// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental.ProjectCache;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.Debugging;
using BuildAbortedException = Microsoft.Build.Exceptions.BuildAbortedException;
using ILoggingService = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.ILoggingService;
using NodeLoggingContext = Microsoft.Build.BackEnd.Logging.NodeLoggingContext;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.BackEnd
/// <summary>
/// The MSBuild Scheduler
/// </summary>
internal class Scheduler : IScheduler
/// <summary>
/// The invalid node id
/// </summary>
internal const int InvalidNodeId = -1;
/// <summary>
/// ID used to indicate that the results for a particular configuration may at one point
/// have resided on this node, but currently do not and will need to be transferred back
/// in order to be used.
/// </summary>
internal const int ResultsTransferredId = -2;
/// <summary>
/// The in-proc node id
/// </summary>
internal const int InProcNodeId = 1;
/// <summary>
/// The virtual node, used when a request is initially given to the scheduler.
/// </summary>
internal const int VirtualNode = 0;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDCUSTOMSCHEDULER = CustomSchedulerForSQL, the default multiplier for the amount by which
/// the count of configurations on any one node can exceed the average configuration count is 1.1 --
/// + 10%.
/// </summary>
private const double DefaultCustomSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier = 1.1;
#region Scheduler Data
/// <summary>
/// Content of the environment variable MSBUILDSCHEDULINGUNLIMITED
/// </summary>
private string _schedulingUnlimitedVariable;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDSCHEDULINGUNLIMITED is set, this flag will make AtSchedulingLimit() always return false
/// </summary>
private bool _schedulingUnlimited;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDNODELIMITOFFSET is set, this will add an offset to the limit used in AtSchedulingLimit()
/// </summary>
private int _nodeLimitOffset;
/// <summary>
/// The result of calling NativeMethodsShared.GetLogicalCoreCount() unless overriden with MSBUILDCORELIMIT.
/// </summary>
private int _coreLimit;
/// <summary>
/// The weight of busy nodes in GetAvailableCoresForExplicitRequests().
/// </summary>
private int _nodeCoreAllocationWeight;
/// <summary>
/// { nodeId -> NodeInfo }
/// A list of nodes we know about. For the non-distributed case, there will be no more nodes than the
/// maximum specified on the command-line.
/// </summary>
private Dictionary<int, NodeInfo> _availableNodes;
/// <summary>
/// The number of inproc nodes that can be created without hitting the
/// node limit.
/// </summary>
private int _currentInProcNodeCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The number of out-of-proc nodes that can be created without hitting the
/// node limit.
/// </summary>
private int _currentOutOfProcNodeCount = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The collection of all requests currently known to the system.
/// </summary>
private SchedulingData _schedulingData;
/// <summary>
/// A queue of RequestCores requests waiting for at least one core to become available.
/// </summary>
private Queue<TaskCompletionSource<int>> _pendingRequestCoresCallbacks;
/// <summary>
/// The component host.
/// </summary>
private IBuildComponentHost _componentHost;
/// <summary>
/// The configuration cache.
/// </summary>
private IConfigCache _configCache;
/// <summary>
/// The results cache.
/// </summary>
private IResultsCache _resultsCache;
/// <summary>
/// The next ID to assign for a global request id.
/// </summary>
private int _nextGlobalRequestId;
/// <summary>
/// Flag indicating that we are supposed to dump the scheduler state to the disk periodically.
/// </summary>
private bool _debugDumpState;
/// <summary>
/// Flag used for debugging by forcing all scheduling to go out-of-proc.
/// </summary>
internal bool ForceAffinityOutOfProc
=> Traits.Instance.InProcNodeDisabled || _componentHost.BuildParameters.DisableInProcNode;
/// <summary>
/// The path into which debug files will be written.
/// </summary>
private string _debugDumpPath;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDCUSTOMSCHEDULER = CustomSchedulerForSQL, the user may also choose to set
/// the max configuration count for any one node to exceed the average configuration count.
/// If that env var is not set, or is set to an invalid value (negative, less than 1, non-numeric)
/// then we use the default value instead.
/// </summary>
private double _customSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier;
/// <summary>
/// The plan.
/// </summary>
private SchedulingPlan _schedulingPlan;
/// <summary>
/// If MSBUILDCUSTOMSCHEDULER is set, contains the requested scheduling algorithm
/// </summary>
private AssignUnscheduledRequestsDelegate _customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm;
private NodeLoggingContext _inprocNodeContext;
private int _loggedWarningsForProxyBuildsOnOutOfProcNodes = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor.
/// </summary>
public Scheduler()
// Be careful moving these to Traits, changing the timing of reading environment variables has a breaking potential.
_debugDumpState = Traits.Instance.DebugScheduler;
_debugDumpPath = DebugUtils.DebugPath;
_schedulingUnlimitedVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDSCHEDULINGUNLIMITED");
_nodeLimitOffset = 0;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_schedulingUnlimitedVariable))
_schedulingUnlimited = true;
_schedulingUnlimited = false;
string strNodeLimitOffset = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODELIMITOFFSET");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strNodeLimitOffset))
_nodeLimitOffset = Int16.Parse(strNodeLimitOffset, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (_nodeLimitOffset < 0)
_nodeLimitOffset = 0;
// Resource management tuning knobs:
// 1) MSBUILDCORELIMIT is the maximum number of cores we hand out via IBuildEngine9.RequestCores.
// Note that it is independent of build parallelism as given by /m on the command line.
if (!int.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDCORELIMIT"), out _coreLimit) || _coreLimit <= 0)
_coreLimit = NativeMethodsShared.GetLogicalCoreCount();
// 1) MSBUILDNODECOREALLOCATIONWEIGHT is the weight with which executing nodes reduce the number of available cores.
// Example: If the weight is 50, _coreLimit is 8, and there are 4 nodes that are busy executing build requests,
// then the number of cores available via IBuildEngine9.RequestCores is 8 - (0.5 * 4) = 6.
if (!int.TryParse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDNODECOREALLOCATIONWEIGHT"), out _nodeCoreAllocationWeight)
|| _nodeCoreAllocationWeight <= 0
|| _nodeCoreAllocationWeight > 100)
_nodeCoreAllocationWeight = 0;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_debugDumpPath))
_debugDumpPath = FileUtilities.TempFileDirectory;
#region Delegates
/// <summary>
/// In the circumstance where we want to specify the scheduling algorithm via the secret environment variable
/// MSBUILDCUSTOMSCHEDULING, the scheduling algorithm used will be assigned to a delegate of this type.
/// </summary>
internal delegate void AssignUnscheduledRequestsDelegate(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes);
#region IScheduler Members
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the minimum configuration id which can be assigned that won't conflict with those in the scheduling plan.
/// </summary>
public int MinimumAssignableConfigurationId
if (_schedulingPlan == null)
return 1;
return _schedulingPlan.MaximumConfigurationId + 1;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the specified configuration is currently in the scheduler.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configurationId">The configuration id</param>
/// <returns>True if the specified configuration is already building.</returns>
public bool IsCurrentlyBuildingConfiguration(int configurationId)
return _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(configurationId) > 0;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a configuration id from the plan which matches the specified path.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="configPath">The path.</param>
/// <returns>The configuration id which has been assigned to this path.</returns>
public int GetConfigurationIdFromPlan(string configPath)
if (_schedulingPlan == null)
return BuildRequestConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationId;
return _schedulingPlan.GetConfigIdForPath(configPath);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the request executing on a node.
/// </summary>
public BuildRequest GetExecutingRequestByNode(int nodeId)
if (!_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(nodeId))
return null;
SchedulableRequest request = _schedulingData.GetExecutingRequestByNode(nodeId);
return request.BuildRequest;
/// <summary>
/// Reports that the specified request has become blocked and cannot proceed.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<ScheduleResponse> ReportRequestBlocked(int nodeId, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
_schedulingData.EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
List<ScheduleResponse> responses = new List<ScheduleResponse>();
// Get the parent, if any
SchedulableRequest parentRequest = null;
if (blocker.BlockedRequestId != BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)
if (blocker.YieldAction == YieldAction.Reacquire)
parentRequest = _schedulingData.GetYieldingRequest(blocker.BlockedRequestId);
parentRequest = _schedulingData.GetExecutingRequest(blocker.BlockedRequestId);
// We are blocked either on new requests (top-level or MSBuild task) or on an in-progress request that is
// building a target we want to build.
if (blocker.YieldAction != YieldAction.None)
TraceScheduler("Request {0} on node {1} is performing yield action {2}.", blocker.BlockedRequestId, nodeId, blocker.YieldAction);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(string.IsNullOrEmpty(blocker.BlockingTarget), "Blocking target should be null because this is not a request blocking on a target");
HandleYieldAction(parentRequest, blocker);
else if ((blocker.BlockingRequestId == blocker.BlockedRequestId) && blocker.BlockingRequestId != BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(string.IsNullOrEmpty(blocker.BlockingTarget), "Blocking target should be null because this is not a request blocking on a target");
// We are blocked waiting for a transfer of results.
HandleRequestBlockedOnResultsTransfer(parentRequest, responses);
else if (blocker.BlockingRequestId != BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)
// We are blocked by a request executing a target for which we need results.
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blocker.BlockingTarget), "Blocking target should exist");
HandleRequestBlockedOnInProgressTarget(parentRequest, blocker);
catch (SchedulerCircularDependencyException ex)
TraceScheduler("Circular dependency caused by request {0}({1}) (nr {2}), parent {3}({4}) (nr {5})", ex.Request.GlobalRequestId, ex.Request.ConfigurationId, ex.Request.NodeRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.NodeRequestId);
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateCircularDependencyResponse(nodeId, parentRequest.BuildRequest, ex.Request));
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(string.IsNullOrEmpty(blocker.BlockingTarget), "Blocking target should be null because this is not a request blocking on a target");
// We are blocked by new requests, either top-level or MSBuild task.
