File: EmbeddedLanguages\RegularExpressions\RegexHelpers.cs
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Project: src\src\Features\Core\Portable\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features.csproj (Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Features)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
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#nullable disable
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.Common;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.VirtualChars;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.RegularExpressions;
using RegexToken = EmbeddedSyntaxToken<RegexKind>;
using RegexTrivia = EmbeddedSyntaxTrivia<RegexKind>;
internal static class RegexHelpers
    public static bool HasOption(RegexOptions options, RegexOptions val)
        => (options & val) != 0;
    public static RegexToken CreateToken(RegexKind kind, ImmutableArray<RegexTrivia> leadingTrivia, VirtualCharSequence virtualChars)
        => new(kind, leadingTrivia, virtualChars, [], [], value: null);
    public static RegexToken CreateMissingToken(RegexKind kind)
        => CreateToken(kind, [], VirtualCharSequence.Empty);
    public static RegexTrivia CreateTrivia(RegexKind kind, VirtualCharSequence virtualChars)
        => CreateTrivia(kind, virtualChars, []);
    public static RegexTrivia CreateTrivia(RegexKind kind, VirtualCharSequence virtualChars, ImmutableArray<EmbeddedDiagnostic> diagnostics)
        => new(kind, virtualChars, diagnostics);
    /// <summary>
    /// Maps an escaped character to the actual character it was escaping.  For something like
    /// 'a' this will map to actual '\a' char (the bell character).  However, for something like
    /// '(' this will just map to '(' as that's all that \( does in a regex.
    /// </summary>
    public static VirtualChar MapEscapeChar(VirtualChar ch)
        => ch.Value switch
            'a' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\u0007'), ch.Span),    // bell
            'b' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\b'), ch.Span),        // backspace
            'e' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\u001B'), ch.Span),    // escape
            'f' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\f'), ch.Span),        // form feed
            'n' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\n'), ch.Span),        // new line
            'r' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\r'), ch.Span),        // carriage return
            't' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\t'), ch.Span),        // tab
            'v' => VirtualChar.Create(new Rune('\u000B'), ch.Span),    // vertical tab
            _ => ch,
    public static bool IsSelfEscape(this RegexSimpleEscapeNode node)
        if (node.TypeToken.VirtualChars.Length > 0)
            var ch = node.TypeToken.VirtualChars[0];
            return MapEscapeChar(ch) == ch;
        return true;