// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Common code to support the ITextPointerProvider interface
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;
using System.Windows.Automation.Text;
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies
internal class WindowsRichEditRange : ITextRangeProvider
internal WindowsRichEditRange(ITextRange range, WindowsRichEdit pattern)
Debug.Assert(range != null);
Debug.Assert(pattern != null);
_range = range;
_pattern = pattern;
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
ITextRangeProvider ITextRangeProvider.Clone()
// Use ITextRange::GetDuplicate to duplicate the ITextRange.
ITextRange range = _range.GetDuplicate();
return range!=null ? new WindowsRichEditRange(range, _pattern) : null;
bool ITextRangeProvider.Compare(ITextRangeProvider range)
// Use ITextRange::IsEqual to compare ITextRanges.
WindowsRichEditRange otherRange = (WindowsRichEditRange)range;
return _range.IsEqual(otherRange._range)==TomBool.tomTrue;
int ITextRangeProvider.CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, ITextRangeProvider targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
// Get the endpoint character positions using ITextRange::GetStart && ITextRange::GetEnd.
// Subtract the character positions to get the return value.
WindowsRichEditRange otherRange = (WindowsRichEditRange)targetRange;
int e1 = (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start) ? _range.Start : _range.End;
int e2 = (targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start) ? otherRange._range.Start : otherRange._range.End;
return e1 - e2;
void ITextRangeProvider.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit unit)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.Format:
// take the minimum of expanding by character and paragraph formatting.
ITextRange charRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
ITextRange paraRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
_range.SetRange(Math.Max(charRange.Start, paraRange.Start), Math.Min(charRange.End, paraRange.End));
_range.Expand(TomUnitFromTextUnit(unit, "unit"));
ITextRangeProvider ITextRangeProvider.FindAttribute(int attributeId, object val, bool backwards)
AutomationTextAttribute attribute = AutomationTextAttribute.LookupById(attributeId);
// for paragraph-level attributes (ITextPara) search by units of uniform paragraph formatting.
// for character-level attributes (ITextFont) search by units of uniform character formatting.
if (attribute == TextPattern.BulletStyleAttribute
|| attribute == TextPattern.HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute
|| attribute == TextPattern.IndentationFirstLineAttribute
|| attribute == TextPattern.IndentationLeadingAttribute
|| attribute == TextPattern.IndentationTrailingAttribute
|| attribute == TextPattern.TabsAttribute)
if (backwards)
return FindAttributeBackwards(attribute, val, TomUnit.tomParaFormat);
return FindAttributeForwards(attribute, val, TomUnit.tomParaFormat);
if (backwards)
return FindAttributeBackwards(attribute, val, TomUnit.tomCharFormat);
return FindAttributeForwards(attribute, val, TomUnit.tomCharFormat);
ITextRangeProvider ITextRangeProvider.FindText(string text, bool backwards, bool ignoreCase)
// copy the our range and search from the start point or end point depending on
// whether we are searching backwards.
ITextRange range = _range.GetDuplicate();
TomMatch flags = ignoreCase ? 0 : TomMatch.tomMatchCase;
int max = range.End - range.Start;
int length;
if (!backwards)
length = range.FindTextStart(text, max, flags);
range.End = range.Start + length;
length = range.FindTextEnd(text, -max, flags);
range.Start = range.End - length;
// return a new range if we found something or null otherwise.
return length > 0 ? new WindowsRichEditRange(range, _pattern) : null;
object ITextRangeProvider.GetAttributeValue(int attributeId)
AutomationTextAttribute attribute = AutomationTextAttribute.LookupById(attributeId);
// note regarding UnderlineColorAttribute: richedit does not support colored underlines. all underlines
// are the same color as the text so richedit does not support UnderlineColorAttribute.
return GetAttributeValueForRange(_range, attribute);
double[] ITextRangeProvider.GetBoundingRectangles()
// if the range is entirely off-screen then return an empty array of rectangles
ITextRange visibleRange = _pattern.GetVisibleRange();
int start = Math.Max(_range.Start, visibleRange.Start);
int end = Math.Min(_range.End, visibleRange.End);
if (start > end)
return Array.Empty<double>();
// get the client area in screen coordinates.
// we'll use it to "clip" ranges that are partially scrolled out of view.
