File: Linker.Dataflow\ReflectionMethodBodyScanner.cs
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Project: src\src\tools\illink\src\linker\Mono.Linker.csproj (illink)
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation and contributors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using ILLink.Shared.TrimAnalysis;
using ILLink.Shared.TypeSystemProxy;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using Mono.Linker.Steps;
using MultiValue = ILLink.Shared.DataFlow.ValueSet<ILLink.Shared.DataFlow.SingleValue>;
namespace Mono.Linker.Dataflow
	sealed class ReflectionMethodBodyScanner : MethodBodyScanner
		readonly MarkStep _markStep;
		MessageOrigin _origin;
		readonly FlowAnnotations _annotations;
		readonly ReflectionMarker _reflectionMarker;
		public readonly TrimAnalysisPatternStore TrimAnalysisPatterns;
		public static bool RequiresReflectionMethodBodyScannerForCallSite (LinkContext context, MethodReference calledMethod)
			MethodDefinition? methodDefinition = context.TryResolve (calledMethod);
			if (methodDefinition == null)
				return false;
			return Intrinsics.GetIntrinsicIdForMethod (methodDefinition) > IntrinsicId.RequiresReflectionBodyScanner_Sentinel ||
				context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.RequiresDataFlowAnalysis (methodDefinition) ||
				context.Annotations.DoesMethodRequireUnreferencedCode (methodDefinition, out _) ||
				IsPInvokeDangerous (methodDefinition, context, out _);
		public static bool RequiresReflectionMethodBodyScannerForMethodBody (LinkContext context, MethodDefinition methodDefinition)
			return Intrinsics.GetIntrinsicIdForMethod (methodDefinition) > IntrinsicId.RequiresReflectionBodyScanner_Sentinel ||
				context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.RequiresDataFlowAnalysis (methodDefinition);
		public static bool RequiresReflectionMethodBodyScannerForAccess (LinkContext context, FieldReference field)
			FieldDefinition? fieldDefinition = context.TryResolve (field);
			if (fieldDefinition == null)
				return false;
			return context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.RequiresDataFlowAnalysis (fieldDefinition);
		public ReflectionMethodBodyScanner (LinkContext context, MarkStep parent, MessageOrigin origin)
			: base (context)
			_markStep = parent;
			_origin = origin;
			_annotations = context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations;
			_reflectionMarker = new ReflectionMarker (context, parent, enabled: false);
			TrimAnalysisPatterns = new TrimAnalysisPatternStore (MultiValueLattice, context);
		public override void InterproceduralScan (MethodIL methodIL)
			base.InterproceduralScan (methodIL);
			var reflectionMarker = new ReflectionMarker (_context, _markStep, enabled: true);
			TrimAnalysisPatterns.MarkAndProduceDiagnostics (reflectionMarker, _markStep);
		protected override void Scan (MethodIL methodIL, ref InterproceduralState interproceduralState)
			_origin = new MessageOrigin (methodIL.Method);
			base.Scan (methodIL, ref interproceduralState);
			if (!methodIL.Method.ReturnsVoid ()) {
				var method = methodIL.Method;
				var methodReturnValue = _annotations.GetMethodReturnValue (method, isNewObj: false);
				if (methodReturnValue.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes != 0)
					HandleAssignmentPattern (_origin, ReturnValue, methodReturnValue);
		protected override void WarnAboutInvalidILInMethod (MethodBody method, int ilOffset)
			// Serves as a debug helper to make sure valid IL is not considered invalid.
			// The .NET Native compiler used to warn if it detected invalid IL during treeshaking,
			// but the warnings were often triggered in autogenerated dead code of a major game engine
			// and resulted in support calls. No point in warning. If the code gets exercised at runtime,
			// an InvalidProgramException will likely be raised.
			Debug.Fail ("Invalid IL or a bug in the scanner");
		protected override ValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers GetMethodParameterValue (ParameterProxy parameter)
			=> GetMethodParameterValue (parameter, _context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.GetParameterAnnotation (parameter));
		MethodParameterValue GetMethodParameterValue (ParameterProxy parameter, DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes dynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes)
			=> _annotations.GetMethodParameterValue (parameter, dynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes);
		protected override MultiValue GetFieldValue (FieldDefinition field) => _annotations.GetFieldValue (field);
		private void HandleStoreValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers (ValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers targetValue, Instruction operation, MultiValue sourceValue)
			if (targetValue.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes != 0) {
				_origin = _origin.WithInstructionOffset (operation.Offset);
				HandleAssignmentPattern (_origin, sourceValue, targetValue);
		protected override void HandleStoreField (MethodDefinition method, FieldValue field, Instruction operation, MultiValue valueToStore)
			=> HandleStoreValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers (field, operation, valueToStore);
		protected override void HandleStoreParameter (MethodDefinition method, MethodParameterValue parameter, Instruction operation, MultiValue valueToStore)
			=> HandleStoreValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers (parameter, operation, valueToStore);
		protected override void HandleStoreMethodReturnValue (MethodDefinition method, MethodReturnValue returnValue, Instruction operation, MultiValue valueToStore)
			=> HandleStoreValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers (returnValue, operation, valueToStore);
		public override MultiValue HandleCall (MethodBody callingMethodBody, MethodReference calledMethod, Instruction operation, ValueNodeList methodParams)
