// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
internal static class MetadataHelpers
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/73548:
// Remove this constant and refer to GenericParameterAttributes.AllowByRefLike directly once the new enum member becomes available.
// See // https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/68002#issuecomment-1942166436 for more details.
public const System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes GenericParameterAttributesAllowByRefLike = (System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes)0x0020;
public const char DotDelimiter = '.';
public const string DotDelimiterString = ".";
public const char GenericTypeNameManglingChar = '`';
private const string GenericTypeNameManglingString = "`";
public const int MaxStringLengthForParamSize = 22;
public const int MaxStringLengthForIntToStringConversion = 22;
public const string SystemString = "System";
// These can appear in the interface name that precedes an explicit interface implementation member.
public const char MangledNameRegionStartChar = '<';
public const char MangledNameRegionEndChar = '>';
internal readonly struct AssemblyQualifiedTypeName
internal readonly string? TopLevelType;
internal readonly string[]? NestedTypes;
internal readonly AssemblyQualifiedTypeName[]? TypeArguments;
internal readonly int PointerCount;
/// <summary>
/// Rank equal 0 is used to denote an SzArray, rank equal 1 denotes multi-dimensional array of rank 1.
/// </summary>
internal readonly int[]? ArrayRanks;
internal readonly string? AssemblyName;
internal AssemblyQualifiedTypeName(
string? topLevelType,
string[]? nestedTypes,
AssemblyQualifiedTypeName[]? typeArguments,
int pointerCount,
int[]? arrayRanks,
string? assemblyName)
this.TopLevelType = topLevelType;
this.NestedTypes = nestedTypes;
this.TypeArguments = typeArguments;
this.PointerCount = pointerCount;
this.ArrayRanks = arrayRanks;
this.AssemblyName = assemblyName;
internal static AssemblyQualifiedTypeName DecodeTypeName(string s)
var decoder = new SerializedTypeDecoder(s);
return decoder.DecodeTypeName();
/// <summary>
/// Decodes a serialized type name in its canonical form. The canonical name is its full type name, followed
/// optionally by the assembly where it is defined, its version, culture and public key token. If the assembly
/// name is omitted, the type name is in the current assembly otherwise it is in the referenced assembly. The
/// full type name is the fully qualified metadata type name.
/// </summary>
private struct SerializedTypeDecoder
private static readonly char[] s_typeNameDelimiters = { '+', ',', '[', ']', '*' };
private readonly string _input;
private int _offset;
internal SerializedTypeDecoder(string s)
_input = s;
_offset = 0;
private void Advance()
if (!EndOfInput)
private void AdvanceTo(int i)
if (i <= _input.Length)
_offset = i;
private bool EndOfInput
return _offset >= _input.Length;
private char Current
return _input[_offset];
/// <summary>
/// Decodes a type name. A type name is a string which is terminated by the end of the string or one of the
/// delimiters '+', ',', '[', ']'. '+' separates nested classes. '[' and ']'
/// enclosed generic type arguments. ',' separates types.
/// </summary>
internal AssemblyQualifiedTypeName DecodeTypeName(bool isTypeArgument = false, bool isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName = false)
Debug.Assert(!isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName || isTypeArgument);
string? topLevelType = null;
ArrayBuilder<string>? nestedTypesBuilder = null;
AssemblyQualifiedTypeName[]? typeArguments = null;
int pointerCount = 0;
ArrayBuilder<int>? arrayRanksBuilder = null;
string? assemblyName = null;
bool decodingTopLevelType = true;
bool isGenericTypeName = false;
var pooledStrBuilder = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
StringBuilder typeNameBuilder = pooledStrBuilder.Builder;
while (!EndOfInput)
int i = _input.IndexOfAny(s_typeNameDelimiters, _offset);
if (i >= 0)
char c = _input[i];
// Found name, which could be a generic name with arity.