HandleRequestBlockedByNewRequests(parentRequest, blocker, responses);
catch (SchedulerCircularDependencyException ex)
TraceScheduler("Circular dependency caused by request {0}({1}) (nr {2}), parent {3}({4}) (nr {5})", ex.Request.GlobalRequestId, ex.Request.ConfigurationId, ex.Request.NodeRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.NodeRequestId);
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateCircularDependencyResponse(nodeId, parentRequest.BuildRequest, ex.Request));
// Now see if we can schedule requests somewhere since we
// a) have a new request; and
// b) have a node which is now waiting and not doing anything.
return responses;
/// <summary>
/// Informs the scheduler of a specific result.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerable<ScheduleResponse> ReportResult(int nodeId, BuildResult result)
_schedulingData.EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
List<ScheduleResponse> responses = new List<ScheduleResponse>();
TraceScheduler("Reporting result from node {0} for request {1}, parent {2}.", nodeId, result.GlobalRequestId, result.ParentGlobalRequestId);
if (result.NodeRequestId == BuildRequest.ResultsTransferNodeRequestId)
// We are transferring results. The node to which they should be sent has already been recorded by the
// HandleRequestBlockedOnResultsTransfer method in the configuration.
BuildRequestConfiguration config = _configCache[result.ConfigurationId];
ScheduleResponse response = ScheduleResponse.CreateReportResultResponse(config.ResultsNodeId, result);
// Tell the request to which this result belongs than it is done.
SchedulableRequest request = _schedulingData.GetExecutingRequest(result.GlobalRequestId);
// Report results to our parent, or report submission complete as necessary.
if (request.Parent != null)
// responses.Add(new ScheduleResponse(request.Parent.AssignedNode, new BuildRequestUnblocker(request.Parent.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, result)));
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(result.ParentGlobalRequestId == request.Parent.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, "Result's parent doesn't match request's parent.");
// When adding the result to the cache we merge the result with what ever is already in the cache this may cause
// the result to have more target outputs in it than was was requested. To fix this we can ask the cache itself for the result we just added.
// When results are returned from the cache we filter them based on the targets we requested. This causes our result to only
// include the targets we requested rather than the merged result.
// Note: In this case we do not need to log that we got the results from the cache because we are only using the cache
// for filtering the targets for the result instead rather than using the cache as the location where this result came from.
ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(request.Parent.AssignedNode, request.BuildRequest, skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss: _componentHost.BuildParameters.SkippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss());
// response may be null if the result was never added to the cache. This can happen if the result has an exception in it
// or the results could not be satisfied because the initial or default targets have been skipped. If that is the case
// we need to report the result directly since it contains an exception
if (response == null)
response = ScheduleResponse.CreateReportResultResponse(request.Parent.AssignedNode, result.Clone());
// This was root request, we can report submission complete.
// responses.Add(new ScheduleResponse(result));
if (result.OverallResult != BuildResultCode.Failure)
// This result may apply to a number of other unscheduled requests which are blocking active requests. Report to them as well.
List<SchedulableRequest> unscheduledRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequests);
foreach (SchedulableRequest unscheduledRequest in unscheduledRequests)
if (unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == result.GlobalRequestId)
TraceScheduler("Request {0} (node request {1}) also satisfied by result.", unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.NodeRequestId);
BuildResult newResult = new BuildResult(unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest, result, null);
// Report results to the parent.
int parentNode = (unscheduledRequest.Parent == null) ? InvalidNodeId : unscheduledRequest.Parent.AssignedNode;
// There are other requests which we can satisfy based on this result, lets pull the result out of the cache
// and satisfy those requests. Normally a skipped result would lead to the cache refusing to satisfy the
// request, because the correct response in that case would be to attempt to rebuild the target in case there
// are state changes that would cause it to now excute. At this point, however, we already know that the parent
// request has completed, and we already know that this request has the same global request ID, which means that
// its configuration and set of targets are identical -- from MSBuild's perspective, it's the same. So since
// we're not going to attempt to re-execute it, if there are skipped targets in the result, that's fine. We just
// need to know what the target results are so that we can log them.
ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(parentNode, unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest, skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss: true);
// If we have a response we need to tell the loggers that we satisified that request from the cache.
if (response != null)
LogRequestHandledFromCache(unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest, response.BuildResult);
// Response may be null if the result was never added to the cache. This can happen if the result has
// an exception in it. If that is the case, we should report the result directly so that the
// build manager knows that it needs to shut down logging manually.
response = GetResponseForResult(parentNode, unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest, newResult.Clone());
// Mark the request as complete (and the parent is no longer blocked by this request.)
// This node may now be free, so run the scheduler.
return responses;
/// <summary>
/// Signals that a node has been created.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeInfos">Information about the nodes which were created.</param>
/// <returns>A new set of scheduling actions to take.</returns>
public IEnumerable<ScheduleResponse> ReportNodesCreated(IEnumerable<NodeInfo> nodeInfos)
_schedulingData.EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
foreach (NodeInfo nodeInfo in nodeInfos)
_availableNodes[nodeInfo.NodeId] = nodeInfo;
TraceScheduler("Node {0} created", nodeInfo.NodeId);
switch (nodeInfo.ProviderType)
case NodeProviderType.InProc:
case NodeProviderType.OutOfProc:
case NodeProviderType.Remote:
// this should never happen in the current MSBuild.
List<ScheduleResponse> responses = new List<ScheduleResponse>();
return responses;
/// <summary>
/// Signals that the build has been aborted by the specified node.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="nodeId">The node which reported the failure.</param>
public void ReportBuildAborted(int nodeId)
_schedulingData.EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
// Get the list of build requests currently assigned to the node and report aborted results for them.
TraceScheduler("Build aborted by node {0}", nodeId);
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.GetScheduledRequestsByNode(nodeId))
/// <summary>
/// Resets the scheduler.
/// </summary>
public void Reset()
_schedulingPlan = null;
_schedulingData = new SchedulingData();
_availableNodes = new Dictionary<int, NodeInfo>(8);
_pendingRequestCoresCallbacks = new Queue<TaskCompletionSource<int>>();
_currentInProcNodeCount = 0;
_currentOutOfProcNodeCount = 0;
_nextGlobalRequestId = 0;
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = null;
/// <summary>
/// Writes out the detailed summary of the build.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="submissionId">The id of the submission which is at the root of the build.</param>
public void WriteDetailedSummary(int submissionId)
ILoggingService loggingService = _componentHost.LoggingService;
BuildEventContext context = new BuildEventContext(submissionId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "DetailedSummaryHeader");
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(null))
if (request.BuildRequest.SubmissionId == submissionId)
loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "BuildHierarchyHeader");
WriteRecursiveSummary(loggingService, context, submissionId, request, 0, false /* useConfigurations */, true /* isLastChild */);
WriteNodeUtilizationGraph(loggingService, context, false /* useConfigurations */);
/// <summary>
/// Requests CPU resources.
/// </summary>
public Task<int> RequestCores(int requestId, int requestedCores, bool waitForCores)
if (requestedCores == 0)
return Task.FromResult(0);
Func<int, int> grantCores = (int availableCores) =>
int grantedCores = Math.Min(requestedCores, availableCores);
if (grantedCores > 0)
_schedulingData.GrantCoresToRequest(requestId, grantedCores);
return grantedCores;
int grantedCores = grantCores(GetAvailableCoresForExplicitRequests());
if (grantedCores > 0 || !waitForCores)
return Task.FromResult(grantedCores);
// We have no cores to grant at the moment, queue up the request.
TaskCompletionSource<int> completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
return completionSource.Task.ContinueWith((Task<int> task) => grantCores(task.Result), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
/// <summary>
/// Returns CPU resources.
/// </summary>
public List<ScheduleResponse> ReleaseCores(int requestId, int coresToRelease)
_schedulingData.RemoveCoresFromRequest(requestId, coresToRelease);
// Releasing cores means that we may be able to schedule more work.
List<ScheduleResponse> responses = new List<ScheduleResponse>();
return responses;
#region IBuildComponent Members
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the component with the specified component host.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="host">The component host.</param>
public void InitializeComponent(IBuildComponentHost host)
_componentHost = host;
_resultsCache = (IResultsCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ResultsCache);
_configCache = (IConfigCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache);
_inprocNodeContext = new NodeLoggingContext(_componentHost.LoggingService, InProcNodeId, true);
/// <summary>
/// Shuts down the component.
/// </summary>
public void ShutdownComponent()
/// <summary>
/// Factory for component construction.
/// </summary>
internal static IBuildComponent CreateComponent(BuildComponentType componentType)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(componentType == BuildComponentType.Scheduler, "Cannot create components of type {0}", componentType);
return new Scheduler();
/// <summary>
/// Updates the state of a request based on its desire to yield or reacquire control of its node.
/// </summary>
private void HandleYieldAction(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
if (blocker.YieldAction == YieldAction.Yield)
// Mark the request blocked.
// Mark the request ready.
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to schedule unassigned requests to free nodes.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="responses">The list which should be populated with responses from the scheduling.</param>
private void ScheduleUnassignedRequests(List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
DateTime schedulingTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
// See if we are done. We are done if there are no unassigned requests and no requests assigned to nodes.
if (_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount == 0 &&
_schedulingData.ReadyRequestsCount == 0 &&
_schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount == 0)
if (_schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount == 0 && _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount == 0)
// We are done.
TraceScheduler("Build complete");
// Nodes still have work, but we have no requests. Let them proceed and only handle resource requests.
TraceScheduler("{0}: Waiting for existing work to proceed.", schedulingTime);
// Resume any work available which has already been assigned to specific nodes.
