' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Partial Friend Class Binder
''' <summary>
''' Used to store the bound field and property initializers and the associated list of
''' bound assignment statements because they are reused for multiple constructors
''' </summary>
Friend NotInheritable Class ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers
Friend ReadOnly BoundInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundInitializer)
''' <summary>
''' Indicate the fact that binding of initializers produced a tree with errors.
''' This property does not indicate whether or not a diagnostic was produced during the
''' binding of the initializers.
''' </summary>
Friend ReadOnly HasAnyErrors As Boolean
Private _loweredInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Friend Property InitializerStatements As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement)
Return _loweredInitializers
End Get
Set(value As ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement))
Debug.Assert(Not value.IsDefault)
_loweredInitializers = value
End Set
End Property
Friend Shared ReadOnly Empty As ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers = New ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers()
Private Sub New()
Me.BoundInitializers = ImmutableArray(Of BoundInitializer).Empty
Me.HasAnyErrors = False
Me._loweredInitializers = ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement).Empty
End Sub
Friend Sub New(boundInitializers As ImmutableArray(Of BoundInitializer))
Debug.Assert(Not boundInitializers.IsDefault)
Me.BoundInitializers = boundInitializers
Me.HasAnyErrors = boundInitializers.Any(Function(i) i.HasErrors)
End Sub
Private _analyzed As Boolean = False
Friend Sub EnsureInitializersAnalyzed(method As MethodSymbol, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag)
Debug.Assert(method IsNot Nothing)
If Not _analyzed Then
If Not Me.BoundInitializers.IsEmpty Then
' Create a dummy block
Dim block As New BoundBlock(Me.BoundInitializers(0).Syntax,
ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty,
StaticCast(Of BoundStatement).From(Me.BoundInitializers))
Analyzer.AnalyzeMethodBody(method, block, diagnostics)
DiagnosticsPass.IssueDiagnostics(block, diagnostics, method)
End If
_analyzed = True
End If
End Sub
End Class
''' <summary>
''' Binds all field initializers of a <see cref="SourceNamedTypeSymbol"/>.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="symbol">The named type symbol where the field initializers are declared.</param>
''' <param name="scriptInitializerOpt">Script initializer or Nothing if not binding top-level statements.</param>
''' <param name="initializers">The initializers itself. For each partial type declaration there is an array of
''' field initializers</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics.</param>
Friend Shared Function BindFieldAndPropertyInitializers(
symbol As SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol,
initializers As ImmutableArray(Of ImmutableArray(Of FieldOrPropertyInitializer)),
scriptInitializerOpt As SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag
) As ImmutableArray(Of BoundInitializer)
Debug.Assert((scriptInitializerOpt IsNot Nothing) = symbol.IsScriptClass)
If initializers.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then
Return ImmutableArray(Of BoundInitializer).Empty
End If
Dim moduleSymbol = DirectCast(symbol.ContainingModule, SourceModuleSymbol)
Dim compilation = moduleSymbol.ContainingSourceAssembly.DeclaringCompilation
Dim boundInitializers = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundInitializer).GetInstance()
For i = 0 To initializers.Length - 1
Dim siblingInitializers = initializers(i)
' All sibling initializers share the same parent node and tree
' so we can reuse the parent binder across siblings.
Dim parentBinder As Binder = Nothing
For j = 0 To siblingInitializers.Length - 1
Dim initializer = siblingInitializers(j)
If Not initializer.FieldsOrProperties.IsDefault AndAlso initializer.FieldsOrProperties.First.ContainingType.IsEnumType Then
Continue For
End If
Dim syntaxRef = initializer.Syntax
Dim syntaxTree = syntaxRef.SyntaxTree
Dim initializerNode = DirectCast(syntaxRef.GetSyntax(), VisualBasicSyntaxNode)
If parentBinder Is Nothing Then
' use binder for type, not ctor - no access to ctor parameters
parentBinder = BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForType(moduleSymbol, syntaxTree, symbol)
If scriptInitializerOpt IsNot Nothing Then
parentBinder = New TopLevelCodeBinder(scriptInitializerOpt, parentBinder)
End If
Debug.Assert(parentBinder.SyntaxTree Is syntaxTree, "sibling initializer array contains initializers from two different syntax trees.")
