55 references to TreeScope
UIAutomationClient (55)
MS\Internal\Automation\CacheHelper.cs (2)
89bool askedForChildren = (cacheRequest.TreeScope & TreeScope.Children) != 0; 90bool askedForDescendants = (cacheRequest.TreeScope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0;
MS\Internal\Automation\EventListener.cs (3)
26TreeScope scope, 69internal TreeScope TreeScope 98private TreeScope _scope; // fire events based on this scope
MS\Internal\Automation\EventListenerClientSide.cs (12)
114if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Subtree) == TreeScope.Subtree && 129if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Element) != 0 && Misc.Compare(el, elThis)) 137if (((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Children) != 0 || (_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0)) 145if (((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Parent) != 0 || (_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Ancestors) != 0)) 153if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0 && IsChildOf(elThis, el)) 159if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Ancestors) != 0 && IsChildOf(el, elThis)) 171if ((_eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Subtree) == TreeScope.Subtree && 179if ( ( _eventListener.TreeScope & TreeScope.Element ) == 0 )
MS\Internal\Automation\UiaCoreApi.cs (6)
111internal TreeScope _scope; 122public TreeScope TreeScope { get { return _scope; } } 128TreeScope scope, 267private TreeScope _scope; 582internal static SafeEventHandle UiaAddEvent(SafeNodeHandle hnode, int eventId, UiaEventCallback callback, TreeScope scope, int[] properties, UiaCacheRequest request) 1272private static extern int RawUiaAddEvent(SafeNodeHandle hnode, int eventId, UiaEventCallback callback, TreeScope scope, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] int[] pProperties, int cProperties, UiaMiniCacheRequest pRequest, out SafeEventHandle hevent);
System\Windows\Automation\Automation.cs (15)
122TreeScope scope, 144if ( ( scope & TreeScope.Descendants ) == TreeScope.Descendants ) 152if ( ( scope & ( TreeScope.Ancestors | TreeScope.Element | TreeScope.Descendants ) ) == ( TreeScope.Ancestors | TreeScope.Element | TreeScope.Descendants ) ) 156else if ( ( scope & TreeScope.Element ) == TreeScope.Element ) 213TreeScope scope, // scope to listen to 262public static void AddStructureChangedEventHandler(AutomationElement element, TreeScope scope, StructureChangedEventHandler eventHandler) 299TreeScope.Subtree | TreeScope.Ancestors,
System\Windows\Automation\AutomationElement.cs (9)
747public AutomationElement FindFirst(TreeScope scope, Condition condition) 770public AutomationElementCollection FindAll(TreeScope scope, Condition condition) 1282private UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheResponse[] Find(TreeScope scope, Condition condition, UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheRequest request, bool findFirst, BackgroundWorker worker) 1289if ((scope & ~(TreeScope.Element | TreeScope.Children | TreeScope.Descendants)) != 0) 1300if ((scope & TreeScope.Descendants) != 0) 1302else if ((scope & TreeScope.Children) != 0) 1307if ((scope & TreeScope.Element) != 0)
System\Windows\Automation\CacheRequest.cs (8)
100_scope = TreeScope.Element; 112TreeScope scope, 293public TreeScope TreeScope 307if ((value & ~(TreeScope.Element | TreeScope.Children | TreeScope.Descendants)) != 0) 410_defaultUiaCacheRequest = new UiaCoreApi.UiaCacheRequest(Automation.ControlViewCondition, TreeScope.Element, new AutomationProperty[] { AutomationElement.RuntimeIdProperty }, new AutomationPattern[] { }, AutomationElementMode.Full); 499TreeScope _scope;