HashSet<int> idleNodes = new HashSet<int>();
foreach (int availableNodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
if (!_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(availableNodeId))
int nodesFreeToDoWorkPriorToScheduling = idleNodes.Count;
// Assign requests to any nodes which are currently idle.
if (idleNodes.Count > 0 && _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount > 0)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsToNodes(responses, idleNodes);
// If we have no nodes free to do work, we might need more nodes. This will occur if:
// 1) We still have unscheduled requests, because an additional node might allow us to execute those in parallel, or
// 2) We didn't schedule anything because there were no nodes to schedule to
bool createNodePending = false;
if (_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount > 0 || responses.Count == 0)
createNodePending = CreateNewNodeIfPossible(responses, _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequests);
if (_availableNodes.Count > 0)
// If we failed to schedule any requests, report any results or create any nodes, we might be done.
if (_schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount > 0 || _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount > 0)
// We are still doing work.
else if (_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount == 0 &&
_schedulingData.ReadyRequestsCount == 0 &&
_schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount == 0)
// We've exhausted our supply of work.
TraceScheduler("Build complete");
else if (_schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount != 0)
// It is legitimate to have blocked requests with none executing if none of the requests can
// be serviced by any currently existing node, or if they are blocked by requests, none of
// which can be serviced by any currently existing node. However, in that case, we had better
// be requesting the creation of a node that can service them.
// Note: This is O(# nodes * closure of requests blocking current set of blocked requests),
// but all three numbers should usually be fairly small and, more importantly, this situation
// should occur at most once per build, since it requires a situation where all blocked requests
// are blocked on the creation of a node that can service them.
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.BlockedRequests)
if (RequestOrAnyItIsBlockedByCanBeServiced(request))
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Somehow no requests are currently executing, and at least one of the {0} requests blocked by in-progress requests is servicable by a currently existing node, but no circular dependency was detected ...", _schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount);
if (!createNodePending)
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("None of the {0} blocked requests can be serviced by currently existing nodes, but we aren't requesting a new one.", _schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount);
else if (_schedulingData.ReadyRequestsCount != 0)
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Somehow we have {0} requests which are ready to go but we didn't tell the nodes to continue.", _schedulingData.ReadyRequestsCount);
else if (_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount != 0 && !createNodePending)
ErrorUtilities.ThrowInternalError("Somehow we have {0} unassigned build requests but {1} of our nodes are free and we aren't requesting a new one...", _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount, idleNodes.Count);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(responses.Count > 0, "We failed to request a node to be created.");
TraceScheduler("Requests scheduled: {0} Unassigned Requests: {1} Blocked Requests: {2} Unblockable Requests: {3} Free Nodes: {4}/{5} Responses: {6}", nodesFreeToDoWorkPriorToScheduling - idleNodes.Count, _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount, _schedulingData.BlockedRequestsCount, _schedulingData.ReadyRequestsCount, idleNodes.Count, _availableNodes.Count, responses.Count);
/// <summary>
/// Determines which requests to assign to available nodes.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is where all the real scheduling decisions take place. It should not be necessary to edit functions outside of this
/// to alter how scheduling occurs.
/// </remarks>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsToNodes(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount == 1)
// In the single-proc case, there are no decisions to be made. First-come, first-serve.
AssignUnscheduledRequestsFIFO(responses, idleNodes);
bool haveValidPlan = GetSchedulingPlanAndAlgorithm();
if (_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm != null)
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm(responses, idleNodes);
// We want to find more work first, and we assign traversals to the in-proc node first, if possible.
AssignUnscheduledRequestsByTraversalsFirst(responses, idleNodes);
AssignUnscheduledProxyBuildRequestsToInProcNode(responses, idleNodes);
if (idleNodes.Count == 0)
if (haveValidPlan)
if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount == 2)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByMostImmediateReferences(responses, idleNodes);
AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByGreatestPlanTime(responses, idleNodes);
AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithConfigurationCountLevelling(responses, idleNodes);
/// <summary>
/// Reads in the scheduling plan if one exists and has not previously been read; returns true if the scheduling plan
/// both exists and is valid, or false otherwise.
/// </summary>
private bool GetSchedulingPlanAndAlgorithm()
// Read the plan, if any.
if (_schedulingPlan == null)
_schedulingPlan = new SchedulingPlan(_configCache, _schedulingData);
if (_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm == null)
string customScheduler = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDCUSTOMSCHEDULER");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customScheduler))
// Assign to the delegate
if (customScheduler.Equals("WithPlanByMostImmediateReferences", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && _schedulingPlan.IsPlanValid)
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByMostImmediateReferences;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithPlanByGreatestPlanTime", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && _schedulingPlan.IsPlanValid)
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByGreatestPlanTime;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("ByTraversalsFirst", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsByTraversalsFirst;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithConfigurationCountLevelling", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithConfigurationCountLevelling;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithSmallestFileSize", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithSmallestFileSize;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithLargestFileSize", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithLargestFileSize;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithMaxWaitingRequests", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithMaxWaitingRequests;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("WithMaxWaitingRequests2", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithMaxWaitingRequests2;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("FIFO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsFIFO;
else if (customScheduler.Equals("CustomSchedulerForSQL", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_customRequestSchedulingAlgorithm = AssignUnscheduledRequestsUsingCustomSchedulerForSQL;
double convertedMultiplier = 0;
if (!Double.TryParse(multiplier, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat, out convertedMultiplier) || convertedMultiplier < 1)
_customSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier = DefaultCustomSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier;
_customSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier = convertedMultiplier;
return _schedulingPlan.IsPlanValid;
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests to nodes based on those which refer to the most other projects.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByMostImmediateReferences(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlan(responses, idleNodes, (plan1, plan2) => plan1.ReferencesCount < plan2.ReferencesCount);
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests to nodes based on those which have the most plan time.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlanByGreatestPlanTime(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlan(responses, idleNodes, (plan1, plan2) => plan1.TotalPlanTime < plan2.TotalPlanTime);
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithPlan(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes, Func<SchedulingPlan.PlanConfigData, SchedulingPlan.PlanConfigData, bool> comparisonFunction)
foreach (int idleNodeId in idleNodes)
SchedulingPlan.PlanConfigData bestConfig = null;
SchedulableRequest bestRequest = null;
// Find the most expensive request in the plan to schedule from among the ones available.
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, idleNodeId))
SchedulingPlan.PlanConfigData configToConsider = _schedulingPlan.GetConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
if (configToConsider is null)
if (bestConfig is null)
// By default we assume configs we don't know about aren't as important, and will only schedule them
// if nothing else is suitable
bestRequest ??= request;
if (bestConfig is null || comparisonFunction(bestConfig, configToConsider))
bestConfig = configToConsider;
bestRequest = request;
if (bestRequest is not null)
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(bestRequest, idleNodeId, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests preferring those which are traversal projects as determined by filename.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsByTraversalsFirst(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsToInProcNode(responses, idleNodes, request => IsTraversalRequest(request.BuildRequest));
/// <summary>
/// Proxy build requests <see cref="ProxyTargets"/> should be really cheap (only return properties and items) and it's not worth
/// paying the IPC cost and re-evaluating them on out of proc nodes (they are guaranteed to be evaluated in the Scheduler process).
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledProxyBuildRequestsToInProcNode(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
AssignUnscheduledRequestsToInProcNode(responses, idleNodes, request => request.IsProxyBuildRequest());
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsToInProcNode(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes, Func<SchedulableRequest, bool> shouldBeScheduled)
if (idleNodes.Contains(InProcNodeId))
List<SchedulableRequest> unscheduledRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled);
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in unscheduledRequests)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, InProcNodeId) && shouldBeScheduled(request))
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(request, InProcNodeId, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if the request is for a traversal project. Traversals are used to find more work.
/// </summary>
private bool IsTraversalRequest(BuildRequest request)
return _configCache[request.ConfigurationId].IsTraversal;
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests to nodes attempting to ensure each node has the same number of configurations assigned to it.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithConfigurationCountLevelling(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests but try to keep the same number of configurations on each node
// Use OrderBy to sort since it will cache the lookup in configCache which. This reduces the number of times we have to acquire the lock.
IEnumerable<int> nodesByConfigurationCountAscending = _availableNodes.Keys.OrderBy(x => _schedulingData.GetConfigurationsCountByNode(x, excludeTraversals: true, _configCache));
// Assign projects to nodes, preferring to assign work to nodes with the fewest configurations first.
foreach (int nodeId in nodesByConfigurationCountAscending)
if (!idleNodes.Contains(nodeId))
if (AtSchedulingLimit())
TraceScheduler("System load limit reached, cannot schedule new work. Executing: {0} Yielding: {1} Max Count: {2}", _schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount, _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount, _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount);
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, nodeId))
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(request, nodeId, responses);
// Now they either all have the same number of configurations of we can no longer assign work. Let the default scheduling algorithm
// determine if any more work can be assigned.
AssignUnscheduledRequestsFIFO(responses, idleNodes);
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests with the smallest file sizes first.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithSmallestFileSize(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests with the largest file sizes.
while (idleNodes.Count > 0 && _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount > 0)
SchedulableRequest requestWithSmallestSourceFile = null;
int requestRequiredNodeId = InvalidNodeId;
long sizeOfSmallestSourceFile = long.MaxValue;
foreach (SchedulableRequest unscheduledRequest in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
int requiredNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
if (requiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId || idleNodes.Contains(requiredNodeId))
// Look for a request with the smallest source file
System.IO.FileInfo f = new FileInfo(_configCache[unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].ProjectFullPath);
if (f.Length < sizeOfSmallestSourceFile)
sizeOfSmallestSourceFile = f.Length;
requestWithSmallestSourceFile = unscheduledRequest;
requestRequiredNodeId = requiredNodeId;
if (requestWithSmallestSourceFile != null)
int nodeIdToAssign = requestRequiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId ? idleNodes.First() : requestRequiredNodeId;
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(requestWithSmallestSourceFile, nodeIdToAssign, responses);
// No more requests we can schedule.
