1 write to Text
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (1)
EmbeddedLanguages\RegularExpressions\RegexLexer.cs (1)
47=> Text = text;
49 references to Text
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features (49)
EmbeddedLanguages\RegularExpressions\RegexLexer.cs (31)
49public readonly VirtualChar CurrentChar => Position < Text.Length ? Text[Position] : default; 55=> Text.GetSubSequence(TextSpan.FromBounds(start, end)); 60if (Position == Text.Length) 68return CreateToken(GetKind(ch), trivia, Text.GetSubSequence(new TextSpan(Position - 1, 1))); 108while (Position < Text.Length) 132if (Position >= Text.Length) 139if (Text[Position] == '#') 144while (Position < Text.Length && 145Text[Position] != '\n') 157while (Position < Text.Length && 158Text[Position] != ')') 163if (Position == Text.Length) 179=> TextSpan.FromBounds(Text[startInclusive].Span.Start, Text[endExclusive - 1].Span.End); 188if (position + i >= Text.Length || 189Text[position + i] != val[i]) 203while (Position < Text.Length && IsBlank(Text[Position])) 236while (Position < Text.Length && 267if (Position == Text.Length) 278while (Position < Text.Length && this.CurrentChar is var ch && IsDecimalDigit(ch)) 315if (Position == Text.Length) 321while (Position < Text.Length && RegexCharClass.IsBoundaryWordChar(this.CurrentChar)) 342while (Position < Text.Length && IsOptionChar(this.CurrentChar)) 380Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash] == '\\'); 381Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash + 1].Value is 'x' or 'u'); 385if (Position < Text.Length && IsHexChar(this.CurrentChar)) 423Debug.Assert(Text[beforeSlash] == '\\'); 424Debug.Assert(IsOctalDigit(Text[start])); 431if (Position < Text.Length && IsOctalDigit(this.CurrentChar))
EmbeddedLanguages\RegularExpressions\RegexParser.cs (18)
169Debug.Assert(_lexer.Position == _lexer.Text.Length); 179_lexer.Text, root, diagnostics.ToImmutable(), 712? new TextSpan(_lexer.Text.Last().Span.End, 0) 969if (_lexer.Position == _lexer.Text.Length) 1474if (_currentToken.Kind == RegexKind.BackslashToken && _lexer.Position < _lexer.Text.Length) 1597Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1643Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1681Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1696Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1701while (_lexer.Position < _lexer.Text.Length && 1702_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position] is var ch && 1735Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1757Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1758Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position].Value is '<' or '\''); 1810if (_lexer.Position < _lexer.Text.Length && 1840Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] == '\\'); 1964Debug.Assert(_lexer.Text[_lexer.Position - 1] is var ch && (ch == 'P' || ch == 'p')); 1997if (_lexer.Text.Length - _lexer.Position < "{x}".Length)