// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Build.Collections;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Eventing;
using Microsoft.Build.Exceptions;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental.BuildCheck;
using Microsoft.Build.Experimental.ProjectCache;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.Build.Graph;
using Microsoft.Build.Internal;
using Microsoft.Build.Logging;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.Debugging;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared.FileSystem;
using BinaryLogger = Microsoft.Build.Logging.BinaryLogger;
using ConsoleLogger = Microsoft.Build.Logging.ConsoleLogger;
using FileLogger = Microsoft.Build.Logging.FileLogger;
using ForwardingLoggerRecord = Microsoft.Build.Logging.ForwardingLoggerRecord;
using LoggerDescription = Microsoft.Build.Logging.LoggerDescription;
using SimpleErrorLogger = Microsoft.Build.Logging.SimpleErrorLogger.SimpleErrorLogger;
using TerminalLogger = Microsoft.Build.Logging.TerminalLogger;
// Use I/O operations from Microsoft.IO.Redist which is generally higher perf
// and also works around https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/10540.
// Unnecessary on .NET 6+ because the perf improvements are in-box there.
using Microsoft.IO;
using Directory = Microsoft.IO.Directory;
using File = Microsoft.IO.File;
using FileInfo = Microsoft.IO.FileInfo;
using Path = Microsoft.IO.Path;
#nullable disable
namespace Microsoft.Build.CommandLine
/// <summary>
/// This class implements the MSBuild.exe command-line application. It processes
/// command-line arguments and invokes the build engine.
/// </summary>
public static class MSBuildApp
/// <summary>
/// Enumeration of the various ways in which the MSBuild.exe application can exit.
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1034:NestedTypesShouldNotBeVisible", Justification = "shipped already")]
public enum ExitType
/// <summary>
/// The application executed successfully.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// There was a syntax error in a command line argument.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A command line argument was not valid.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The build failed.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A logger aborted the build.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A logger failed unexpectedly.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The build stopped unexpectedly, for example,
/// because a child died or hung.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A project cache failed unexpectedly.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The client for MSBuild server failed unexpectedly, for example,
/// because the server process died or hung.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// Whether the static constructor ran successfully.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_initialized;
/// <summary>
/// The object used to synchronize access to shared build state
/// </summary>
private static readonly object s_buildLock = new object();
/// <summary>
/// Whether a build has started.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_hasBuildStarted;
/// <summary>
/// Event signaled when the build is complete.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ManualResetEvent s_buildComplete = new ManualResetEvent(false);
/// <summary>
/// Event signaled when the cancel method is complete.
/// </summary>
private static readonly ManualResetEvent s_cancelComplete = new ManualResetEvent(true);
/// <summary>
/// Cancel when handling Ctrl-C
/// </summary>
private static readonly CancellationTokenSource s_buildCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
private static readonly char[] s_commaSemicolon = { ',', ';' };
/// <summary>
/// Static constructor
/// </summary>
#pragma warning disable CA1810 // Initialize reference type static fields inline
static MSBuildApp()
#pragma warning restore CA1810 // Initialize reference type static fields inline
// Only initialize static fields here, not inline! //
// This forces the type to initialize in this static constructor and thus //
// any configuration file exceptions can be caught here. //
s_exePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileUtilities.ExecutingAssemblyPath);
s_initialized = true;
catch (TypeInitializationException ex) when (ex.InnerException is not null
&& ex.InnerException is ConfigurationErrorsException
catch (ConfigurationException ex)
/// <summary>
/// Static no-op method to force static constructor to run and initialize resources.
/// This is useful for unit tests.
/// </summary>
internal static void Initialize()
/// <summary>
/// Dump any exceptions reading the configuration file, nicely
/// </summary>
private static void HandleConfigurationException(Exception ex)
// Error reading the configuration file - eg., unexpected element
// Since we expect users to edit it to add toolsets, this is not unreasonable to expect
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
Exception exception = ex;
string message = exception.Message.TrimEnd();
// One of the exceptions is missing a period!
if (message[message.Length - 1] != '.')
builder.Append(' ');
exception = exception.InnerException;
while (exception != null);
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("InvalidConfigurationFile", builder.ToString()));
s_initialized = false;
/// <summary>
/// This is the entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// MSBuild no longer runs any arbitrary code (tasks or loggers) on the main thread, so it never needs the
/// main thread to be in an STA. Accordingly, to avoid ambiguity, we explicitly use the [MTAThread] attribute.
/// This doesn't actually do any work unless COM interop occurs for some reason.
/// We use the MultiDomain loader policy because we may create secondary AppDomains and need NGEN images
/// for our as well as Framework assemblies to be loaded domain neutral so their native images can be used.
/// See <see cref="NuGetFrameworkWrapper"/>.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>0 on success, 1 on failure</returns>
#pragma warning disable SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
public static int Main(
string[] args
#pragma warning restore SA1111, SA1009 // Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
// Setup the console UI.
using AutomaticEncodingRestorer _ = new();
// Initialize new build telemetry and record start of this build.
KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry = new BuildTelemetry { StartAt = DateTime.UtcNow };
// Initialize OpenTelemetry infrastructure
OpenTelemetryManager.Instance.Initialize(isStandalone: true);
using PerformanceLogEventListener eventListener = PerformanceLogEventListener.Create();
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDUMPPROCESSCOUNTERS") == "1")
DumpCounters(true /* initialize only */);
int exitCode;
if (
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(Traits.UseMSBuildServerEnvVarName) == "1" &&
!Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.EnsureStdOutForChildNodesIsPrimaryStdout &&
Console.CancelKeyPress += Console_CancelKeyPress;
// Use the client app to execute build in msbuild server. Opt-in feature.
exitCode = ((s_initialized && MSBuildClientApp.Execute(
s_buildCancellationSource.Token) == ExitType.Success) ? 0 : 1);
// return 0 on success, non-zero on failure
exitCode = ((s_initialized && Execute(
== ExitType.Success) ? 0 : 1);
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDUMPPROCESSCOUNTERS") == "1")
DumpCounters(false /* log to console */);
return exitCode;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if arguments allows or make sense to leverage msbuild server.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Will not throw. If arguments processing fails, we will not run it on server - no reason as it will not run any build anyway.
/// </remarks>
private static bool CanRunServerBasedOnCommandLineSwitches(
string commandLine)
string[] commandLine)
bool canRunServer = true;
GatherAllSwitches(commandLine, out var switchesFromAutoResponseFile, out var switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, out string fullCommandLine);
CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches = CombineSwitchesRespectingPriority(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, fullCommandLine);
if (CheckAndGatherProjectAutoResponseFile(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLineSwitches, false, fullCommandLine))
commandLineSwitches = CombineSwitchesRespectingPriority(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, fullCommandLine);
string projectFile = ProcessProjectSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Project], commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.IgnoreProjectExtensions], Directory.GetFiles);
if (commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.Help] ||
commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeMode) ||
commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.Version] ||
FileUtilities.IsBinaryLogFilename(projectFile) ||
!ProcessNodeReuseSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeReuse]) ||
canRunServer = false;
if (KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry != null)
KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry.ServerFallbackReason = "Arguments";
catch (Exception ex)
CommunicationsUtilities.Trace("Unexpected exception during command line parsing. Can not determine if it is allowed to use Server. Fall back to old behavior. Exception: {0}", ex);
if (KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry != null)
KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry.ServerFallbackReason = "ErrorParsingCommandLine";
canRunServer = false;
return canRunServer;
private static bool IsInteractiveBuild(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
// In 16.0 we added the /interactive command-line argument so the line below keeps back-compat
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Interactive) &&
ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Interactive], true, "InvalidInteractiveValue"))
return true;
// In 15.9 we added support for the global property "NuGetInteractive" to allow SDK resolvers to be interactive.
foreach (string parameter in commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Property])
// split each <prop>=<value> string into 2 pieces, breaking on the first = that is found
string[] parameterSections = parameter.Split(s_propertyValueSeparator, 2);
if (parameterSections.Length == 2 &&
parameterSections[0].Length > 0 &&
string.Equals("NuGetInteractive", parameterSections[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
string nuGetInteractiveValue = parameterSections[1].Trim('"', ' ');
if (!string.Equals("false", nuGetInteractiveValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return true;
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Insert the command executable path as the first element of the args array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string[] ConstructArrayArg(string[] args)
string[] newArgArray = new string[args.Length + 1];
newArgArray[0] = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath;
Array.Copy(args, 0, newArgArray, 1, args.Length);
return newArgArray;
/// <summary>
/// Append output file with elapsedTime
/// </summary>
/// <comments>
/// This is a non-supported feature to facilitate timing multiple runs
/// </comments>
private static void AppendOutputFile(string path, long elapsedTime)
if (!FileSystems.Default.FileExists(path))
using StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path);
using StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path);
/// <summary>
/// Dump process counters in parseable format.
/// These can't be gotten after the process ends, so log them here.
/// These are for the current process only: remote nodes are not counted.
/// </summary>
/// <comments>
/// Because some of these counters give bogus results or are poorly defined,
/// we only dump counters if an undocumented environment variable is set.
/// Also, the strings are not localized.
/// Before execution, this is called with initialize only, causing counters to get called with NextValue() to
/// initialize them.
/// </comments>
private static void DumpCounters(bool initializeOnly)
using Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
if (!initializeOnly)
Console.WriteLine("\n{0}{1}{0}", new string('=', 41 - ("Process".Length / 2)), "Process");
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak Working Set", currentProcess.PeakWorkingSet64, "bytes");
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak Paged Memory", currentProcess.PeakPagedMemorySize64, "bytes"); // Not very useful one
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak Virtual Memory", currentProcess.PeakVirtualMemorySize64, "bytes"); // Not very useful one
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak Privileged Processor Time", currentProcess.PrivilegedProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds, "ms");
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak User Processor Time", currentProcess.UserProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds, "ms");
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1,20:N0}|{2,8}|", "Peak Total Processor Time", currentProcess.TotalProcessorTime.TotalMilliseconds, "ms");
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}", new string('=', 41));
// Now some Windows performance counters
// First get the instance name of this process, in order to look them up.
// Generally, the instance names, such as "msbuild" and "msbuild#2" are non deterministic; we want this process.
// Don't use the "ID Process" counter out of the "Process" category, as it doesn't use the same naming scheme
// as the .NET counters. However, the "Process ID" counter out of the ".NET CLR Memory" category apparently uses
// the same scheme as the other .NET categories.
string currentInstance = null;
PerformanceCounterCategory processCategory = new PerformanceCounterCategory("Process");
foreach (string instance in processCategory.GetInstanceNames())
using PerformanceCounter counter = new PerformanceCounter(".NET CLR Memory", "Process ID", instance, true);
if ((int)counter.RawValue == EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId)
currentInstance = instance;
catch (InvalidOperationException) // Instance 'WmiApSrv' does not exist in the specified Category. (??)
foreach (PerformanceCounterCategory category in PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories())
DumpAllInCategory(currentInstance, category, initializeOnly);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps all counters in the category
/// </summary>
private static void DumpAllInCategory(string currentInstance, PerformanceCounterCategory category, bool initializeOnly)
if (category.CategoryName.IndexOf("remoting", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1) // not interesting
PerformanceCounter[] counters;
counters = category.GetCounters(currentInstance);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// This is a system-wide category, ignore those
if (!initializeOnly)
Console.WriteLine("\n{0}{1}{0}", new string('=', 41 - (category.CategoryName.Length / 2)), category.CategoryName);
foreach (PerformanceCounter counter in counters)
DumpCounter(counter, initializeOnly);
if (!initializeOnly)
Console.WriteLine("{0}{0}", new string('=', 41));
/// <summary>
/// Dumps one counter
/// </summary>
private static void DumpCounter(PerformanceCounter counter, bool initializeOnly)
if (counter.CounterName.IndexOf("not displayed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
float value = counter.NextValue();
if (!initializeOnly)
string friendlyCounterType = GetFriendlyCounterType(counter.CounterType, counter.CounterName);
// At least some (such as % in GC; maybe all) "%" counters are already multiplied by 100. So we don't do that here.
// Show decimal places if meaningful
string valueFormat = value < 10 ? "{0,20:N2}" : "{0,20:N0}";
string valueString = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, valueFormat, value);
Console.WriteLine("||{0,50}|{1}|{2,8}|", counter.CounterName, valueString, friendlyCounterType);
catch (InvalidOperationException) // Instance 'WmiApSrv' does not exist in the specified Category. (??)
/// <summary>
/// Gets a friendly representation of the counter units
/// </summary>
private static string GetFriendlyCounterType(PerformanceCounterType type, string name)
if (name.IndexOf("bytes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
return "bytes";
if (name.IndexOf("threads", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
return "threads";
switch (type)
case PerformanceCounterType.ElapsedTime:
case PerformanceCounterType.AverageTimer32:
return "s";
case PerformanceCounterType.Timer100Ns:
case PerformanceCounterType.Timer100NsInverse:
return "100ns";
case PerformanceCounterType.SampleCounter:
case PerformanceCounterType.AverageCount64:
case PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems32:
case PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64:
case PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX32:
case PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItemsHEX64:
case PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond32:
case PerformanceCounterType.RateOfCountsPerSecond64:
case PerformanceCounterType.CountPerTimeInterval32:
case PerformanceCounterType.CountPerTimeInterval64:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterTimer:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterTimerInverse:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimerInverse:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta32:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterDelta64:
return "#";
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer100Ns:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse:
case PerformanceCounterType.RawFraction:
case PerformanceCounterType.SampleFraction:
return "%";
case PerformanceCounterType.AverageBase:
case PerformanceCounterType.RawBase:
case PerformanceCounterType.SampleBase:
case PerformanceCounterType.CounterMultiBase:
return "?";
/// <summary>
/// Launch debugger if it's requested by environment variable "MSBUILDDEBUGONSTART".