NativeMethods.Win32Rect w32rect = new NativeMethods.Win32Rect();
Misc.GetClientRectInScreenCoordinates(_pattern.WindowHandle, ref w32rect);
Rect clientRect = new Rect(w32rect.left, w32rect.top, w32rect.right - w32rect.left, w32rect.bottom - w32rect.top);
// for each line except the last add a bounding rectangle
// that spans from the start of the line (or start of the original
// range in the case of the first line) to the end of the line.
ArrayList rects = new ArrayList();
Rect rect;
ITextRange range = _pattern.Document.Range(start, start);
range.EndOf(TomUnit.tomLine, TomExtend.tomExtend);
while (range.End < end)
rect = CalculateOneLineRangeRectangle(range, clientRect);
if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
// move to the start of the next line and extend it to the end.
range.Move(TomUnit.tomLine, 1);
range.EndOf(TomUnit.tomLine, TomExtend.tomExtend);
// add the bounding rectangle for last (and possibly only) line.
range.End = end;
rect = CalculateOneLineRangeRectangle(range, clientRect);
if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
// convert our list of rectangles into an array and return it.
Rect[] rectArray = new Rect[rects.Count];
return Misc.RectArrayToDoubleArray(rectArray);
IRawElementProviderSimple ITextRangeProvider.GetEnclosingElement()
// note: if we have hyperlink children we'll need something more sophisticated.
return _pattern;
string ITextRangeProvider.GetText(int maxLength)
// if no maximum length is given then return the text of the entire range.
string text;
if (maxLength < 0)
text = _range.Text;
// if the maximum length is greater than the length of the range then
// return the text of the entire range
int start = _range.Start;
int end = _range.End;
if (end - start <= maxLength)
text = _range.Text;
// the range is greater than the maximum length so get the text from a
// cloned, truncated range.
ITextRange range = _range.GetDuplicate();
range.End = range.Start + maxLength;
text = range.Text;
Debug.Assert(text == null || text.Length == maxLength);
// RichEdit returns null for an empty range rather than an empty string.
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? "" : text;
int ITextRangeProvider.Move(TextUnit unit, int count)
int moved;
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.Format:
moved = MoveFormatUnit(count);
moved = _range.Move(TomUnitFromTextUnit(unit, "unit"), count);
return moved;
int ITextRangeProvider.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextUnit unit, int count)
int moved;
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.Format:
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start)
moved = MoveStartFormatUnit(count);
moved = MoveEndFormatUnit(count);
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start)
moved = _range.MoveStart(TomUnitFromTextUnit(unit, "unit"), count);
moved = _range.MoveEnd(TomUnitFromTextUnit(unit, "unit"), count);
return moved;
void ITextRangeProvider.MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, ITextRangeProvider targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
// our our character position to the target character position
ITextRange range = ((WindowsRichEditRange)targetRange)._range;
int cp = (targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start) ? range.Start : range.End;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start)
// TOM has an idiosyncracy that you can't set Start to after the final '\r'.
// If you attempt to do so then it will change End instead. Yuk!
// So if they attempt to set the start of the range to the very end of the
// document we'll place it immediately before the end of the document instead.
int storyLength = _range.StoryLength;
_range.Start = cp<storyLength ? cp : storyLength-1;
_range.End = cp;
void ITextRangeProvider.Select()
// for future reference: ITextRange::Select sets the active end to End.
// If the client wanted the active endpoint to be the start then fix it up.
// if (activeEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.Start)
// _pattern.Document.Selection.Flags = _pattern.Document.Selection.Flags | TomSelectionFlags.tomSelStartActive;
void ITextRangeProvider.AddToSelection()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void ITextRangeProvider.RemoveFromSelection()
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void ITextRangeProvider.ScrollIntoView(bool alignToTop)
if (alignToTop)
// ITextRange.ScrollIntoView with tomEnd results in the last line only partially visible.
// to ensure that the last line is fully-visible we scroll the *next* line to the bottom.
