2 instantiations of LogAdapter
WasmAppBuilder (2)
ManagedToNativeGenerator.cs (1)
57var logAdapter = new LogAdapter(Log);
WasmAppBuilder.cs (1)
102var logAdapter = new LogAdapter(Log);
20 references to LogAdapter
WasmAppBuilder (20)
IcallTableGenerator.cs (2)
23private LogAdapter Log { get; set; } 32public IcallTableGenerator(string? runtimeIcallTableFile, Func<string, string> fixupSymbolName, LogAdapter log)
InterpToNativeGenerator.cs (2)
24private LogAdapter Log { get; set; } 26public InterpToNativeGenerator(LogAdapter log) => Log = log;
ManagedToNativeGenerator.cs (2)
57var logAdapter = new LogAdapter(Log); 68private void ExecuteInternal(LogAdapter log)
PInvokeCollector.cs (4)
62private LogAdapter Log { get; init; } 64public PInvokeCollector(LogAdapter log) 121bool DoesMethodHaveCallbacks(MethodInfo method, LogAdapter log) 172public static bool IsBlittable(Type type, LogAdapter log) => PInvokeTableGenerator.IsBlittable(type, log);
PInvokeTableGenerator.cs (4)
21private LogAdapter Log { get; set; } 29public PInvokeTableGenerator(Func<string, string> fixupSymbolName, LogAdapter log, bool isLibraryMode = false) 456public static bool IsBlittable(Type type, LogAdapter log) 470static bool IsBlittableUncached(Type type, LogAdapter log)
SignatureMapper.cs (2)
14internal static char? TypeToChar(Type t, LogAdapter log, out bool isByRefStruct, int depth = 0) 87public static string? MethodToSignature(MethodInfo method, LogAdapter log)
WasmAppBuilder.cs (1)
102var logAdapter = new LogAdapter(Log);
WebcilConverter.cs (3)
25private LogAdapter Log { get; } 26private WebcilConverter(NET.WebAssembly.Webcil.WebcilConverter converter, string inputPath, string outputPath, LogAdapter logger) 34public static WebcilConverter FromPortableExecutable(string inputPath, string outputPath, LogAdapter logger)