// Generic type parameter count, if any, are handled in DecodeGenericName.
string decodedString = DecodeGenericName(i);
Debug.Assert(decodedString != null);
// Type name is generic if the decoded name of the top level type OR any of the outer types of a nested type had the '`' character.
isGenericTypeName = isGenericTypeName || decodedString.IndexOf(GenericTypeNameManglingChar) >= 0;
switch (c)
case '*':
if (arrayRanksBuilder != null)
// Error case, array shape must be specified at the end of the type name.
// Process as a regular character and continue.
case '+':
if (arrayRanksBuilder != null || pointerCount > 0)
// Error case, array shape must be specified at the end of the type name.
// Process as a regular character and continue.
// Type followed by nested type. Handle nested class separator and collect the nested types.
HandleDecodedTypeName(typeNameBuilder.ToString(), decodingTopLevelType, ref topLevelType, ref nestedTypesBuilder);
decodingTopLevelType = false;
case '[':
// Is type followed by generic type arguments?
if (isGenericTypeName && typeArguments == null)
if (arrayRanksBuilder != null || pointerCount > 0)
// Error case, array shape must be specified at the end of the type name.
// Process as a regular character and continue.
// Decode type arguments.
typeArguments = DecodeTypeArguments();
// Decode array shape.
DecodeArrayShape(typeNameBuilder, ref arrayRanksBuilder);
case ']':
if (isTypeArgument)
// End of type arguments. This occurs when the last type argument is a type in the
// current assembly.
goto ExitDecodeTypeName;
// Error case, process as a regular character and continue.
case ',':
// A comma may separate a type name from its assembly name or a type argument from
// another type argument.
// If processing non-type argument or a type argument with assembly name,
// process the characters after the comma as an assembly name.
if (!isTypeArgument || isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName)
if (!EndOfInput && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Current))
assemblyName = DecodeAssemblyName(isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName);
goto ExitDecodeTypeName;
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(c);
goto ExitDecodeTypeName;
HandleDecodedTypeName(typeNameBuilder.ToString(), decodingTopLevelType, ref topLevelType, ref nestedTypesBuilder);
return new AssemblyQualifiedTypeName(
private static void HandleDecodedTypeName(string decodedTypeName, bool decodingTopLevelType, ref string? topLevelType, ref ArrayBuilder<string>? nestedTypesBuilder)
if (decodedTypeName.Length != 0)
if (decodingTopLevelType)
Debug.Assert(topLevelType == null);
topLevelType = decodedTypeName;
if (nestedTypesBuilder == null)
nestedTypesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<string>.GetInstance();
/// <summary>
/// Decodes a generic name. This is a type name followed optionally by a type parameter count
/// </summary>
private string DecodeGenericName(int i)
Debug.Assert(i == _input.Length || s_typeNameDelimiters.Contains(_input[i]));
var length = i - _offset;
if (length == 0)
return String.Empty;
// Save start of name. The name should be the emitted name including the '`' and arity.
int start = _offset;
// Get the emitted name.
return _input.Substring(start, _offset - start);
private AssemblyQualifiedTypeName[]? DecodeTypeArguments()
if (EndOfInput)
return null;
var typeBuilder = ArrayBuilder<AssemblyQualifiedTypeName>.GetInstance();
while (!EndOfInput)
if (!EndOfInput)
switch (Current)
case ',':
// More type arguments follow
if (!EndOfInput && Char.IsWhiteSpace(Current))
case ']':
// End of type arguments
return typeBuilder.ToArrayAndFree();
throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(EndOfInput);
return typeBuilder.ToArrayAndFree();
private AssemblyQualifiedTypeName DecodeTypeArgument()
bool isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName = false;
if (Current == '[')
isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName = true;
AssemblyQualifiedTypeName result = DecodeTypeName(isTypeArgument: true, isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName: isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName);
if (isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName)
if (!EndOfInput && Current == ']')
return result;
private string? DecodeAssemblyName(bool isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName)
if (EndOfInput)
return null;
int i;
if (isTypeArgumentWithAssemblyName)
i = _input.IndexOf(']', _offset);
if (i < 0)
i = _input.Length;
i = _input.Length;
string name = _input.Substring(_offset, i - _offset);
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Rank equal 0 is used to denote an SzArray, rank equal 1 denotes multi-dimensional array of rank 1.
