cci.TypeMemberVisibility.Assembly;
public Cci.ITypeReference GetContainingType(EmitContext context) => _containingType;
public IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> GetAttributes(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute>();
public void Dispatch(Cci.MetadataVisitor visitor)
public Cci.IDefinition AsDefinition(EmitContext context)
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
Symbols.ISymbolInternal? Cci.IReference.GetInternalSymbol() => null;
public string Name => _name;
public bool IsContextualNamedEntity => false;
public abstract Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context);
public ImmutableArray<Cci.ICustomModifier> RefCustomModifiers => ImmutableArray<Cci.ICustomModifier>.Empty;
public bool IsByReference => false;
public Cci.IFieldDefinition GetResolvedField(EmitContext context) => this;
public Cci.ISpecializedFieldReference? AsSpecializedFieldReference => null;
public MetadataConstant Constant
get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
public sealed override bool Equals(object? obj)
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
public sealed override int GetHashCode()
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
internal sealed class ModuleVersionIdField : SynthesizedStaticField
internal ModuleVersionIdField(Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, Cci.ITypeReference type)
: base("MVID", containingType, type)
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
/// <summary>
/// Synthesized by <see cref="InstrumentationKind.ModuleCancellation"/> instrumentation.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class ModuleCancellationTokenField(Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, Cci.ITypeReference type)
: SynthesizedStaticField("ModuleCancellationToken", containingType, type)
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => default;
public override bool IsReadOnly => false;
internal sealed class InstrumentationPayloadRootField : SynthesizedStaticField
internal InstrumentationPayloadRootField(Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, int analysisIndex, Cci.ITypeReference payloadType)
: base("PayloadRoot" + analysisIndex.ToString(), containingType, payloadType)
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
/// <summary>
/// Definition of a simple field mapped to a metadata block
/// </summary>
internal sealed class MappedField : SynthesizedStaticField
private readonly ImmutableArray<byte> _block;
internal MappedField(string name, Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, Cci.ITypeReference type, ImmutableArray<byte> block)
: base(name, containingType, type)
_block = block;
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => _block;
public override bool IsReadOnly => true;
/// <summary>
/// Definition of a field for storing an array caching the data from a metadata block or array of constants.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class CachedArrayField : SynthesizedStaticField
internal CachedArrayField(string name, Cci.INamedTypeDefinition containingType, Cci.ITypeReference type)
: base(name, containingType, type)
public override ImmutableArray<byte> MappedData => default(ImmutableArray<byte>);
public override bool IsReadOnly => false;
internal abstract class NestedTypeDefinition : DefaultTypeDef, Cci.INestedTypeDefinition
public sealed override string ToString()
=> ContainingTypeDefinition.ToString() + "." + this.Name;
public sealed override void Dispatch(Cci.MetadataVisitor visitor)
public abstract string Name { get; }
public abstract Cci.ITypeDefinition ContainingTypeDefinition { get; }
public abstract Cci.TypeMemberVisibility Visibility { get; }
public Cci.ITypeReference GetContainingType(EmitContext context) => ContainingTypeDefinition;
public sealed override Cci.INestedTypeDefinition AsNestedTypeDefinition(EmitContext context) => this;
public sealed override Cci.INestedTypeReference AsNestedTypeReference => this;
/// <summary>
/// Just a default implementation of a type definition.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class DefaultTypeDef : Cci.ITypeDefinition
public IEnumerable<Cci.IEventDefinition> GetEvents(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.IEventDefinition>();
public IEnumerable<Cci.MethodImplementation> GetExplicitImplementationOverrides(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.MethodImplementation>();
public virtual IEnumerable<Cci.IFieldDefinition> GetFields(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.IFieldDefinition>();
public IEnumerable<Cci.IGenericTypeParameter> GenericParameters
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.IGenericTypeParameter>();
public ushort GenericParameterCount => 0;
public bool HasDeclarativeSecurity => false;
public IEnumerable<Cci.TypeReferenceWithAttributes> Interfaces(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.TypeReferenceWithAttributes>();
public bool IsEncDeleted => false;
public bool IsAbstract => false;
public virtual bool IsBeforeFieldInit => false;
public bool IsComObject => false;
public bool IsGeneric => false;
public bool IsInterface => false;
public bool IsDelegate => false;
public bool IsRuntimeSpecial => false;
public bool IsSerializable => false;
public bool IsSpecialName => false;
public bool IsWindowsRuntimeImport => false;
public bool IsSealed => true;
public virtual IEnumerable<Cci.IMethodDefinition> GetMethods(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.IMethodDefinition>();