ITextRange range = _range.GetDuplicate();
range.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomLine, 1);
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
IRawElementProviderSimple[] ITextRangeProvider.GetChildren()
// if we implement hyperlink, etc. children then this becomes more involved.
return Array.Empty<IRawElementProviderSimple>();
#endregion Public Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// this is an extension of object.Equals that compares arrays by value instead of by reference.
private static bool AttributeValuesAreEqual(object v1, object v2)
// check if the objects are equal
if (object.Equals(v1, v2))
return true;
Array a1 = v1 as Array;
Array a2 = v2 as Array;
if( a1 != null && a2 != null)
// System.Array has reference equality not value equality so we manually check
// whether two arrays have the same contents.
// verify they have the same number of dimensions and total elements
if (a1.Length != a2.Length || a1.Rank != a2.Rank)
return false;
// verify each dimension has the same upper and lower bounds
for (int i = 0; i < a1.Rank; i++)
if (a1.GetLowerBound(i) != a2.GetLowerBound(i)
|| a1.GetUpperBound(i) != a2.GetUpperBound(i))
return false;
// compare each element
IEnumerator e1 = a1.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator e2 = a2.GetEnumerator();
while (e1.MoveNext() && e2.MoveNext())
// (we recursively use CompareAttributeValues to handle the case of nested arrays.)
if (!AttributeValuesAreEqual(e1.Current, e2.Current))
return false;
// all checks passed. the arrays are value equal.
return true;
// To workaround the conversion that Marshaling of COM-interop did.
else if (v2 is Enum)
return object.Equals(v1, (int)v2);
return false;
private ITextRangeProvider FindAttributeForwards(AutomationTextAttribute attribute, object val, TomUnit unit)
// we accumulate the resulting subrange with these two endpoints:
const int NoMatchYet = -1;
int start = NoMatchYet; // set to a character position when we find the beginning of the match.
int end = NoMatchYet; // a character position that is extended each time we find another matching subrange.
// examine each subrange of uniform formatting until we reach the end of our range.
// if we complete a match within the range we will break out of the middle of the loop.
int limit = _range.End; // cache the limit of our search range.
ITextRange subrange = FirstUnit(_range);
while (NextUnit(limit, subrange, unit))
// if this subrange of values has a matching attribute then add it to
// our resulting subrange.
object subrangeVal = GetAttributeValueForRange(subrange, attribute);
if (AttributeValuesAreEqual(val, subrangeVal))
// set the start pointer if this is the first matching subrange.
if (start == NoMatchYet)
start = subrange.Start;
// update the end of the matching subrange to include the current one.
end = subrange.End;
// no match.
// if we have found a matching subrange then we're done.
if (start != NoMatchYet)
// if we have a matching subrange then return it, otherwise return null.
if (start != NoMatchYet)
subrange.SetRange(start, end);
return new WindowsRichEditRange(subrange, _pattern);
return null;
private ITextRangeProvider FindAttributeBackwards(AutomationTextAttribute attribute, object val, TomUnit unit)
// this works just like FindAttributeForwards except we work our way backward through the range.
// we accumulate the resulting subrange with these two endpoints:
const int NoMatchYet = -1;
int start = NoMatchYet; // a character position that is extended each time we find another matching subrange.
int end = NoMatchYet; // set to a character position when we find the beginning of the match.
// examine each subrange of uniform formatting until we reach the end of our range.
// if we complete a match within the range we will break out of the middle of the loop.
int limit = _range.Start; // cache the limit of our search range.
ITextRange subrange = LastUnit(_range);
while (PreviousUnit(limit, subrange, unit))
// if this subrange of values has a matching attribute then add it to
// our resulting subrange.
object subrangeVal = GetAttributeValueForRange(subrange, attribute);
if (AttributeValuesAreEqual(val, subrangeVal))
// set the start pointer if this is the first matching subrange.
if (end == NoMatchYet)
end = subrange.End;
// update the start of the matching subrange to include the current one.
start = subrange.Start;
// no match.