/// </summary>
private void DecodeArrayShape(StringBuilder typeNameBuilder, ref ArrayBuilder<int>? arrayRanksBuilder)
Debug.Assert(Current == '[');
int start = _offset;
int rank = 1;
bool isMultiDimensionalIfRankOne = false;
while (!EndOfInput)
switch (Current)
case ',':
case ']':
if (arrayRanksBuilder == null)
arrayRanksBuilder = ArrayBuilder<int>.GetInstance();
arrayRanksBuilder.Add(rank == 1 && !isMultiDimensionalIfRankOne ? 0 : rank);
case '*':
if (rank != 1)
goto default;
if (Current != ']')
// Error case, process as regular characters
typeNameBuilder.Append(_input.Substring(start, _offset - start));
isMultiDimensionalIfRankOne = true;
// Error case, process as regular characters
typeNameBuilder.Append(_input.Substring(start, _offset - start));
// Error case, process as regular characters
typeNameBuilder.Append(_input.Substring(start, _offset - start));
private static readonly string[] s_aritySuffixesOneToNine = { "`1", "`2", "`3", "`4", "`5", "`6", "`7", "`8", "`9" };
internal static string GetAritySuffix(int arity)
Debug.Assert(arity > 0);
return (arity <= 9) ? s_aritySuffixesOneToNine[arity - 1] : string.Concat(GenericTypeNameManglingString, arity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
internal static string ComposeAritySuffixedMetadataName(string name, int arity, string? associatedFileIdentifier)
return associatedFileIdentifier + (arity == 0 ? name : name + GetAritySuffix(arity));
internal static int InferTypeArityFromMetadataName(string emittedTypeName)
int suffixStartsAt;
return InferTypeArityFromMetadataName(emittedTypeName.AsSpan(), out suffixStartsAt);
private static short InferTypeArityFromMetadataName(ReadOnlySpan<char> emittedTypeName, out int suffixStartsAt)
Debug.Assert(emittedTypeName != null, "NULL actual name unexpected!!!");
int emittedTypeNameLength = emittedTypeName.Length;
int indexOfManglingChar;
for (indexOfManglingChar = emittedTypeNameLength; indexOfManglingChar >= 1; indexOfManglingChar--)
if (emittedTypeName[indexOfManglingChar - 1] == GenericTypeNameManglingChar)
if (indexOfManglingChar < 2 ||
(emittedTypeNameLength - indexOfManglingChar) == 0 ||
emittedTypeNameLength - indexOfManglingChar > MaxStringLengthForParamSize)
suffixStartsAt = -1;
return 0;
// Given a name corresponding to <unmangledName>`<arity>, extract the arity.
if (tryScanArity(emittedTypeName[indexOfManglingChar..]) is not short arity)
suffixStartsAt = -1;
return 0;
suffixStartsAt = indexOfManglingChar - 1;
return arity;
static short? tryScanArity(ReadOnlySpan<char> aritySpan)
// Arity must have at least one character and must not have leading zeroes.
// Also, in order to fit into short.MaxValue (32767), it must be at most 5 characters long.
if (aritySpan is { Length: >= 1 and <= 5 } and not ['0', ..])