End If
If initializer.FieldsOrProperties.IsDefault Then
' use the binder of the Script class for global statements
Dim isLast = (i = initializers.Length - 1 AndAlso j = siblingInitializers.Length - 1)
boundInitializers.Add(parentBinder.BindGlobalStatement(scriptInitializerOpt, DirectCast(initializerNode, StatementSyntax), diagnostics, isLast))
Continue For
End If
Dim firstFieldOrProperty = initializer.FieldsOrProperties.First
Dim additionalSymbols = If(initializer.FieldsOrProperties.Length > 1, initializer.FieldsOrProperties.RemoveAt(0), ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty)
Dim initializerBinder = BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForInitializer(parentBinder, firstFieldOrProperty, additionalSymbols)
If initializerNode.Kind = SyntaxKind.ModifiedIdentifier Then
' Array field with no explicit initializer.
Debug.Assert(initializer.FieldsOrProperties.Length = 1)
Debug.Assert(firstFieldOrProperty.Kind = SymbolKind.Field)
Dim fieldSymbol = DirectCast(firstFieldOrProperty, SourceFieldSymbol)
initializerBinder.BindArrayFieldImplicitInitializer(fieldSymbol, boundInitializers, diagnostics)
ElseIf firstFieldOrProperty.Kind = SymbolKind.Field Then
Dim fieldSymbol = DirectCast(firstFieldOrProperty, SourceFieldSymbol)
If fieldSymbol.IsConst Then
' Bind constant to ensure diagnostics are captured,
' only generate a field initializer for decimals and dates, because they can't be compile time
' constant in CLR/IL.
If fieldSymbol.Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_DateTime Then
' report proper diagnostics for System_Runtime_CompilerServices_DateTimeConstantAttribute__ctor if needed
ElseIf fieldSymbol.Type.SpecialType = SpecialType.System_Decimal Then
' report proper diagnostics for System_Runtime_CompilerServices_DecimalConstantAttribute__ctor if needed
End If
If fieldSymbol.Type.IsObjectType() AndAlso
initializerBinder.OptionStrict <> VisualBasic.OptionStrict.On AndAlso
fieldSymbol.Syntax IsNot Nothing AndAlso
fieldSymbol.Syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.ModifiedIdentifier Then
Dim identifier = DirectCast(fieldSymbol.Syntax, ModifiedIdentifierSyntax)
If identifier.Nullable.Node IsNot Nothing AndAlso identifier.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso
identifier.Parent.Kind = SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarator AndAlso
DirectCast(identifier.Parent, VariableDeclaratorSyntax).AsClause Is Nothing Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, identifier, ERRID.ERR_NullableTypeInferenceNotSupported)
End If
End If
initializerBinder.BindFieldInitializer(initializer.FieldsOrProperties.Cast(Of FieldSymbol).ToImmutableArray(),
End If
initializerBinder.BindPropertyInitializer(initializer.FieldsOrProperties.Cast(Of PropertySymbol).ToImmutableArray(),
End If
Return boundInitializers.ToImmutableAndFree()
End Function
Private Function BindGlobalStatement(
scriptInitializerOpt As SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod,
statementNode As StatementSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
isLast As Boolean) As BoundInitializer
Dim boundStatement As BoundStatement = Me.BindStatement(statementNode, diagnostics)
If Me.Compilation.IsSubmission AndAlso isLast AndAlso boundStatement.Kind = BoundKind.ExpressionStatement AndAlso Not boundStatement.HasErrors Then
' insert an implicit conversion to the submission return type (if needed):
Dim expression = (DirectCast(boundStatement, BoundExpressionStatement)).Expression
If expression.Type Is Nothing OrElse expression.Type.SpecialType <> SpecialType.System_Void Then
Dim submissionReturnType = scriptInitializerOpt.ResultType
expression = ApplyImplicitConversion(expression.Syntax, submissionReturnType, expression, diagnostics)
boundStatement = New BoundExpressionStatement(boundStatement.Syntax, expression, expression.HasErrors)
End If
End If
Return New BoundGlobalStatementInitializer(statementNode, boundStatement)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Bind an initializer for an implicitly allocated array field (for example: Private F(2) As Object).