// if we have found a matching subrange then we're done.
if (end != NoMatchYet)
// if we have a matching subrange then return it, otherwise return null.
if (end != NoMatchYet)
subrange.SetRange(start, end);
return new WindowsRichEditRange(subrange, _pattern);
return null;
private object GetAttributeValueForRange(ITextRange range, AutomationTextAttribute attribute)
// conditional attributes that we aren't implementing this version are commented out.
object rval;
if (attribute == TextPattern.AnimationStyleAttribute) { rval = GetAnimationStyle(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.BackgroundColorAttribute) { rval = GetBackgroundColor(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.BulletStyleAttribute) { rval = GetBulletStyle(range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.CapStyleAttribute) { rval = GetCapStyle(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.CompositionStateAttribute) { rval = GetCompositionState(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.CultureAttribute) { rval = GetCulture(range.Font, range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.FontNameAttribute) { rval = GetFontName(range); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.FontSizeAttribute) { rval = GetFontSize(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.FontWeightAttribute) { rval = GetFontWeight(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.ForegroundColorAttribute) { rval = GetForegroundColor(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.HeadingLevelAttribute) { rval = GetHeadingLevel(range.Font, range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute) { rval = GetHorizontalTextAlignment(range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IndentationFirstLineAttribute) { rval = GetIndentationFirstLine(range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IndentationLeadingAttribute) { rval = GetIndentationLeading(range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IndentationTrailingAttribute) { rval = GetIndentationTrailing(range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IsHiddenAttribute) { rval = GetHidden(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IsItalicAttribute) { rval = GetItalic(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IsReadOnlyAttribute) { rval = GetReadOnly(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IsSubscriptAttribute) { rval = GetSubscript(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.IsSuperscriptAttribute) { rval = GetSuperscript(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarginBottomAttribute) { rval = GetMarginBottom(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarginLeadingAttribute) { rval = GetMarginLeading(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarginTopAttribute) { rval = GetMarginTop(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarginTrailingAttribute) { rval = GetMarginTrailing(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarkedAutoCorrectedAttribute) { rval = GetMarkedAutoCorrected(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarkedGrammaticallyWrongAttribute) { rval = GetMarkedGrammaticallyWrong(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarkedMisspelledAttribute) { rval = GetMarkedMisspelled(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.MarkedSmartTagAttribute) { rval = GetMarkedSmartTag(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.OrderedListStringAttribute) { rval = GetOrderedListString(range.Font, range.Para); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.OutlineStylesAttribute) { rval = GetOutlineStyles(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.OverlineColorAttribute) { rval = GetOverlineColor(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.OverlineStyleAttribute) { rval = GetOverlineStyle(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.PageHeightAttribute) { rval = GetPageHeight(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.PageNumberAttribute) { rval = GetPageNumber(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.PageWidthAttribute) { rval = GetPageWidth(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.PortraitAttribute) { rval = GetPortrait(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.StrikethroughColorAttribute) { rval = GetStrikethroughColor(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.StrikethroughStyleAttribute) { rval = GetStrikethroughStyle(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.TabsAttribute) { rval = GetTabs(range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.TextFlowDirectionAttribute) { rval = GetTextFlowDirection(range.Font, range.Para); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.UnderlineColorAttribute) { rval = GetUnderlineColor(range.Font); }
else if (attribute == TextPattern.UnderlineStyleAttribute) { rval = GetUnderlineStyle(range.Font); }
// else if (attribute == TextPattern.VerticalTextAlignmentAttribute) { rval = GetVerticalTextAlignment(range.Font, range.Para); }
rval = AutomationElement.NotSupported;
return rval;
private static object GetAnimationStyle(ITextFont font)
TomAnimation anim = font.Animation;
if (anim == TomAnimation.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
// the AnimationStyle enum matches the TomAnimation enum
return (AnimationStyle)(int)anim;
private static object GetBackgroundColor(ITextFont font)
int color = font.BackColor;
switch (color)
case (int)TomConst.tomAutocolor:
// tomAutocolor means richedit is using the default system background color.
// review: if RichEdit sends a WM_CTLCOLOR message to it's parent then the
// background color can depend on whatever background brush the parent supplies.
return SafeNativeMethods.GetSysColor(NativeMethods.COLOR_WINDOW);
case (int)TomConst.tomUndefined:
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
// if the high-byte is zero then we have a COLORREF
if ((color & 0xff000000) == 0)
return color;
// we have a PALETTEINDEX color
return AutomationElement.NotSupported;
private static object GetBulletStyle(ITextPara para)
// look at the ListType field of the paragraph style.