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests with the largest file sizes first.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithLargestFileSize(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests with the largest file sizes.
while (idleNodes.Count > 0 && _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount > 0)
SchedulableRequest requestWithLargestSourceFile = null;
int requestRequiredNodeId = InvalidNodeId;
long sizeOfLargestSourceFile = 0;
foreach (SchedulableRequest unscheduledRequest in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
int requiredNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
if (requiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId || idleNodes.Contains(requiredNodeId))
// Look for a request with the largest source file
System.IO.FileInfo f = new FileInfo(_configCache[unscheduledRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId].ProjectFullPath);
if (f.Length > sizeOfLargestSourceFile)
sizeOfLargestSourceFile = f.Length;
requestWithLargestSourceFile = unscheduledRequest;
requestRequiredNodeId = requiredNodeId;
if (requestWithLargestSourceFile != null)
int nodeIdToAssign = requestRequiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId ? idleNodes.First() : requestRequiredNodeId;
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(requestWithLargestSourceFile, nodeIdToAssign, responses);
// No more requests we can schedule.
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests preferring the ones which have the most other requests waiting on them using the transitive closure.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithMaxWaitingRequests(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests based on how many other requests depend on them
foreach (int nodeId in idleNodes)
int maxWaitingRequests = 0;
SchedulableRequest requestToSchedule = null;
SchedulableRequest requestToScheduleNoAffinity = null;
SchedulableRequest requestToScheduleWithAffinity = null;
foreach (SchedulableRequest currentSchedulableRequest in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
BuildRequest currentRequest = currentSchedulableRequest.BuildRequest;
int requiredNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(currentRequest.ConfigurationId);
// This performs the depth-first traversal, assuming that the unassigned build requests has been populated such that the
// top-most requests are the ones most recently issued. We schedule the first request which can be scheduled to this node.
if (requiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId || requiredNodeId == nodeId)
// Get the affinity from the request first.
NodeAffinity nodeAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(currentRequest);
if (_availableNodes[nodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(nodeAffinity))
// Get the 'most depended upon' request and schedule that.
int requestsWaiting = ComputeClosureOfWaitingRequests(currentSchedulableRequest);
bool selectedRequest = false;
if (requestsWaiting > maxWaitingRequests)
requestToSchedule = currentSchedulableRequest;
maxWaitingRequests = requestsWaiting;
selectedRequest = true;
else if (maxWaitingRequests == 0 && requestToSchedule == null)
requestToSchedule = currentSchedulableRequest;
selectedRequest = true;
// If we decided this request is a candidate, update the affinity-specific reference
// for later.
if (selectedRequest)
if (requiredNodeId == InvalidNodeId)
requestToScheduleNoAffinity = requestToSchedule;
requestToScheduleWithAffinity = requestToSchedule;
// Prefer to schedule requests which MUST go on this node instead of those which could go on any node.
// This helps to prevent us from accumulating tons of request affinities toward a single node.
if (requestToScheduleWithAffinity != null)
requestToSchedule = requestToScheduleWithAffinity;
requestToSchedule = requestToScheduleNoAffinity;
if (requestToSchedule != null)
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(requestToSchedule, nodeId, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests preferring those with the most requests waiting on them, but only counting those requests which are
/// directly waiting, as opposed to the transitive closure.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsWithMaxWaitingRequests2(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests based on how many other requests depend on them
foreach (int nodeId in idleNodes)
// Find the request with the most waiting requests
SchedulableRequest mostWaitingRequests = null;
foreach (SchedulableRequest unscheduledRequest in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(unscheduledRequest, nodeId))
if (mostWaitingRequests == null || unscheduledRequest.RequestsWeAreBlockingCount > mostWaitingRequests.RequestsWeAreBlockingCount)
mostWaitingRequests = unscheduledRequest;
if (mostWaitingRequests != null)
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(mostWaitingRequests, nodeId, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Assigns requests on a first-come, first-serve basis.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsFIFO(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// Assign requests on a first-come/first-serve basis
foreach (int nodeId in idleNodes)
// Don't overload the system.
if (AtSchedulingLimit())
TraceScheduler("System load limit reached, cannot schedule new work. Executing: {0} Yielding: {1} Max Count: {2}", _schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount, _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount, _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount);
foreach (SchedulableRequest unscheduledRequest in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(unscheduledRequest, nodeId))
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(unscheduledRequest, nodeId, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Custom scheduler for the SQL folks to solve a performance problem with their builds where they end up with a few long-running
/// requests on all but one node, and then a very large number of short-running requests on that one node -- which is by design for
/// our current scheduler, but makes it so that later in the build, when these configurations are re-entered with new requests, the
/// build becomes essentially serial because so many of the configurations are tied to that one node.
/// Fixes that problem by intentionally choosing to refrain from assigning new configurations to idle nodes if those idle nodes already
/// have more than their fair share of the existing configurations assigned to them.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestsUsingCustomSchedulerForSQL(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, HashSet<int> idleNodes)
// We want to find more work first, and we assign traversals to the in-proc node first, if possible.
AssignUnscheduledRequestsByTraversalsFirst(responses, idleNodes);
if (idleNodes.Count == 0)
Dictionary<int, int> configurationCountsByNode = new Dictionary<int, int>(_availableNodes.Count);
// The configuration count limit will be the average configuration count * X (to allow for some wiggle room) where
// the default value of X is 1.1 (+ 10%)
int configurationCountLimit = 0;
foreach (int availableNodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
configurationCountsByNode[availableNodeId] = _schedulingData.GetConfigurationsCountByNode(availableNodeId, true /* excludeTraversals */, _configCache);
configurationCountLimit += configurationCountsByNode[availableNodeId];
configurationCountLimit = Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Ceiling(configurationCountLimit * _customSchedulerForSQLConfigurationLimitMultiplier / _availableNodes.Count));
// Assign requests but try to keep the same number of configurations on each node
List<int> nodesByConfigurationCountAscending = new List<int>(_availableNodes.Keys);
nodesByConfigurationCountAscending.Sort(delegate (int left, int right)
return Comparer<int>.Default.Compare(configurationCountsByNode[left], configurationCountsByNode[right]);
// Assign projects to nodes, preferring to assign work to nodes with the fewest configurations first.
foreach (int nodeId in nodesByConfigurationCountAscending)
if (!idleNodes.Contains(nodeId))
if (AtSchedulingLimit())
TraceScheduler("System load limit reached, cannot schedule new work. Executing: {0} Yielding: {1} Max Count: {2}", _schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount, _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount, _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount);
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsWhichCanBeScheduled)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, nodeId))
int requiredNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
// Only schedule an entirely new configuration (one not already tied to this node) to this node if we're
// not already over the limit needed to keep a reasonable balance.
if (request.AssignedNode == nodeId || requiredNodeId == nodeId || configurationCountsByNode[nodeId] <= configurationCountLimit)
AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(request, nodeId, responses);
else if (configurationCountsByNode[nodeId] > configurationCountLimit)
TraceScheduler("Chose not to assign request {0} to node {2} because its count of configurations ({3}) exceeds the current limit ({4}).", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, nodeId, configurationCountsByNode[nodeId], configurationCountLimit);
// at this point, we may still have work left unassigned, but that's OK -- we're deliberately choosing to delay assigning all available
// requests in order to avoid overloading certain nodes with excess numbers of requests.
/// <summary>
/// Assigns the specified request to the specified node.
/// </summary>
private void AssignUnscheduledRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(nodeId != InvalidNodeId, "Invalid node id specified.");
// Determine if this node has seen our configuration before. If not, we must send it along with this request.
bool mustSendConfigurationToNode = _availableNodes[nodeId].AssignConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
// If this is the first time this configuration has been assigned to a node, we will mark the configuration with the assigned node
// indicating that the master set of results is located there. Should we ever need to move the results, we will know where to find them.
BuildRequestConfiguration config = _configCache[request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId];
if (config.ResultsNodeId == InvalidNodeId)
config.ResultsNodeId = nodeId;
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(config.ResultsNodeId != InvalidNodeId, "Configuration's results node is not set.");
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateScheduleResponse(nodeId, request.BuildRequest, mustSendConfigurationToNode));
TraceScheduler("Executing request {0} on node {1} with parent {2}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, nodeId, (request.Parent == null) ? -1 : request.Parent.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);
void WarnWhenProxyBuildsGetScheduledOnOutOfProcNode()
if (request.IsProxyBuildRequest() && nodeId != InProcNodeId && _schedulingData.CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, InProcNodeId))
_componentHost.BuildParameters.DisableInProcNode || ForceAffinityOutOfProc,
"Proxy requests should only get scheduled to out of proc nodes when the inproc node is disabled");
var loggedWarnings = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _loggedWarningsForProxyBuildsOnOutOfProcNodes, 1, 0);
if (loggedWarnings == 0)
/// <summary>
/// Returns the maximum number of cores that can be returned from a RequestCores() call at the moment.
/// </summary>
private int GetAvailableCoresForExplicitRequests()
// At least one core is always implicitly granted to the node making the request.
// If _nodeCoreAllocationWeight is more than zero, it can increase this value by the specified fraction of executing nodes.
int implicitlyGrantedCores = Math.Max(1, (_schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount * _nodeCoreAllocationWeight) / 100);
// The number of explicitly granted cores is a sum of everything we've granted via RequestCores() so far across all nodes.
int explicitlyGrantedCores = _schedulingData.ExplicitlyGrantedCores;
return Math.Max(0, _coreLimit - (implicitlyGrantedCores + explicitlyGrantedCores));
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if we are at the limit of work we can schedule.
/// </summary>
private bool AtSchedulingLimit()
if (_schedulingUnlimited)
return false;
// We're at our limit of schedulable requests if:
// (1) MaxNodeCount requests are currently executing
if (_schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount >= _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount)
return true;
// (2) Fewer than MaxNodeCount requests are currently executing but the sum of executing request,
// yielding requests, and explicitly granted cores exceeds the limit set out below.
int limit = _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount switch
1 => 1,
2 => _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount + 1 + _nodeLimitOffset,
_ => _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount + 2 + _nodeLimitOffset,
return _schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount +
_schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount +
_schedulingData.ExplicitlyGrantedCores >= limit;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if a request can be scheduled to a node, false otherwise.