			var reflectionProcessed = _markStep.ProcessReflectionDependency (callingMethodBody, operation);
			if (reflectionProcessed) {
				return UnknownValue.Instance;
			Debug.Assert (callingMethodBody.Method == _origin.Provider);
			var calledMethodDefinition = _context.TryResolve (calledMethod);
			if (calledMethodDefinition == null) {
				return UnknownValue.Instance;
			_origin = _origin.WithInstructionOffset (operation.Offset);
			MultiValue instanceValue;
			ImmutableArray<MultiValue> arguments;
			if (calledMethodDefinition.HasImplicitThis ()) {
				instanceValue = methodParams[0];
				arguments = methodParams.Skip (1).ToImmutableArray ();
			} else {
				instanceValue = MultiValueLattice.Top;
				arguments = methodParams.ToImmutableArray ();
			TrimAnalysisPatterns.Add (new TrimAnalysisMethodCallPattern (
			var diagnosticContext = new DiagnosticContext (_origin, diagnosticsEnabled: false, _context);
			return HandleCall (
		public static MultiValue HandleCall (
			Instruction operation,
			MethodReference calledMethod,
			MultiValue instanceValue,
			ImmutableArray<MultiValue> argumentValues,
			DiagnosticContext diagnosticContext,
			ReflectionMarker reflectionMarker,
			LinkContext context,
			MarkStep markStep)
			var origin = diagnosticContext.Origin;
			var calledMethodDefinition = context.TryResolve (calledMethod);
			Debug.Assert (calledMethodDefinition != null);
			var callingMethodDefinition = origin.Provider as MethodDefinition;
			Debug.Assert (callingMethodDefinition != null);
			bool requiresDataFlowAnalysis = context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.RequiresDataFlowAnalysis (calledMethodDefinition);
			bool isNewObj = operation.OpCode.Code == Code.Newobj;
			var annotatedMethodReturnValue = context.Annotations.FlowAnnotations.GetMethodReturnValue (calledMethodDefinition, isNewObj);
			Debug.Assert (requiresDataFlowAnalysis || annotatedMethodReturnValue.DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes == DynamicallyAccessedMemberTypes.None);
			var handleCallAction = new HandleCallAction (context, operation, markStep, reflectionMarker, diagnosticContext, callingMethodDefinition, calledMethod);
			var intrinsicId = Intrinsics.GetIntrinsicIdForMethod (calledMethodDefinition);
			if (!handleCallAction.Invoke (calledMethodDefinition, instanceValue, argumentValues, intrinsicId, out MultiValue methodReturnValue))
				throw new NotImplementedException ($"Unhandled intrinsic: {intrinsicId}");
			return methodReturnValue;
		static bool IsComInterop (IMarshalInfoProvider marshalInfoProvider, TypeReference parameterType, LinkContext context)
			// This is best effort. One can likely find ways how to get COM without triggering these alarms.
			// AsAny marshalling of a struct with an object-typed field would be one, for example.
			// This logic roughly corresponds to MarshalInfo::MarshalInfo in CoreCLR,
			// not trying to handle invalid cases and distinctions that are not interesting wrt
			// "is this COM?" question.
			NativeType nativeType = NativeType.None;
			if (marshalInfoProvider.HasMarshalInfo) {
				nativeType = marshalInfoProvider.MarshalInfo.NativeType;
			if (nativeType == NativeType.IUnknown || nativeType == NativeType.IDispatch || nativeType == NativeType.IntF) {
				// This is COM by definition
				return true;
			if (nativeType == NativeType.None) {
				// Resolve will look at the element type
				var parameterTypeDef = context.TryResolve (parameterType);
				if (parameterTypeDef != null) {
					if (parameterTypeDef.IsTypeOf (WellKnownType.System_Array)) {
						// System.Array marshals as IUnknown by default
						return true;
					} else if (parameterTypeDef.IsTypeOf (WellKnownType.System_String) ||
						parameterTypeDef.IsTypeOf ("System.Text", "StringBuilder")) {
						// String and StringBuilder are special cased by interop
						return false;
					if (parameterTypeDef.IsValueType) {
						// Value types don't marshal as COM
						return false;
					} else if (parameterTypeDef.IsInterface) {
						// Interface types marshal as COM by default
						return true;
					} else if (parameterTypeDef.IsMulticastDelegate ()) {
						// Delegates are special cased by interop
						return false;
					} else if (parameterTypeDef.IsSubclassOf ("System.Runtime.InteropServices", "CriticalHandle", context)) {
						// Subclasses of CriticalHandle are special cased by interop
						return false;
					} else if (parameterTypeDef.IsSubclassOf ("System.Runtime.InteropServices", "SafeHandle", context)) {
						// Subclasses of SafeHandle are special cased by interop
						return false;
					} else if (!parameterTypeDef.IsSequentialLayout && !parameterTypeDef.IsExplicitLayout) {
						// Rest of classes that don't have layout marshal as COM
						return true;
			return false;
		void HandleAssignmentPattern (
			in MessageOrigin origin,
			in MultiValue value,
			ValueWithDynamicallyAccessedMembers targetValue)
			TrimAnalysisPatterns.Add (new TrimAnalysisAssignmentPattern (value, targetValue, origin));
		internal static bool IsPInvokeDangerous (MethodDefinition methodDefinition, LinkContext context, out bool comDangerousMethod)
			// The method in ILLink only detects one condition - COM Dangerous, but it's structured like this
			// so that the code looks very similar to AOT which has more than one condition.
			if (!methodDefinition.IsPInvokeImpl) {
				comDangerousMethod = false;
				return false;
			comDangerousMethod = IsComInterop (methodDefinition.MethodReturnType, methodDefinition.ReturnType, context);
#pragma warning disable RS0030 // MethodDefinition.Parameters is banned. Here we iterate through the parameters and don't need to worry about the 'this' parameter.
			foreach (ParameterDefinition pd in methodDefinition.Parameters) {
				comDangerousMethod |= IsComInterop (pd, pd.ParameterType, context);
#pragma warning restore RS0030
			return comDangerousMethod;