TomListType t = para.ListType;
if (t == TomListType.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
switch (para.ListType & TomListType.tomListTypeMask)
case TomListType.tomListBullet:
return BulletStyle.FilledRoundBullet;
return BulletStyle.None;
private static object GetCapStyle(ITextFont font)
TomBool allCaps = font.AllCaps;
TomBool smallCaps = font.SmallCaps;
if (allCaps == TomBool.tomUndefined || smallCaps == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
// note: AllCaps and SmallCaps are mutually exclusive.
if (font.AllCaps == TomBool.tomTrue)
return CapStyle.AllCap;
else if (font.SmallCaps == TomBool.tomTrue)
return CapStyle.SmallCap;
return CapStyle.None;
private static object GetFontName(ITextRange range)
// most ITextFont properties return tomUndefined if the value varies over the range.
// for the font name, though, ITextFont just returns the name of the font at one end
// of the range. So we have to go through the range in tomCharFormat units and examine
// the font name in each one to see if it is uniform or not.
// if it is a degenerate range then return the font name for that degenerate range.
string name = null;
int start = range.Start;
int end = range.End; // cache the limit
if (start >= end)
name = range.Font.Name;
// iterate over blocks of uniformly-formatted text
for (ITextRange unitRange = FirstUnit(range); NextUnit(end, unitRange, TomUnit.tomCharFormat); )
// on the first iteration remember the font name.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = unitRange.Font.Name;
// on subsequent iterations compare if the font name is the same.
if (!string.Equals(name, unitRange.Font.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal))
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return name;
private static object GetFontSize(ITextFont font)
float size = font.Size;
if ((TomConst)size == TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return (double)size;
private static object GetFontWeight(ITextFont font)
int weight = font.Weight;
if (weight == (int)TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return weight;
private static object GetForegroundColor(ITextFont font)
int color = font.ForeColor;
switch (color)
case (int)TomConst.tomAutocolor:
// tomAutocolor means richedit is using the default system foreground color.
// review: if RichEdit sends a WM_CTLCOLOR message to it's parent then the
// text color can depend on whatever foreground color the parent supplies.
return SafeNativeMethods.GetSysColor(NativeMethods.COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
case (int)TomConst.tomUndefined:
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
// if the high-byte is zero then we have a COLORREF
if ((color & 0xff000000) == 0)
return color;
// we have a PALETTEINDEX color
return AutomationElement.NotSupported;
private static object GetHorizontalTextAlignment(ITextPara para)
// review: ITextPara::GetListAlignment?
TomAlignment alignment = para.Alignment;
if (alignment == TomAlignment.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
// HorizontalTextAlignment enum matcheds TomAlignment enum
return (HorizontalTextAlignment)(int)para.Alignment;
private static object GetIndentationFirstLine(ITextPara para)
float indent = para.FirstLineIndent;
if ((TomConst)indent == TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return (double)indent;
private static object GetIndentationLeading(ITextPara para)
float indent = para.LeftIndent;
if ((TomConst)indent == TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return (double)indent;
private static object GetIndentationTrailing(ITextPara para)
float indent = para.RightIndent;
if ((TomConst)indent == TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return (double)indent;
private static object GetHidden(ITextFont font)
TomBool hidden = font.Hidden;
if (hidden == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return hidden == TomBool.tomTrue;
private static object GetItalic(ITextFont font)
TomBool italic = font.Italic;
if (italic == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return italic == TomBool.tomTrue;
private static object GetOutlineStyles(ITextFont font)
TomBool outline = font.Outline;
TomBool shadow = font.Shadow;
TomBool emboss = font.Emboss;
TomBool engrave = font.Engrave;
if (outline == TomBool.tomUndefined || shadow == TomBool.tomUndefined || emboss == TomBool.tomUndefined || engrave == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
OutlineStyles style = 0;
style |= (outline == TomBool.tomTrue) ? OutlineStyles.Outline : 0;
style |= (shadow == TomBool.tomTrue) ? OutlineStyles.Shadow : 0;
style |= (emboss == TomBool.tomTrue) ? OutlineStyles.Embossed : 0;
style |= (engrave == TomBool.tomTrue) ? OutlineStyles.Engraved : 0;
return style;
private object GetReadOnly(ITextFont font)
// if the entire pattern is read-only then every range within it is also
// read only.
if (_pattern.ReadOnly)
return true;
// check if the "Protected" font style is turned on.