''' </summary>
Public Sub BindArrayFieldImplicitInitializer(
fieldSymbol As SourceFieldSymbol,
boundInitializers As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundInitializer),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag)
Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol.Syntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.ModifiedIdentifier)
Debug.Assert(fieldSymbol.Type.Kind = SymbolKind.ArrayType)
Dim syntax = DirectCast(fieldSymbol.Syntax, ModifiedIdentifierSyntax)
Debug.Assert(syntax.ArrayBounds IsNot Nothing)
Dim arraySize = BindArrayBounds(syntax.ArrayBounds, diagnostics)
Dim arrayCreation = New BoundArrayCreation(syntax, arraySize, Nothing, fieldSymbol.Type)
Dim boundReceiver = If(fieldSymbol.IsShared, Nothing, CreateMeReference(syntax, isSynthetic:=True))
Dim boundFieldAccessExpression = New BoundFieldAccess(syntax, boundReceiver, fieldSymbol, True, fieldSymbol.Type)
Dim initializer = New BoundFieldInitializer(syntax,
ImmutableArray.Create(Of FieldSymbol)(fieldSymbol),
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Binds the field initializer. A bound field initializer contains the bound field access and bound init value.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="fieldSymbols">The field symbol.</param>
''' <param name="equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax">The syntax node for the optional initialization.</param>
''' <param name="boundInitializers">The array of bound initializers to add the newly bound ones to.</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics.</param>
Friend Sub BindFieldInitializer(
fieldSymbols As ImmutableArray(Of FieldSymbol),
equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax As SyntaxNode,
boundInitializers As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundInitializer),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
Optional bindingForSemanticModel As Boolean = False
Debug.Assert(Not fieldSymbols.IsEmpty)
Dim firstFieldSymbol = DirectCast(fieldSymbols.First, SourceFieldSymbol)
Debug.Assert(bindingForSemanticModel OrElse Not firstFieldSymbol.IsConst)
Dim boundReceiver = If(firstFieldSymbol.IsShared,
CreateMeReference(firstFieldSymbol.Syntax, isSynthetic:=True))
' Always generate a field access for the first symbol. In cases were we have multiple variables declared we will not
' use it (we don't store it in the bound initializer node), but we still need it for e.g. the data flow analysis
' (stored in the bound lvalue placeholder).
Dim fieldAccess As BoundExpression = New BoundFieldAccess(firstFieldSymbol.Syntax,
Dim boundInitExpression As BoundExpression = BindFieldInitializerExpression(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax, firstFieldSymbol, diagnostics)
Dim hasErrors = False
' In speculative semantic model scenarios equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax might have no parent.
If equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Parent IsNot Nothing Then
Debug.Assert(Me.IsSemanticModelBinder OrElse
fieldSymbols.Length = DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Parent, VariableDeclaratorSyntax).Names.Count)
If equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then
For Each name In DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Parent, VariableDeclaratorSyntax).Names
If Not (name.ArrayRankSpecifiers.IsEmpty AndAlso name.ArrayBounds Is Nothing) Then
' Arrays cannot be declared with AsNew syntax
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, name, ERRID.ERR_AsNewArray)
hasErrors = True
End If
End If
End If
boundInitializers.Add(New BoundFieldInitializer(
If(fieldSymbols.Length = 1, fieldAccess, Nothing),
End Sub
Friend Function BindFieldInitializerExpression(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax As SyntaxNode, fieldSymbol As FieldSymbol, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As BoundExpression
Dim asNewVariablePlaceholder As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder = Nothing
If equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then
' CONSIDER: using a bound field access directly instead of a placeholder for AsNew declarations
' with just one variable
asNewVariablePlaceholder = New BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax,
End If
Dim boundInitExpression As BoundExpression = BindFieldOrPropertyInitializerExpression(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax,
Return boundInitExpression
End Function
Friend Sub BindPropertyInitializer(
propertySymbols As ImmutableArray(Of PropertySymbol),
initValueOrAsNewNode As SyntaxNode,
boundInitializers As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundInitializer),
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag
Dim propertySymbol = DirectCast(propertySymbols.First, PropertySymbol)
Dim syntaxNode As SyntaxNode = initValueOrAsNewNode
Dim boundReceiver = If(propertySymbol.IsShared, Nothing, CreateMeReference(syntaxNode, isSynthetic:=True))
' If the property has parameters, BC36759 should have already
' been reported for the auto-implemented property.