/// </summary>
private static void DebuggerLaunchCheck()
if (Debugger.IsAttached)
switch (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDEBUGONSTART"))
case "1":
case "2":
// Sometimes easier to attach rather than deal with JIT prompt
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for debugger to attach ({EnvironmentUtilities.ProcessPath} PID {EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId}). Press enter to continue...");
/// <summary>
/// Orchestrates the execution of the application, and is also responsible
/// for top-level error handling.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandLine">The command line to process. The first argument
/// on the command line is assumed to be the name/path of the executable, and
/// is ignored.</param>
/// <returns>A value of type ExitType that indicates whether the build succeeded,
/// or the manner in which it failed.</returns>
public static ExitType Execute(
string commandLine)
string[] commandLine)
// Initialize new build telemetry and record start of this build, if not initialized already
KnownTelemetry.PartialBuildTelemetry ??= new BuildTelemetry { StartAt = DateTime.UtcNow };
// Indicate to the engine that it can toss extraneous file content
// when it loads microsoft.*.targets. We can't do this in the general case,
// because tasks in the build can (and occasionally do) load MSBuild format files
// with our OM and modify and save them. They'll never do this for Microsoft.*.targets, though,
// and those form the great majority of our unnecessary memory use.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBuildLoadMicrosoftTargetsReadOnly", "true");
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += ExceptionHandling.UnhandledExceptionHandler;
ExitType exitType = ExitType.Success;
ConsoleCancelEventHandler cancelHandler = Console_CancelKeyPress;
TextWriter preprocessWriter = null;
TextWriter targetsWriter = null;
if (MSBuildEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
MSBuildEventSource.Log.MSBuildExeStart(string.Join(" ", commandLine));
Console.CancelKeyPress += cancelHandler;
// check the operating system the code is running on
// reset the application state for this new build
// process the detected command line switches -- gather build information, take action on non-build switches, and
// check for non-trivial errors
string projectFile = null;
string[] targets = [];
string toolsVersion = null;
Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties = null;
Dictionary<string, string> restoreProperties = null;
ILogger[] loggers = Array.Empty<ILogger>();
LoggerVerbosity verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal;
LoggerVerbosity originalVerbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal;
List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords = null;
bool needToValidateProject = false;
string schemaFile = null;
int cpuCount = 1;
bool enableNodeReuse = true;
bool enableNodeReuse = false;
bool detailedSummary = false;
ISet<string> warningsAsErrors = null;
ISet<string> warningsNotAsErrors = null;
ISet<string> warningsAsMessages = null;
bool enableRestore = Traits.Instance.EnableRestoreFirst;
ProfilerLogger profilerLogger = null;
bool enableProfiler = false;
bool interactive = false;
ProjectIsolationMode isolateProjects = ProjectIsolationMode.False;
GraphBuildOptions graphBuildOptions = null;
bool lowPriority = false;
string[] inputResultsCaches = null;
string outputResultsCache = null;
bool question = false;
bool isBuildCheckEnabled = false;
string[] getProperty = [];
string[] getItem = [];
string[] getTargetResult = [];
string getResultOutputFile = string.Empty;
BuildResult result = null;
bool reportFileAccesses = false;
GatherAllSwitches(commandLine, out var switchesFromAutoResponseFile, out var switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, out _);
bool buildCanBeInvoked = ProcessCommandLineSwitches(
ref projectFile,
ref targets,
ref toolsVersion,
ref globalProperties,
ref loggers,
ref verbosity,
ref originalVerbosity,
ref distributedLoggerRecords,
ref needToValidateProject,
ref schemaFile,
ref cpuCount,
ref enableNodeReuse,
ref preprocessWriter,
ref targetsWriter,
ref detailedSummary,
ref warningsAsErrors,
ref warningsNotAsErrors,
ref warningsAsMessages,
ref enableRestore,
ref interactive,
ref profilerLogger,
ref enableProfiler,
ref restoreProperties,
ref isolateProjects,
ref graphBuildOptions,
ref inputResultsCaches,
ref outputResultsCache,
ref reportFileAccesses,
ref lowPriority,
ref question,
ref isBuildCheckEnabled,
ref getProperty,
ref getItem,
ref getTargetResult,
ref getResultOutputFile,
recursing: false,
string.Join(' ', commandLine));
CommandLineSwitches.SwitchesFromResponseFiles = null;
if (buildCanBeInvoked)
// Unfortunately /m isn't the default, and we are not yet brave enough to make it the default.
// However we want to give a hint to anyone who is building single proc without realizing it that there
// is a better way.
// Only display the message if /m isn't provided
if (cpuCount == 1 && FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(projectFile) && verbosity > LoggerVerbosity.Minimal
&& switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.MaxCPUCount].Length == 0
&& switchesFromAutoResponseFile[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.MaxCPUCount].Length == 0
&& preprocessWriter != null
&& targetsWriter != null)
if (preprocessWriter != null && !BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.RunningTests)
// Indicate to the engine that it can NOT toss extraneous file content: we want to
// see that in preprocessing/debugging
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDLOADALLFILESASWRITEABLE", "1");
DateTime t1 = DateTime.Now;
bool outputPropertiesItemsOrTargetResults = getProperty.Length > 0 || getItem.Length > 0 || getTargetResult.Length > 0;
// If the primary file passed to MSBuild is a .binlog file, play it back into passed loggers
// as if a build is happening
if (FileUtilities.IsBinaryLogFilename(projectFile))
ReplayBinaryLog(projectFile, loggers, distributedLoggerRecords, cpuCount, isBuildCheckEnabled);
else if (outputPropertiesItemsOrTargetResults && FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(projectFile))
exitType = ExitType.BuildError;
getProperty.Length > 0 ? "getProperty" :
getItem.Length > 0 ? "getItem" :
else if ((getProperty.Length > 0 || getItem.Length > 0) && (targets is null || targets.Length == 0))
using (ProjectCollection collection = new(globalProperties, loggers, ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Default))
// globalProperties collection contains values only from CommandLine at this stage populated by ProcessCommandLineSwitches
collection.PropertiesFromCommandLine = [.. globalProperties.Keys];
Project project = collection.LoadProject(projectFile, globalProperties, toolsVersion);
if (getResultOutputFile.Length == 0)
exitType = OutputPropertiesAfterEvaluation(getProperty, getItem, project, Console.Out);
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(getResultOutputFile))
exitType = OutputPropertiesAfterEvaluation(getProperty, getItem, project, streamWriter);
collection.LogBuildFinishedEvent(exitType == ExitType.Success);
catch (InvalidProjectFileException)
exitType = ExitType.BuildError;
else // regular build
// if everything checks out, and sufficient information is available to start building
if (
needToValidateProject, schemaFile,
saveProjectResult: outputPropertiesItemsOrTargetResults,
ref result,
exitType = ExitType.BuildError;
} // end of build
DateTime t2 = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan elapsedTime = t2.Subtract(t1);
string timerOutputFilename = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDTIMEROUTPUTS");
if (outputPropertiesItemsOrTargetResults && targets?.Length > 0 && result is not null)
if (getResultOutputFile.Length == 0)
exitType = OutputBuildInformationInJson(result, getProperty, getItem, getTargetResult, loggers, exitType, Console.Out);
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(getResultOutputFile))
exitType = OutputBuildInformationInJson(result, getProperty, getItem, getTargetResult, loggers, exitType, streamWriter);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(timerOutputFilename))
AppendOutputFile(timerOutputFilename, (long)elapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds);
// if there was no need to start the build e.g. because /help was triggered
// do nothing
* WARNING: Do NOT add any more catch blocks below! Exceptions should be caught as close to their point of origin as
* possible, and converted into one of the known exceptions. The code that causes an exception best understands the
* reason for the exception, and only that code can provide the proper error message. We do NOT want to display
* messages from unknown exceptions, because those messages are most likely neither localized, nor composed in the
* canonical form with the correct prefix.
// handle switch errors
catch (CommandLineSwitchException e)
// prompt user to display help for proper switch usage
exitType = ExitType.SwitchError;
// handle configuration exceptions: problems reading toolset information from msbuild.exe.config or the registry
catch (InvalidToolsetDefinitionException e)
// Brief prefix to indicate that it's a configuration failure, and provide the "error" indication
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("ConfigurationFailurePrefixNoErrorCode", e.ErrorCode, e.Message));
exitType = ExitType.InitializationError;
// handle initialization failures
catch (InitializationException e)
exitType = ExitType.InitializationError;
// handle polite logger failures: don't dump the stack or trigger watson for these
catch (LoggerException e)
// display the localized message from the outer exception in canonical format
if (e.ErrorCode != null)
// Brief prefix to indicate that it's a logger failure, and provide the "error" indication
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("LoggerFailurePrefixNoErrorCode", e.ErrorCode, e.Message));
// Brief prefix to indicate that it's a logger failure, adding a generic error code to make sure
// there's something for the user to look up in the documentation
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("LoggerFailurePrefixWithErrorCode", e.Message));
if (e.InnerException != null)
// write out exception details -- don't bother triggering Watson, because most of these exceptions will be coming
// from buggy loggers written by users
exitType = ExitType.LoggerAbort;
// handle logger failures (logger bugs)
catch (InternalLoggerException e)
if (!e.InitializationException)
// display the localized message from the outer exception in canonical format
Console.WriteLine($"MSBUILD : error {e.ErrorCode}: {e.Message}");
Console.WriteLine("This is an unhandled exception from a logger -- PLEASE OPEN A BUG AGAINST THE LOGGER OWNER.");
// write out exception details -- don't bother triggering Watson, because most of these exceptions will be coming
// from buggy loggers written by users
exitType = ExitType.LoggerFailure;
$"MSBUILD : error {e.ErrorCode}: {e.Message}{(e.InnerException != null ? $" {e.InnerException.Message}" : "")}");
exitType = ExitType.InitializationError;
catch (ProjectCacheException e)
Console.WriteLine($"MSBUILD : error {e.ErrorCode}: {e.Message}");
if (!e.HasBeenLoggedByProjectCache && e.InnerException != null)
Console.WriteLine("This is an unhandled exception from a project cache -- PLEASE OPEN A BUG AGAINST THE PROJECT CACHE OWNER.");
if (e.InnerException is not null)
exitType = ExitType.ProjectCacheFailure;
catch (BuildAbortedException e)
$"MSBUILD : error {e.ErrorCode}: {e.Message}{(e.InnerException != null ? $" {e.InnerException.Message}" : string.Empty)}");
exitType = ExitType.Unexpected;
// handle fatal errors
catch (Exception e)
// display a generic localized message for the user
Console.WriteLine("{0}\r\n{1}", AssemblyResources.GetString("FatalError"), e.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild Engine -- PLEASE OPEN A BUG AGAINST THE MSBUILD TEAM.\r\n{0}", e.ToString());
// rethrow, in case Watson is enabled on the machine -- if not, the CLR will write out exception details
// allow the build lab to set an env var to avoid jamming the build
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDONOTLAUNCHDEBUGGER") != "1")
Console.CancelKeyPress -= cancelHandler;
// Wait for any pending cancel, so that we get any remaining messages
if (MSBuildEventSource.Log.IsEnabled())
MSBuildEventSource.Log.MSBuildExeStop(string.Join(" ", commandLine));
* WARNING: Do NOT add any more catch blocks above!
return exitType;
private static ExitType OutputPropertiesAfterEvaluation(string[] getProperty, string[] getItem, Project project, TextWriter outputStream)
// Special case if the user requests exactly one property: skip json formatting
if (getProperty.Length == 1 && getItem.Length == 0)
JsonOutputFormatter jsonOutputFormatter = new();
jsonOutputFormatter.AddPropertiesInJsonFormat(getProperty, property => project.GetPropertyValue(property));
jsonOutputFormatter.AddItemsInJsonFormat(getItem, project);
return ExitType.Success;
private static ExitType OutputBuildInformationInJson(BuildResult result, string[] getProperty, string[] getItem, string[] getTargetResult, ILogger[] loggers, ExitType exitType, TextWriter outputStream)
ProjectInstance builtProject = result.ProjectStateAfterBuild;
ILogger logger = loggers.FirstOrDefault(l => l is SimpleErrorLogger);
if (logger is not null)
exitType = exitType == ExitType.Success && (logger as SimpleErrorLogger).HasLoggedErrors ? ExitType.BuildError : exitType;
if (builtProject is null)
// Build failed; do not proceed
// Special case if the user requests exactly one property: skip the json formatting
else if (getProperty.Length == 1 && getItem.Length == 0 && getTargetResult.Length == 0)
JsonOutputFormatter jsonOutputFormatter = new();
jsonOutputFormatter.AddPropertiesInJsonFormat(getProperty, property => builtProject.GetPropertyValue(property));
jsonOutputFormatter.AddItemInstancesInJsonFormat(getItem, builtProject);
jsonOutputFormatter.AddTargetResultsInJsonFormat(getTargetResult, result);
return exitType;
/// <summary>
/// Handler for when CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK is called.
/// CTRL-BREAK means "die immediately"
/// CTRL-C means "try to stop work and exit cleanly"
/// </summary>
private static void Console_CancelKeyPress(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs e)
if (e.SpecialKey == ConsoleSpecialKey.ControlBreak)
Environment.Exit(1); // the process will now be terminated rudely
e.Cancel = true; // do not terminate rudely
if (s_buildCancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested)
// The OS takes a lock in
// kernel32.dll!_SetConsoleCtrlHandler, so if a task
// waits for that lock somehow before quitting, it would hang
// because we're in it here. One way a task can end up here is
// by calling Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.Initialize.
// So do our work asynchronously so we can return immediately.
// We're already on a threadpool thread anyway.
WaitCallback callback = delegate
// If the build is already complete, just exit.
if (s_buildComplete.WaitOne(0))
// If the build has already started (or already finished), we will cancel it
// If the build has not yet started, it will cancel itself, because
// we set alreadyCalled=1
bool hasBuildStarted;
lock (s_buildLock)
hasBuildStarted = s_hasBuildStarted;
if (hasBuildStarted)
s_cancelComplete.Set(); // This will release our main Execute method so we can finally exit.
// Server node shall terminate after it received CancelKey press.
if (s_isServerNode)
Environment.Exit(0); // the process can now be terminated as everything has already been gracefully cancelled.
ThreadPoolExtensions.QueueThreadPoolWorkItemWithCulture(callback, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
/// <summary>
/// Clears out any state accumulated from previous builds, and resets
/// member data in preparation for a new build.
/// </summary>
private static void ResetBuildState()
private static void ResetGatheringSwitchesState()
s_includedResponseFiles = new List<string>();
usingSwitchesFromAutoResponseFile = false;
CommandLineSwitches.SwitchesFromResponseFiles = new();
/// <summary>
/// The location of the application executable.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Initialized in the static constructor. See comment there.
/// </remarks>
private static readonly string s_exePath; // Do not initialize
/// <summary>
/// Name of the exe (presumably msbuild.exe)
/// </summary>
private static string s_exeName;
/// <summary>
/// Default name for the msbuild log file
/// </summary>
private const string msbuildLogFileName = "msbuild.log";
/// <summary>
/// List of messages to be sent to the logger when it is attached
/// </summary>
private static readonly List<BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage> s_globalMessagesToLogInBuildLoggers = new();
/// <summary>
/// The original console output mode if we changed it as part of initialization.
/// </summary>
private static uint? s_originalConsoleMode = null;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the build engine, and starts the project building.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true, if build succeeds</returns>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling", Justification = "Not going to refactor it right now")]
internal static bool BuildProject(
string projectFile,
string[] targets,
string toolsVersion,
Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
Dictionary<string, string> restoreProperties,
ILogger[] loggers,
LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
DistributedLoggerRecord[] distributedLoggerRecords,
bool needToValidateProject,
string schemaFile,
int cpuCount,
bool enableNodeReuse,
TextWriter preprocessWriter,
TextWriter targetsWriter,
bool detailedSummary,
ISet<string> warningsAsErrors,
ISet<string> warningsNotAsErrors,
ISet<string> warningsAsMessages,
bool enableRestore,
ProfilerLogger profilerLogger,
bool enableProfiler,
bool interactive,
ProjectIsolationMode isolateProjects,
GraphBuildOptions graphBuildOptions,
bool lowPriority,
bool question,
bool isBuildCheckEnabled,
string[] inputResultsCaches,
string outputResultsCache,
bool saveProjectResult,
ref BuildResult result,
bool reportFileAccesses,
string commandLine)
string[] commandLine)
if (FileUtilities.IsVCProjFilename(projectFile) || FileUtilities.IsDspFilename(projectFile))
InitializationException.Throw(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("XMake.ProjectUpgradeNeededToVcxProj", projectFile), null);
bool success = true;
ProjectCollection projectCollection = null;
bool onlyLogCriticalEvents = false;
List<ForwardingLoggerRecord> remoteLoggerRecords = new List<ForwardingLoggerRecord>();
foreach (DistributedLoggerRecord distRecord in distributedLoggerRecords)
remoteLoggerRecords.Add(new ForwardingLoggerRecord(distRecord.CentralLogger, distRecord.ForwardingLoggerDescription));
// Targeted perf optimization for the case where we only have our own parallel console logger, and verbosity is quiet. In such a case
// we know we won't emit any messages except for errors and warnings, so the engine should not bother even logging them.
