// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using Microsoft.Build.Evaluation;
using Microsoft.Build.Execution;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Shared;
namespace Microsoft.Build.CommandLine
/// <summary>
/// This class is intended to take in names of properties, items, and/or target results and some means of computing
/// those data, then format them in a json object and provide a convenient means to stringify them.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class JsonOutputFormatter
private static readonly JsonSerializerOptions s_options = new() { AllowTrailingCommas = false, WriteIndented = true };
private readonly JsonNode _topLevelNode = new JsonObject();
public override string ToString()
return _topLevelNode.ToJsonString(s_options);
internal void AddPropertiesInJsonFormat(string[] propertyNames, Func<string, string> getProperty)
if (propertyNames.Length == 0)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_topLevelNode["Properties"] is null, "Should not add multiple lists of properties to the json format.");
JsonNode propertiesNode = new JsonObject();
foreach (string property in propertyNames)
propertiesNode[property] = getProperty(property);
_topLevelNode["Properties"] = propertiesNode;
internal void AddItemInstancesInJsonFormat(string[] itemNames, ProjectInstance project)
if (itemNames.Length == 0)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_topLevelNode["Items"] is null, "Should not add multiple lists of items to the json format.");
JsonNode itemsNode = new JsonObject();
foreach (string itemName in itemNames)
JsonArray itemArray = new();
foreach (ProjectItemInstance item in project.GetItems(itemName))
JsonObject jsonItem = new();
jsonItem["Identity"] = item.GetMetadataValue("Identity");
foreach (string metadatumName in item.MetadataNames)
if (metadatumName.Equals("Identity"))
jsonItem[metadatumName] = item.GetMetadataValue(metadatumName);
itemsNode[itemName] = itemArray;
_topLevelNode["Items"] = itemsNode;
internal void AddItemsInJsonFormat(string[] itemNames, Project project)
if (itemNames.Length == 0)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_topLevelNode["Items"] is null, "Should not add multiple lists of items to the json format.");
JsonObject itemsNode = new();
foreach (string itemName in itemNames)
JsonArray itemArray = new();
foreach (ProjectItem item in project.GetItems(itemName))
JsonObject jsonItem = new();
jsonItem["Identity"] = item.GetMetadataValue("Identity");
foreach (ProjectMetadata metadatum in item.Metadata)
jsonItem[metadatum.Name] = metadatum.EvaluatedValue;
foreach (string metadatumName in FileUtilities.ItemSpecModifiers.All)
if (metadatumName.Equals("Identity"))
jsonItem[metadatumName] = item.GetMetadataValue(metadatumName);
itemsNode[itemName] = itemArray;
_topLevelNode["Items"] = itemsNode;
internal void AddTargetResultsInJsonFormat(string[] targetNames, BuildResult result)
if (targetNames.Length == 0)
ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(_topLevelNode["TargetResults"] is null, "Should not add multiple lists of target results to the json format.");
JsonObject targetResultsNode = new();
foreach (string targetName in targetNames)
TargetResult targetResult = result.ResultsByTarget![targetName];
JsonObject targetResults = new();
targetResults["Result"] = targetResult.ResultCode.ToString();
JsonArray outputArray = new();
foreach (ITaskItem item in targetResult.Items)
JsonObject jsonItem = new();
jsonItem["Identity"] = item.GetMetadata("Identity");
foreach (string metadatumName in item.MetadataNames)
if (metadatumName.Equals("Identity"))
jsonItem[metadatumName] = item.GetMetadata(metadatumName);
targetResults["Items"] = outputArray;
targetResultsNode[targetName] = targetResults;
_topLevelNode["TargetResults"] = targetResultsNode;