Dim hasError = propertySymbol.ParameterCount > 0
Dim boundPropertyOrFieldAccess As BoundExpression
If propertySymbol.IsReadOnly AndAlso propertySymbol.AssociatedField IsNot Nothing Then
' For ReadOnly auto-implemented properties we have to write directly to the backing field.
Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(propertySymbol.Type, propertySymbol.AssociatedField.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything))
Debug.Assert(propertySymbols.Length = 1)
boundPropertyOrFieldAccess = New BoundFieldAccess(syntaxNode,
boundPropertyOrFieldAccess = New BoundPropertyAccess(syntaxNode,
arguments:=ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty,
End If
boundPropertyOrFieldAccess = BindAssignmentTarget(syntaxNode, boundPropertyOrFieldAccess, diagnostics)
Dim isError As Boolean
boundPropertyOrFieldAccess = AdjustAssignmentTarget(syntaxNode, boundPropertyOrFieldAccess, diagnostics, isError)
Dim boundInitExpression As BoundExpression = BindPropertyInitializerExpression(initValueOrAsNewNode, propertySymbol, diagnostics)
boundInitializers.Add(New BoundPropertyInitializer(initValueOrAsNewNode,
If(propertySymbols.Length = 1, boundPropertyOrFieldAccess, Nothing),
End Sub
Friend Function BindPropertyInitializerExpression(initValueOrAsNewNode As SyntaxNode, propertySymbol As PropertySymbol, diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag) As BoundExpression
Return BindFieldOrPropertyInitializerExpression(initValueOrAsNewNode,
End Function
Private Function BindFieldOrPropertyInitializerExpression(
equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax As SyntaxNode,
targetType As TypeSymbol,
asNewVariablePlaceholderOpt As BoundWithLValueExpressionPlaceholder,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag
) As BoundExpression
Dim boundInitExpression As BoundExpression = Nothing
Dim fieldInitializerSyntax As VisualBasicSyntaxNode
If equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.AsNewClause Then
Dim asNew = DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax, AsNewClauseSyntax)
Select Case asNew.NewExpression.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression
DisallowNewOnTupleType(asNew.Type, diagnostics)
Dim objectCreationExpressionSyntax = DirectCast(asNew.NewExpression, ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)
boundInitExpression = BindObjectCreationExpression(asNew.NewExpression.Type,
Case SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression
boundInitExpression = BindAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(
DirectCast(asNew.NewExpression, AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax), diagnostics)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(asNew.NewExpression.Kind)
End Select
fieldInitializerSyntax = asNew
Dim valueSyntax = DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax, EqualsValueSyntax)
fieldInitializerSyntax = valueSyntax.Value
boundInitExpression = BindValue(DirectCast(fieldInitializerSyntax, ExpressionSyntax), diagnostics)
End If
If targetType IsNot Nothing Then
boundInitExpression = ApplyImplicitConversion(boundInitExpression.Syntax,
' Try to reclassify boundInitValue if we still can.
boundInitExpression = MakeRValueAndIgnoreDiagnostics(boundInitExpression)
End If
Return boundInitExpression
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Checks for errors in the constant initialization of a field, and only returns a BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer for
''' decimals and dates because they aren't compile time constant in CLR. Other data type end up directly in metadata and
''' do not cause a BoundFieldOrPropertyInitializer node.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="fieldSymbol">The field symbol.</param>
''' <param name="equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax">The syntax node for the optional initialization.</param>
''' <param name="boundInitializers">The array of bound initializers to add the newly bound ones to.</param>
Private Shared Sub BindConstFieldInitializer(
fieldSymbol As SourceFieldSymbol,
equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
boundInitializers As ArrayBuilder(Of BoundInitializer))
If Not fieldSymbol.IsConstButNotMetadataConstant Then
End If
' Const fields of type Date or Decimal will get initialized in the synthesized shared constructor
' because their value is not regarded as compile time constant by the CLR.