/// </summary>
private bool CanScheduleRequestToNode(SchedulableRequest request, int nodeId)
if (_schedulingData.CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, nodeId))
NodeAffinity affinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request.BuildRequest);
bool result = _availableNodes[nodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(affinity);
return result;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Adds CreateNode responses to satisfy all the affinities in the list of requests, with the following constraints:
/// a) Issue no more than one response to create an inproc node, and aggressively issues as many requests for an out-of-proc node
/// as there are requests to assign to them.
/// b) Don't exceed the max node count, *unless* there isn't even one node of the necessary affinity yet. (That means that even if there's a max
/// node count of e.g., 3, and we have already created 3 out of proc nodes, we will still create an inproc node if affinity requires it; if
/// we didn't, the build would jam.)
/// Returns true if there is a pending response to create a new node.
/// </summary>
private bool CreateNewNodeIfPossible(List<ScheduleResponse> responses, IEnumerable<SchedulableRequest> requests)
int availableNodesWithInProcAffinity = 1 - _currentInProcNodeCount;
int availableNodesWithOutOfProcAffinity = _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount - _currentOutOfProcNodeCount;
int requestsWithOutOfProcAffinity = 0;
int requestsWithAnyAffinityOnInProcNodes = 0;
int inProcNodesToCreate = 0;
int outOfProcNodesToCreate = 0;
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in requests)
int assignedNodeForConfiguration = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId);
// Although this request has not been scheduled, this configuration may previously have been
// scheduled to an existing node. If so, we shouldn't count it in our checks for new node
// creation, because it'll only eventually get assigned to its existing node anyway.
if (assignedNodeForConfiguration != Scheduler.InvalidNodeId)
NodeAffinity affinityRequired = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request.BuildRequest);
switch (affinityRequired)
case NodeAffinity.InProc:
// If we've previously seen "Any"-affinitized requests, now that there are some
// genuine inproc requests, they get to play with the inproc node first, so
// push the "Any" requests to the out-of-proc nodes.
if (requestsWithAnyAffinityOnInProcNodes > 0)
case NodeAffinity.OutOfProc:
case NodeAffinity.Any:
// Prefer inproc node if there's space, but otherwise apportion to out-of-proc.
if (inProcNodesToCreate < availableNodesWithInProcAffinity && !_componentHost.BuildParameters.DisableInProcNode)
// If we are *required* to create an OOP node because the IP node is disabled, then treat this as if
// the request had an OOP affinity.
if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.DisableInProcNode)
// We've already hit the limit of the number of nodes we'll be allowed to create, so just quit counting now.
if (inProcNodesToCreate >= availableNodesWithInProcAffinity && outOfProcNodesToCreate >= availableNodesWithOutOfProcAffinity)
// If we think we want to create inproc nodes
if (inProcNodesToCreate > 0)
// In-proc node determination is simple: we want as many as are available.
inProcNodesToCreate = Math.Min(availableNodesWithInProcAffinity, inProcNodesToCreate);
// If we still want to create one, go ahead
if (inProcNodesToCreate > 0)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(inProcNodesToCreate == 1, "We should never be trying to create more than one inproc node");
TraceScheduler("Requesting creation of new node satisfying affinity {0}", NodeAffinity.InProc);
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateNewNodeResponse(NodeAffinity.InProc, 1));
// We only want to submit one node creation request at a time -- as part of node creation we recursively re-request the scheduler
// to do more scheduling, so the other request will be dealt with soon enough.
return true;
// If we think we want to create out-of-proc nodes
if (outOfProcNodesToCreate > 0)
// Out-of-proc node determination is a bit more complicated. If we have N out-of-proc requests, we want to
// fill up to N out-of-proc nodes. However, if we have N "any" requests, we must assume that at least some of them
// will be fulfilled by the inproc node, in which case we only want to launch up to N-1 out-of-proc nodes, for a
// total of N nodes overall -- the scheduler will only schedule to N nodes at a time, so launching any more than that
// is ultimately pointless.
int maxCreatableOutOfProcNodes = availableNodesWithOutOfProcAffinity;
if (requestsWithOutOfProcAffinity < availableNodesWithOutOfProcAffinity)
// We don't have enough explicitly out-of-proc requests to justify creating every technically allowed
// out-of-proc node, so our max is actually one less than the absolute max for the reasons explained above.
outOfProcNodesToCreate = Math.Min(maxCreatableOutOfProcNodes, outOfProcNodesToCreate);
// If we still want to create them, go ahead
if (outOfProcNodesToCreate > 0)
TraceScheduler("Requesting creation of {0} new node(s) satisfying affinity {1}", outOfProcNodesToCreate, NodeAffinity.OutOfProc);
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateNewNodeResponse(NodeAffinity.OutOfProc, outOfProcNodesToCreate));
// We only want to submit one node creation request at a time -- as part of node creation we recursively re-request the scheduler
// to do more scheduling, so the other request will be dealt with soon enough.
return true;
// If we haven't returned before now, we haven't asked that any new nodes be created.
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Marks the specified request and all of its ancestors as having aborted.
/// </summary>
private void MarkRequestAborted(SchedulableRequest request)
_resultsCache.AddResult(new BuildResult(request.BuildRequest, new BuildAbortedException()));
// Recursively abort all of the requests we are blocking.
foreach (SchedulableRequest blockedRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
/// <summary>
/// Marks the request as being blocked by another request which is currently building a target whose results we need to proceed.
/// </summary>
private void HandleRequestBlockedOnInProgressTarget(SchedulableRequest blockedRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker)
// We are blocked on an in-progress request building a target whose results we need.
SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.GetScheduledRequest(blocker.BlockingRequestId);
// The request we blocked on couldn't have been executing (because we are) so it must either be yielding (which is ok because
// it isn't modifying its own state, just running a background process), ready, or still blocked.
blockingRequest.VerifyOneOfStates([SchedulableRequestState.Yielding, SchedulableRequestState.Ready, SchedulableRequestState.Blocked]);
// detect the case for https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/3047
// if we have partial results AND blocked and blocking share the same configuration AND are blocked on each other
if (blocker.PartialBuildResult != null &&
blockingRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId == blockedRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId &&
// if the blocking request is waiting on a target we have partial results for, preemptively break its dependency
if (blocker.PartialBuildResult.HasResultsForTarget(blockingRequest.BlockingTarget))
blockedRequest.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress, blocker.BlockingTarget);
/// <summary>
/// Marks the parent as blocked waiting for results from a results transfer.
/// </summary>
private void HandleRequestBlockedOnResultsTransfer(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
// Create the new request which will go to the configuration's results node.
BuildRequest newRequest = new BuildRequest(parentRequest.BuildRequest.SubmissionId, BuildRequest.ResultsTransferNodeRequestId, parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId, [], null, parentRequest.BuildRequest.BuildEventContext, parentRequest.BuildRequest, parentRequest.BuildRequest.BuildRequestDataFlags);
// Assign a new global request id - always different from any other.
newRequest.GlobalRequestId = _nextGlobalRequestId;
// Now add the response. Send it to the node where the configuration's results are stored. When those results come back
// we will update the storage location in the configuration. This is doing a bit of a run around the scheduler - we don't
// create a new formal request, so we treat the blocked request as if it is still executing - this prevents any other requests
// from getting onto that node and also means we don't have to do additional work to get the scheduler to understand the bizarre
// case of sending a request for results from a project's own configuration (which it believes reside on the very node which
// is actually requesting the results in the first place.)
BuildRequestConfiguration configuration = _configCache[parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId];
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateScheduleResponse(configuration.ResultsNodeId, newRequest, false));
TraceScheduler("Created request {0} (node request {1}) for transfer of configuration {2}'s results from node {3} to node {4}", newRequest.GlobalRequestId, newRequest.NodeRequestId, configuration.ConfigurationId, configuration.ResultsNodeId, parentRequest.AssignedNode);
// The configuration's results will now be homed at the new location (once they have come back from the
// original node.)
configuration.ResultsNodeId = parentRequest.AssignedNode;
/// <summary>
/// Marks the request as being blocked by new requests whose results we must get before we can proceed.
/// </summary>
private void HandleRequestBlockedByNewRequests(SchedulableRequest parentRequest, BuildRequestBlocker blocker, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
// The request is waiting on new requests.
bool abortRequestBatch = false;
Stack<BuildRequest> requestsToAdd = new Stack<BuildRequest>(blocker.BuildRequests.Length);
foreach (BuildRequest request in blocker.BuildRequests)
// Assign a global request id to this request.
if (request.GlobalRequestId == BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId)
int nodeForResults = (parentRequest == null) ? InvalidNodeId : parentRequest.AssignedNode;
TraceScheduler("Received request {0} (node request {1}) with parent {2} from node {3}", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId, request.ParentGlobalRequestId, nodeForResults);
// First, determine if we have already built this request and have results for it. If we do, we prepare the responses for it
// directly here. We COULD simply report these as blocking the parent request and let the scheduler pick them up later when the parent
// comes back up as schedulable, but we prefer to send the results back immediately so this request can (potentially) continue uninterrupted.
ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(nodeForResults, request, skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss: _componentHost.BuildParameters.SkippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss());
if (response != null)
TraceScheduler("Request {0} (node request {1}) satisfied from the cache.", request.GlobalRequestId, request.NodeRequestId);
// BuildResult result = (response.Action == ScheduleActionType.Unblock) ? response.Unblocker.Results[0] : response.BuildResult;
LogRequestHandledFromCache(request, response.BuildResult);
// If we wish to implement an algorithm where the first failing request aborts the remaining request, check for
// overall result being failure rather than just circular dependency. Sync with BasicScheduler.ReportResult and
// BuildRequestEntry.ReportResult.
if (response.BuildResult.CircularDependency)
abortRequestBatch = true;
else if (CheckIfCacheMissOnReferencedProjectIsAllowedAndErrorIfNot(nodeForResults, request, responses, out var emitNonErrorLogs))
// Ensure there is no affinity mismatch between this request and a previous request of the same configuration.