// If we're using the original serial console logger we can't do this, as it shows project started/finished context
// around errors and warnings.
// Telling the engine to not bother logging non-critical messages means that typically it can avoid loading any resources in the successful
// build case.
if (loggers.Length == 1 &&
remoteLoggerRecords.Count == 0 &&
verbosity == LoggerVerbosity.Quiet &&
loggers[0].Parameters != null &&
loggers[0].Parameters.IndexOf("ENABLEMPLOGGING", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 &&
loggers[0].Parameters.IndexOf("DISABLEMPLOGGING", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1 &&
loggers[0].Parameters.IndexOf("V=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1 && // Console logger could have had a verbosity
loggers[0].Parameters.IndexOf("VERBOSITY=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1) // override with the /clp switch
// Must be exactly the console logger, not a derived type like the file logger.
Type t1 = loggers[0].GetType();
Type t2 = typeof(ConsoleLogger);
if (t1 == t2)
onlyLogCriticalEvents = true;
// HACK HACK: this enables task parameter logging.
// This is a hack for now to make sure the perf hit only happens
// on diagnostic. This should be changed to pipe it through properly,
// perhaps as part of a fuller tracing feature.
bool logTaskInputs = verbosity == LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic || isBuildCheckEnabled;
if (!logTaskInputs)
foreach (var logger in loggers)
if (logger.Parameters != null &&
(logger.Parameters.IndexOf("V=DIAG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 ||
logger.Parameters.IndexOf("VERBOSITY=DIAG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1))
logTaskInputs = true;
if (!logTaskInputs)
foreach (var logger in distributedLoggerRecords)
if (logger.CentralLogger?.Parameters != null &&
(logger.CentralLogger.Parameters.IndexOf("V=DIAG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1 ||
logger.CentralLogger.Parameters.IndexOf("VERBOSITY=DIAG", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1))
logTaskInputs = true;
ToolsetDefinitionLocations toolsetDefinitionLocations = ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Default;
bool isPreprocess = preprocessWriter != null;
bool isTargets = targetsWriter != null;
projectCollection = new ProjectCollection(
loadProjectsReadOnly: !isPreprocess,
useAsynchronousLogging: true,
reuseProjectRootElementCache: s_isServerNode);
// globalProperties collection contains values only from CommandLine at this stage populated by ProcessCommandLineSwitches
projectCollection.PropertiesFromCommandLine = [.. globalProperties.Keys];
if (toolsVersion != null && !projectCollection.ContainsToolset(toolsVersion))
ThrowInvalidToolsVersionInitializationException(projectCollection.Toolsets, toolsVersion);
bool isSolution = FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(projectFile);
// If the user has requested that the schema be validated, do that here.
if (needToValidateProject && !isSolution)
Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Project project = projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFile, globalProperties, toolsVersion);
Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.Toolset toolset = projectCollection.GetToolset(toolsVersion ?? project.ToolsVersion);
if (toolset == null)
ThrowInvalidToolsVersionInitializationException(projectCollection.Toolsets, project.ToolsVersion);
ProjectSchemaValidationHandler.VerifyProjectSchema(projectFile, schemaFile, toolset.ToolsPath);
// If there are schema validation errors, an InitializationException is thrown, so if we get here,
// we can safely assume that the project successfully validated.
if (isPreprocess)
success = false;
// TODO: Support /preprocess for solution files. https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/7697
if (isSolution)
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.GetResourceString("UnsupportedSwitchForSolutionFiles"), CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Preprocess);
Project project = projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFile, globalProperties, toolsVersion);
success = true;
if (isTargets && success)
success = false;
// TODO: Support /targets for solution files. https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/7697
if (isSolution)
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.GetResourceString("UnsupportedSwitchForSolutionFiles"), CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Targets);
success = PrintTargets(projectFile, toolsVersion, globalProperties, targetsWriter, projectCollection);
if (!isPreprocess && !isTargets)
success = false;
BuildParameters parameters = new BuildParameters(projectCollection);
// By default we log synchronously to the console for compatibility with previous versions,
// but it is slightly slower
if (!string.Equals(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDLOGASYNC"), "1", StringComparison.Ordinal))
parameters.UseSynchronousLogging = true;
parameters.EnableNodeReuse = enableNodeReuse;
parameters.LowPriority = lowPriority;
parameters.NodeExeLocation = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
parameters.NodeExeLocation = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath;
parameters.MaxNodeCount = cpuCount;
parameters.Loggers = projectCollection.Loggers;
parameters.ForwardingLoggers = remoteLoggerRecords;
parameters.ToolsetDefinitionLocations = Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ToolsetDefinitionLocations.ConfigurationFile | Microsoft.Build.Evaluation.ToolsetDefinitionLocations.Registry;
parameters.DetailedSummary = detailedSummary;
parameters.LogTaskInputs = logTaskInputs;
parameters.WarningsAsErrors = warningsAsErrors;
parameters.WarningsNotAsErrors = warningsNotAsErrors;
parameters.WarningsAsMessages = warningsAsMessages;
parameters.Interactive = interactive;
parameters.ProjectIsolationMode = isolateProjects;
parameters.InputResultsCacheFiles = inputResultsCaches;
parameters.OutputResultsCacheFile = outputResultsCache;
parameters.Question = question;
parameters.IsBuildCheckEnabled = isBuildCheckEnabled;
parameters.ReportFileAccesses = reportFileAccesses;
// Propagate the profiler flag into the project load settings so the evaluator
// can pick it up
if (profilerLogger != null || enableProfiler)
parameters.ProjectLoadSettings |= ProjectLoadSettings.ProfileEvaluation;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolsVersion))
parameters.DefaultToolsVersion = toolsVersion;
string memoryUseLimit = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDMEMORYUSELIMIT");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(memoryUseLimit))
parameters.MemoryUseLimit = Convert.ToInt32(memoryUseLimit, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// The following ensures that when we divide the use by node count to get the per-limit amount, we always end up with a
// positive value - otherwise setting it too low will result in a zero, which will enable only the default cache behavior
// which is not what is intended by using this environment variable.
if (parameters.MemoryUseLimit < parameters.MaxNodeCount)
parameters.MemoryUseLimit = parameters.MaxNodeCount;
List<BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage> messagesToLogInBuildLoggers = new();
BuildManager buildManager = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager;
result = null;
GraphBuildResult graphResult = null;
if (!Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.DoNotSendDeferredMessagesToBuildManager)
var commandLineString =
string.Join(" ", commandLine);
// Log a message for every response file and include it in log
foreach (var responseFilePath in s_includedResponseFiles)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
buildManager.BeginBuild(parameters, messagesToLogInBuildLoggers);
Exception exception = null;
// Determine if the user specified /Target:Restore which means we should only execute a restore in the fancy way that /restore is executed
bool restoreOnly = targets.Length == 1 && string.Equals(targets[0], MSBuildConstants.RestoreTargetName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// ExecuteRestore below changes the current working directory and does not change back. Therefore, if we try to create the request after
// the restore call we end up with incorrectly normalized paths to the project. To avoid that, we are preparing the request before the first
// build (restore) request.
// PS: We couldn't find a straight forward way to make the restore invocation clean up after itself, so we should this ugly but less risky
// approach.
GraphBuildRequestData graphBuildRequest = null;
BuildRequestData buildRequest = null;
if (!restoreOnly)
// By default, the project state is thrown out after a build. The ProvideProjectStateAfterBuild flag adds the project state after build
// to the BuildResult passed back at the end of the build. This can then be used to find the value of properties, items, etc. after the
// build is complete.
BuildRequestDataFlags flags = BuildRequestDataFlags.None;
if (saveProjectResult)
flags |= BuildRequestDataFlags.ProvideProjectStateAfterBuild;
if (graphBuildOptions != null)
graphBuildRequest = new GraphBuildRequestData([new ProjectGraphEntryPoint(projectFile, globalProperties)], targets, null, flags, graphBuildOptions);
buildRequest = new BuildRequestData(projectFile, globalProperties, toolsVersion, targets, null, flags);
if (enableRestore || restoreOnly)
result = ExecuteRestore(projectFile, toolsVersion, buildManager, restoreProperties.Count > 0 ? restoreProperties : globalProperties, saveProjectResult: saveProjectResult);
if (result.OverallResult != BuildResultCode.Success)
return false;
success = result.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Success;
if (!restoreOnly)
if (graphBuildOptions != null)
graphResult = ExecuteGraphBuild(buildManager, graphBuildRequest);
if (saveProjectResult)
ProjectGraphEntryPoint entryPoint = graphBuildRequest.ProjectGraphEntryPoints.Single();
if (!entryPoint.GlobalProperties.ContainsKey(PropertyNames.IsGraphBuild))
entryPoint.GlobalProperties[PropertyNames.IsGraphBuild] = "true";
result = graphResult.ResultsByNode.Single(
nodeResultKvp =>
nodeResultKvp.Key.ProjectInstance.FullPath.Equals(entryPoint.ProjectFile) &&
nodeResultKvp.Key.ProjectInstance.GlobalProperties.Count == entryPoint.GlobalProperties.Count &&
nodeResultKvp.Key.ProjectInstance.GlobalProperties.All(propertyKvp => entryPoint.GlobalProperties.TryGetValue(propertyKvp.Key, out string entryValue) &&
success = graphResult.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Success;
result = ExecuteBuild(buildManager, buildRequest);
success = result.OverallResult == BuildResultCode.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
success = false;
if (exception != null)
success = false;
// InvalidProjectFileExceptions and its aggregates have already been logged.
if (exception is not InvalidProjectFileException
&& !(exception is AggregateException aggregateException && aggregateException.InnerExceptions.All(innerException => innerException is InvalidProjectFileException))
&& exception is not CircularDependencyException)
if (exception is LoggerException or InternalLoggerException or ProjectCacheException)
// We will rethrow these so the outer exception handler can catch them, but we don't
// want to log the outer exception stack here.
throw exception;
if (exception is BuildAbortedException)
// this is not a bug and should not dump stack. It will already have been logged
// appropriately, there is no need to take any further action with it.
// After throwing again below the stack will be reset. Make certain we log everything we
// can now
Console.WriteLine("This is an unhandled exception in MSBuild -- PLEASE OPEN A BUG AGAINST THE MSBUILD TEAM.");
throw exception;
// handle project file errors
catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
// just eat the exception because it has already been logged
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(ex.HasBeenLogged, "Should have been logged");
success = false;
// Build manager shall be reused for all build sessions.
// If, for one reason or another, this behavior needs to change in future
// please be aware that current code creates and keep running InProcNode even
// when its owning default build manager is disposed resulting in leek of memory and threads.
if (!s_isServerNode)
return success;
private static bool PrintTargets(string projectFile, string toolsVersion, Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties, TextWriter targetsWriter, ProjectCollection projectCollection)
Project project = projectCollection.LoadProject(projectFile, globalProperties, toolsVersion);
foreach (string target in project.Targets.Keys)
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
var message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("TargetsCouldNotBePrinted", ex);
return false;
private static List<BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage> GetMessagesToLogInBuildLoggers(string commandLineString)
List<BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage> messages = new(s_globalMessagesToLogInBuildLoggers)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
EnvironmentUtilities.ProcessPath ?? string.Empty),
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
NativeMethodsShared.LongPathsStatus longPaths = NativeMethodsShared.IsLongPathsEnabled();
if (longPaths != NativeMethodsShared.LongPathsStatus.NotApplicable)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
"LongPaths_" + longPaths.ToString())),
NativeMethodsShared.SAC_State SAC_State = NativeMethodsShared.GetSACState();
if (SAC_State != NativeMethodsShared.SAC_State.NotApplicable && SAC_State != NativeMethodsShared.SAC_State.Missing)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
"SAC_" + SAC_State.ToString())),
if (Traits.Instance.DebugEngine)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(
return messages;
private static BuildResult ExecuteBuild(BuildManager buildManager, BuildRequestData request)
BuildSubmission submission;
lock (s_buildLock)
submission = buildManager.PendBuildRequest(request);
s_hasBuildStarted = true;
// Even if Ctrl-C was already hit, we still pend the build request and then cancel.
// That's so the build does not appear to have completed successfully.
if (s_buildCancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested)
return submission.Execute();
private static GraphBuildResult ExecuteGraphBuild(BuildManager buildManager, GraphBuildRequestData request)
GraphBuildSubmission submission;
lock (s_buildLock)
submission = buildManager.PendBuildRequest(request);
s_hasBuildStarted = true;
// Even if Ctrl-C was already hit, we still pend the build request and then cancel.
// That's so the build does not appear to have completed successfully.
if (s_buildCancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested)
return submission.Execute();
private static BuildResult ExecuteRestore(string projectFile, string toolsVersion, BuildManager buildManager, Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties, bool saveProjectResult = false)
// Make a copy of the global properties
Dictionary<string, string> restoreGlobalProperties = new Dictionary<string, string>(globalProperties);
// Add/set a property with a random value to ensure that restore happens under a different evaluation context
// If the evaluation context is not different, then projects won't be re-evaluated after restore
// The initializer syntax can't be used just in case a user set this property to a value
restoreGlobalProperties[MSBuildConstants.MSBuildRestoreSessionId] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");
// Add a property to indicate that a Restore is executing
restoreGlobalProperties[MSBuildConstants.MSBuildIsRestoring] = bool.TrueString;
// Create a new request with a Restore target only and specify:
// - BuildRequestDataFlags.ClearCachesAfterBuild to ensure the projects will be reloaded from disk for subsequent builds
// - BuildRequestDataFlags.SkipNonexistentTargets to ignore missing targets since Restore does not require that all targets exist
// - BuildRequestDataFlags.IgnoreMissingEmptyAndInvalidImports to ignore imports that don't exist, are empty, or are invalid because restore might
// make available an import that doesn't exist yet and the <Import /> might be missing a condition.
// - BuildRequestDataFlags.FailOnUnresolvedSdk to still fail in the case when an MSBuild project SDK can't be resolved since this is fatal and should
// fail the build.
BuildRequestDataFlags flags = BuildRequestDataFlags.ClearCachesAfterBuild | BuildRequestDataFlags.SkipNonexistentTargets | BuildRequestDataFlags.IgnoreMissingEmptyAndInvalidImports | BuildRequestDataFlags.FailOnUnresolvedSdk;
if (saveProjectResult)
flags |= BuildRequestDataFlags.ProvideProjectStateAfterBuild;
BuildRequestData restoreRequest = new BuildRequestData(
targetsToBuild: [MSBuildConstants.RestoreTargetName],
hostServices: null,
flags: flags);
return ExecuteBuild(buildManager, restoreRequest);
/// <summary>
/// Verifies that the code is running on a supported operating system.
/// </summary>
private static void VerifyThrowSupportedOS()
if (NativeMethodsShared.IsWindows &&
(Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Win32NT ||
Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 6 ||
(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 6 && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor < 1))) // Windows 7 is minimum
// If we're running on any of the unsupported OS's, fail immediately. This way,
// we don't run into some obscure error down the line, totally confusing the user.
InitializationException.Throw("UnsupportedOS", null, null, false);
/// <summary>
/// MSBuild.exe need to fallback to English if it cannot print Japanese (or other language) characters
/// </summary>
internal static void SetConsoleUI()
Thread thisThread = Thread.CurrentThread;
// Eliminate the complex script cultures from the language selection.
var desiredCulture = EncodingUtilities.GetExternalOverriddenUILanguageIfSupportableWithEncoding() ?? CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.GetConsoleFallbackUICulture();
thisThread.CurrentUICulture = desiredCulture;
// For full framework, both the above and below must be set. This is not true in core, but it is a no op in core.
