123 references to XPathNode
dotnet-svcutil-lib (123)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Cache\XPathDocumentBuilder.cs (22)
48private XPathNode[] _pageNmsp; // Page of last in-scope namespace node 50private XPathNode[] _pageParent; // Page of last parent-type node (Element or Root) 52private XPathNode[] _pageSibling; // Page of previous sibling node (may be null if no previous sibling) 83XPathNode[] page; 227if (posDiff < 0 || posDiff > XPathNode.MaxCollapsedPositionOffset) 429XPathNode[] page; 484XPathNode[] pageTemp, pageOverride, pageNew, pageOrig, pageCopy; 604private XPathNodeRef LinkSimilarElements(XPathNode[] pagePrev, int idxPrev, XPathNode[] pageNext, int idxNext) 617private int NewNamespaceNode(out XPathNode[] page, string prefix, string namespaceUri, XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem) 619XPathNode[] pageNode; 647private int NewNode(out XPathNode[] page, XPathNodeType xptyp, string localName, string namespaceUri, string prefix, string baseUri) 649XPathNode[] pageNode; 701if (lineNumOffset < 0 || lineNumOffset > XPathNode.MaxLineNumberOffset) 708if (linePosOffset < 0 || linePosOffset > XPathNode.MaxLinePositionOffset) 721XPathNode[] pageNew; 776private XPathNode[] _page; 787_page = new XPathNode[_pageSize]; 795public XPathNode[] NextNodePage 812public void AllocateSlot(out XPathNode[] page, out int idx) 825_page = new XPathNode[_pageSize];
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Cache\XPathDocumentNavigator.cs (15)
23private XPathNode[] _pageCurrent; 24private XPathNode[] _pageParent; 38public XPathDocumentNavigator(XPathNode[] pageCurrent, int idxCurrent, XPathNode[] pageParent, int idxParent) 72XPathNode[] page, pageEnd; 200XPathNode[] page; 258XPathNode[] page = _pageCurrent; 296XPathNode[] page = _pageCurrent; 319XPathNode[] page; 358XPathNode[] page = _pageCurrent, pageParent; 487XPathNode[] page; 606XPathNode[] pageEnd; 641XPathNode[] page, pageEnd; 813XPathNode[] pageThat; 1032private int GetFollowingEnd(XPathDocumentNavigator end, bool useParentOfVirtual, out XPathNode[] pageEnd)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Cache\XPathNode.cs (9)
174public int GetRoot(out XPathNode[] pageNode) 182public int GetParent(out XPathNode[] pageNode) 191public int GetSibling(out XPathNode[] pageNode) 201public int GetSimilarElement(out XPathNode[] pageNode) 439public void SetSibling(XPathNodeInfoTable infoTable, XPathNode[] pageSibling, int idxSibling) 458public void SetSimilarElement(XPathNodeInfoTable infoTable, XPathNode[] pageSimilar, int idxSimilar) 481private XPathNode[] _page; 489public XPathNodeRef(XPathNode[] page, int idx) 500public XPathNode[] Page
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Cache\XPathNodeHelper.cs (44)
25public static int GetLocalNamespaces(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, out XPathNode[] pageNmsp) 42public static int GetInScopeNamespaces(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, out XPathNode[] pageNmsp) 72public static bool GetFirstAttribute(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 89public static bool GetNextAttribute(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 91XPathNode[] page; 109public static bool GetContentChild(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 111XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 137public static bool GetContentSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 139XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 160public static bool GetParent(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 162XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 180public static int GetLocation(XPathNode[] pageNode, int idxNode) 193public static bool GetElementChild(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, string localName, string namespaceName) 195XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 227public static bool GetElementSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, string localName, string namespaceName) 229XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 259public static bool GetContentChild(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, XPathNodeType typ) 261XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 297public static bool GetContentSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, XPathNodeType typ) 299XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 330public static bool GetPreviousContentSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 332XPathNode[] pageParent = pageNode, pagePrec, pageAnc; 393public static bool GetPreviousElementSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, string localName, string namespaceName) 395XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 422public static bool GetPreviousContentSibling(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, XPathNodeType typ) 424XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 450public static bool GetAttribute(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode, string localName, string namespaceName) 452XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 480public static bool GetFollowing(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 482XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 512public static bool GetElementFollowing(ref XPathNode[] pageCurrent, ref int idxCurrent, XPathNode[] pageEnd, int idxEnd, string localName, string namespaceName) 514XPathNode[] page = pageCurrent; 608public static bool GetContentFollowing(ref XPathNode[] pageCurrent, ref int idxCurrent, XPathNode[] pageEnd, int idxEnd, XPathNodeType typ) 610XPathNode[] page = pageCurrent; 667public static bool GetTextFollowing(ref XPathNode[] pageCurrent, ref int idxCurrent, XPathNode[] pageEnd, int idxEnd) 669XPathNode[] page = pageCurrent; 719public static bool GetNonDescendant(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode) 721XPathNode[] page = pageNode; 747private static void GetChild(ref XPathNode[] pageNode, ref int idxNode)
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\Cache\XPathNodeInfoAtom.cs (20)
23private XPathNode[] _pagePrev; 24private XPathNode[] _pageNext; 29public XPathNodePageInfo(XPathNode[] pagePrev, int pageNum) 56public XPathNode[] PreviousPage 64public XPathNode[] NextPage 87private XPathNode[] _pageParent; 88private XPathNode[] _pageSibling; 89private XPathNode[] _pageSimilar; 112XPathNode[] pageParent, XPathNode[] pageSibling, XPathNode[] pageSimilar, 122XPathNode[] pageParent, XPathNode[] pageSibling, XPathNode[] pageSimilar, 189public XPathNode[] SiblingPage 197public XPathNode[] SimilarElementPage 205public XPathNode[] ParentPage 398XPathNode[] pageParent, XPathNode[] pageSibling, XPathNode[] pageSimilar,
FrameworkFork\Microsoft.Xml\Xml\XPath\XPathDocument.cs (13)
28private XPathNode[] _pageText,_pageRoot,_pageXmlNmsp; 339internal int GetCollapsedTextNode(out XPathNode[] pageText) 348internal void SetCollapsedTextNode(XPathNode[] pageText, int idxText) 358internal int GetRootNode(out XPathNode[] pageRoot) 367internal void SetRootNode(XPathNode[] pageRoot, int idxRoot) 376internal int GetXmlNamespaceNode(out XPathNode[] pageXmlNmsp) 385internal void SetXmlNamespaceNode(XPathNode[] pageXmlNmsp, int idxXmlNmsp) 394internal void AddNamespace(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, XPathNode[] pageNmsp, int idxNmsp) 407internal int LookupNamespaces(XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem, out XPathNode[] pageNmsp) 429internal void AddIdElement(string id, XPathNode[] pageElem, int idxElem) 441internal int LookupIdElement(string id, out XPathNode[] pageElem)