NodeAffinity requestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request);
NodeAffinity existingRequestAffinity = NodeAffinity.Any;
if (requestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any)
bool affinityMismatch = false;
int assignedNodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId);
if (assignedNodeId != Scheduler.InvalidNodeId)
if (!_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].CanServiceRequestWithAffinity(GetNodeAffinityForRequest(request)))
// This request's configuration has already been assigned to a node which cannot service this affinity.
if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) == 0)
// If there are no other requests already scheduled for that configuration, we can safely reassign.
existingRequestAffinity = (_availableNodes[assignedNodeId].ProviderType == NodeProviderType.InProc) ? NodeAffinity.InProc : NodeAffinity.OutOfProc;
affinityMismatch = true;
else if (_schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) > 0)
// Would any other existing requests for this configuration mismatch?
foreach (SchedulableRequest existingRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId))
existingRequestAffinity = GetNodeAffinityForRequest(existingRequest.BuildRequest);
if (existingRequestAffinity != NodeAffinity.Any && existingRequestAffinity != requestAffinity)
// The existing request has an affinity which doesn't match this one, so this one could never be scheduled.
affinityMismatch = true;
if (affinityMismatch)
"A request should have a configuration if it makes it this far in the build process.");
var config = _configCache[request.ConfigurationId];
var globalProperties = string.Join(
config.GlobalProperties.ToDictionary().Select(kvp => $"{kvp.Key}={kvp.Value}"));
var result = new BuildResult(
new InvalidOperationException(
response = GetResponseForResult(nodeForResults, request, result);
// Now add the requests so they would naturally be picked up by the scheduler in the order they were issued,
// but before any other requests in the list. This makes us prefer a depth-first traversal.
// Now add any unassigned build requests.
if (!abortRequestBatch)
if (requestsToAdd.Count == 0)
// All of the results are being reported directly from the cache (from above), so this request can continue on its merry way.
if (parentRequest != null)
// responses.Add(new ScheduleResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, new BuildRequestUnblocker(parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId)));
responses.Add(ScheduleResponse.CreateResumeExecutionResponse(parentRequest.AssignedNode, parentRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId));
while (requestsToAdd.Count > 0)
BuildRequest requestToAdd = requestsToAdd.Pop();
SchedulableRequest blockingRequest = _schedulingData.CreateRequest(requestToAdd, parentRequest);
parentRequest?.BlockByRequest(blockingRequest, blocker.TargetsInProgress);
/// <summary>
/// Resumes executing a request which was in the Ready state for the specified node, if any.
/// </summary>
private void ResumeReadyRequestIfAny(int nodeId, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
// Look for ready requests. We prefer to let these continue first rather than finding new work.
// We only actually look at the first one, since that is all we need.
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.GetReadyRequestsByNode(nodeId))
TraceScheduler("Unblocking request {0} on node {1}", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, nodeId);
// ScheduleResponse response = new ScheduleResponse(nodeId, new BuildRequestUnblocker(request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId));
ScheduleResponse response = ScheduleResponse.CreateResumeExecutionResponse(nodeId, request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId);
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to get results from the cache for this request. If results are available, reports them to the
/// correct node. If that action causes the parent to become ready and its node is idle, the parent is
/// resumed.
/// </summary>
private void ResolveRequestFromCacheAndResumeIfPossible(SchedulableRequest request, List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
int nodeForResults = (request.Parent != null) ? request.Parent.AssignedNode : InvalidNodeId;
// Do we already have results? If so, just return them.
ScheduleResponse response = TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(nodeForResults, request.BuildRequest, skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss: _componentHost.BuildParameters.SkippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss());
if (response != null)
if (response.Action == ScheduleActionType.SubmissionComplete)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(request.Parent == null, "Unexpectedly generated a SubmissionComplete response for a request which is not top-level.");
LogRequestHandledFromCache(request.BuildRequest, response.BuildResult);
// This was root request, we can report submission complete.
if (response.BuildResult.OverallResult != BuildResultCode.Failure)
LogRequestHandledFromCache(request.BuildRequest, response.Unblocker.Result);
TraceScheduler("Reporting results for request {0} with parent {1} to node {2} from cache.", request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId, request.BuildRequest.ParentGlobalRequestId, response.NodeId);
if (response.NodeId != InvalidNodeId)
// Is the node we are reporting to idle? If so, does reporting this result allow it to proceed with work?
if (!_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(response.NodeId))
ResumeReadyRequestIfAny(response.NodeId, responses);
CheckIfCacheMissOnReferencedProjectIsAllowedAndErrorIfNot(nodeForResults, request.BuildRequest, responses, out _);
/// <summary>
/// Satisfies pending resource requests. Requests are pulled from the queue in FIFO fashion and granted as many cores
/// as possible, optimizing for maximum number of cores granted to a single request, not for maximum number of satisfied
/// requests.
/// </summary>
private void HandlePendingResourceRequests()
while (_pendingRequestCoresCallbacks.Count > 0)
int availableCores = GetAvailableCoresForExplicitRequests();
if (availableCores == 0)
TaskCompletionSource<int> completionSource = _pendingRequestCoresCallbacks.Dequeue();
/// <summary>
/// Determines which work is available which must be assigned to the nodes. This includes:
/// 1. Ready requests - those requests which can immediately resume executing.
/// 2. Requests which can continue because results are now available but we haven't distributed them.
/// </summary>
private void ResumeRequiredWork(List<ScheduleResponse> responses)
// If we have pending RequestCore calls, satisfy those first.
// Resume any ready requests on the existing nodes.
foreach (int nodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
// Don't overload the system.
if (AtSchedulingLimit())
TraceScheduler("System load limit reached, cannot resume any more work. Executing: {0} Yielding: {1} Max Count: {2}", _schedulingData.ExecutingRequestsCount, _schedulingData.YieldingRequestsCount, _componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount);
// Determine if this node is actually free to do work.
if (_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(nodeId))
continue; // Check the next node to see if it is free.
// Resume a ready request, if any. We prefer to let existing requests complete before finding new work.
ResumeReadyRequestIfAny(nodeId, responses);
// Now determine which unscheduled requests have results. Reporting these may cause an blocked request to become ready
// and potentially allow us to continue it.
List<SchedulableRequest> unscheduledRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequests);
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in unscheduledRequests)
ResolveRequestFromCacheAndResumeIfPossible(request, responses);
/// <summary>
/// Attempts to get a result from the cache to satisfy the request, and returns the appropriate response if possible.
/// </summary>
private ScheduleResponse TrySatisfyRequestFromCache(int nodeForResults, BuildRequest request, bool skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss)
BuildRequestConfiguration config = _configCache[request.ConfigurationId];
ResultsCacheResponse resultsResponse = _resultsCache.SatisfyRequest(request, config.ProjectInitialTargets, config.ProjectDefaultTargets, skippedResultsDoNotCauseCacheMiss);
if (resultsResponse.Type == ResultsCacheResponseType.Satisfied)
return GetResponseForResult(nodeForResults, request, resultsResponse.Results);
return null;
/// <returns>True if caches misses are allowed, false otherwise</returns>
private bool CheckIfCacheMissOnReferencedProjectIsAllowedAndErrorIfNot(int nodeForResults, BuildRequest request, List<ScheduleResponse> responses, out Action<ILoggingService> emitNonErrorLogs)
emitNonErrorLogs = _ => { };
ProjectIsolationMode isolateProjects = _componentHost.BuildParameters.ProjectIsolationMode;
var configCache = (IConfigCache)_componentHost.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.ConfigCache);
// do not check root requests as nothing depends on them
if (isolateProjects == ProjectIsolationMode.False || request.IsRootRequest || request.SkipStaticGraphIsolationConstraints
|| SkipNonexistentTargetsIfExistentTargetsHaveResults(request))
bool logComment = ((isolateProjects == ProjectIsolationMode.True || isolateProjects == ProjectIsolationMode.MessageUponIsolationViolation) && request.SkipStaticGraphIsolationConstraints);
if (logComment)
// retrieving the configs is not quite free, so avoid computing them eagerly
var configs = GetConfigurations();
emitNonErrorLogs = ls => ls.LogComment(
return true;
(BuildRequestConfiguration requestConfig, BuildRequestConfiguration parentConfig) = GetConfigurations();
// allow self references (project calling the msbuild task on itself, potentially with different global properties)
if (parentConfig.ProjectFullPath.Equals(requestConfig.ProjectFullPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
var errorMessage = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringIgnoreCodeAndKeyword(
request.Targets.Count == 0
? "default"
: string.Join(";", request.Targets));
// Issue a failed build result to have the msbuild task marked as failed and thus stop the build
BuildResult result = new BuildResult(request);
result.SchedulerInducedError = errorMessage;
var response = GetResponseForResult(nodeForResults, request, result);
return false;
BuildEventContext NewBuildEventContext()
return new BuildEventContext(
(BuildRequestConfiguration RequestConfig, BuildRequestConfiguration ParentConfig) GetConfigurations()
BuildRequestConfiguration buildRequestConfiguration = configCache[request.ConfigurationId];
// Need the parent request. It might be blocked or executing; check both.
SchedulableRequest parentRequest = _schedulingData.BlockedRequests.FirstOrDefault(r => r.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == request.ParentGlobalRequestId)
?? _schedulingData.ExecutingRequests.FirstOrDefault(r => r.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId == request.ParentGlobalRequestId);
"All non root requests should have a parent with a loaded configuration");
BuildRequestConfiguration parentConfiguration = configCache[parentRequest.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId];
return (buildRequestConfiguration, parentConfiguration);
string ConcatenateGlobalProperties(BuildRequestConfiguration configuration)
return string.Join("; ", configuration.GlobalProperties.Select<ProjectPropertyInstance, string>(p => $"{p.Name}={p.EvaluatedValue}"));
bool SkipNonexistentTargetsIfExistentTargetsHaveResults(BuildRequest buildRequest)
// Return early if the top-level target(s) of this build request weren't requested to be skipped if nonexistent.
if ((buildRequest.BuildRequestDataFlags & BuildRequestDataFlags.SkipNonexistentTargets) != BuildRequestDataFlags.SkipNonexistentTargets)
return false;
BuildResult requestResults = _resultsCache.GetResultsForConfiguration(buildRequest.ConfigurationId);
// On a self-referenced build, cache misses are allowed.
if (requestResults == null)
return false;
// A cache miss on at least one existing target without results is disallowed,
// as it violates isolation constraints.
foreach (string target in request.Targets)
if (_configCache[buildRequest.ConfigurationId]
.Contains(target) &&
return false;
// A cache miss on nonexistent targets on the reference is allowed, given the request
// to skip nonexistent targets.