// https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/api/system.globalization.cultureinfo.defaultthreadcurrentculture#remarks
CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = desiredCulture;
CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture = desiredCulture;
if (EncodingUtilities.CurrentPlatformIsWindowsAndOfficiallySupportsUTF8Encoding())
if (EncodingUtilities.CurrentPlatformIsWindowsAndOfficiallySupportsUTF8Encoding()
&& !CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName.Equals("en", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
// Setting both encodings causes a change in the CHCP, making it so we don't need to P-Invoke CHCP ourselves.
Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
// If the InputEncoding is not set, the encoding will work in CMD but not in PowerShell, as the raw CHCP page won't be changed.
Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is IOException || ex is SecurityException)
// The encoding is unavailable. Do nothing.
// Determine if the language can be displayed in the current console codepage, otherwise set to US English
int codepage;
codepage = Console.OutputEncoding.CodePage;
catch (NotSupportedException)
// Failed to get code page: some customers have hit this and we don't know why
thisThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
if (
codepage != 65001 // 65001 is Unicode
codepage != thisThread.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage
codepage != thisThread.CurrentUICulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage
&& !Equals(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, thisThread.CurrentUICulture))
thisThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
// https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10785#issuecomment-238940601
// by default, .NET Core doesn't have all code pages needed for Console apps.
// see the .NET Core Notes in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.diagnostics.process(v=vs.110).aspx
/// <summary>
/// Gets all specified switches, from the command line, as well as all
/// response files, including the auto-response file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandLine"></param>
/// <param name="switchesFromAutoResponseFile"></param>
/// <param name="switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile"></param>
/// <param name="fullCommandLine"></param>
/// <returns>Combined bag of switches.</returns>
private static void GatherAllSwitches(
string commandLine,
string[] commandLine,
out CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile, out CommandLineSwitches switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, out string fullCommandLine)
// split the command line on (unquoted) whitespace
var commandLineArgs = QuotingUtilities.SplitUnquoted(commandLine);
s_exeName = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(QuotingUtilities.Unquote(commandLineArgs[0]));
var commandLineArgs = new List<string>(commandLine);
s_exeName = BuildEnvironmentHelper.Instance.CurrentMSBuildExePath;
var msbuildExtn = ".dll";
var msbuildExtn = ".exe";
if (!s_exeName.EndsWith(msbuildExtn, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
s_exeName += msbuildExtn;
// discard the first piece, because that's the path to the executable -- the rest are args
fullCommandLine = $"'{commandLine}'";
fullCommandLine = $"'{string.Join(' ', commandLine)}'";
// parse the command line, and flag syntax errors and obvious switch errors
switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile = new CommandLineSwitches();
GatherCommandLineSwitches(commandLineArgs, switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, fullCommandLine);
// parse the auto-response file (if "/noautoresponse" is not specified), and combine those switches with the
// switches on the command line
switchesFromAutoResponseFile = new CommandLineSwitches();
if (!switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.NoAutoResponse])
GatherAutoResponseFileSwitches(s_exePath, switchesFromAutoResponseFile, fullCommandLine);
/// <summary>
/// Coordinates the parsing of the command line. It detects switches on the command line, gathers their parameters, and
/// flags syntax errors, and other obvious switch errors.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Internal for unit testing only.
/// </remarks>
internal static void GatherCommandLineSwitches(List<string> commandLineArgs, CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, string commandLine = "")
foreach (string commandLineArg in commandLineArgs)
string unquotedCommandLineArg = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(commandLineArg, out var doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg);
if (unquotedCommandLineArg.Length > 0)
// response file switch starts with @
if (unquotedCommandLineArg.StartsWith("@", StringComparison.Ordinal))
GatherResponseFileSwitch(unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLineSwitches, commandLine);
string switchName;
string switchParameters;
// all switches should start with - or / or -- unless a project is being specified
if (!ValidateSwitchIndicatorInUnquotedArgument(unquotedCommandLineArg) || FileUtilities.LooksLikeUnixFilePath(unquotedCommandLineArg))
switchName = null;
// add a (fake) parameter indicator for later parsing
switchParameters = $":{commandLineArg}";
// check if switch has parameters (look for the : parameter indicator)
int switchParameterIndicator = unquotedCommandLineArg.IndexOf(':');
// get the length of the beginning sequence considered as a switch indicator (- or / or --)
int switchIndicatorsLength = GetLengthOfSwitchIndicator(unquotedCommandLineArg);
// extract the switch name and parameters -- the name is sandwiched between the switch indicator (the
// leading - or / or --) and the parameter indicator (if the switch has parameters); the parameters (if any)
// follow the parameter indicator
if (switchParameterIndicator == -1)
switchName = unquotedCommandLineArg.Substring(switchIndicatorsLength);
switchParameters = string.Empty;
switchName = unquotedCommandLineArg.Substring(switchIndicatorsLength, switchParameterIndicator - switchIndicatorsLength);
switchParameters = ExtractSwitchParameters(commandLineArg, unquotedCommandLineArg, doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg, switchName, switchParameterIndicator, switchIndicatorsLength);
// Special case: for the switches "/m" (or "/maxCpuCount") and "/bl" (or "/binarylogger") we wish to pretend we saw a default argument
// This allows a subsequent /m:n on the command line to override it.
// We could create a new kind of switch with optional parameters, but it's a great deal of churn for this single case.
// Note that if no "/m" or "/maxCpuCount" switch -- either with or without parameters -- is present, then we still default to 1 cpu
// for backwards compatibility.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(switchParameters))
if (string.Equals(switchName, "m", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(switchName, "maxcpucount", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
int numberOfCpus = NativeMethodsShared.GetLogicalCoreCount();
switchParameters = $":{numberOfCpus}";
else if (string.Equals(switchName, "bl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(switchName, "binarylogger", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// we have to specify at least one parameter otherwise it's impossible to distinguish the situation
// where /bl is not specified at all vs. where /bl is specified without the file name.
switchParameters = ":msbuild.binlog";
else if (string.Equals(switchName, "prof", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(switchName, "profileevaluation", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
switchParameters = ":no-file";
if (CommandLineSwitches.IsParameterlessSwitch(switchName, out var parameterlessSwitch, out var duplicateSwitchErrorMessage))
GatherParameterlessCommandLineSwitch(commandLineSwitches, parameterlessSwitch, switchParameters, duplicateSwitchErrorMessage, unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
else if (CommandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitch(switchName, out var parameterizedSwitch, out duplicateSwitchErrorMessage, out var multipleParametersAllowed, out var missingParametersErrorMessage, out var unquoteParameters, out var allowEmptyParameters))
GatherParameterizedCommandLineSwitch(commandLineSwitches, parameterizedSwitch, switchParameters, duplicateSwitchErrorMessage, multipleParametersAllowed, missingParametersErrorMessage, unquoteParameters, unquotedCommandLineArg, allowEmptyParameters, commandLine);
commandLineSwitches.SetUnknownSwitchError(unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
/// <summary>
/// Extracts a switch's parameters after processing all quoting around the switch.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is marked "internal" for unit-testing purposes only -- ideally it should be "private".
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="commandLineArg"></param>
/// <param name="unquotedCommandLineArg"></param>
/// <param name="doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg"></param>
/// <param name="switchName"></param>
/// <param name="switchParameterIndicator"></param>
/// <param name="switchIndicatorsLength"></param>
/// <returns>The given switch's parameters (with interesting quoting preserved).</returns>
internal static string ExtractSwitchParameters(
string commandLineArg,
string unquotedCommandLineArg,
int doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg,
string switchName,
int switchParameterIndicator,
int switchIndicatorsLength)
// find the parameter indicator again using the quoted arg
// NOTE: since the parameter indicator cannot be part of a switch name, quoting around it is not relevant, because a
// parameter indicator cannot be escaped or made into a literal
int quotedSwitchParameterIndicator = commandLineArg.IndexOf(':');
// check if there is any quoting in the name portion of the switch
string unquotedSwitchIndicatorAndName = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(commandLineArg.Substring(0, quotedSwitchParameterIndicator), out var doubleQuotesRemovedFromSwitchIndicatorAndName);
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(switchName == unquotedSwitchIndicatorAndName.Substring(switchIndicatorsLength),
"The switch name extracted from either the partially or completely unquoted arg should be the same.");
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg >= doubleQuotesRemovedFromSwitchIndicatorAndName,
"The name portion of the switch cannot contain more quoting than the arg itself.");
string switchParameters;
// if quoting in the name portion of the switch was terminated
if ((doubleQuotesRemovedFromSwitchIndicatorAndName % 2) == 0)
// get the parameters exactly as specified on the command line i.e. including quoting
switchParameters = commandLineArg.Substring(quotedSwitchParameterIndicator);
// if quoting was not terminated in the name portion of the switch, and the terminal double-quote (if any)
// terminates the switch parameters
int terminalDoubleQuote = commandLineArg.IndexOf('"', quotedSwitchParameterIndicator + 1);
if (((doubleQuotesRemovedFromArg - doubleQuotesRemovedFromSwitchIndicatorAndName) <= 1) &&
((terminalDoubleQuote == -1) || (terminalDoubleQuote == (commandLineArg.Length - 1))))
// then the parameters are not quoted in any interesting way, so use the unquoted parameters
switchParameters = unquotedCommandLineArg.Substring(switchParameterIndicator);
// otherwise, use the quoted parameters, after compensating for the quoting that was started in the name
// portion of the switch
switchParameters = $":\"{commandLineArg.Substring(quotedSwitchParameterIndicator + 1)}";
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(switchParameters != null, "We must be able to extract the switch parameters.");
return switchParameters;
/// <summary>
/// Used to keep track of response files to prevent them from
/// being included multiple times (or even recursively).
/// </summary>
private static List<string> s_includedResponseFiles;
/// <summary>
/// Called when a response file switch is detected on the command line. It loads the specified response file, and parses
/// each line in it like a command line. It also prevents multiple (or recursive) inclusions of the same response file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unquotedCommandLineArg"></param>
/// <param name="commandLineSwitches"></param>
private static void GatherResponseFileSwitch(string unquotedCommandLineArg, CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, string commandLine)
string responseFile = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(unquotedCommandLineArg.Substring(1));
if (responseFile.Length == 0)
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError("MissingResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
else if (!FileSystems.Default.FileExists(responseFile))
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("ResponseFileNotFoundError", unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
// normalize the response file path to help catch multiple (or recursive) inclusions
responseFile = Path.GetFullPath(responseFile);
// NOTE: for network paths or mapped paths, normalization is not guaranteed to work
bool isRepeatedResponseFile = false;
foreach (string includedResponseFile in s_includedResponseFiles)
if (string.Equals(responseFile, includedResponseFile, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("RepeatedResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
isRepeatedResponseFile = true;
if (!isRepeatedResponseFile)
var responseFileDirectory = FileUtilities.EnsureTrailingSlash(Path.GetDirectoryName(responseFile));
List<string> argsFromResponseFile;
using (StreamReader responseFileContents = new StreamReader(responseFile, Encoding.Default)) // HIGHCHAR: If response files have no byte-order marks, then assume ANSI rather than ASCII.
using (StreamReader responseFileContents = FileUtilities.OpenRead(responseFile)) // HIGHCHAR: If response files have no byte-order marks, then assume ANSI rather than ASCII.
argsFromResponseFile = new List<string>();
while (responseFileContents.Peek() != -1)
// ignore leading whitespace on each line
string responseFileLine = responseFileContents.ReadLine().TrimStart();
// skip comment lines beginning with #
if (!responseFileLine.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.Ordinal))
// Allow special case to support a path relative to the .rsp file being processed.
responseFileLine = Regex.Replace(responseFileLine, responseFilePathReplacement,
responseFileDirectory, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
// treat each line of the response file like a command line i.e. args separated by whitespace
CommandLineSwitches.SwitchesFromResponseFiles.Add((responseFile, string.Join(" ", argsFromResponseFile)));
GatherCommandLineSwitches(argsFromResponseFile, commandLineSwitches, commandLine);
catch (NotSupportedException e)
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("ReadResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, e, commandLine);
catch (SecurityException e)
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("ReadResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, e, commandLine);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("ReadResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, e, commandLine);
catch (IOException e)
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterError("ReadResponseFileError", unquotedCommandLineArg, e, commandLine);
/// <summary>
/// Called when a switch that doesn't take parameters is detected on the command line.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandLineSwitches"></param>
/// <param name="parameterlessSwitch"></param>
/// <param name="switchParameters"></param>
/// <param name="duplicateSwitchErrorMessage"></param>
/// <param name="unquotedCommandLineArg"></param>
private static void GatherParameterlessCommandLineSwitch(
CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches,
CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch parameterlessSwitch,
string switchParameters,
string duplicateSwitchErrorMessage,
string unquotedCommandLineArg,
string commandLine)
// switch should not have any parameters
if (switchParameters.Length == 0)
// check if switch is duplicated, and if that's allowed
if (!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterlessSwitchSet(parameterlessSwitch) ||
(duplicateSwitchErrorMessage == null))
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterlessSwitch(parameterlessSwitch, unquotedCommandLineArg);
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError(duplicateSwitchErrorMessage, unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
commandLineSwitches.SetUnexpectedParametersError(unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
/// <summary>
/// Called when a switch that takes parameters is detected on the command line. This method flags errors and stores the
/// switch parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandLineSwitches"></param>
/// <param name="parameterizedSwitch"></param>
/// <param name="switchParameters"></param>
/// <param name="duplicateSwitchErrorMessage"></param>
/// <param name="multipleParametersAllowed"></param>
/// <param name="missingParametersErrorMessage"></param>
/// <param name="unquoteParameters"></param>
/// <param name="unquotedCommandLineArg"></param>
private static void GatherParameterizedCommandLineSwitch(
CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches,
CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch parameterizedSwitch,
string switchParameters,
string duplicateSwitchErrorMessage,
bool multipleParametersAllowed,
string missingParametersErrorMessage,
bool unquoteParameters,
string unquotedCommandLineArg,
bool allowEmptyParameters,
string commandLine)
if (// switch must have parameters
(switchParameters.Length > 1) ||
// unless the parameters are optional
(missingParametersErrorMessage == null))
// skip the parameter indicator (if any)
if (switchParameters.Length > 0)
switchParameters = switchParameters.Substring(1);
if (parameterizedSwitch == CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Project && IsEnvironmentVariable(switchParameters))
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError("EnvironmentVariableAsSwitch", unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
// check if switch is duplicated, and if that's allowed
if (!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(parameterizedSwitch) ||
(duplicateSwitchErrorMessage == null))
// save the parameters after unquoting and splitting them if necessary
if (!commandLineSwitches.SetParameterizedSwitch(parameterizedSwitch, unquotedCommandLineArg, switchParameters, multipleParametersAllowed, unquoteParameters, allowEmptyParameters))
// if parsing revealed there were no real parameters, flag an error, unless the parameters are optional
if (missingParametersErrorMessage != null)
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError(missingParametersErrorMessage, unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError(duplicateSwitchErrorMessage, unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
commandLineSwitches.SetSwitchError(missingParametersErrorMessage, unquotedCommandLineArg, commandLine);
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether envVar is an environment variable. MSBuild uses
/// Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(string), which only
/// considers %-delimited variables.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="envVar">A possible environment variable</param>
/// <returns>Whether envVar is an environment variable</returns>
private static bool IsEnvironmentVariable(string envVar)
return envVar.StartsWith("%") && envVar.EndsWith("%") && envVar.Length > 1;
/// <summary>
/// The name of the auto-response file.
