File: CodeGen\LocalSlotManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Compilers\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection.Metadata;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using ReferenceEqualityComparer = Roslyn.Utilities.ReferenceEqualityComparer;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen
    /// <summary>
    /// At this level there are two kinds of local variables:
    /// <list type="bullet">
    /// <item>
    /// Locals - have identities by which consuming code refers to them.
    ///     Typical use is a local variable or a compiler generated temp that can be accessed in multiple operations.
    ///     Any object can be used as identity. Reference equality is used.
    /// </item>
    /// <item>
    /// Temps - do not have identity. They are borrowed and returned to the free list.
    ///     Typical use is a scratch temporary or spilling storage.
    /// </item>
    /// </list>
    /// </summary>
    internal sealed class LocalSlotManager
        /// <summary>
        /// Structure that represents a local signature (as in <a href="">ECMA-335</a>, Partition I, § Local signatures).
        /// </summary>
        private readonly struct LocalSignature : IEquatable<LocalSignature>
            private readonly Cci.ITypeReference _type;
            private readonly LocalSlotConstraints _constraints;
            internal LocalSignature(Cci.ITypeReference valType, LocalSlotConstraints constraints)
                _constraints = constraints;
                _type = valType;
            public bool Equals(LocalSignature other)
                // ITypeReference does not have object identity.
                // Same type may be represented by multiple instances.
                // Therefore the use of "Equals" here.
                return _constraints == other._constraints &&
                    (Cci.SymbolEquivalentEqualityComparer.Instance.Equals(_type, other._type));
            public override int GetHashCode()
                => Hash.Combine(Cci.SymbolEquivalentEqualityComparer.Instance.GetHashCode(_type), (int)_constraints);
            public override bool Equals(object? obj)
                => obj is LocalSignature ls && Equals(ls);
        // maps local identities to locals.
        private Dictionary<ILocalSymbolInternal, LocalDefinition>? _localMap;
        // pool of free slots partitioned by their signature.
        private KeyedStack<LocalSignature, LocalDefinition>? _freeSlots;
        // all locals in order
        private ArrayBuilder<Cci.ILocalDefinition>? _lazyAllLocals;
        // An optional allocator that provides slots for locals.
        // Used when emitting an update to a method body during EnC.
        private readonly VariableSlotAllocator? _slotAllocator;
        public LocalSlotManager(VariableSlotAllocator? slotAllocator)
            _slotAllocator = slotAllocator;
            // Add placeholders for pre-allocated locals.
            // The actual identities are populated if/when the locals are reused.
            if (slotAllocator != null)
                _lazyAllLocals = new ArrayBuilder<Cci.ILocalDefinition>();
        private Dictionary<ILocalSymbolInternal, LocalDefinition> LocalMap
                var map = _localMap;
                if (map == null)
                    map = new Dictionary<ILocalSymbolInternal, LocalDefinition>(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance);
                    _localMap = map;
                return map;
        private KeyedStack<LocalSignature, LocalDefinition> FreeSlots
                var slots = _freeSlots;
                if (slots == null)
                    slots = new KeyedStack<LocalSignature, LocalDefinition>();
                    _freeSlots = slots;
                return slots;
        internal LocalDefinition DeclareLocal(
            Cci.ITypeReference type,
            ILocalSymbolInternal symbol,
            string name,
            SynthesizedLocalKind kind,
            LocalDebugId id,
            LocalVariableAttributes pdbAttributes,
            LocalSlotConstraints constraints,
            ImmutableArray<bool> dynamicTransformFlags,
            ImmutableArray<string> tupleElementNames,
            bool isSlotReusable)
            LocalDefinition? local;
            if (!isSlotReusable || !FreeSlots.TryPop(new LocalSignature(type, constraints), out local))
                local = this.DeclareLocalImpl(type, symbol, name, kind, id, pdbAttributes, constraints, dynamicTransformFlags, tupleElementNames);
            LocalMap.Add(symbol, local);
            return local;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve a local slot by its symbol.
        /// </summary>
        internal LocalDefinition GetLocal(ILocalSymbolInternal symbol)
            return LocalMap[symbol];
        /// <summary>
        /// Release a local slot by its symbol.
        /// Slot is not associated with symbol after this.
        /// </summary>
        internal void FreeLocal(ILocalSymbolInternal symbol)
            var slot = GetLocal(symbol);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a local slot.
        /// </summary>
        internal LocalDefinition AllocateSlot(
            Cci.ITypeReference type,
            LocalSlotConstraints constraints,
            ImmutableArray<bool> dynamicTransformFlags = default,
            ImmutableArray<string> tupleElementNames = default)
            if (!FreeSlots.TryPop(new LocalSignature(type, constraints), out LocalDefinition? local))
                local = DeclareLocalImpl(
                    type: type,
                    symbol: null,
                    name: null,
                    kind: SynthesizedLocalKind.EmitterTemp,
                    id: LocalDebugId.None,
                    pdbAttributes: LocalVariableAttributes.DebuggerHidden,
                    constraints: constraints,
                    dynamicTransformFlags: dynamicTransformFlags,
                    tupleElementNames: tupleElementNames);
            return local;
        private LocalDefinition DeclareLocalImpl(
            Cci.ITypeReference type,
            ILocalSymbolInternal? symbol,
            string? name,
            SynthesizedLocalKind kind,
            LocalDebugId id,
            LocalVariableAttributes pdbAttributes,
            LocalSlotConstraints constraints,
            ImmutableArray<bool> dynamicTransformFlags,
            ImmutableArray<string> tupleElementNames)
            if (_lazyAllLocals == null)
                _lazyAllLocals = new ArrayBuilder<Cci.ILocalDefinition>(1);
            LocalDefinition? local;
            if (symbol != null && _slotAllocator != null)
                local = _slotAllocator.GetPreviousLocal(
                    dynamicTransformFlags: dynamicTransformFlags,
                    tupleElementNames: tupleElementNames);
                if (local != null)
                    int slot = local.SlotIndex;
                    _lazyAllLocals[slot] = local;
                    return local;
            local = new LocalDefinition(
                symbolOpt: symbol,
                nameOpt: name,
                type: type,
                slot: _lazyAllLocals.Count,
                synthesizedKind: kind,
                id: id,
                pdbAttributes: pdbAttributes,
                constraints: constraints,
                dynamicTransformFlags: dynamicTransformFlags,
                tupleElementNames: tupleElementNames);
            return local;
        /// <summary>
        /// Frees a local slot.
        /// </summary>
        internal void FreeSlot(LocalDefinition slot)
            Debug.Assert(slot.Name == null);
            FreeSlots.Push(new LocalSignature(slot.Type, slot.Constraints), slot);
        public ImmutableArray<Cci.ILocalDefinition> LocalsInOrder()
            if (_lazyAllLocals == null)
                return ImmutableArray<Cci.ILocalDefinition>.Empty;
                return _lazyAllLocals.ToImmutable();