File: PInvokeCollector.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\tasks\WasmAppBuilder\WasmAppBuilder.csproj (WasmAppBuilder)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.Tasks;
using WasmAppBuilder;
#pragma warning disable CA1067
#pragma warning disable CS0649
internal sealed class PInvoke : IEquatable<PInvoke>
#pragma warning restore CA1067
    public PInvoke(string entryPoint, string module, MethodInfo method, bool wasmLinkage)
        EntryPoint = entryPoint;
        Module = module;
        Method = method;
        WasmLinkage = wasmLinkage;
    public string EntryPoint;
    public string Module;
    public MethodInfo Method;
    public bool Skip;
    public bool WasmLinkage;
    public bool Equals(PInvoke? other)
        => other != null &&
            string.Equals(EntryPoint, other.EntryPoint, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
            string.Equals(Module, other.Module, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
            string.Equals(Method.ToString(), other.Method.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal);
    public override string ToString() => $"{{ EntryPoint: {EntryPoint}, Module: {Module}, Method: {Method}, Skip: {Skip} }}";
#pragma warning restore CS0649
internal sealed class PInvokeComparer : IEqualityComparer<PInvoke>
    public bool Equals(PInvoke? x, PInvoke? y)
        if (x == null && y == null)
            return true;
        if (x == null || y == null)
            return false;
        return x.Equals(y);
    public int GetHashCode(PInvoke pinvoke)
        => $"{pinvoke.EntryPoint}{pinvoke.Module}{pinvoke.Method}".GetHashCode();
internal sealed class PInvokeCollector {
    private readonly Dictionary<Assembly, bool> _assemblyDisableRuntimeMarshallingAttributeCache = new();
    private LogAdapter Log { get; init; }
    public PInvokeCollector(LogAdapter log)
        Log = log;
    public void CollectPInvokes(List<PInvoke> pinvokes, List<PInvokeCallback> callbacks, HashSet<string> signatures, Type type)
        foreach (var method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance))
                if (DoesMethodHaveCallbacks(method, Log))
                    callbacks.Add(new PInvokeCallback(method));
            catch (Exception ex) when (ex is not LogAsErrorException)
                Log.Warning("WASM0001", $"Could not get pinvoke, or callbacks for method '{type.FullName}::{method.Name}' because '{ex}'");
        if (HasAttribute(type, "System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute"))
            var method = type.GetMethod("Invoke");
            if (method != null)
                string? signature = SignatureMapper.MethodToSignature(method!, Log);
                if (signature == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported parameter type in method '{type.FullName}.{method.Name}'");
                if (signatures.Add(signature))
                    Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Adding pinvoke signature {signature} for method '{type.FullName}.{method.Name}'");
        void CollectPInvokesForMethod(MethodInfo method)
            if ((method.Attributes & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) != 0)
                var dllimport = method.CustomAttributes.First(attr => attr.AttributeType.Name == "DllImportAttribute");
                var wasmLinkage = method.CustomAttributes.Any(attr => attr.AttributeType.Name == "WasmImportLinkageAttribute");
                var module = (string)dllimport.ConstructorArguments[0].Value!;
                var entrypoint = (string)dllimport.NamedArguments.First(arg => arg.MemberName == "EntryPoint").TypedValue.Value!;
                pinvokes.Add(new PInvoke(entrypoint, module, method, wasmLinkage));
                string? signature = SignatureMapper.MethodToSignature(method, Log);
                if (signature == null)
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"Unsupported parameter type in method '{type.FullName}.{method.Name}'");
                if (signatures.Add(signature))
                    Log.LogMessage(MessageImportance.Low, $"Adding pinvoke signature {signature} for method '{type.FullName}.{method.Name}'");
        bool DoesMethodHaveCallbacks(MethodInfo method, LogAdapter log)
            if (!MethodHasCallbackAttributes(method))
                return false;
            if (TryIsMethodGetParametersUnsupported(method, out string? reason))
                Log.Warning("WASM0001", $"Skipping callback '{method.DeclaringType!.FullName}::{method.Name}' because '{reason}'.");
                return false;
            if (method.DeclaringType != null && HasAssemblyDisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute(method.DeclaringType.Assembly))
                return true;
            // No DisableRuntimeMarshalling attribute, so check if the params/ret-type are
            // blittable
            bool isVoid = method.ReturnType.FullName == "System.Void";
            if (!isVoid && !IsBlittable(method.ReturnType, log))
                Error($"The return type '{method.ReturnType.FullName}' of pinvoke callback method '{method}' needs to be blittable.");
            foreach (var p in method.GetParameters())
                if (!IsBlittable(p.ParameterType, log))
                    Error("Parameter types of pinvoke callback method '" + method + "' needs to be blittable.");
            return true;
        static bool MethodHasCallbackAttributes(MethodInfo method)
            foreach (CustomAttributeData cattr in CustomAttributeData.GetCustomAttributes(method))
                    if (cattr.AttributeType.FullName == "System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute" ||
                        cattr.AttributeType.Name == "MonoPInvokeCallbackAttribute")
                        return true;
                    // Assembly not found, ignore
            return false;
    public static bool IsBlittable(Type type, LogAdapter log) => PInvokeTableGenerator.IsBlittable(type, log);
    private static void Error(string msg) => throw new LogAsErrorException(msg);
    internal static bool HasAttribute(MemberInfo element, params string[] attributeNames) => PInvokeTableGenerator.HasAttribute(element, attributeNames);
    private static bool TryIsMethodGetParametersUnsupported(MethodInfo method, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? reason)
        catch (NotSupportedException nse)
            reason = nse.Message;
            return true;
            // not concerned with other exceptions
        reason = null;
        return false;
    private bool HasAssemblyDisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute(Assembly assembly)
        if (!_assemblyDisableRuntimeMarshallingAttributeCache.TryGetValue(assembly, out var value))
            _assemblyDisableRuntimeMarshallingAttributeCache[assembly] = value = assembly
                .Any(d => d.AttributeType.Name == "DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute");
       value = assembly.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(d => d.AttributeType.Name == "DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute");
        return value;
#pragma warning disable CS0649
internal sealed class PInvokeCallback
    public PInvokeCallback(MethodInfo method)
        Method = method;
        foreach (var attr in method.CustomAttributes)
            if (attr.AttributeType.Name == "UnmanagedCallersOnlyAttribute")
                foreach(var arg in attr.NamedArguments)
                    if (arg.MemberName == "EntryPoint")
                        EntryPoint = arg.TypedValue.Value!.ToString();
    public string? EntryPoint;
    public MethodInfo Method;
    public string? EntryName;
#pragma warning restore CS0649