/// </summary>
private const string autoResponseFileName = "MSBuild.rsp";
/// <summary>
/// The name of an auto-response file to search for in the project directory and above.
/// </summary>
private const string directoryResponseFileName = "Directory.Build.rsp";
/// <summary>
/// String replacement pattern to support paths in response files.
/// </summary>
private const string responseFilePathReplacement = "%MSBuildThisFileDirectory%";
/// <summary>
/// Whether switches from the auto-response file are being used.
/// </summary>
internal static bool usingSwitchesFromAutoResponseFile = false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates that this process is working as a server.
/// </summary>
private static bool s_isServerNode;
/// <summary>
/// Parses the auto-response file (assumes the "/noautoresponse" switch is not specified on the command line), and combines the
/// switches from the auto-response file with the switches passed in.
/// Returns true if the response file was found.
/// </summary>
private static bool GatherAutoResponseFileSwitches(string path, CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile, string commandLine)
string autoResponseFile = Path.Combine(path, autoResponseFileName);
return GatherAutoResponseFileSwitchesFromFullPath(autoResponseFile, switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
private static bool GatherAutoResponseFileSwitchesFromFullPath(string autoResponseFile, CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile, string commandLine)
bool found = false;
// if the auto-response file does not exist, only use the switches on the command line
if (FileSystems.Default.FileExists(autoResponseFile))
found = true;
GatherResponseFileSwitch($"@{autoResponseFile}", switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
// if the "/noautoresponse" switch was set in the auto-response file, flag an error
if (switchesFromAutoResponseFile[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.NoAutoResponse])
switchesFromAutoResponseFile.GetParameterlessSwitchCommandLineArg(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.NoAutoResponse), commandLine);
if (switchesFromAutoResponseFile.HaveAnySwitchesBeenSet())
// we picked up some switches from the auto-response file
usingSwitchesFromAutoResponseFile = true;
// Throw errors found in the response file
return found;
/// <summary>
/// Coordinates the processing of all detected switches. It gathers information necessary to invoke the build engine, and
/// performs deeper error checking on the switches and their parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true, if build can be invoked</returns>
private static bool ProcessCommandLineSwitches(
CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile,
CommandLineSwitches switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile,
ref string projectFile,
ref string[] targets,
ref string toolsVersion,
ref Dictionary<string, string> globalProperties,
ref ILogger[] loggers,
ref LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
ref LoggerVerbosity originalVerbosity,
ref List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords,
ref bool needToValidateProject,
ref string schemaFile,
ref int cpuCount,
ref bool enableNodeReuse,
ref TextWriter preprocessWriter,
ref TextWriter targetsWriter,
ref bool detailedSummary,
ref ISet<string> warningsAsErrors,
ref ISet<string> warningsNotAsErrors,
ref ISet<string> warningsAsMessages,
ref bool enableRestore,
ref bool interactive,
ref ProfilerLogger profilerLogger,
ref bool enableProfiler,
ref Dictionary<string, string> restoreProperties,
ref ProjectIsolationMode isolateProjects,
ref GraphBuildOptions graphBuild,
ref string[] inputResultsCaches,
ref string outputResultsCache,
ref bool reportFileAccesses,
ref bool lowPriority,
ref bool question,
ref bool isBuildCheckEnabled,
ref string[] getProperty,
ref string[] getItem,
ref string[] getTargetResult,
ref string getResultOutputFile,
bool recursing,
string commandLine)
bool invokeBuild = false;
CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches = CombineSwitchesRespectingPriority(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
if (commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.WaitForDebugger])
BuildManager.WaitForDebugger = true;
if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
Console.WriteLine($"Waiting for debugger to attach... ({EnvironmentUtilities.ProcessPath} PID {EnvironmentUtilities.CurrentProcessId})");
while (!Debugger.IsAttached)
bool useTerminalLogger = ProcessTerminalLoggerConfiguration(commandLineSwitches, out string aggregatedTerminalLoggerParameters);
// This is temporary until we can remove the need for the environment variable.
// DO NOT use this environment variable for any new features as it will be removed without further notice.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("_MSBUILDTLENABLED", useTerminalLogger ? "1" : "0");
DisplayVersionMessageIfNeeded(recursing, useTerminalLogger, commandLineSwitches);
// Idle priority would prevent the build from proceeding as the user does normal actions.
// This switch is processed early to capture both the command line case (main node should
// also be low priority) and the Visual Studio case in which the main node starts and stays
// at normal priority (not through XMake.cs) but worker nodes still need to honor this switch.
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.LowPriority))
lowPriority = ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.LowPriority], defaultValue: true, resourceName: "InvalidLowPriorityValue");
if (lowPriority)
using Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
if (currentProcess.PriorityClass != ProcessPriorityClass.Idle)
currentProcess.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal;
// We avoid increasing priority because that causes failures on mac/linux, but there is no good way to
// verify that a particular priority is lower than "BelowNormal." If the error appears, ignore it and
// leave priority where it was.
catch (Win32Exception) { }
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.ReportFileAccesses))
reportFileAccesses = ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.ReportFileAccesses], defaultValue: true, resourceName: "");
// if help switch is set (regardless of switch errors), show the help message and ignore the other switches
if (commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.Help])
else if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeMode))
StartLocalNode(commandLineSwitches, lowPriority);
// if help switch is not set, and errors were found, abort (don't process the remaining switches)
// if version switch is set, just show the version and quit (ignore the other switches)
if (commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.Version])
// if featureavailability switch is set, just show the feature availability and quit (ignore the other switches)
else if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.FeatureAvailability))
bool foundProjectAutoResponseFile = CheckAndGatherProjectAutoResponseFile(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLineSwitches, recursing, commandLine);
if (foundProjectAutoResponseFile)
// we presumably read in more switches, so start our switch processing all over again,
// so that we consume switches in the following sequence of increasing priority:
// (1) switches from the msbuild.rsp next to msbuild.exe, including recursively included response files
// (2) switches from this msbuild.rsp next to the project or solution <<--------- these we have just now merged with (1)
// (3) switches from the command line, including recursively included response file switches inserted at the point they are declared with their "@" symbol
return ProcessCommandLineSwitches(
ref projectFile,
ref targets,
ref toolsVersion,
ref globalProperties,
ref loggers,
ref verbosity,
ref originalVerbosity,
ref distributedLoggerRecords,
ref needToValidateProject,
ref schemaFile,
ref cpuCount,
ref enableNodeReuse,
ref preprocessWriter,
ref targetsWriter,
ref detailedSummary,
ref warningsAsErrors,
ref warningsNotAsErrors,
ref warningsAsMessages,
ref enableRestore,
ref interactive,
ref profilerLogger,
ref enableProfiler,
ref restoreProperties,
ref isolateProjects,
ref graphBuild,
ref inputResultsCaches,
ref outputResultsCache,
ref reportFileAccesses,
ref lowPriority,
ref question,
ref isBuildCheckEnabled,
ref getProperty,
ref getItem,
ref getTargetResult,
ref getResultOutputFile,
recursing: true,
projectFile = ProcessProjectSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Project], commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.IgnoreProjectExtensions], Directory.GetFiles);
// figure out which targets we are building
targets = ProcessTargetSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Target]);
// If we are looking for the value of a specific property or item post-evaluation or a target post-build, figure that out now
getProperty = commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetProperty] ?? [];
getItem = commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetItem] ?? [];
getTargetResult = commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetTargetResult] ?? [];
getResultOutputFile = commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetResultOutputFile].FirstOrDefault() ?? string.Empty;
bool minimizeStdOutOutput = getProperty.Length + getItem.Length + getTargetResult.Length > 0 && getResultOutputFile.Length == 0;
if (minimizeStdOutOutput)
commandLineSwitches.SetParameterizedSwitch(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Verbosity, "q", "q", true, true, true);
targets = targets.Union(getTargetResult, MSBuildNameIgnoreCaseComparer.Default).ToArray();
// figure out which ToolsVersion has been set on the command line
toolsVersion = ProcessToolsVersionSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.ToolsVersion]);
// figure out which properties have been set on the command line
globalProperties = ProcessPropertySwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Property]);
// figure out which restore-only properties have been set on the command line
restoreProperties = ProcessPropertySwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.RestoreProperty]);
// figure out if there was a max cpu count provided
cpuCount = ProcessMaxCPUCountSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.MaxCPUCount]);
// figure out if we should reuse nodes
// If FEATURE_NODE_REUSE is OFF, just validates that the switch is OK, and always returns False
enableNodeReuse = ProcessNodeReuseSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeReuse]);
// determine what if any writer to preprocess to
preprocessWriter = null;
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Preprocess))
preprocessWriter = ProcessPreprocessSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Preprocess]);
// determine what if any writer to print targets to
targetsWriter = null;
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Targets))
targetsWriter = ProcessTargetsSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Targets]);
warningsAsErrors = ProcessWarnAsErrorSwitch(commandLineSwitches);
warningsNotAsErrors = ProcessWarnNotAsErrorSwitch(commandLineSwitches);
warningsAsMessages = ProcessWarnAsMessageSwitch(commandLineSwitches);
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Restore))
enableRestore = ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Restore], defaultValue: true, resourceName: "InvalidRestoreValue");
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Interactive))
interactive = ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Interactive], defaultValue: true, resourceName: "InvalidInteractiveValue");
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.IsolateProjects))
isolateProjects = ProcessIsolateProjectsSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.IsolateProjects]);
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GraphBuild))
graphBuild = ProcessGraphBuildSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GraphBuild]);
question = commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Question);
isBuildCheckEnabled = IsBuildCheckEnabled(commandLineSwitches);
inputResultsCaches = ProcessInputResultsCaches(commandLineSwitches);
outputResultsCache = ProcessOutputResultsCache(commandLineSwitches);
// figure out which loggers are going to listen to build events
string[][] groupedFileLoggerParameters = commandLineSwitches.GetFileLoggerParameters();
loggers = ProcessLoggingSwitches(
commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.FileLoggerParameters], // used by DistributedFileLogger
out distributedLoggerRecords,
out verbosity,
out originalVerbosity,
out profilerLogger,
out enableProfiler);
// We're finished with defining individual loggers' verbosity at this point, so we don't need to worry about messing them up.
if (Traits.Instance.DebugEngine)
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic;
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.DetailedSummary))
detailedSummary = ProcessBooleanSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.DetailedSummary], defaultValue: true, resourceName: "InvalidDetailedSummaryValue");
else if (verbosity == LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic)
detailedSummary = true;
if (originalVerbosity == LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic)
string equivalentCommandLine = commandLineSwitches.GetEquivalentCommandLineExceptProjectFile();
Console.WriteLine($"{Path.Combine(s_exePath, s_exeName)} {equivalentCommandLine} {projectFile}");
// figure out if the project needs to be validated against a schema
needToValidateProject = commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Validate);
schemaFile = ProcessValidateSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Validate]);
invokeBuild = true;
if (commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.WarningsNotAsErrors) &&
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(!invokeBuild || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectFile), "We should have a project file if we're going to build.");
return invokeBuild;
private static bool IsBuildCheckEnabled(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
// Opt-in behavior to be determined by: https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/issues/9723
bool isBuildCheckEnabled = commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Check);
return isBuildCheckEnabled;
private static bool ProcessTerminalLoggerConfiguration(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, out string aggregatedParameters)
aggregatedParameters = AggregateParameters(commandLineSwitches);
string defaultValue = FindDefaultValue(aggregatedParameters);
string terminalLoggerArg = null;
if (!TryFromCommandLine(commandLineSwitches) && !TryFromEnvironmentVariables())
terminalLoggerArg = NormalizeIntoBooleanValues();
bool useTerminalLogger = false;
if (!TrueOrFalse())
return KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLogger = useTerminalLogger;
static bool CheckIfTerminalIsSupportedAndTryEnableAnsiColorCodes()
(var acceptAnsiColorCodes, var outputIsScreen, s_originalConsoleMode) = NativeMethodsShared.QueryIsScreenAndTryEnableAnsiColorCodes();
if (!outputIsScreen)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(ResourceUtilities.GetResourceString("TerminalLoggerNotUsedRedirected"), MessageImportance.Low));
return false;
// TerminalLogger is not used if the terminal does not support ANSI/VT100 escape sequences.
if (!acceptAnsiColorCodes)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(ResourceUtilities.GetResourceString("TerminalLoggerNotUsedNotSupported"), MessageImportance.Low));
return false;
if (Traits.Instance.EscapeHatches.EnsureStdOutForChildNodesIsPrimaryStdout)
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage(ResourceUtilities.GetResourceString("TerminalLoggerNotUsedDisabled"), MessageImportance.Low));
return false;
return true;
string FindDefaultValue(string s)
// Find default configuration so it is part of telemetry even when default is not used.
// Default can be stored in /tlp:default=true|false|on|off|auto
string terminalLoggerDefault = null;
foreach (string parameter in s.Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar))
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter))
string[] parameterAndValue = parameter.Split(MSBuildConstants.EqualsChar);
if (parameterAndValue[0].Equals("default", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && parameterAndValue.Length > 1)
terminalLoggerDefault = parameterAndValue[1];
if (terminalLoggerDefault == null)
terminalLoggerDefault = bool.FalseString;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerDefault = bool.FalseString;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerDefaultSource = "msbuild";
// Lets check DOTNET CLI env var
string dotnetCliEnvVar = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_CLI_CONFIGURE_MSBUILD_TERMINAL_LOGGER");
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerDefault = terminalLoggerDefault;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerDefaultSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dotnetCliEnvVar) ? "sdk" : "DOTNET_CLI_CONFIGURE_MSBUILD_TERMINAL_LOGGER";
return terminalLoggerDefault;
bool TryFromCommandLine(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches1)
if (!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.TerminalLogger))
return false;
// There's a switch set, but there might be more than one
string[] switches = commandLineSwitches1[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.TerminalLogger];
terminalLoggerArg = switches[switches.Length - 1];
// if the switch was set but not to an explicit value, the value is "auto"
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(terminalLoggerArg))
terminalLoggerArg = "auto";
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntent = terminalLoggerArg ?? string.Empty;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntentSource = "arg";
return true;
bool TryFromEnvironmentVariables()
// Keep MSBUILDLIVELOGGER supporitng existing use. But MSBUILDTERMINALLOGGER takes precedence.
string liveLoggerArg = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDLIVELOGGER");
terminalLoggerArg = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDTERMINALLOGGER");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(terminalLoggerArg))
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage($"The environment variable MSBUILDTERMINALLOGGER was set to {terminalLoggerArg}.", MessageImportance.Low));
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntent = terminalLoggerArg;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntentSource = "MSBUILDTERMINALLOGGER";
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(liveLoggerArg))
terminalLoggerArg = liveLoggerArg;
new BuildManager.DeferredBuildMessage($"The environment variable MSBUILDLIVELOGGER was set to {liveLoggerArg}.", MessageImportance.Low));
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntent = terminalLoggerArg;
KnownTelemetry.LoggingConfigurationTelemetry.TerminalLoggerUserIntentSource = "MSBUILDLIVELOGGER";
return false;
return true;
string NormalizeIntoBooleanValues()
// We now have a string`. It can be "true" or "false" which means just that:
if (terminalLoggerArg.Equals("on", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
terminalLoggerArg = bool.TrueString;
else if (terminalLoggerArg.Equals("off", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
terminalLoggerArg = bool.FalseString;
return terminalLoggerArg;
void ApplyDefault()
terminalLoggerArg = defaultValue;
string AggregateParameters(CommandLineSwitches switches)
string[] terminalLoggerParameters = switches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.TerminalLoggerParameters];
return terminalLoggerParameters?.Length > 0 ? MSBuildApp.AggregateParameters(string.Empty, terminalLoggerParameters) : string.Empty;
bool TrueOrFalse()
if (bool.TryParse(terminalLoggerArg, out bool result))
useTerminalLogger = result;
// Try Enable Ansi Color Codes when terminal logger is enabled/enforced.
if (result)
// This needs to be called so Ansi Color Codes are enabled for the terminal logger.
