// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.Common;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.RegularExpressions;
using static RegexHelpers;
using RegexToken = EmbeddedSyntaxToken<RegexKind>;
using RegexTrivia = EmbeddedSyntaxTrivia<RegexKind>;
/// <summary>
/// Produces tokens from the sequence of <see cref="VirtualChar"/> characters. Unlike the
/// native C# and VB lexer, this lexer is much more tightly controlled by the parser. For
/// example, while C# can have trivia on virtual every token, the same is not true for
/// RegexTokens. As such, instead of automatically lexing out tokens to make them available for
/// the parser, the parser asks for each token as necessary passing the right information to
/// indicate which types and shapes of tokens are allowed.
/// The tight coupling means that the parser is allowed direct control of the position of the
/// lexer.
/// Note: most of the time, tokens returned are just a single character long, including for long
/// sequences of text characters (like ```"goo"```). This is just three <see
/// cref="RegexTextNode"/>s in a row (each containing a <see cref="RegexKind.TextToken"/> a
/// single character long).
/// There are multi-character tokens though. For example ```10``` in ```a{10,}``` or ```name```
/// in ```\k'name'```
/// </summary>
internal struct RegexLexer
public readonly VirtualCharSequence Text;
public int Position;
public RegexLexer(VirtualCharSequence text) : this()
=> Text = text;
public readonly VirtualChar CurrentChar => Position < Text.Length ? Text[Position] : default;
public readonly VirtualCharSequence GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(int start)
=> GetSubPattern(start, Position);
public readonly VirtualCharSequence GetSubPattern(int start, int end)
=> Text.GetSubSequence(TextSpan.FromBounds(start, end));
public RegexToken ScanNextToken(bool allowTrivia, RegexOptions options)
var trivia = ScanLeadingTrivia(allowTrivia, options);
if (Position == Text.Length)
return CreateToken(RegexKind.EndOfFile, trivia, VirtualCharSequence.Empty);
var ch = this.CurrentChar;
return CreateToken(GetKind(ch), trivia, Text.GetSubSequence(new TextSpan(Position - 1, 1)));
private static RegexKind GetKind(VirtualChar ch)
=> ch.Value switch
'|' => RegexKind.BarToken,
'*' => RegexKind.AsteriskToken,
'+' => RegexKind.PlusToken,
'?' => RegexKind.QuestionToken,
'{' => RegexKind.OpenBraceToken,
'}' => RegexKind.CloseBraceToken,
'\\' => RegexKind.BackslashToken,
'[' => RegexKind.OpenBracketToken,
']' => RegexKind.CloseBracketToken,
'.' => RegexKind.DotToken,
'^' => RegexKind.CaretToken,
'$' => RegexKind.DollarToken,
'(' => RegexKind.OpenParenToken,
')' => RegexKind.CloseParenToken,
',' => RegexKind.CommaToken,
':' => RegexKind.ColonToken,
'=' => RegexKind.EqualsToken,
'!' => RegexKind.ExclamationToken,
'<' => RegexKind.LessThanToken,
'>' => RegexKind.GreaterThanToken,
'-' => RegexKind.MinusToken,
'\'' => RegexKind.SingleQuoteToken,
_ => RegexKind.TextToken,
private ImmutableArray<RegexTrivia> ScanLeadingTrivia(bool allowTrivia, RegexOptions options)
if (!allowTrivia)
return [];
using var _ = ArrayBuilder<RegexTrivia>.GetInstance(out var result);
while (Position < Text.Length)
var comment = ScanComment(options);
if (comment != null)
var whitespace = ScanWhitespace(options);
if (whitespace != null)
return result.ToImmutableAndClear();
public RegexTrivia? ScanComment(RegexOptions options)
if (Position >= Text.Length)
return null;
if (HasOption(options, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace))
if (Text[Position] == '#')
var start = Position;
// Note: \n is the only newline the native regex parser looks for.
while (Position < Text.Length &&
Text[Position] != '\n')
return CreateTrivia(RegexKind.CommentTrivia, GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
if (IsAt("(?#"))
var start = Position;
while (Position < Text.Length &&
Text[Position] != ')')
if (Position == Text.Length)
var diagnostics = ImmutableArray.Create(new EmbeddedDiagnostic(
GetTextSpan(start, Position)));
return CreateTrivia(RegexKind.CommentTrivia, GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start), diagnostics);
return CreateTrivia(RegexKind.CommentTrivia, GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
return null;
public readonly TextSpan GetTextSpan(int startInclusive, int endExclusive)
=> TextSpan.FromBounds(Text[startInclusive].Span.Start, Text[endExclusive - 1].Span.End);
public readonly bool IsAt(string val)
=> TextAt(this.Position, val);
private readonly bool TextAt(int position, string val)
for (var i = 0; i < val.Length; i++)
if (position + i >= Text.Length ||
Text[position + i] != val[i])
return false;
return true;
private RegexTrivia? ScanWhitespace(RegexOptions options)
if (HasOption(options, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace))
var start = Position;
while (Position < Text.Length && IsBlank(Text[Position]))
if (Position > start)
return CreateTrivia(RegexKind.WhitespaceTrivia, GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
return null;
private static bool IsBlank(VirtualChar ch)
// List taken from the native regex parser.