int intArity = 0;
foreach (char digit in aritySpan)
// Accepting integral decimal digits only
if (digit is < '0' or > '9')
return null;
intArity = intArity * 10 + (digit - '0');
Debug.Assert(intArity > 0);
if (intArity <= short.MaxValue)
return (short)intArity;
return null;
internal static string InferTypeArityAndUnmangleMetadataName(string emittedTypeName, out short arity)
var emittedTypeNameMemory = emittedTypeName.AsMemory();
var resultMemory = InferTypeArityAndUnmangleMetadataName(emittedTypeNameMemory, out arity);
var resultString = resultMemory.ToString();
Debug.Assert(!resultMemory.Equals(emittedTypeNameMemory) || ReferenceEquals(resultString, emittedTypeName), "If the name was not mangled, we should get the original string instance back.");
return resultString;
internal static ReadOnlyMemory<char> InferTypeArityAndUnmangleMetadataName(ReadOnlyMemory<char> emittedTypeName, out short arity)
int suffixStartsAt;
arity = InferTypeArityFromMetadataName(emittedTypeName.Span, out suffixStartsAt);
if (arity == 0)
Debug.Assert(suffixStartsAt == -1);
return emittedTypeName;
Debug.Assert(suffixStartsAt > 0 && suffixStartsAt < emittedTypeName.Length - 1);
return emittedTypeName[..suffixStartsAt];
internal static string UnmangleMetadataNameForArity(string emittedTypeName, int arity)
Debug.Assert(arity > 0);
int suffixStartsAt;
if (arity == InferTypeArityFromMetadataName(emittedTypeName.AsSpan(), out suffixStartsAt))
Debug.Assert(suffixStartsAt > 0 && suffixStartsAt < emittedTypeName.Length - 1);
return emittedTypeName[..suffixStartsAt];
return emittedTypeName;
/// <summary>
/// An ImmutableArray representing the single string "System"
/// </summary>
private static readonly ImmutableArray<string> s_splitQualifiedNameSystem = ImmutableArray.Create(SystemString);
private static readonly ImmutableArray<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> s_splitQualifiedNameSystemMemory = ImmutableArray.Create(SystemString.AsMemory());
internal static ImmutableArray<string> SplitQualifiedName(string name)
=> SplitQualifiedNameWorker(name.AsMemory(), s_splitQualifiedNameSystem, static memory => memory.ToString());
internal static ImmutableArray<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> SplitQualifiedName(ReadOnlyMemory<char> name)
=> SplitQualifiedNameWorker(name, s_splitQualifiedNameSystemMemory, static memory => memory);
internal static ImmutableArray<T> SplitQualifiedNameWorker<T>(
ReadOnlyMemory<char> nameMemory, ImmutableArray<T> splitSystemString, Func<ReadOnlyMemory<char>, T> convert)
if (nameMemory.Length == 0)
return ImmutableArray<T>.Empty;
// PERF: Avoid String.Split because of the allocations. Also, we can special-case
// for "System" if it is the first or only part.
int dots = 0;
var nameSpan = nameMemory.Span;
foreach (char ch in nameSpan)
if (ch == DotDelimiter)
if (dots == 0)
return nameMemory.Span.SequenceEqual(SystemString.AsSpan()) ? splitSystemString : ImmutableArray.Create(convert(nameMemory));
var result = ArrayBuilder<T>.GetInstance(dots + 1);
int start = 0;
for (int i = 0; dots > 0; i++)
if (nameSpan[i] == DotDelimiter)
int len = i - start;
if (len == 6 && start == 0 && nameSpan.StartsWith(SystemString.AsSpan(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
result.Add(convert(nameMemory.Slice(start, len)));
start = i + 1;
return result.ToImmutableAndFree();
internal static string SplitQualifiedName(
string pstrName,
out string qualifier)
ReadOnlyMemory<char> nameMemory = SplitQualifiedName(pstrName, out ReadOnlyMemory<char> qualifierMemory);
qualifier = qualifierMemory.ToString();
return nameMemory.ToString();
internal static ReadOnlyMemory<char> SplitQualifiedName(
string pstrName,
out ReadOnlyMemory<char> qualifier)
Debug.Assert(pstrName != null);
// In mangled names, the original unmangled name is frequently included,
// surrounded by angle brackets. The unmangled name may contain dots
// (e.g. if it is an explicit interface implementation) or paired angle
// brackets (e.g. if the explicitly implemented interface is generic).
