ErrorUtilities.cs (11)
48ThrowInternalError(message, args);
107ThrowInternalError("This type does not implement ToString() properly {0}", param.GetType().FullName!);
123ThrowInternalError("{0} unexpectedly null", parameterName);
138ThrowInternalError("Lock should already have been taken");
156ThrowInternalError("{0} unexpectedly empty", parameterName);
166ThrowInternalError("{0} unexpectedly empty", parameterName);
180ThrowInternalError("{0} unexpectedly not a rooted path", value);
206ThrowInternalError(unformattedMessage, arg0);
217ThrowInternalError(unformattedMessage, arg0, arg1);
228ThrowInternalError(unformattedMessage, arg0, arg1, arg2);
239ThrowInternalError(unformattedMessage, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
InterningBinaryReader.cs (2)
126ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("From calculating based on the memorystream, about to read n = {0}. length = {1}, rawPosition = {2}, readLength = {3}, stringLength = {4}, currPos = {5}.", n, length, rawPosition, readLength, stringLength, currPos);
141ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("From getting the length out of BaseStream.Read directly, about to read n = {0}. readLength = {1}, stringLength = {2}, currPos = {3}", n, readLength, stringLength, currPos);