TomBool protect = font.Protected;
if (protect == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return protect == TomBool.tomTrue;
private static object GetStrikethroughStyle(ITextFont font)
TomBool strike = font.StrikeThrough;
if (strike == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return strike == TomBool.tomTrue ? TextDecorationLineStyle.Single : TextDecorationLineStyle.None;
private static object GetSubscript(ITextFont font)
TomBool sub = font.Subscript;
if (sub == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return sub == TomBool.tomTrue;
private static object GetSuperscript(ITextFont font)
TomBool super = font.Superscript;
if (super == TomBool.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
return super == TomBool.tomTrue;
private static object GetTabs(ITextPara para)
int count = para.TabCount;
if (count == (int)TomConst.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
double[] tabs = new double[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
float tbPos;
TomAlignment tbAlign;
TomLeader tbLeader;
para.GetTab(i, out tbPos, out tbAlign, out tbLeader);
tabs[i] = tbPos;
return tabs;
private static object GetUnderlineStyle(ITextFont font)
// note: if a range spans different underline styles then it won't return tomUndefined. instead it appears
// to return the underline style at the endpoint. if a range spans underlined and non-underlined text then
// it returns tomUndefined properly.
TomUnderline underline = font.Underline;
if (underline == TomUnderline.tomUndefined)
return TextPattern.MixedAttributeValue;
switch (underline)
case TomUnderline.tomTrue:
return TextDecorationLineStyle.Single;
// TextDecorationLineStyle enum matches TomUnderline enum
return (TextDecorationLineStyle)(int)underline;
private int MoveFormatUnit(int count)
int moved = 0;
if (count > 0)
// if it is a non-degenerate range then collapse it.
if (_range.Start < _range.End)
// move the start point forward the number of units. the end point will get pushed along.
moved += MoveStartFormatUnit(count);
else if (count < 0)
// if it is a non-degenerate range then collapse it.
if (_range.Start < _range.End)
// move the end point backward the number of units. the start point will get pushed along.
moved += MoveEndFormatUnit(count);
return moved;
private int MoveStartFormatUnit(int count)
// This is identical to MoveEndFormatUnit except we are calling MoveStartOneXXX instead of the MoveEndOneXXX versions.
int moved = 0;
if (count > 0)
// loop until we have moved the requested number of units
// or we can't move anymore and break out of the loop.
while (moved < count)
if (MoveStartOneFormatUnitForward())
else if (count < 0)
// loop until we have moved the requested number of units
// or we can't move anymore and break out of the loop.
while (moved > count)
if (MoveStartOneFormatUnitBackward())
return moved;
private int MoveEndFormatUnit(int count)
// This is identical to MoveStartFormatUnit except we are calling MoveEndOneXXX instead of the MoveStartOneXXX versions.
int moved = 0;
if (count > 0)
// loop until we have moved the requested number of units
// or we can't move anymore and break out of the loop.
while (moved < count)
if (MoveEndOneFormatUnitForward())
else if (count < 0)
// loop until we have moved the requested number of units
// or we can't move anymore and break out of the loop.
while (moved > count)
if (MoveEndOneFormatUnitBackward())
return moved;
private bool MoveStartOneFormatUnitForward()
// try moving the endpoint one char-format unit and one para-format unit
// and remember where each one ended up.
ITextRange charRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int charMoved = charRange.MoveStart(TomUnit.tomCharFormat, 1);
Debug.Assert(charMoved == 0 || charMoved == 1);
ITextRange paraRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int paraMoved = paraRange.MoveStart(TomUnit.tomParaFormat, 1);
Debug.Assert(paraMoved == 0 || paraMoved == 1);
// ensure the endpoint is set to whichever moved the *least*
// and return true iff we moved successfully.
if (charMoved == 1 && (paraMoved == 0 || charRange.Start <= paraRange.Start))
_range = charRange;
return true;
else if (paraMoved == 1)
_range = paraRange;
return true;
return false;
private bool MoveStartOneFormatUnitBackward()
// try moving the endpoint one char-format unit and one para-format unit
// and remember where each one ended up.
ITextRange charRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int charMoved = charRange.MoveStart(TomUnit.tomCharFormat, -1);
Debug.Assert(charMoved == 0 || charMoved == -1);
ITextRange paraRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int paraMoved = paraRange.MoveStart(TomUnit.tomParaFormat, -1);
Debug.Assert(paraMoved == 0 || paraMoved == -1);
// ensure the endpoint is set to whichever moved the *least*
// and return true iff we moved successfully.
if (charMoved == -1 && (paraMoved == 0 || charRange.Start >= paraRange.Start))
_range = charRange;
return true;
else if (paraMoved == -1)
_range = paraRange;
return true;
return false;
private bool MoveEndOneFormatUnitForward()
// try moving the endpoint one char-format unit and one para-format unit
// and remember where each one ended up.
