// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Symbols;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Emit;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp
/// <summary>
/// A field of a frame class that represents a variable that has been captured in a lambda.
/// </summary>
internal class LambdaCapturedVariable : SynthesizedFieldSymbolBase, ISynthesizedMethodBodyImplementationSymbol
private readonly TypeWithAnnotations _type;
private readonly bool _isThis;
protected LambdaCapturedVariable(SynthesizedClosureEnvironment frame, TypeWithAnnotations type, string fieldName, bool isThisParameter)
: base(frame,
isPublic: true,
isReadOnly: false,
isStatic: false)
// lifted fields do not need to have the CompilerGeneratedAttribute attached to it, the closure is already
// marked as being compiler generated.
_type = type;
_isThis = isThisParameter;
public SynthesizedClosureEnvironment Frame
=> (SynthesizedClosureEnvironment)ContainingType;
#nullable enable
public static LambdaCapturedVariable Create(SynthesizedClosureEnvironment frame, Symbol captured, ref int uniqueId)
Debug.Assert(captured is LocalSymbol || captured is ParameterSymbol);
string fieldName = GetCapturedVariableFieldName(captured, ref uniqueId);
TypeSymbol type = GetCapturedVariableFieldType(frame, captured);
bool isThis = IsThis(captured, out ParameterSymbol? parameter);
return parameter is not null && !isThis ?
new LambdaCapturedVariableForRegularParameter(frame, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(type), fieldName, parameter) :
new LambdaCapturedVariable(frame, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(type), fieldName, isThis);
private static bool IsThis(Symbol captured)
return IsThis(captured, out _);
/// <param name="captured"></param>
/// <param name="parameter">
/// Is assigned to <paramref name="captured"/> when it is a <see cref="ParameterSymbol"/>,
/// null otherwise. Note, the value is not correlated with returned boolean.
/// </param>
private static bool IsThis(Symbol captured, out ParameterSymbol? parameter)
parameter = captured as ParameterSymbol;
return (object?)parameter != null && parameter.IsThis;
#nullable disable
private static string GetCapturedVariableFieldName(Symbol variable, ref int uniqueId)
if (IsThis(variable))
return GeneratedNames.ThisProxyFieldName();
if (variable is LocalSymbol local)
switch (local.SynthesizedKind)
case SynthesizedLocalKind.LambdaDisplayClass:
return GeneratedNames.MakeLambdaDisplayLocalName(uniqueId++);
case SynthesizedLocalKind.ExceptionFilterAwaitHoistedExceptionLocal:
case SynthesizedLocalKind.TryAwaitPendingException:
case SynthesizedLocalKind.TryAwaitPendingCaughtException:
return GeneratedNames.MakeHoistedLocalFieldName(local.SynthesizedKind, uniqueId++);
case SynthesizedLocalKind.InstrumentationPayload:
return GeneratedNames.MakeSynthesizedInstrumentationPayloadLocalFieldName(uniqueId++);
// should never be captured:
Debug.Assert(local.SynthesizedKind != SynthesizedLocalKind.LocalStoreTracker);
if (local.SynthesizedKind == SynthesizedLocalKind.UserDefined &&
(local.ScopeDesignatorOpt?.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SwitchSection ||
local.ScopeDesignatorOpt?.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SwitchExpressionArm))
// The programmer can use the same identifier for pattern variables in different
// sections of a switch statement, but they are all hoisted into
// the same frame for the enclosing switch statement and must be given
// unique field names.
return GeneratedNames.MakeHoistedLocalFieldName(local.SynthesizedKind, uniqueId++, local.Name);
Debug.Assert(variable.Name != null);
return variable.Name;
private static TypeSymbol GetCapturedVariableFieldType(SynthesizedContainer frame, Symbol variable)
var local = variable as LocalSymbol;
if ((object)local != null)
// if we're capturing a generic frame pointer, construct it with the new frame's type parameters
var lambdaFrame = local.Type.OriginalDefinition as SynthesizedClosureEnvironment;
if ((object)lambdaFrame != null)
// lambdaFrame may have less generic type parameters than frame, so trim them down (the first N will always match)
var typeArguments = frame.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics;
if (typeArguments.Length > lambdaFrame.Arity)
typeArguments = ImmutableArray.Create(typeArguments, 0, lambdaFrame.Arity);
return lambdaFrame.ConstructIfGeneric(typeArguments);
return frame.TypeMap.SubstituteType(((object)local != null ? local.TypeWithAnnotations : ((ParameterSymbol)variable).TypeWithAnnotations).Type).Type;
public override RefKind RefKind => RefKind.None;
public override ImmutableArray<CustomModifier> RefCustomModifiers => ImmutableArray<CustomModifier>.Empty;
internal override TypeWithAnnotations GetFieldType(ConsList<FieldSymbol> fieldsBeingBound)
return _type;
internal override bool IsCapturedFrame
return _isThis;
internal override bool SuppressDynamicAttribute
return false;
public IMethodSymbolInternal Method
=> Frame.TopLevelMethod;
/// <summary>
/// When the containing top-level method body is updated we don't need to attempt to update field (it has no "body").
/// </summary>
public bool HasMethodBodyDependency
=> false;
internal sealed class LambdaCapturedVariableForRegularParameter : LambdaCapturedVariable
private readonly ParameterSymbol _parameter;
public LambdaCapturedVariableForRegularParameter(SynthesizedClosureEnvironment frame, TypeWithAnnotations type, string fieldName, ParameterSymbol parameter)
: base(frame, type, fieldName, isThisParameter: false)
Debug.Assert(parameter is { IsThis: false });
_parameter = parameter;
internal override void AddSynthesizedAttributes(PEModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, ref ArrayBuilder<CSharpAttributeData> attributes)
if (_parameter.OriginalDefinition is SourceParameterSymbolBase definition &&
ContainingModule == definition.ContainingModule)
foreach (CSharpAttributeData attr in definition.GetAttributes())
if (attr.AttributeClass is { HasCompilerLoweringPreserveAttribute: true } attributeType &&
(attributeType.GetAttributeUsageInfo().ValidTargets & System.AttributeTargets.Field) != 0)
AddSynthesizedAttribute(ref attributes, attr);
base.AddSynthesizedAttributes(moduleBuilder, ref attributes);