' This will produce sequence points in the shared constructor which is exactly what Dev10 does.
Dim constantValue = fieldSymbol.GetConstantValue(VisualBasic.ConstantFieldsInProgress.Empty)
If constantValue IsNot Nothing Then
Dim meSymbol As ParameterSymbol = Nothing
Dim boundFieldAccessExpr = New BoundFieldAccess(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax,
Dim boundInitValue = New BoundLiteral(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax,
boundInitializers.Add(New BoundFieldInitializer(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax,
ImmutableArray.Create(Of FieldSymbol)(fieldSymbol),
End If
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Binds constant initialization value of the field.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="fieldSymbol">The symbol.</param>
''' <param name="equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax">The initialization syntax.</param>
''' <param name="diagnostics">The diagnostics.</param><returns></returns>
Friend Function BindFieldAndEnumConstantInitializer(
fieldSymbol As FieldSymbol,
equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax As VisualBasicSyntaxNode,
isEnum As Boolean,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
<Out> ByRef constValue As ConstantValue
) As BoundExpression
constValue = Nothing
Dim boundInitValue As BoundExpression = Nothing
Dim initValueDiagnostics = BindingDiagnosticBag.GetInstance(withDiagnostics:=True, withDependencies:=diagnostics.AccumulatesDependencies)
If equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax.Kind = SyntaxKind.EqualsValue Then
Dim equalsValueSyntax As EqualsValueSyntax = DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax, EqualsValueSyntax)
boundInitValue = BindValue(equalsValueSyntax.Value, initValueDiagnostics)
' illegal case, const fields cannot be initialized with AsNew
' all diagnostics here will be ignored because we are just binding for the purpose of storing
' the bound node in a BoundBadNode. The required diagnostics have already been reported in
' SourceFieldSymbol.Type
Dim asNewSyntax = DirectCast(equalsValueOrAsNewSyntax, AsNewClauseSyntax)
Dim fieldType = If(fieldSymbol.HasDeclaredType, fieldSymbol.Type, GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object, asNewSyntax, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded)) ' prevent recursion if field type is inferred.
Select Case asNewSyntax.NewExpression.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression
Dim objectCreationExpressionSyntax = DirectCast(asNewSyntax.NewExpression,
boundInitValue = BindObjectCreationExpression(asNewSyntax.Type,
Case SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression
boundInitValue = BindAnonymousObjectCreationExpression(
DirectCast(asNewSyntax.NewExpression, AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax), BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded)
Case Else
Throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(asNewSyntax.NewExpression.Kind)
End Select
boundInitValue = New BoundBadExpression(boundInitValue.Syntax,
ImmutableArray(Of Symbol).Empty,
End If
If Not boundInitValue.HasErrors Then
Dim targetType As TypeSymbol
If fieldSymbol.HasDeclaredType Then
targetType = fieldSymbol.Type
If isEnum Then
targetType = targetType.GetEnumUnderlyingTypeOrSelf
End If
boundInitValue = ApplyImplicitConversion(boundInitValue.Syntax, targetType, boundInitValue, initValueDiagnostics)
targetType = If(boundInitValue.Type, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType)
End If
Dim boundInitValueHasErrorsOrConstTypeIsWrong As Boolean =
initValueDiagnostics.HasAnyResolvedErrors OrElse fieldSymbol.HasDeclaredType AndAlso Not targetType.IsValidTypeForConstField()
' NOTE: we'll only report ERR_RequiredConstConversion2 ("Conversion from '...' to '.' cannot occur in
' NOTE: a constant expression") and ERR_RequiredConstExpr ("Constant expression is required") in case
' NOTE: the type (if declared) is a valid type for const fields. This is different from Dev10 that sometimes
' NOTE: reported issues and sometimes not
' NOTE: e.g. reports in "const goo as DelegateType = AddressOf methodName" (ERR_ConstAsNonConstant + ERR_RequiredConstExpr)
' NOTE: only type diagnostics for "const s as StructureType = nothing"
If boundInitValueHasErrorsOrConstTypeIsWrong Then
constValue = Me.GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(boundInitValue, BindingDiagnosticBag.Discarded, ConstantContext.Default)
constValue = Me.GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(boundInitValue, initValueDiagnostics, ConstantContext.Default)
End If
' e.g. the init value of "Public goo as Byte = 2.2" is still considered as constant and therefore a CByte(2)
' is being assigned as the constant value of this field/enum. However in case of Option Strict On there has
' been a diagnostics in the call to ApplyImplicitConversion.