var angleBracketDepth = 0;
var delimiter = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < pstrName.Length; i++)
switch (pstrName[i])
case MangledNameRegionStartChar:
case MangledNameRegionEndChar:
case DotDelimiter:
// If we see consecutive dots, the second is part of the method name
// (i.e. ".ctor" or ".cctor").
if (angleBracketDepth == 0 && (i == 0 || delimiter < i - 1))
delimiter = i;
Debug.Assert(angleBracketDepth == 0);
if (delimiter < 0)
qualifier = string.Empty.AsMemory();
return pstrName.AsMemory();
if (delimiter == 6 && pstrName.StartsWith(SystemString, StringComparison.Ordinal))
qualifier = SystemString.AsMemory();
qualifier = pstrName.AsMemory()[..delimiter];
return pstrName.AsMemory()[(delimiter + 1)..];
internal static string BuildQualifiedName(
string? qualifier,
string name)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifier))
return String.Concat(qualifier, DotDelimiterString, name);
return name;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates information about types and namespaces immediately contained within a namespace.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isGlobalNamespace">
/// Is current namespace a global namespace?
/// </param>
/// <param name="namespaceNameLength">
/// Length of the fully-qualified name of this namespace.
/// </param>
/// <param name="typesByNS">
/// The sequence of groups of TypeDef row ids for types contained within the namespace,
/// recursively including those from nested namespaces. The row ids must be grouped by the
/// fully-qualified namespace name in case-sensitive manner.
/// Key of each IGrouping is a fully-qualified namespace name, which starts with the name of
/// this namespace. There could be multiple groups for each fully-qualified namespace name.
/// The groups must be sorted by the keys in a manner consistent with comparer passed in as
/// nameComparer. Therefore, all types immediately contained within THIS namespace, if any,
/// must be in several IGrouping at the very beginning of the sequence.
/// </param>
/// <param name="nameComparer">
/// Equality comparer to compare namespace names.
/// </param>
/// <param name="types">
/// Output parameter, never null:
/// A sequence of groups of TypeDef row ids for types immediately contained within this namespace.
/// </param>
/// <param name="namespaces">
/// Output parameter, never null:
/// A sequence with information about namespaces immediately contained within this namespace.
/// For each pair:
/// Key - contains simple name of a child namespace.
/// Value - contains a sequence similar to the one passed to this function, but
/// calculated for the child namespace.
/// </param>
/// <remarks></remarks>
public static void GetInfoForImmediateNamespaceMembers(
bool isGlobalNamespace,
int namespaceNameLength,
IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>> typesByNS,
StringComparer nameComparer,
[NotNull] out IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>? types,
[NotNull] out IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>>>? namespaces)
Debug.Assert(typesByNS != null);
Debug.Assert(namespaceNameLength >= 0);
Debug.Assert(!isGlobalNamespace || namespaceNameLength == 0);
// A list of groups of TypeDef row ids for types immediately contained within this namespace.
var nestedTypes = new List<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>();
// A list accumulating information about namespaces immediately contained within this namespace.
// For each pair:
// Key - contains simple name of a child namespace.
// Value – contains a sequence similar to the one passed to this function, but
// calculated for the child namespace.
var nestedNamespaces = new List<KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>>>();
bool possiblyHavePairsWithDuplicateKey = false;
var enumerator = typesByNS.GetEnumerator();
using (enumerator)
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
var pair = enumerator.Current;
// Simple name of the last encountered child namespace.
string? lastChildNamespaceName = null;
// A list accumulating information about types within the last encountered child namespace.
// The list is similar to the sequence passed to this function.