public virtual IEnumerable<Cci.INestedTypeDefinition> GetNestedTypes(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.INestedTypeDefinition>();
public IEnumerable<Cci.IPropertyDefinition> GetProperties(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.IPropertyDefinition>();
public IEnumerable<Cci.SecurityAttribute> SecurityAttributes
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.SecurityAttribute>();
public CharSet StringFormat => CharSet.Ansi;
public virtual IEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute> GetAttributes(EmitContext context)
=> SpecializedCollections.EmptyEnumerable<Cci.ICustomAttribute>();
public Cci.IDefinition AsDefinition(EmitContext context) => this;
Symbols.ISymbolInternal? Cci.IReference.GetInternalSymbol() => null;
public bool IsEnum => false;
public Cci.ITypeDefinition GetResolvedType(EmitContext context) => this;
public Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode TypeCode => Cci.PrimitiveTypeCode.NotPrimitive;
public TypeDefinitionHandle TypeDef
get { throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable(); }
public Cci.IGenericMethodParameterReference? AsGenericMethodParameterReference => null;
public Cci.IGenericTypeInstanceReference? AsGenericTypeInstanceReference => null;
public Cci.IGenericTypeParameterReference? AsGenericTypeParameterReference => null;
public virtual Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition? AsNamespaceTypeDefinition(EmitContext context) => null;
public virtual Cci.INamespaceTypeReference? AsNamespaceTypeReference => null;
public Cci.ISpecializedNestedTypeReference? AsSpecializedNestedTypeReference => null;
public virtual Cci.INestedTypeDefinition? AsNestedTypeDefinition(EmitContext context) => null;
public virtual Cci.INestedTypeReference? AsNestedTypeReference => null;
public Cci.ITypeDefinition AsTypeDefinition(EmitContext context) => this;
public bool MangleName => false;
public string? AssociatedFileIdentifier => null;
public virtual ushort Alignment => 0;
public abstract Cci.ITypeReference GetBaseClass(EmitContext context);
public virtual LayoutKind Layout => LayoutKind.Auto;
public virtual uint SizeOf => 0;
public abstract void Dispatch(Cci.MetadataVisitor visitor);
public virtual bool IsValueType => false;
public sealed override bool Equals(object? obj)
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
public sealed override int GetHashCode()
// It is not supported to rely on default equality of these Cci objects, an explicit way to compare and hash them should be used.
throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable();
/// <summary>
/// A helper method used in static constructor of <see cref="DataSectionStringType"/>.
/// to share IL and hence save assembly size.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The method is equivalent to:
/// <code>
/// private unsafe static string BytesToString(byte* bytes, int length)
/// {
/// return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, length);
/// }
/// </code>
/// </remarks>
file sealed class BytesToStringHelper : Cci.MethodDefinitionBase
private readonly ImmutableArray<Cci.IParameterDefinition> _parameters;
private BytesToStringHelper(
Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition containingType,
Cci.IMethodReference encodingGetString,
ushort maxStack,
ImmutableArray<byte> il)
: base(containingType, maxStack, il)
_parameters =
new BytesParameter(encodingGetString), // byte* bytes
LengthParameterDefinition.Instance, // int length
public static BytesToStringHelper Create(
ITokenDeferral moduleBuilder,
Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition containingType,
Cci.IMethodReference encodingUtf8,
Cci.IMethodReference encodingGetString,
DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
var ilBuilder = new ILBuilder(
new LocalSlotManager(slotAllocator: null),
areLocalsZeroed: false);
// Call `Encoding.get_UTF8()`.
ilBuilder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Call, 1);
ilBuilder.EmitToken(encodingUtf8, null, diagnostics);
// Push the `byte*`.
// Push the byte size.
// Call `Encoding.GetString(byte*, int)`.
ilBuilder.EmitOpCode(ILOpCode.Callvirt, -2);
ilBuilder.EmitToken(encodingGetString, null, diagnostics);
// Return.
ilBuilder.EmitRet(isVoid: false);
return new BytesToStringHelper(
containingType: containingType,
encodingGetString: encodingGetString,
maxStack: ilBuilder.MaxStack,
il: ilBuilder.RealizedIL);
public override string Name => PrivateImplementationDetails.SynthesizedBytesToStringFunctionName;
public override Cci.TypeMemberVisibility Visibility => Cci.TypeMemberVisibility.Private;
public override ImmutableArray<Cci.IParameterDefinition> Parameters => _parameters;
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context) => context.Module.GetPlatformType(Cci.PlatformType.SystemString, context);
private sealed class BytesParameter(
Cci.IMethodReference encodingGetString)
: Cci.ParameterDefinitionBase
private readonly Cci.IMethodReference _encodingGetString = encodingGetString;
public override ushort Index => 0;
public override string Name => "bytes";
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context)
return _encodingGetString.GetParameters(context)[0].GetType(context);
private sealed class LengthParameterDefinition : Cci.ParameterDefinitionBase
private LengthParameterDefinition() { }
public static readonly LengthParameterDefinition Instance = new LengthParameterDefinition();
public override ushort Index => 1;
public override string Name => "length";
public override Cci.ITypeReference GetType(EmitContext context) => context.Module.GetPlatformType(Cci.PlatformType.SystemInt32, context);