ITextRange charRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int charMoved = charRange.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomCharFormat, 1);
Debug.Assert(charMoved == 0 || charMoved == 1);
ITextRange paraRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int paraMoved = paraRange.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomParaFormat, 1);
Debug.Assert(paraMoved == 0 || paraMoved == 1);
// ensure the endpoint is set to whichever moved the *least*
// and return true iff we moved successfully.
if (charMoved == 1 && (paraMoved == 0 || charRange.End <= paraRange.End))
_range = charRange;
return true;
else if (paraMoved == 1)
_range = paraRange;
return true;
return false;
private bool MoveEndOneFormatUnitBackward()
// try moving the endpoint one char-format unit and one para-format unit
// and remember where each one ended up.
ITextRange charRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int charMoved = charRange.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomCharFormat, -1);
Debug.Assert(charMoved == 0 || charMoved == -1);
ITextRange paraRange = _range.GetDuplicate();
int paraMoved = paraRange.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomParaFormat, -1);
Debug.Assert(paraMoved == 0 || paraMoved == -1);
// ensure the endpoint is set to whichever moved the *least*
// and return true iff we moved successfully.
if (charMoved == -1 && (paraMoved == 0 || charRange.End >= paraRange.End))
_range = charRange;
return true;
else if (paraMoved == -1)
_range = paraRange;
return true;
return false;
// this wrapper around ITextRange.GetPoint returns true if GetPoint returned S_OK, false if GetPoint returned S_FALSE,
// or throws an exception for an error hresult.
internal static bool RangeGetPoint(ITextRange range, TomGetPoint type, out int x, out int y)
int hr = range.GetPoint(type, out x, out y);
if (hr < 0)
return hr == 0;
// converts one of our TextUnits to the corresponding TomUnit.
// if there isn't a corresponding one it throws an ArgumentException for the specified name.
private static TomUnit TomUnitFromTextUnit(TextUnit unit, string name)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.Character:
return TomUnit.tomCharacter;
case TextUnit.Word:
return TomUnit.tomWord;
case TextUnit.Line:
return TomUnit.tomLine;
case TextUnit.Paragraph:
return TomUnit.tomParagraph;
case TextUnit.Page:
case TextUnit.Document:
return TomUnit.tomStory;
throw new ArgumentException(name);
#endregion Private Methods
// Static Methods
#region Static Methods
// these helper functions make it convenient to walk through a range by unit as follows:
// int end = range.End;
// for (ITextRange subrange=FirstUnit(range); NextUnit(end, subrange, tomUnit.tomCharFormat);)...
// and
// int start = range.Start;
// for (ITextRange subrange=LastUnit(range); PreviousUnit(start, subrange, tomUnit.tomParaFormat);)...
private static ITextRange FirstUnit(ITextRange range)
// get a degenerate subrange positioned at the beginning of the range
ITextRange subrange = range.GetDuplicate();
return subrange;
private static ITextRange LastUnit(ITextRange range)
// get a degenerate subrange positioned at the end of the range
ITextRange subrange = range.GetDuplicate();
return subrange;
private static bool NextUnit(int end, ITextRange subrange, TomUnit unit)
if (subrange.End >= end)
return false;
// collapse the range to the end and then extend it another unit.
subrange.MoveEnd(unit, 1);
// truncate if necessary to ensure it fits inside the range
if (subrange.End > end)
subrange.End = end;
return true;
private static bool PreviousUnit(int start, ITextRange subrange, TomUnit unit)
if (subrange.Start <= start)
return false;
// collapse the range to the end and then extend it another unit.
subrange.MoveStart(unit, -1);
// truncate if necessary to ensure it fits inside the range
if (subrange.Start < start)
subrange.Start = start;
return true;
// this function gets the bounding rectangle for a range that does not wrap lines.
private static Rect CalculateOneLineRangeRectangle(ITextRange lineRange, Rect clientRect)
int start = lineRange.Start;
int end = lineRange.End;
if (start < end)
// make a working copy of the range. shrink it by one character since
// ITextRange.GetPoint returns the coordinates of the character *after* the end of the
// range rather than the one immediately *before* the end of the range.