List<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>? typesInLastChildNamespace = null;
// if there are any types in this namespace,
// they will be in the first several groups if their key length
// is equal to namespaceNameLength.
while (pair.Key.Length == namespaceNameLength)
if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
goto DoneWithSequence;
pair = enumerator.Current;
// Account for the dot following THIS namespace name.
if (!isGlobalNamespace)
pair = enumerator.Current;
string childNamespaceName = ExtractSimpleNameOfChildNamespace(namespaceNameLength, pair.Key);
int cmp = nameComparer.Compare(lastChildNamespaceName, childNamespaceName);
if (cmp == 0)
// This cannot be null because the starting state for lastChildNamespaceName is null and
// hence we can't hit this branch in the first iteration. The else branch will always
// allocate this value.
Debug.Assert((object?)typesInLastChildNamespace != null);
// We are still processing the same child namespace
// This is a new child namespace
if (cmp > 0)
// The sort order is violated for child namespace names. Obfuscation is the likely reason for this.
Debug.Assert(lastChildNamespaceName != null);
possiblyHavePairsWithDuplicateKey = true;
// Preserve information about previous child namespace.
if (typesInLastChildNamespace != null)
Debug.Assert(lastChildNamespaceName != null);
Debug.Assert(typesInLastChildNamespace.Count != 0);
new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>>(
lastChildNamespaceName, typesInLastChildNamespace));
typesInLastChildNamespace = new List<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>();
lastChildNamespaceName = childNamespaceName;
while (enumerator.MoveNext());
// Preserve information about last child namespace.
if (typesInLastChildNamespace != null)
Debug.Assert(lastChildNamespaceName != null);
Debug.Assert(typesInLastChildNamespace.Count != 0);
new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>>(
lastChildNamespaceName, typesInLastChildNamespace));
/*empty statement*/
} // using
types = nestedTypes;
// Merge pairs with the same key
if (possiblyHavePairsWithDuplicateKey)
var names = new Dictionary<string, int>(nestedNamespaces.Count, nameComparer);
for (int i = nestedNamespaces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
names[nestedNamespaces[i].Key] = i;
if (names.Count != nestedNamespaces.Count) // nothing to merge otherwise
for (int i = 1; i < nestedNamespaces.Count; i++)
var pair = nestedNamespaces[i];
int keyIndex = names[pair.Key];
if (keyIndex != i)
Debug.Assert(keyIndex < i);
var primaryPair = nestedNamespaces[keyIndex];
nestedNamespaces[keyIndex] = KeyValuePairUtil.Create(primaryPair.Key, primaryPair.Value.Concat(pair.Value));
nestedNamespaces[i] = default(KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<IGrouping<string, TypeDefinitionHandle>>>);
int removed = nestedNamespaces.RemoveAll(pair => (object)pair.Key == null);
Debug.Assert(removed > 0);
namespaces = nestedNamespaces;
Debug.Assert(types != null);
Debug.Assert(namespaces != null);
/// <summary>
/// Extract a simple name of a top level child namespace from potentially qualified namespace name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parentNamespaceNameLength">
/// Parent namespace name length plus the dot.
/// </param>
/// <param name="fullName">
/// Fully qualified namespace name.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Simple name of a top level child namespace, the left-most name following parent namespace name
/// in the fully qualified name.
/// </returns>
private static string ExtractSimpleNameOfChildNamespace(
int parentNamespaceNameLength,
string fullName)
int index = fullName.IndexOf('.', parentNamespaceNameLength);
if (index < 0)
return fullName.Substring(parentNamespaceNameLength);
return fullName.Substring(parentNamespaceNameLength, index - parentNamespaceNameLength);
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether given string can be used as a non-empty metadata identifier (a NUL-terminated UTF-8 string).