If constValue Is Nothing Then
' set hasErrors to indicate later check not to add more diagnostics.
boundInitValue = BadExpression(boundInitValue.Syntax, boundInitValue, targetType)
End If
End If
Return boundInitValue
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Binds a constant local's value.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="symbol">The local symbol.</param>
''' <param name="type">The local symbol's type. It is passed in because this method is called while the type is being resolved and before it is set.</param>
Friend Function BindLocalConstantInitializer(symbol As LocalSymbol,
type As TypeSymbol,
name As ModifiedIdentifierSyntax,
equalsValueOpt As EqualsValueSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
<Out> ByRef constValue As ConstantValue) As BoundExpression
constValue = Nothing
Dim valueExpression As BoundExpression = Nothing
If equalsValueOpt IsNot Nothing Then
Dim valueSyntax = equalsValueOpt.Value
If IsBindingImplicitlyTypedLocal(symbol) Then
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, name, ERRID.ERR_CircularEvaluation1, symbol)
Return BadExpression(valueSyntax, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType)
End If
Dim binder = New LocalInProgressBinder(Me, symbol)
valueExpression = binder.BindValue(valueSyntax, diagnostics)
' When inferring the type, the type is nothing. Only apply conversion if there is a type. If there isn't a type then the
' constant gets the expression type and there is no need to apply a conversion.
If type IsNot Nothing Then
valueExpression = binder.ApplyImplicitConversion(valueSyntax, type, valueExpression, diagnostics)
End If
If Not valueExpression.HasErrors Then
' ExpressionIsConstant is called to report diagnostics at the correct location in the expression.
' Only call ExpressionIsConstant if the expression is good to avoid reporting a bad expression is not
' a constant.
If (valueExpression.Type Is Nothing OrElse Not valueExpression.Type.IsErrorType) Then
constValue = binder.GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(valueExpression, diagnostics, ConstantContext.Default)
If constValue IsNot Nothing Then
Return valueExpression
End If
End If
' The result is not a constant and is not marked with hasErrors so return a BadExpression.
Return BadExpression(valueSyntax, valueExpression, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType).MakeCompilerGenerated()
End If
valueExpression = BadExpression(name, ErrorTypeSymbol.UnknownResultType).MakeCompilerGenerated()
ReportDiagnostic(diagnostics, name, ERRID.ERR_ConstantWithNoValue)
End If
Return valueExpression
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Binds a parameter's default value syntax
''' </summary>
Friend Function BindParameterDefaultValue(
targetType As TypeSymbol,
equalsValueSyntax As EqualsValueSyntax,
diagnostics As BindingDiagnosticBag,
<Out> ByRef constValue As ConstantValue
) As BoundExpression
constValue = Nothing
Dim boundInitValue As BoundExpression = BindValue(equalsValueSyntax.Value, diagnostics)
If Not boundInitValue.HasErrors Then
' Check if the constant can be converted to the parameter type.
If Not targetType.IsErrorType Then
boundInitValue = ApplyImplicitConversion(boundInitValue.Syntax, targetType, boundInitValue, diagnostics)
End If
' Report errors if value is not a constant.
constValue = GetExpressionConstantValueIfAny(boundInitValue, diagnostics, ConstantContext.ParameterDefaultValue)
If constValue Is Nothing Then
boundInitValue = BadExpression(boundInitValue.Syntax, boundInitValue, targetType)
End If
End If
Return boundInitValue
End Function
End Class
End Namespace