(_, _, s_originalConsoleMode) = NativeMethodsShared.QueryIsScreenAndTryEnableAnsiColorCodes();
return true;
return false;
void ItMustBeAuto()
// or it can be "auto", meaning "enable if we can"
if (!terminalLoggerArg.Equals("auto", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidTerminalLoggerValue", terminalLoggerArg);
useTerminalLogger = CheckIfTerminalIsSupportedAndTryEnableAnsiColorCodes();
private static CommandLineSwitches CombineSwitchesRespectingPriority(CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile, CommandLineSwitches switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, string commandLine)
// combine the auto-response file switches with the command line switches in a left-to-right manner, where the
// auto-response file switches are on the left (default options), and the command line switches are on the
// right (overriding options) so that we consume switches in the following sequence of increasing priority:
// (1) switches from the msbuild.rsp file/s, including recursively included response files
// (2) switches from the command line, including recursively included response file switches inserted at the point they are declared with their "@" symbol
CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches = new CommandLineSwitches();
commandLineSwitches.Append(switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine); // lowest precedence
commandLineSwitches.Append(switchesNotFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
return commandLineSwitches;
private static string GetProjectDirectory(string[] projectSwitchParameters)
string projectDirectory = ".";
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(projectSwitchParameters.Length <= 1, "Expect exactly one project at a time.");
if (projectSwitchParameters.Length == 1)
var projectFile = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(projectSwitchParameters[0]);
if (FileSystems.Default.DirectoryExists(projectFile))
// the provided argument value is actually the directory
projectDirectory = projectFile;
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(FileSystems.Default.FileExists(projectFile), "ProjectNotFoundError", projectFile);
projectDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(projectFile));
return projectDirectory;
/// <summary>
/// Identifies if there is rsp files near the project file
/// </summary>
/// <returns>true if there autoresponse file was found</returns>
private static bool CheckAndGatherProjectAutoResponseFile(CommandLineSwitches switchesFromAutoResponseFile, CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, bool recursing, string commandLine)
bool found = false;
var projectDirectory = GetProjectDirectory(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Project]);
if (!recursing && !commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.NoAutoResponse])
// gather any switches from the first Directory.Build.rsp found in the project directory or above
string directoryResponseFile = FileUtilities.GetPathOfFileAbove(directoryResponseFileName, projectDirectory);
found = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directoryResponseFile) && GatherAutoResponseFileSwitchesFromFullPath(directoryResponseFile, switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
// Don't look for more response files if it's only in the same place we already looked (next to the exe)
if (!string.Equals(projectDirectory, s_exePath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// this combines any found, with higher precedence, with the switches from the original auto response file switches
found |= GatherAutoResponseFileSwitches(projectDirectory, switchesFromAutoResponseFile, commandLine);
return found;
private static bool WarningsAsErrorsSwitchIsEmpty(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
string val = commandLineSwitches.GetParameterizedSwitchCommandLineArg(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.WarningsAsErrors);
if (val is null)
return false;
int indexOfColon = val.IndexOf(":");
return indexOfColon < 0 || indexOfColon == val.Length - 1;
internal static ProjectIsolationMode ProcessIsolateProjectsSwitch(string[] parameters)
// Before /isolate had parameters, it was treated as a boolean switch.
// Preserve that in case anyone is using /isolate:{false|true}
if (parameters.Length == 1 && bool.TryParse(parameters[0], out bool boolValue))
return boolValue ? ProjectIsolationMode.True : ProjectIsolationMode.False;
ProjectIsolationMode isolateProjects = ProjectIsolationMode.True;
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter))
string trimmedParameter = parameter.Trim();
if (trimmedParameter.Equals(nameof(ProjectIsolationMode.MessageUponIsolationViolation), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
|| trimmedParameter.Equals("Message", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
isolateProjects = ProjectIsolationMode.MessageUponIsolationViolation;
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidIsolateProjectsValue", parameter);
return isolateProjects;
internal static GraphBuildOptions ProcessGraphBuildSwitch(string[] parameters)
var options = new GraphBuildOptions();
// Before /graph had parameters, it was treated as a boolean switch.
// Preserve that in case anyone is using /graph:{false|true}
if (parameters.Length == 1 && bool.TryParse(parameters[0], out var boolValue))
return boolValue ? options : null;
foreach (var parameter in parameters)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter))
if (parameter.Trim().Equals("NoBuild", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
options = options with { Build = false };
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidGraphBuildValue", parameter);
return options;
private static string ProcessOutputResultsCache(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
return commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.OutputResultsCache)
? commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.OutputResultsCache].FirstOrDefault(p => p != null) ?? string.Empty
: null;
private static string[] ProcessInputResultsCaches(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
return commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.InputResultsCaches)
? commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.InputResultsCaches].Where(p => p != null).ToArray()
: null;
/// <summary>
/// Processes the node reuse switch, the user can set node reuse to true, false or not set the switch. If the switch is
/// not set the system will check to see if the process is being run as an administrator. This check in localnode provider
/// will determine the node reuse setting for that case.
/// </summary>
internal static bool ProcessNodeReuseSwitch(string[] parameters)
bool enableNodeReuse;
enableNodeReuse = true;
enableNodeReuse = false;
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSBUILDDISABLENODEREUSE") == "1") // For example to disable node reuse in a gated checkin, without using the flag
enableNodeReuse = false;
if (parameters.Length > 0)
// There does not seem to be a localizable function for this
enableNodeReuse = bool.Parse(parameters[parameters.Length - 1]);
catch (FormatException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeReuseValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeReuseValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
if (enableNodeReuse) // Only allowed to pass False on the command line for this switch if the feature is disabled for this installation
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeReuseTrueValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1]);
return enableNodeReuse;
/// <summary>
/// Figure out what TextWriter we should preprocess the project file to.
/// If no parameter is provided to the switch, the default is to output to the console.
/// </summary>
internal static TextWriter ProcessPreprocessSwitch(string[] parameters)
TextWriter writer = Console.Out;
if (parameters.Length > 0)
writer = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(parameters[parameters.Length - 1], append: false);
catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidPreprocessPath", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
return writer;
internal static TextWriter ProcessTargetsSwitch(string[] parameters)
TextWriter writer = Console.Out;
if (parameters.Length > 0)
writer = FileUtilities.OpenWrite(parameters[parameters.Length - 1], append: false);
catch (Exception ex) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(ex))
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("TargetsCouldNotBePrinted", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
return writer;
private static ISet<string> ProcessWarningRelatedSwitch(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch warningSwitch)
if (!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(warningSwitch))
return null;
string[] parameters = commandLineSwitches[warningSwitch];
ISet<string> warningSwitches = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (string code in parameters
.SelectMany(parameter => parameter?.Split(s_commaSemicolon, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) ?? [null]))
if (code == null)
// An empty /warnaserror is added as "null". In this case, the list is cleared
// so that all warnings are treated errors
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code))
return warningSwitches;
internal static ISet<string> ProcessWarnAsErrorSwitch(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
return ProcessWarningRelatedSwitch(commandLineSwitches, CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.WarningsAsErrors);
internal static ISet<string> ProcessWarnAsMessageSwitch(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
return ProcessWarningRelatedSwitch(commandLineSwitches, CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.WarningsAsMessages);
internal static ISet<string> ProcessWarnNotAsErrorSwitch(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
return ProcessWarningRelatedSwitch(commandLineSwitches, CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.WarningsNotAsErrors);
internal static bool ProcessBooleanSwitch(string[] parameters, bool defaultValue, string resourceName)
bool value = defaultValue;
if (parameters.Length > 0)
value = bool.Parse(parameters[parameters.Length - 1]);
catch (FormatException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw(resourceName, parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw(resourceName, parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Processes the profiler evaluation switch
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If the switch is provided, it adds a <see cref="ProfilerLogger"/> to the collection of loggers
/// and also returns the created logger. Otherwise, the collection of loggers is not affected and null
/// is returned
/// </remarks>
internal static ProfilerLogger ProcessProfileEvaluationSwitch(string[] parameters, List<ILogger> loggers, out bool enableProfiler)
if (parameters == null || parameters.Length == 0)
enableProfiler = false;
return null;
enableProfiler = true;
var profilerFile = parameters[parameters.Length - 1];
// /prof was specified, but don't attach a logger to write a file
if (profilerFile == "no-file")
return null;
// Check if the file name is valid
new FileInfo(profilerFile);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidProfilerValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1],
catch (PathTooLongException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidProfilerValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1],
catch (NotSupportedException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidProfilerValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1],
var logger = new ProfilerLogger(profilerFile);
return logger;
/// <summary>
/// Uses the input from thinNodeMode switch to start a local node server
/// </summary>
/// <param name="commandLineSwitches"></param>
private static void StartLocalNode(CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches, bool lowpriority)
string[] input = commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeMode];
int nodeModeNumber = 0;
if (input.Length > 0)
nodeModeNumber = int.Parse(input[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
catch (FormatException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeNumberValue", input[0], ex.Message);
catch (OverflowException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeNumberValue", input[0], ex.Message);
CommandLineSwitchException.VerifyThrow(nodeModeNumber >= 0, "InvalidNodeNumberValueIsNegative", input[0]);
bool restart = true;
while (restart)
Exception nodeException = null;
NodeEngineShutdownReason shutdownReason = NodeEngineShutdownReason.Error;
// normal OOP node case
if (nodeModeNumber == 1)
// If FEATURE_NODE_REUSE is OFF, just validates that the switch is OK, and always returns False
bool nodeReuse = ProcessNodeReuseSwitch(commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.NodeReuse]);
OutOfProcNode node = new OutOfProcNode();
shutdownReason = node.Run(nodeReuse, lowpriority, out nodeException);
else if (nodeModeNumber == 2)
// TaskHost nodes don't need to worry about node reuse or low priority. Node reuse is always off, and TaskHosts
// receive a connection immediately after being launched and shut down as soon as their work is over, so
// whatever our priority is is correct.
OutOfProcTaskHostNode node = new OutOfProcTaskHostNode();
shutdownReason = node.Run(out nodeException);
else if (nodeModeNumber == 8)
// Since build function has to reuse code from *this* class and OutOfProcServerNode is in different assembly
// we have to pass down xmake build invocation to avoid circular dependency
OutOfProcServerNode.BuildCallback buildFunction = (commandLine) =>
int exitCode;
ExitType exitType;
if (!s_initialized)
exitType = ExitType.InitializationError;
exitType = Execute(commandLine);
exitCode = exitType == ExitType.Success ? 0 : 1;
return (exitCode, exitType.ToString());
OutOfProcServerNode node = new(buildFunction);
s_isServerNode = true;
shutdownReason = node.Run(out nodeException);
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidNodeNumberValue", nodeModeNumber.ToString());
if (shutdownReason == NodeEngineShutdownReason.Error)
Debug.WriteLine("An error has happened, throwing an exception");
throw nodeException;
if (shutdownReason != NodeEngineShutdownReason.BuildCompleteReuse)
restart = false;
/// <summary>
/// Process the /m: switch giving the CPU count
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Internal for unit testing only
/// </remarks>
internal static int ProcessMaxCPUCountSwitch(string[] parameters)
int cpuCount = 1;
if (parameters.Length > 0)
cpuCount = int.Parse(parameters[parameters.Length - 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
catch (FormatException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidMaxCPUCountValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
catch (OverflowException ex)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidMaxCPUCountValue", parameters[parameters.Length - 1], ex.Message);
CommandLineSwitchException.VerifyThrow(cpuCount > 0 && cpuCount <= 1024, "InvalidMaxCPUCountValueOutsideRange", parameters[parameters.Length - 1]);
return cpuCount;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out what project to build.
/// Throws if it cannot figure it out.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns>The project filename/path.</returns>
/// Internal for testing purposes
internal static string ProcessProjectSwitch(
string[] parameters,
string[] projectsExtensionsToIgnore,
DirectoryGetFiles getFiles)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(parameters.Length <= 1, "Expect exactly one project at a time.");
string projectFile = null;
string projectDirectory = null;
if (parameters.Length == 1)
projectFile = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(parameters[0]);
if (FileSystems.Default.DirectoryExists(projectFile))
// If the project file is actually a directory then change the directory to be searched
// and null out the project file
projectDirectory = projectFile;
projectFile = null;
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(FileSystems.Default.FileExists(projectFile), "ProjectNotFoundError", projectFile);
// We need to look in a directory for a project file...
if (projectFile == null)
HashSet<string> extensionsToIgnore = new HashSet<string>(projectsExtensionsToIgnore ?? [], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
// Get all files in the current directory that have a proj-like extension
string[] potentialProjectFiles = getFiles(projectDirectory ?? ".", "*.*proj");
List<string> actualProjectFiles = new List<string>();
if (potentialProjectFiles != null)
foreach (string s in potentialProjectFiles)
if (!extensionsToIgnore.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s)) && !s.EndsWith("~", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
// Get all files in the current directory that have a sln-like extension
string[] potentialSolutionFiles = getFiles(projectDirectory ?? ".", "*.sln?");
List<string> actualSolutionFiles = new List<string>();
List<string> solutionFilterFiles = new List<string>();
if (potentialSolutionFiles != null)
foreach (string s in potentialSolutionFiles)
if (!extensionsToIgnore.Contains(Path.GetExtension(s)))
if (FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilterFilename(s))
else if (FileUtilities.IsSolutionFilename(s))
// If there is exactly 1 project file and exactly 1 solution file
if (actualProjectFiles.Count == 1 && actualSolutionFiles.Count == 1)
// Grab the name of both project and solution without extensions
string solutionName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(actualSolutionFiles[0]);
string projectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(actualProjectFiles[0]);
// Compare the names and error if they are not identical
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(string.Equals(solutionName, projectName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
projectFile = actualSolutionFiles[0];
// If there is more than one solution file in the current directory we have no idea which one to use
else if (actualSolutionFiles.Count > 1)
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(false, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory, false);
// If there is more than one project file in the current directory we may be able to figure it out
else if (actualProjectFiles.Count > 1)
// We have more than one project, it is ambiguous at the moment
bool isAmbiguousProject = true;
// If there are exactly two projects and one of them is a .proj use that one and ignore the other
if (actualProjectFiles.Count == 2)
string firstPotentialProjectExtension = Path.GetExtension(actualProjectFiles[0]);
string secondPotentialProjectExtension = Path.GetExtension(actualProjectFiles[1]);
// If the two projects have the same extension we can't decide which one to pick
if (!string.Equals(firstPotentialProjectExtension, secondPotentialProjectExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Check to see if the first project is the proj, if it is use it
if (string.Equals(firstPotentialProjectExtension, ".proj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
projectFile = actualProjectFiles[0];
// We have made a decision
isAmbiguousProject = false;
// If the first project is not the proj check to see if the second one is the proj, if so use it
else if (string.Equals(secondPotentialProjectExtension, ".proj", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
projectFile = actualProjectFiles[1];
// We have made a decision
isAmbiguousProject = false;
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(!isAmbiguousProject, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
// if there are no project, solution filter, or solution files in the directory, we can't build
else if (actualProjectFiles.Count == 0 &&
actualSolutionFiles.Count == 0 &&
solutionFilterFiles.Count == 0)
InitializationException.Throw("MissingProjectError", null, null, false);
// We are down to only one project, solution, or solution filter.