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Records the result to the current cache if its config isn't in the override cache.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="result">The result to potentially record in the current cache.</param>
internal void RecordResultToCurrentCacheIfConfigNotInOverrideCache(BuildResult result)
// Record these results to the current cache only if their config isn't in the
// override cache, which can happen if we are building in the project isolation mode
// ProjectIsolationMode.MessageUponIsolationViolation, and the received result was built by an
// isolation-violating dependency project.
if (_configCache is not ConfigCacheWithOverride configCacheWithOverride
|| !configCacheWithOverride.HasConfigurationInOverrideCache(result.ConfigurationId))
/// <summary>
/// Gets the appropriate ScheduleResponse for a result, either to complete a submission or to report to a node.
/// </summary>
private ScheduleResponse GetResponseForResult(int parentRequestNode, BuildRequest requestWhichGeneratedResult, BuildResult result)
// We have results, return them to the originating node, or if it is a root request, mark the submission complete.
if (requestWhichGeneratedResult.IsRootRequest)
// return new ScheduleResponse(result);
return ScheduleResponse.CreateSubmissionCompleteResponse(result);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parentRequestNode != InvalidNodeId, "Invalid parent node provided.");
// return new ScheduleResponse(parentRequestNode, new BuildRequestUnblocker(requestWhichGeneratedResult.ParentGlobalRequestId, result));
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(result.ParentGlobalRequestId == requestWhichGeneratedResult.ParentGlobalRequestId, "Result's parent doesn't match request's parent.");
return ScheduleResponse.CreateReportResultResponse(parentRequestNode, result);
/// <summary>
/// Logs the project started/finished pair for projects which are skipped entirely because all
/// of their results are available in the cache.
/// </summary>
private void LogRequestHandledFromCache(BuildRequest request, BuildResult result)
BuildRequestConfiguration configuration = _configCache[request.ConfigurationId];
int nodeId = _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId);
NodeLoggingContext nodeContext = new NodeLoggingContext(_componentHost.LoggingService, nodeId, true);
nodeContext.LogRequestHandledFromCache(request, configuration, result);
"Request {0} (node request {1}) with targets ({2}) satisfied from cache",
string.Join(";", request.Targets));
/// <summary>
/// This method determines how many requests are waiting for this request, taking into account the full tree of all requests
/// in all dependency chains which are waiting.
/// </summary>
private int ComputeClosureOfWaitingRequests(SchedulableRequest request)
int waitingRequests = 0;
// In single-proc, this doesn't matter since scheduling is always 100% efficient.
if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.MaxNodeCount > 1)
foreach (SchedulableRequest waitingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
waitingRequests += ComputeClosureOfWaitingRequests(waitingRequest);
return waitingRequests;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the node affinity for the specified request.
/// </summary>
private NodeAffinity GetNodeAffinityForRequest(BuildRequest request)
if (ForceAffinityOutOfProc)
return NodeAffinity.OutOfProc;
if (IsTraversalRequest(request))
return NodeAffinity.InProc;
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(request.ConfigurationId != BuildRequestConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationId, "Requests should have a valid configuration id at this point");
// If this configuration has been previously built on an out of proc node, scheduling it on the inproc node can cause either an affinity mismatch error when
// there are other pending requests for the same configuration or "unscheduled requests remain in the presence of free out of proc nodes" errors if there's no pending requests.
// So only assign proxy builds to the inproc node if their config hasn't been previously assigned to an out of proc node.
if (_schedulingData.CanScheduleConfigurationToNode(request.ConfigurationId, InProcNodeId) && request.IsProxyBuildRequest())
return NodeAffinity.InProc;
BuildRequestConfiguration configuration = _configCache[request.ConfigurationId];
// The affinity may have been specified by the host services.
NodeAffinity affinity = NodeAffinity.Any;
string pathOfProject = configuration.ProjectFullPath;
if (request.HostServices != null)
affinity = request.HostServices.GetNodeAffinity(pathOfProject);
// If the request itself had no specific node affinity, it may be that the overall build still has
// a requirement, so check that.
if (affinity == NodeAffinity.Any)
if (_componentHost.BuildParameters.HostServices != null)
affinity = _componentHost.BuildParameters.HostServices.GetNodeAffinity(pathOfProject);
return affinity;
/// <summary>
/// Iterates through the set of available nodes and checks whether any of them is
/// capable of servicing this request or any of the requests that it is blocked
/// by (regardless of whether they are currently available to do so).
/// </summary>
private bool RequestOrAnyItIsBlockedByCanBeServiced(SchedulableRequest request)
if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest requestWeAreBlockedBy in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
if (RequestOrAnyItIsBlockedByCanBeServiced(requestWeAreBlockedBy))
return true;
// if none of the requests we are blocked by can be serviced, it doesn't matter
// whether we can be serviced or not -- the reason we're blocked is because none
// of the requests we are blocked by can be serviced.
return false;
foreach (NodeInfo node in _availableNodes.Values)
if (CanScheduleRequestToNode(request, node.NodeId))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Determines if we have a matching request somewhere, and if so, assigns the same request ID. Otherwise
/// assigns a new request id.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// UNDONE: (Performance) This algorithm should be modified so we don't have to iterate over all of the
/// requests to find a matching one. A HashSet with proper equality semantics and a good hash code for the BuildRequest
/// would speed this considerably, especially for large numbers of projects in a build.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="request">The request whose ID should be assigned</param>
private void AssignGlobalRequestId(BuildRequest request)
bool assignNewId = false;
if (request.GlobalRequestId == BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId && _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfigurationCount(request.ConfigurationId) > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest existingRequest in _schedulingData.GetRequestsAssignedToConfiguration(request.ConfigurationId))
if (existingRequest.BuildRequest.Targets.Count == request.Targets.Count)
List<string> leftTargets = new List<string>(existingRequest.BuildRequest.Targets);
List<string> rightTargets = new List<string>(request.Targets);
for (int i = 0; i < leftTargets.Count; i++)
if (!leftTargets[i].Equals(rightTargets[i], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
assignNewId = true;
if (!assignNewId)
request.GlobalRequestId = existingRequest.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId;
request.GlobalRequestId = _nextGlobalRequestId;
/// <summary>
/// Writes the graph representation of how the nodes were utilized.
/// </summary>
private void WriteNodeUtilizationGraph(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, bool useConfigurations)
int[] currentWork = new int[_availableNodes.Count];
int[] previousWork = new int[currentWork.Length];
HashSet<int>[] runningRequests = new HashSet<int>[currentWork.Length];
DateTime currentEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;
DateTime previousEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;
double accumulatedDuration = 0;
TimeSpan[] nodeActiveTimes = new TimeSpan[_availableNodes.Count];
DateTime[] nodeStartTimes = new DateTime[_availableNodes.Count];
int eventIndex = 0;
Dictionary<int, int> availableNodeIdsToIndex = new Dictionary<int, int>(_availableNodes.Count);
int[] indexToAvailableNodeId = new int[_availableNodes.Count];
int indexIntoArrays = 0;
foreach (int availableNodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
availableNodeIdsToIndex[availableNodeId] = indexIntoArrays;
indexToAvailableNodeId[indexIntoArrays] = availableNodeId;
// Prepare the arrays and headers.
StringBuilder nodeIndices = new StringBuilder();
int invalidWorkId = useConfigurations ? BuildRequestConfiguration.InvalidConfigurationId : BuildRequest.InvalidGlobalRequestId;
for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
currentWork[i] = invalidWorkId;
previousWork[i] = invalidWorkId;
runningRequests[i] = new HashSet<int>();
nodeIndices.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0,-5} ", indexToAvailableNodeId[i]);
loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationHeader", nodeIndices.ToString());
// Walk through each of the events and grab all of the events which have the same timestamp to determine what occurred.
foreach (SchedulingData.SchedulingEvent buildEvent in _schedulingData.BuildEvents)
int workId = useConfigurations ? buildEvent.Request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId : buildEvent.Request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId;
if (buildEvent.EventTime > currentEventTime)
WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(loggingService, context, currentWork, previousWork, buildEvent.EventTime, currentEventTime, invalidWorkId, ref accumulatedDuration);
if (currentEventTime != DateTime.MinValue)
// Accumulate time for nodes which were not idle.
for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
if (currentWork[i] != invalidWorkId)
for (int x = 0; x < runningRequests[i].Count; x++)
nodeActiveTimes[i] += buildEvent.EventTime - currentEventTime;
currentWork.CopyTo(previousWork, 0);
previousEventTime = currentEventTime;
currentEventTime = buildEvent.EventTime;
// The assigned node may be invalid if the request was completed from the cache.