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsValidMetadataIdentifier(string? str)
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) && str.IsValidUnicodeString() && str.IndexOf('\0') == -1;
/// <summary>
/// True if the string doesn't contain incomplete surrogates.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsValidUnicodeString(string? str)
return str == null || str.IsValidUnicodeString();
internal static bool IsValidAssemblyOrModuleName(string? name)
return GetAssemblyOrModuleNameErrorArgumentResourceName(name) == null;
internal static void CheckAssemblyOrModuleName(string name, CommonMessageProvider messageProvider, int code, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
string? errorArgumentResourceId = GetAssemblyOrModuleNameErrorArgumentResourceName(name);
if (errorArgumentResourceId != null)
messageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(code, Location.None,
new CodeAnalysisResourcesLocalizableErrorArgument(errorArgumentResourceId)));
internal static void CheckAssemblyOrModuleName(string name, CommonMessageProvider messageProvider, int code, ArrayBuilder<Diagnostic> builder)
string? errorArgumentResourceId = GetAssemblyOrModuleNameErrorArgumentResourceName(name);
if (errorArgumentResourceId != null)
messageProvider.CreateDiagnostic(code, Location.None,
new CodeAnalysisResourcesLocalizableErrorArgument(errorArgumentResourceId)));
private static string? GetAssemblyOrModuleNameErrorArgumentResourceName(string? name)
if (name == null)
return nameof(CodeAnalysisResources.NameCannotBeNull);
// Dev11 VB can produce assembly with no name (vbc /out:".dll" /target:library).
// We disallow it. PEVerify reports an error: Assembly has no name.
if (name.Length == 0)
return nameof(CodeAnalysisResources.NameCannotBeEmpty);
// Dev11 VB can produce assembly that starts with whitespace (vbc /out:" a.dll" /target:library).
// We disallow it. PEVerify reports an error: Assembly name contains leading spaces.
if (char.IsWhiteSpace(name[0]))
return nameof(CodeAnalysisResources.NameCannotStartWithWhitespace);
if (!IsValidMetadataFileName(name))
return nameof(CodeAnalysisResources.NameContainsInvalidCharacter);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the specified name is a valid metadata String and a file name.
/// The specification isn't entirely consistent and complete but it mentions:
/// 22.19.2: "Name shall index a non-empty string in the String heap. It shall be in the format {filename}.{extension} (e.g., 'goo.dll', but not 'c:\utils\goo.dll')."
/// 22.30.2: "The format of Name is {file name}.{file extension} with no path or drive letter; on POSIX-compliant systems Name contains no colon, no forward-slash, no backslash."
/// As Microsoft specific constraint.
/// A reasonable restriction seems to be a valid UTF-8 non-empty string that doesn't contain '\0', '\', '/', ':' characters.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsValidMetadataFileName(string name)
return FileNameUtilities.IsFileName(name) && IsValidMetadataIdentifier(name);
/// <summary>
/// Determine if the given namespace and type names combine to produce the given fully qualified name.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="namespaceName">The namespace part of the split name.</param>
/// <param name="typeName">The type name part of the split name.</param>
/// <param name="fullyQualified">The fully qualified name to compare with.</param>
/// <returns>true if the combination of <paramref name="namespaceName"/> and <paramref name="typeName"/> equals the fully-qualified name given by <paramref name="fullyQualified"/></returns>
internal static bool SplitNameEqualsFullyQualifiedName(string namespaceName, string typeName, string fullyQualified)
// Look for "[namespaceName].[typeName]" exactly
return fullyQualified.Length == namespaceName.Length + typeName.Length + 1 &&
fullyQualified[namespaceName.Length] == MetadataHelpers.DotDelimiter &&
fullyQualified.StartsWith(namespaceName, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
fullyQualified.EndsWith(typeName, StringComparison.Ordinal);
internal static bool IsValidPublicKey(ImmutableArray<byte> bytes) => CryptoBlobParser.IsValidPublicKey(bytes);
/// <summary>
/// Given an input string changes it to be acceptable as a part of a type name.
/// </summary>
internal static string MangleForTypeNameIfNeeded(string moduleName)
var pooledStrBuilder = PooledStringBuilder.GetInstance();
var s = pooledStrBuilder.Builder;
s.Replace("Q", "QQ");
s.Replace("_", "Q_");
s.Replace('.', '_');
return pooledStrBuilder.ToStringAndFree();