switch (ch.Value)
case '\u0009':
case '\u000A':
case '\u000C':
case '\u000D':
case ' ':
return true;
return false;
public RegexToken? TryScanEscapeCategory()
var start = Position;
while (Position < Text.Length && IsEscapeCategoryChar(this.CurrentChar))
if (Position == start)
return null;
var token = CreateToken(RegexKind.EscapeCategoryToken, [], GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
var category = token.VirtualChars.CreateString();
if (!RegexCharClass.IsEscapeCategory(category))
token = token.AddDiagnosticIfNone(new EmbeddedDiagnostic(
string.Format(FeaturesResources.Unknown_property_0, category),
return token;
public static bool IsEscapeCategoryChar(VirtualChar ch)
=> ch.Value is '-' or '_' or
(>= 'a' and <= 'z') or
(>= 'A' and <= 'Z') or
(>= '0' and <= '9');
public RegexToken? TryScanNumber()
if (Position == Text.Length)
return null;
const int MaxValueDiv10 = int.MaxValue / 10;
const int MaxValueMod10 = int.MaxValue % 10;
var value = 0;
var start = Position;
var error = false;
while (Position < Text.Length && this.CurrentChar is var ch && IsDecimalDigit(ch))
var charVal = ch.Value - '0';
if (value > MaxValueDiv10 || (value == MaxValueDiv10 && charVal > MaxValueMod10))
error = true;
value *= 10;
value += charVal;
if (Position == start)
return null;
var token = CreateToken(RegexKind.NumberToken, [], GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
token = token.With(value: value);
if (error)
token = token.AddDiagnosticIfNone(new EmbeddedDiagnostic(
return token;
public RegexToken? TryScanCaptureName()
if (Position == Text.Length)
return null;
var start = Position;
while (Position < Text.Length && RegexCharClass.IsBoundaryWordChar(this.CurrentChar))
if (Position == start)
return null;
var token = CreateToken(RegexKind.CaptureNameToken, [], GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
token = token.With(value: token.VirtualChars.CreateString());
return token;
public RegexToken? TryScanNumberOrCaptureName()
=> TryScanNumber() ?? TryScanCaptureName();
public RegexToken? TryScanOptions()
var start = Position;
while (Position < Text.Length && IsOptionChar(this.CurrentChar))
return start == Position
? null
: CreateToken(RegexKind.OptionsToken, ImmutableArray<RegexTrivia>.Empty, GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
private static bool IsOptionChar(VirtualChar ch)
switch (ch.Value)
case '+':
case '-':
case 'i':
case 'I':
case 'm':
case 'M':
case 'n':
case 'N':
case 's':
case 'S':
case 'x':
case 'X':
return true;
return false;
public RegexToken ScanHexCharacters(int count)
var start = Position;
var beforeSlash = start - 2;
// Make sure we're right after the \x or \u.
Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash] == '\\');
Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash + 1].Value is 'x' or 'u');
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (Position < Text.Length && IsHexChar(this.CurrentChar))
var result = CreateToken(
RegexKind.TextToken, [], GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
var length = Position - start;
if (length != count)
result = result.AddDiagnosticIfNone(new EmbeddedDiagnostic(
GetTextSpan(beforeSlash, Position)));
return result;
public static bool IsHexChar(VirtualChar ch)
=> IsDecimalDigit(ch) ||
(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') ||
(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F');
private static bool IsDecimalDigit(VirtualChar ch)
=> ch.Value is >= '0' and <= '9';
private static bool IsOctalDigit(VirtualChar ch)
=> ch.Value is >= '0' and <= '7';
public RegexToken ScanOctalCharacters(RegexOptions options)
var start = Position;
var beforeSlash = start - 1;
// Make sure we're right after the \
// And we only should have been called if we were \octal-char
Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash] == '\\');
const int maxChars = 3;
var currentVal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < maxChars; i++)
if (Position < Text.Length && IsOctalDigit(this.CurrentChar))
var octalVal = this.CurrentChar.Value - '0';
Debug.Assert(octalVal is >= 0 and <= 7);
currentVal *= 8;
currentVal += octalVal;
// Ecmascript doesn't allow octal values above 32 (0x20 in hex). Note: we do
// *not* add a diagnostic. This is not an error situation. The .NET lexer
// simply stops once it hits a value greater than a legal octal value.
if (HasOption(options, RegexOptions.ECMAScript) && currentVal >= 0x20)
Debug.Assert(Position - start > 0);
var result = CreateToken(
RegexKind.TextToken, [], GetSubPatternToCurrentPos(start));
return result;