// In that case, just skip assessing it -- it did effectively no work.
if (buildEvent.Request.AssignedNode != InvalidNodeId)
int nodeForEvent = availableNodeIdsToIndex[buildEvent.Request.AssignedNode];
switch (buildEvent.NewState)
case SchedulableRequestState.Executing:
case SchedulableRequestState.Yielding:
currentWork[nodeForEvent] = workId;
if (!runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Contains(workId))
if (nodeStartTimes[nodeForEvent] == DateTime.MinValue)
nodeStartTimes[nodeForEvent] = buildEvent.EventTime;
if (runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Contains(workId))
if (previousWork[nodeForEvent] == workId)
// The previously executing request is no longer executing here.
if (runningRequests[nodeForEvent].Count == 0)
currentWork[nodeForEvent] = invalidWorkId; // Idle
currentWork[nodeForEvent] = runningRequests[nodeForEvent].First();
WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(loggingService, context, currentWork, previousWork, currentEventTime, previousEventTime, invalidWorkId, ref accumulatedDuration);
// Write out the node utilization percentage.
double utilizationAverage = 0;
StringBuilder utilitzationPercentages = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeActiveTimes.Length; i++)
TimeSpan totalDuration = currentEventTime - nodeStartTimes[i];
double utilizationPercent = (double)nodeActiveTimes[i].TotalMilliseconds / (double)totalDuration.TotalMilliseconds;
utilitzationPercentages.AppendFormat("{0,-5:###.0} ", utilizationPercent * 100);
utilizationAverage += utilizationPercent;
loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationSummary", utilitzationPercentages.ToString(), (utilizationAverage / (double)_availableNodes.Count) * 100);
/// <summary>
/// Writes a single line of node utilization information.
/// </summary>
private void WriteNodeUtilizationGraphLine(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, int[] currentWork, int[] previousWork, DateTime currentEventTime, DateTime previousEventTime, int invalidWorkId, ref double accumulatedDuration)
if (currentEventTime == DateTime.MinValue)
bool haveNonIdleNode = false;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(64);
stringBuilder.AppendFormat("{0}: ", previousEventTime.Ticks);
for (int i = 0; i < currentWork.Length; i++)
if (currentWork[i] == invalidWorkId)
stringBuilder.Append("x "); // Idle
else if (currentWork[i] == previousWork[i])
stringBuilder.Append("| "); // Continuing the work from the previous time.
haveNonIdleNode = true;
stringBuilder.AppendFormat(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0,-5} ", currentWork[i]);
haveNonIdleNode = true;
double duration = 0;
if (previousEventTime != DateTime.MinValue)
duration = (currentEventTime - previousEventTime).TotalSeconds;
accumulatedDuration += duration;
// Limit the number of histogram bar segments. For long runs the number of segments can be counted in
// hundreds of thousands (for instance a build which took 8061.7s would generate a line 161,235 characters
// long) which is a bit excessive. The scales implemented below limit the generated line length to
// manageable proportions even for very long runs.
int durationElementCount = (int)(duration / 0.05);
int scale;
char barSegment;
if (durationElementCount <= 100)
barSegment = '.';
scale = 1;
else if (durationElementCount <= 1000)
barSegment = '+';
scale = 100;
barSegment = '#';
scale = 1000;
string durationBar = new string(barSegment, durationElementCount / scale);
if (scale > 1)
durationBar = $"{durationBar} (scale 1:{scale})";
if (haveNonIdleNode)
loggingService.LogComment(context, MessageImportance.Normal, "NodeUtilizationEntry", stringBuilder, duration, accumulatedDuration, durationBar);
/// <summary>
/// Recursively dumps the build information for the specified hierarchy
/// </summary>
private void WriteRecursiveSummary(ILoggingService loggingService, BuildEventContext context, int submissionId, SchedulableRequest request, int level, bool useConfigurations, bool isLastChild)
int postPad = Math.Max(20 /* field width */ - (2 * level) /* spacing for hierarchy lines */ - 3 /* length allocated for config/request id */, 0);
StringBuilder prePadString = new StringBuilder(2 * level);
if (level != 0)
int levelsToPad = level;
if (isLastChild)
while (levelsToPad > 0)
prePadString.Append("| ");
if (isLastChild)
prePadString.Append(@". ");
useConfigurations ? request.BuildRequest.ConfigurationId : request.BuildRequest.GlobalRequestId,
new String(' ', postPad),
String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}"{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds),
String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0:0.000}"{0:0.000}", request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Executing).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Blocked).TotalSeconds + request.GetTimeSpentInState(SchedulableRequestState.Ready).TotalSeconds),
String.Join(", ", request.BuildRequest.Targets));
List<SchedulableRequest> childRequests = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(request));
childRequests.Sort(delegate (SchedulableRequest left, SchedulableRequest right)
if (left.StartTime < right.StartTime)
return -1;
else if (left.StartTime > right.StartTime)
return 1;
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < childRequests.Count; i++)
SchedulableRequest childRequest = childRequests[i];
WriteRecursiveSummary(loggingService, context, submissionId, childRequest, level + 1, useConfigurations, i == childRequests.Count - 1);
#region Debug Information
/// <summary>
/// Method used for debugging purposes.
/// </summary>
private void TraceScheduler(string format, params object[] stuff)
if (_debugDumpState)
using StreamWriter file = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Path.Combine(_debugDumpPath, "SchedulerTrace_{0}.txt"), EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId), append: true);
file.Write("{0}({1})-{2}: ", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, _schedulingData.EventTime.Ticks);
file.WriteLine(format, stuff);
catch (Exception e) when (!ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
// Ignore exceptions
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the current state of the scheduler.
/// </summary>
private void DumpSchedulerState()
if (_debugDumpState)
if (_schedulingData != null)
using StreamWriter file = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Path.Combine(_debugDumpPath, "SchedulerState_{0}.txt"), EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId), append: true);
file.WriteLine("Scheduler state at timestamp {0}:", _schedulingData.EventTime.Ticks);
foreach (int nodeId in _availableNodes.Keys)
"Node {0} {1} ({2} assigned requests, {3} configurations)",
? string.Format(
"Active ({0} executing)",
: "Idle",
_schedulingData.GetConfigurationsCountByNode(nodeId, false, null));
List<SchedulableRequest> scheduledRequestsByNode = new List<SchedulableRequest>(_schedulingData.GetScheduledRequestsByNode(nodeId));
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in scheduledRequestsByNode)
DumpRequestState(file, request, 1);
// If the node is idle, we want to know why.
if (!_schedulingData.IsNodeWorking(nodeId))
file.WriteLine("Top-level requests causing this node to be idle:");
if (scheduledRequestsByNode.Count == 0)
file.WriteLine(" Node is idle because there is no work available for this node to do.");
Queue<SchedulableRequest> blockingRequests = new Queue<SchedulableRequest>();
HashSet<SchedulableRequest> topLevelBlockingRequests = new HashSet<SchedulableRequest>();
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in scheduledRequestsByNode)
if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest blockingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
while (blockingRequests.Count > 0)
SchedulableRequest request = blockingRequests.Dequeue();
if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest blockingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in topLevelBlockingRequests)
DumpRequestState(file, request, 1);
if (_schedulingData.UnscheduledRequestsCount == 0)
file.WriteLine("No unscheduled requests.");
file.WriteLine("Unscheduled requests:");
foreach (SchedulableRequest request in _schedulingData.UnscheduledRequests)
DumpRequestState(file, request, 1);
catch (Exception e) when (!ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
// Ignore exceptions
/// <summary>
/// Dumps all of the configurations.
/// </summary>
private void DumpConfigurations()
if (_debugDumpState)
if (_schedulingData != null)
using StreamWriter file = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Path.Combine(_debugDumpPath, "SchedulerState_{0}.txt"), EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId), append: true);
file.WriteLine("Configurations used during this build");
List<int> configurations = new List<int>(_schedulingData.Configurations);
foreach (int config in configurations)
file.WriteLine("Config {0} Node {1} TV: {2} File {3}", config, _schedulingData.GetAssignedNodeForRequestConfiguration(config), _configCache[config].ToolsVersion, _configCache[config].ProjectFullPath);
foreach (ProjectPropertyInstance property in _configCache[config].GlobalProperties)
file.WriteLine("{0} = \"{1}\"", property.Name, property.EvaluatedValue);
catch (Exception e) when (!ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
// Ignore exceptions
/// <summary>
/// Dumps all of the requests.
/// </summary>
private void DumpRequests()
if (_debugDumpState)
if (_schedulingData != null)
using StreamWriter file = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Path.Combine(_debugDumpPath, "SchedulerState_{0}.txt"), EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId), append: true);
file.WriteLine("Requests used during the build:");
file.WriteLine("Format: GlobalRequestId: [NodeId] FinalState (ConfigId) Path (Targets)");
DumpRequestHierarchy(file, null, 0);
catch (Exception e) when (!ExceptionHandling.IsCriticalException(e))
// Ignore exceptions
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the hierarchy of requests.
/// </summary>
private void DumpRequestHierarchy(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest root, int indent)
foreach (SchedulableRequest child in _schedulingData.GetRequestsByHierarchy(root))
DumpRequestSpec(file, child, indent, null);
DumpRequestHierarchy(file, child, indent + 1);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the state of a request.
/// </summary>
private void DumpRequestState(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request, int indent)
DumpRequestSpec(file, request, indent, null);
if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockedByCount > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest blockingRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlockedBy)
DumpRequestSpec(file, blockingRequest, indent + 1, "!");
if (request.RequestsWeAreBlockingCount > 0)
foreach (SchedulableRequest blockedRequest in request.RequestsWeAreBlocking)
DumpRequestSpec(file, blockedRequest, indent + 1, ">");
/// <summary>
/// Dumps detailed information about a request.
/// </summary>
private void DumpRequestSpec(StreamWriter file, SchedulableRequest request, int indent, string prefix)
var buildRequest = request.BuildRequest;
"{0}{1}{2}: [{3}] {4}{5} ({6}){7} ({8})",
new string(' ', indent * 2),
prefix ?? "",
: "",
string.Join(", ", buildRequest.Targets.ToArray()));
/// <summary>
/// Write out the scheduling information so the next time we can read the plan back in and use it.
/// </summary>
private void WriteSchedulingPlan(int submissionId)
SchedulingPlan plan = new SchedulingPlan(_configCache, _schedulingData);
plan.WritePlan(submissionId, _componentHost.LoggingService, new BuildEventContext(submissionId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the scheduling plan from the previous run.
/// </summary>
private void ReadSchedulingPlan(int submissionId)
_schedulingPlan = new SchedulingPlan(_configCache, _schedulingData);
_schedulingPlan.ReadPlan(submissionId, _componentHost.LoggingService, new BuildEventContext(submissionId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));