// If only 1 solution build the solution. If only 1 project build the project. Otherwise, build the solution filter.
projectFile = actualSolutionFiles.Count == 1 ? actualSolutionFiles[0] : actualProjectFiles.Count == 1 ? actualProjectFiles[0] : solutionFilterFiles[0];
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(actualSolutionFiles.Count == 1 || actualProjectFiles.Count == 1 || solutionFilterFiles.Count == 1, projectDirectory == null ? "AmbiguousProjectError" : "AmbiguousProjectDirectoryError", null, projectDirectory);
return projectFile;
private static void ValidateExtensions(string[] projectExtensionsToIgnore)
if (projectExtensionsToIgnore?.Length > 0)
foreach (string extension in projectExtensionsToIgnore)
// There has to be more than a . passed in as the extension.
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(extension?.Length >= 2, "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extension);
// There is an invalid char in the extensionToIgnore.
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(extension.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) == -1, "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extension, null, false);
// There were characters before the extension.
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(string.Equals(extension, Path.GetExtension(extension), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase), "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extension, null, false);
// Make sure that no wild cards are in the string because for now we don't allow wild card extensions.
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(extension.IndexOfAny(s_wildcards) == -1, "InvalidExtensionToIgnore", extension, null, false);
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether an argument given as a parameter starts with valid indicator,
/// <br/>which means, whether switch begins with one of: "/", "-", "--"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unquotedCommandLineArgument">Command line argument with beginning indicator (e.g. --help).
/// <br/>This argument has to be unquoted, otherwise the first character will always be a quote character "</param>
/// <returns>true if argument's beginning matches one of possible indicators
/// <br/>false if argument's beginning doesn't match any of correct indicator
/// </returns>
private static bool ValidateSwitchIndicatorInUnquotedArgument(string unquotedCommandLineArgument)
return unquotedCommandLineArgument.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) // superset of "--"
|| unquotedCommandLineArgument.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the length of the switch indicator (- or / or --)
/// <br/>The length returned from this method is deduced from the beginning sequence of unquoted argument.
/// <br/>This way it will "assume" that there's no further error (e.g. // or ---) which would also be considered as a correct indicator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="unquotedSwitch">Unquoted argument with leading indicator and name</param>
/// <returns>Correct length of used indicator
/// <br/>0 if no leading sequence recognized as correct indicator</returns>
/// Internal for testing purposes
internal static int GetLengthOfSwitchIndicator(string unquotedSwitch)
if (unquotedSwitch.StartsWith("--", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return 2;
else if (unquotedSwitch.StartsWith("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) || unquotedSwitch.StartsWith("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
return 1;
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out which targets are to be built.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns>List of target names.</returns>
private static string[] ProcessTargetSwitch(string[] parameters)
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
int indexOfSpecialCharacter = parameter.IndexOfAny(XMakeElements.InvalidTargetNameCharacters);
if (indexOfSpecialCharacter >= 0)
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("NameInvalid", nameof(XMakeElements.target), parameter, parameter[indexOfSpecialCharacter].ToString());
return parameters;
/// <summary>
/// The = sign is used to pair properties with their values on the command line.
/// </summary>
private static readonly char[] s_propertyValueSeparator = MSBuildConstants.EqualsChar;
/// <summary>
/// This is a set of wildcard chars which can cause a file extension to be invalid
/// </summary>
private static readonly char[] s_wildcards = MSBuildConstants.WildcardChars;
/// <summary>
/// Determines which ToolsVersion was specified on the command line. If more than
/// one ToolsVersion was specified, we honor only the final ToolsVersion.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string ProcessToolsVersionSwitch(string[] parameters)
if (parameters.Length > 0)
// We don't do any validation on the value of the ToolsVersion here, since we don't
// know what a valid value looks like. The engine will take care of this later.
return parameters[parameters.Length - 1];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out which properties were set on the command line.
/// Internal for unit testing.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns>BuildProperty bag.</returns>
internal static Dictionary<string, string> ProcessPropertySwitch(string[] parameters)
Dictionary<string, string> properties = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
// split each <prop>=<value> string into 2 pieces, breaking on the first = that is found
string[] parameterSections = parameter.Split(s_propertyValueSeparator, 2);
Debug.Assert((parameterSections.Length >= 1) && (parameterSections.Length <= 2),
"String.Split() will return at least one string, and no more than two.");
// check that the property name is not blank, and the property has a value
CommandLineSwitchException.VerifyThrow((parameterSections[0].Length > 0) && (parameterSections.Length == 2),
"InvalidPropertyError", parameter);
// Validation of whether the property has a reserved name will occur when
// we start to build: and it will be logged then, too.
properties[parameterSections[0]] = parameterSections[1];
return properties;
/// <summary>
/// Instantiates the loggers that are going to listen to events from this build.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of loggers.</returns>
private static ILogger[] ProcessLoggingSwitches(
string[] loggerSwitchParameters,
string[] distributedLoggerSwitchParameters,
string[] verbositySwitchParameters,
bool noConsoleLogger,
bool distributedFileLogger,
bool terminalloggerOptIn,
string aggregatedTerminalLoggerParameters,
string[] fileLoggerParameters,
string[] consoleLoggerParameters,
string[] binaryLoggerParameters,
string[] profileEvaluationParameters,
string[][] groupedFileLoggerParameters,
bool useSimpleErrorLogger,
out List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords,
out LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
out LoggerVerbosity originalVerbosity,
int cpuCount,
out ProfilerLogger profilerLogger,
out bool enableProfiler)
// if verbosity level is not specified, use the default
originalVerbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal;
verbosity = originalVerbosity;
if (verbositySwitchParameters.Length > 0)
// Read the last verbosity switch found
originalVerbosity = ProcessVerbositySwitch(verbositySwitchParameters[verbositySwitchParameters.Length - 1]);
verbosity = originalVerbosity;
var loggers = new List<ILogger>();
var outVerbosity = verbosity;
ProcessBinaryLogger(binaryLoggerParameters, loggers, ref outVerbosity);
// When returning the result of evaluation from the command line, do not use custom loggers.
if (!useSimpleErrorLogger)
ProcessLoggerSwitch(loggerSwitchParameters, loggers, verbosity);
// Add any loggers which have been specified on the commandline
distributedLoggerRecords = ProcessDistributedLoggerSwitch(distributedLoggerSwitchParameters, verbosity);
// Otherwise choose default console logger: None, TerminalLogger, or the older ConsoleLogger
if (useSimpleErrorLogger)
loggers.Add(new SimpleErrorLogger());
else if (terminalloggerOptIn)
ProcessTerminalLogger(noConsoleLogger, aggregatedTerminalLoggerParameters, distributedLoggerRecords, verbosity, cpuCount, loggers);
ProcessConsoleLoggerSwitch(noConsoleLogger, consoleLoggerParameters, distributedLoggerRecords, verbosity, cpuCount, loggers);
ProcessDistributedFileLogger(distributedFileLogger, fileLoggerParameters, distributedLoggerRecords);
ProcessFileLoggers(groupedFileLoggerParameters, distributedLoggerRecords, cpuCount, loggers);
verbosity = outVerbosity;
profilerLogger = ProcessProfileEvaluationSwitch(profileEvaluationParameters, loggers, out enableProfiler);
return loggers.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Parameters for a particular logger may be passed in fragments that we have to aggregate: for example,
/// /flp:foo=bar;baz=biz /flp:boz=bez becomes "foo=bar;baz=biz;boz=bez"
/// We are going to aggregate the LoggerParameters into one LoggerParameters string
/// to do this we must first trim off the ; from the start and the end of the strings as
/// this would interfere with the use of string.Join by possibly having ;; at the beginning or end of a
/// logger parameter
/// </summary>
internal static string AggregateParameters(string anyPrefixingParameter, string[] parametersToAggregate)
for (int i = 0; i < parametersToAggregate.Length; i++)
parametersToAggregate[i] = parametersToAggregate[i].Trim(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar);
// Join the logger parameters into one string separated by semicolons
string result = anyPrefixingParameter ?? string.Empty;
// Ensure traling ';' so parametersToAggregate are properly separated
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && result[result.Length - 1] != ';')
result += ';';
result += string.Join(";", parametersToAggregate);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Add a file logger with the appropriate parameters to the loggers list for each
/// non-empty set of file logger parameters provided.
/// </summary>
private static void ProcessFileLoggers(string[][] groupedFileLoggerParameters, List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords, int cpuCount, List<ILogger> loggers)
for (int i = 0; i < groupedFileLoggerParameters.Length; i++)
// If we had no, say, "/fl5" then continue; we may have a "/fl6" and so on
if (groupedFileLoggerParameters[i] == null)
string fileParameters = "SHOWPROJECTFILE=TRUE;";
// Use a default log file name of "msbuild.log", "msbuild1.log", "msbuild2.log", etc; put this first on the parameter
// list so that any supplied log file parameter will override it
if (i == 0)
fileParameters += "logfile=msbuild.log;";
fileParameters += $"logfile=msbuild{i}.log;";
if (groupedFileLoggerParameters[i].Length > 0)
// Join the file logger parameters into one string separated by semicolons
fileParameters = AggregateParameters(fileParameters, groupedFileLoggerParameters[i]);
FileLogger fileLogger = new FileLogger();
// Set to detailed by default, can be overidden by fileLoggerParameters
LoggerVerbosity defaultFileLoggerVerbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Detailed;
fileLogger.Verbosity = defaultFileLoggerVerbosity;
// Check to see if there is a possibility we will be logging from an out-of-proc node.
// If so (we're multi-proc or the in-proc node is disabled), we register a distributed logger.
if (cpuCount == 1 && !Traits.Instance.InProcNodeDisabled)
// We've decided to use the MP logger even in single proc mode.
// Switch it on here, rather than in the logger, so that other hosts that use
// the existing ConsoleLogger don't see the behavior change in single proc.
fileLogger.Parameters = $"ENABLEMPLOGGING;{fileParameters}";
fileLogger.Parameters = fileParameters;
// For performance, register this logger using the forwarding logger mechanism, rather than as an old-style
// central logger.
DistributedLoggerRecord forwardingLoggerRecord = CreateForwardingLoggerRecord(fileLogger, fileParameters, defaultFileLoggerVerbosity);
private static void ProcessBinaryLogger(string[] binaryLoggerParameters, List<ILogger> loggers, ref LoggerVerbosity verbosity)
if (binaryLoggerParameters == null || binaryLoggerParameters.Length == 0)
string arguments = binaryLoggerParameters[binaryLoggerParameters.Length - 1];
BinaryLogger logger = new BinaryLogger { Parameters = arguments };
// If we have a binary logger, force verbosity to diagnostic.
// The only place where verbosity is used downstream is to determine whether to log task inputs.
// Since we always want task inputs for a binary logger, set it to diagnostic.
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic;
/// <summary>
/// Process the noconsole switch and attach or not attach the correct console loggers
/// </summary>
internal static void ProcessConsoleLoggerSwitch(
bool noConsoleLogger,
string[] consoleLoggerParameters,
List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords,
LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
int cpuCount,
List<ILogger> loggers)
// the console logger is always active, unless specifically disabled
if (!noConsoleLogger)
// A central logger will be created for single proc and multiproc
ConsoleLogger logger = new ConsoleLogger(verbosity);
string consoleParameters = "SHOWPROJECTFILE=TRUE;";
if ((consoleLoggerParameters?.Length > 0))
consoleParameters = AggregateParameters(consoleParameters, consoleLoggerParameters);
// Always use ANSI escape codes when the build is initiated by server
if (s_isServerNode)
consoleParameters = $"PREFERCONSOLECOLOR;{consoleParameters}";
// Check to see if there is a possibility we will be logging from an out-of-proc node.
// If so (we're multi-proc or the in-proc node is disabled), we register a distributed logger.
if (cpuCount == 1 && !Traits.Instance.InProcNodeDisabled)
// We've decided to use the MP logger even in single proc mode.
// Switch it on here, rather than in the logger, so that other hosts that use
// the existing ConsoleLogger don't see the behavior change in single proc.
logger.Parameters = $"ENABLEMPLOGGING;{consoleParameters}";
logger.Parameters = consoleParameters;
// For performance, register this logger using the forwarding logger mechanism, rather than as an old-style
// central logger.
DistributedLoggerRecord forwardingLoggerRecord = CreateForwardingLoggerRecord(logger, consoleParameters, verbosity);
private static void ProcessTerminalLogger(bool noConsoleLogger,
string aggregatedLoggerParameters,
List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords,
LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
int cpuCount,
List<ILogger> loggers)
if (!noConsoleLogger)
// We can't use InternalsVisibleTo to access the internal TerminalLogger ctor from here, so we use reflection.
// This can be fixed when we remove shared files across projects.
var logger = (TerminalLogger)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TerminalLogger), BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, [verbosity], null);
logger.Parameters = aggregatedLoggerParameters;
// Check to see if there is a possibility we will be logging from an out-of-proc node.
// If so (we're multi-proc or the in-proc node is disabled), we register a distributed logger.
if (cpuCount == 1 && !Traits.Instance.InProcNodeDisabled)
/// If TerminalLogger runs as a distributed logger, MSBuild out-of-proc nodes might filter the events that will go to the main
/// node using an instance of <see cref="ConfigurableForwardingLogger"/> with the following parameters.
/// Important: Note that TerminalLogger is special-cased in <see cref="BackEnd.Logging.LoggingService.UpdateMinimumMessageImportance"/>
/// so changing this list may impact the minimum message importance logging optimization.
string[] configurableForwardingLoggerParameters =
// For performance, register this logger using the forwarding logger mechanism.
DistributedLoggerRecord forwardingLoggerRecord = CreateForwardingLoggerRecord(logger, string.Join(";", configurableForwardingLoggerParameters), LoggerVerbosity.Quiet);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a DistributedLoggerRecord containing this logger and a ConfigurableForwardingLogger.
/// Looks at the logger's parameters for any verbosity parameter in order to make sure it is setting up the ConfigurableForwardingLogger
/// with the verbosity level that the logger will actually use.
/// </summary>
private static DistributedLoggerRecord CreateForwardingLoggerRecord(ILogger logger, string loggerParameters, LoggerVerbosity defaultVerbosity)
string verbosityParameter = ExtractAnyLoggerParameter(loggerParameters, "verbosity", "v");
string verbosityValue = ExtractAnyParameterValue(verbosityParameter);
LoggerVerbosity effectiveVerbosity = defaultVerbosity;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(verbosityValue))
effectiveVerbosity = ProcessVerbositySwitch(verbosityValue);
// Ensure that the forwarding logger is passed evaluation-finished
// and project-started events unless the user has specified individual
// events of interest.
// Gets the currently loaded assembly in which the specified class is defined
Assembly engineAssembly = typeof(ProjectCollection).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
string loggerClassName = "Microsoft.Build.Logging.ConfigurableForwardingLogger";
string loggerAssemblyName = engineAssembly.GetName().FullName;
LoggerDescription forwardingLoggerDescription = new LoggerDescription(loggerClassName, loggerAssemblyName, null, loggerParameters, effectiveVerbosity);
DistributedLoggerRecord distributedLoggerRecord = new DistributedLoggerRecord(logger, forwardingLoggerDescription);
return distributedLoggerRecord;
/// <summary>
/// Process the file logger switches and attach the correct file loggers. Internal for testing
/// </summary>
internal static void ProcessDistributedFileLogger(
bool distributedFileLogger,
string[] fileLoggerParameters,
List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords)
if (distributedFileLogger)
string fileParameters = string.Empty;
if ((fileLoggerParameters?.Length > 0))
// Join the file logger parameters into one string separated by semicolons
fileParameters = AggregateParameters(null, fileLoggerParameters);
// Check to see if the logfile parameter has been set, if not set it to the current directory
string logFileParameter = ExtractAnyLoggerParameter(fileParameters, "logfile");
string logFileName = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(ExtractAnyParameterValue(logFileParameter));
// If the path is not an absolute path set the path to the current directory of the exe combined with the relative path
// If the string is empty then send it through as the distributed file logger WILL deal with EMPTY logfile paths
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFileName) && !Path.IsPathRooted(logFileName))
fileParameters = fileParameters.Replace(logFileParameter,
$"logFile={Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), logFileName)}");
catch (Exception e) when (ExceptionHandling.IsIoRelatedException(e))
throw new LoggerException(e.Message, e);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(logFileName))
// If the string is not empty and it does not end in a ;, we need to add a ; to separate what is in the parameter from the logfile
// if the string is empty, no ; is needed because logfile is the only parameter which will be passed in
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileParameters) && !fileParameters.EndsWith(";", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
fileParameters += ";";
fileParameters += $"logFile={Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), msbuildLogFileName)}";
// Gets the currently loaded assembly in which the specified class is defined
Assembly engineAssembly = typeof(ProjectCollection).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
string loggerClassName = "Microsoft.Build.Logging.DistributedFileLogger";
string loggerAssemblyName = engineAssembly.GetName().FullName;
// Node the verbosity parameter is not used by the Distributed file logger so changing it here has no effect. It must be changed in the distributed file logger
LoggerDescription forwardingLoggerDescription = new LoggerDescription(loggerClassName, loggerAssemblyName, null, fileParameters, LoggerVerbosity.Detailed);
// Use the null as the central Logger, this will cause the engine to instantiate the NullCentralLogger, this logger will throw an exception if anything except for the buildstarted and buildFinished events are sent
DistributedLoggerRecord distributedLoggerRecord = new DistributedLoggerRecord(null, forwardingLoggerDescription);
/// <summary>
/// Given a string of aggregated parameters, such as "foo=bar;baz;biz=boz" and a list of parameter names,
/// such as "biz", tries to find and return the LAST matching parameter, such as "biz=boz"
/// </summary>
internal static string ExtractAnyLoggerParameter(string parameters, params string[] parameterNames)
string[] nameValues = parameters.Split(MSBuildConstants.SemicolonChar);
string result = null;
foreach (string nameValue in nameValues)
foreach (string name in parameterNames)
bool found = nameValue.StartsWith($"{name}=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || // Parameters with value, such as "logfile=foo.txt"
string.Equals(name, nameValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // Parameters without value, such as "append"
if (found)
result = nameValue;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Given a parameter, such as "foo=bar", tries to find and return
/// the value part, ie "bar"; otherwise returns null.
/// </summary>
private static string ExtractAnyParameterValue(string parameter)
string value = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameter))
string[] nameValuePair = parameter.Split(MSBuildConstants.EqualsChar);
value = (nameValuePair.Length > 1) ? nameValuePair[1] : null;
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out what verbosity level to assign to loggers.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Internal for unit testing only
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="value"></param>
/// <returns>The logger verbosity level.</returns>
internal static LoggerVerbosity ProcessVerbositySwitch(string value)
LoggerVerbosity verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal;
if (string.Equals(value, "q", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(value, "quiet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Quiet;
else if (string.Equals(value, "m", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(value, "minimal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Minimal;
else if (string.Equals(value, "n", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(value, "normal", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Normal;
else if (string.Equals(value, "d", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(value, "detailed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Detailed;
else if (string.Equals(value, "diag", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
string.Equals(value, "diagnostic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
verbosity = LoggerVerbosity.Diagnostic;
CommandLineSwitchException.Throw("InvalidVerbosityError", value);
return verbosity;
/// <summary>
/// Figures out which additional loggers are going to listen to build events.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of loggers.</returns>
private static void ProcessLoggerSwitch(string[] parameters, List<ILogger> loggers, LoggerVerbosity verbosity)
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
string unquotedParameter = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(parameter);
LoggerDescription loggerDescription = ParseLoggingParameter(parameter, unquotedParameter, verbosity);
if (CreateAndConfigureLogger(loggerDescription, verbosity, unquotedParameter, out ILogger logger))
/// <summary>
/// Parses command line arguments describing the distributed loggers
/// </summary>
/// <returns>List of distributed logger records</returns>
private static List<DistributedLoggerRecord> ProcessDistributedLoggerSwitch(string[] parameters, LoggerVerbosity verbosity)
List<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggers = new List<DistributedLoggerRecord>();
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
// split each <central logger>|<node logger> string into two pieces, breaking on the first | that is found
var loggerSpec = QuotingUtilities.SplitUnquoted(parameter, 2, true /* keep empty splits */, false /* keep quotes */, out _, '*');
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((loggerSpec.Count >= 1) && (loggerSpec.Count <= 2),
"SplitUnquoted() must return at least one string, and no more than two.");
string unquotedParameter = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerSpec[0]);
LoggerDescription centralLoggerDescription =
ParseLoggingParameter(loggerSpec[0], unquotedParameter, verbosity);
if (!CreateAndConfigureLogger(centralLoggerDescription, verbosity, unquotedParameter, out ILogger centralLogger))
// By default if no forwarding logger description is specified the same logger is used for both functions
LoggerDescription forwardingLoggerDescription = centralLoggerDescription;
if (loggerSpec.Count > 1)
unquotedParameter = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerSpec[1]);
forwardingLoggerDescription = ParseLoggingParameter(loggerSpec[1], unquotedParameter, verbosity);
DistributedLoggerRecord distributedLoggerRecord =
new DistributedLoggerRecord(centralLogger, forwardingLoggerDescription);
return distributedLoggers;
/// <summary>
/// Parse a command line logger argument into a LoggerDescription structure
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameter">the command line string</param>
/// <param name="unquotedParameter">the command line string</param>
/// <param name="verbosity">logging verbosity</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static LoggerDescription ParseLoggingParameter(string parameter, string unquotedParameter, LoggerVerbosity verbosity)
string loggerClassName;
string loggerParameters = null;
bool isOptional = false;
// split each <logger type>;<logger parameters> string into two pieces, breaking on the first ; that is found
var loggerSpec = QuotingUtilities.SplitUnquoted(parameter, 2, true /* keep empty splits */, false /* keep quotes */, out _, ';');
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow((loggerSpec.Count >= 1) && (loggerSpec.Count <= 2),
"SplitUnquoted() must return at least one string, and no more than two.");
// check that the logger is specified
CommandLineSwitchException.VerifyThrow(loggerSpec[0].Length > 0,
"InvalidLoggerError", unquotedParameter);
// extract logger parameters if present
if (loggerSpec.Count == 2)
loggerParameters = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerSpec[1]);
// split each <logger class>,<logger assembly>[,<option1>][,option2] parameters string into pieces
var loggerTypeSpec = QuotingUtilities.SplitUnquoted(loggerSpec[0], int.MaxValue, true /* keep empty splits */, false /* keep quotes */, out _, ',');
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(loggerTypeSpec.Count >= 1, "SplitUnquoted() must return at least one string");
string loggerAssemblySpec;
// if the logger class and assembly are both specified
if (loggerTypeSpec.Count >= 2)
loggerClassName = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerTypeSpec[0]);
loggerAssemblySpec = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerTypeSpec[1]);
loggerClassName = string.Empty;
loggerAssemblySpec = QuotingUtilities.Unquote(loggerTypeSpec[0]);
// Loop through the remaining items as options
for (int i = 2; i < loggerTypeSpec.Count; i++)
if (string.Equals(loggerTypeSpec[i] as string, nameof(isOptional), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
isOptional = true;
CommandLineSwitchException.VerifyThrow(loggerAssemblySpec.Length > 0,
"InvalidLoggerError", unquotedParameter);
string loggerAssemblyName = null;
string loggerAssemblyFile = null;
// DDB Bug msbuild.exe -Logger:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine fails due to moved engine file.
// Only add strong naming if the assembly is a non-strong named 'Microsoft.Build.Engine' (i.e, no additional characteristics)
// Concat full Strong Assembly to match v4.0
if (string.Equals(loggerAssemblySpec, "Microsoft.Build.Engine", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
loggerAssemblySpec = "Microsoft.Build.Engine,Version=,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
// figure out whether the assembly's identity (strong/weak name), or its filename/path is provided
string testFile = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(loggerAssemblySpec);
if (FileSystems.Default.FileExists(testFile))
loggerAssemblyFile = testFile;
loggerAssemblyName = loggerAssemblySpec;
return new LoggerDescription(loggerClassName, loggerAssemblyName, loggerAssemblyFile, loggerParameters, verbosity, isOptional);
/// <summary>
/// Loads a logger from its assembly, instantiates it, and handles errors.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Instantiated logger.</returns>
private static bool CreateAndConfigureLogger(
LoggerDescription loggerDescription,
LoggerVerbosity verbosity,
string unquotedParameter,
out ILogger logger)
logger = null;
logger = loggerDescription.CreateLogger();
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(logger != null, "XMake.LoggerNotFoundError", unquotedParameter);
catch (IOException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("XMake.LoggerCreationError", unquotedParameter, e, false);
catch (BadImageFormatException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("XMake.LoggerCreationError", unquotedParameter, e, false);
catch (SecurityException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("XMake.LoggerCreationError", unquotedParameter, e, false);
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("XMake.LoggerCreationError", unquotedParameter, e, false);
catch (MemberAccessException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("XMake.LoggerCreationError", unquotedParameter, e, false);
catch (TargetInvocationException e) when (!loggerDescription.IsOptional)
InitializationException.Throw("LoggerFatalError", unquotedParameter, e.InnerException, true);
catch (Exception e) when (loggerDescription.IsOptional)
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("OptionalLoggerCreationMessage", loggerDescription.Name, e.Message));
return false;
// Configure the logger by setting the verbosity level and parameters
// set its verbosity level
logger.Verbosity = verbosity;
// set the logger parameters (if any)
if (loggerDescription.LoggerSwitchParameters != null)
logger.Parameters = loggerDescription.LoggerSwitchParameters;
catch (LoggerException)
// Logger failed politely during parameter/verbosity setting
catch (Exception e)
InitializationException.Throw("LoggerFatalError", unquotedParameter, e, true);
return true;
private static void ReplayBinaryLog(
string binaryLogFilePath,
ILogger[] loggers,
IEnumerable<DistributedLoggerRecord> distributedLoggerRecords,
int cpuCount,
bool isBuildCheckEnabled)
var replayEventSource = new BinaryLogReplayEventSource();
var eventSource = isBuildCheckEnabled ?
BuildCheckReplayModeConnector.GetMergedEventSource(BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager, replayEventSource) :
foreach (var distributedLoggerRecord in distributedLoggerRecords)
ILogger centralLogger = distributedLoggerRecord.CentralLogger;
if (centralLogger is INodeLogger nodeLogger)
nodeLogger.Initialize(eventSource, cpuCount);
foreach (var logger in loggers)
if (logger is INodeLogger nodeLogger)
nodeLogger.Initialize(eventSource, cpuCount);
replayEventSource.Replay(binaryLogFilePath, s_buildCancellationSource.Token);
catch (Exception ex)
var message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("InvalidLogFileFormat", ex.Message);
foreach (var logger in loggers)
foreach (var distributedLoggerRecord in distributedLoggerRecords)
/// <summary>
/// Figures out if the project needs to be validated against a schema.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="parameters"></param>
/// <returns>The schema to validate against, or null.</returns>
private static string ProcessValidateSwitch(string[] parameters)
string schemaFile = null;
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(schemaFile == null, "MultipleSchemasError", parameter);
string fileName = FileUtilities.FixFilePath(parameter);
InitializationException.VerifyThrow(FileSystems.Default.FileExists(fileName), "SchemaNotFoundError", fileName);
schemaFile = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), fileName);
return schemaFile;
/// <summary>
/// Given an invalid ToolsVersion string and the collection of valid toolsets,
/// throws an InitializationException with the appropriate message.
/// </summary>
private static void ThrowInvalidToolsVersionInitializationException(IEnumerable<Toolset> toolsets, string toolsVersion)
string toolsVersionList = string.Empty;
foreach (Toolset toolset in toolsets)
toolsVersionList += $"\"{toolset.ToolsVersion}\", ";
// Remove trailing comma and space
if (toolsVersionList.Length > 0)
toolsVersionList = toolsVersionList.Substring(0, toolsVersionList.Length - 2);
string message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword(
message = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("InvalidToolsVersionError", message);
InitializationException.Throw(message, toolsVersion);
/// <summary>
/// Displays the application version message/logo.
/// </summary>
private static void DisplayVersionMessageIfNeeded(bool recursing, bool useTerminalLogger, CommandLineSwitches commandLineSwitches)
if (recursing)
// Show the versioning information if the user has not disabled it or msbuild is not running in a mode
// where it is not appropriate to show the versioning information (information querying mode that can be plugged into CLI scripts,
// terminal logger mode, where we want to display only the most relevant info, while output is not meant for investigation).
// NOTE: response files are not reflected in this check. So enabling TL in response file will lead to version message still being shown.
bool shouldShowLogo = !commandLineSwitches[CommandLineSwitches.ParameterlessSwitch.NoLogo] &&
!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.Preprocess) &&
!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetProperty) &&
!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetItem) &&
!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.GetTargetResult) &&
!commandLineSwitches.IsParameterizedSwitchSet(CommandLineSwitches.ParameterizedSwitch.FeatureAvailability) &&
if (shouldShowLogo)
Console.WriteLine(ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceStringStripCodeAndKeyword("MSBuildVersionMessage", ProjectCollection.DisplayVersion, NativeMethods.FrameworkName));
/// <summary>
/// Displays the help message that explains switch usage and syntax.
/// </summary>
private static void ShowHelpMessage()
// NOTE: the help message is broken into pieces because localization
// prefers it that way -- see VSW #482758 "Entire command line help
// message is stored in a single resource"
foreach (string parameterizedSwitchRsouceId in CommandLineSwitches.GetParameterizedSwitchResourceIds())
foreach (string parameterlessSwitchRsouceId in CommandLineSwitches.GetParameterlessSwitchResourceIds())
/// <summary>
/// Displays a message prompting the user to look up help.
/// </summary>
private static void ShowHelpPrompt()
/// <summary>
/// Displays the build engine's version number.
/// </summary>
private static void ShowVersion()
// Change Version switch output to finish with a newline https://github.com/dotnet/msbuild/pull/9485
if (ChangeWaves.AreFeaturesEnabled(ChangeWaves.Wave17_10))
private static void ShowFeatureAvailability(string[] features)
if (features.Length == 1)
string featureName = features[0];
FeatureStatus availability = Features.CheckFeatureAvailability(featureName);
var jsonNode = new JsonObject();
foreach (string featureName in features)
jsonNode[featureName] = Features.CheckFeatureAvailability(featureName).ToString();
var options = new JsonSerializerOptions() { AllowTrailingCommas = false, WriteIndented = true };