ITextRange range = lineRange.GetDuplicate();
range.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomCharacter, -1);
// The ITextRange::SetRange method sets this range's Start = min(cp1, cp2) and End = max(cp1, cp2).
// If the range is a nondegenerate selection, cp2 is the active end; if it's a degenerate selection,
// the ambiguous cp is displayed at the start of the line (rather than at the end of the previous line).
// Set the end to the start and the start to the end to create an ambiguous cp.
range.SetRange(range.End, range.Start);
Rect rect = new Rect(clientRect.Location, clientRect.Size);
bool trimmed = TrimRectangleByRangeCorners(range, ref rect);
if (!trimmed)
while (!trimmed && start < end)
// shrink the range
range.MoveStart(TomUnit.tomCharacter, 1);
// If the character just moved over was a '\r' the start will be out of sink with range.Start
if (start < end)
range.MoveEnd(TomUnit.tomCharacter, -1);
// If the character just moved over was a '\r' the end will be out of sink with range.End
//Debug.Assert(start == range.Start);
//Debug.Assert(end == range.End);
trimmed = TrimRectangleByRangeCorners(range, ref rect);
if (trimmed)
rect.X = clientRect.X;
rect.Width = clientRect.Width;
if (!trimmed)
rect = Rect.Empty;
return rect;
// degenerate range. return empty rectangle.
// it might be nice to return a zero-width rectangle with the appropriate height and location.
// however, when the degenerate range is at a line wrapping point then it is ambiguous as to
// whether the rectangle should be at the end of one line or the beginning of the next. clients
// can always extend a degenerate range by one character in either direction before getting a bounding
// rectangle if they want.
return Rect.Empty;
// pass in a rectangle of the entire client area and this function will trim it based on visible corners
// of the range plus the character following the range. we get the extra character because
// ITextRange.GetPoint(tomEnd,...) refers to the character following the endpoint rather than immediately
// preceding the endpoint. callers have to take this into account and adjust their ranges accordingly.
// it will trim the rectangle as much as possible based on the visible corners and leave the rest
// of the rectangle unchanged. it returns true if it found at least one visible corner.
// note: there are some obscure cases that this won't handle. if all four corners of a character cell
// are outside the client area but some part of the middle of the character is visible then this routine will
// think that the character is entirely invisible. this limitation is due to the fact that you can only
// get coordinates from ITextRange for a specific point on an endpoint character and if that specific
// point is offscreen then ITextRange::GetPoint returns S_FALSE.
private static bool TrimRectangleByRangeCorners(ITextRange range, ref Rect rect)
// it's easier to work with the rectangle components separately..
double left = rect.Left;
double top = rect.Top;
double right = rect.Right;
double bottom = rect.Bottom;
// if the top-left corner is visible then trim off anything above that corner.
// if we are on our first iteration then also trim anything to the left of it.
int x, y;
bool GotTopLeft, GotTopRight, GotBottomLeft, GotBottomRight;
GotTopRight = false; GotBottomLeft = false;
if (GotTopLeft = RangeGetPoint(range, TomGetPoint.tomStart/*|TOP|LEFT*/, out x, out y))
left = x;
top = y;
// if the bottom-right corner is visible then trim off anything below that corner.
// if we are on our first iteration then also trim anything to the right of it.
if (GotBottomRight = RangeGetPoint(range, /*tomEnd|*/TomGetPoint.TA_BOTTOM | TomGetPoint.TA_RIGHT, out x, out y))
right = x;
bottom = y;
// (if diagonal corners are visible then we are done since we have trimmed all four sides.)
// if only one or neither diagonal corner is visible...
if (!GotTopLeft || !GotBottomRight)
// if the top-right corner is visible then trim off anything above that corner.
// if we are on our first iteration then also trim anything to the right of it.
if (GotTopRight = RangeGetPoint(range, /*tomEnd|TOP|*/TomGetPoint.TA_RIGHT, out x, out y))
right = x;
top = y;
// if the bottom-left corner is visible then trim off anything below that corner.
// if we are on our first iteration then also trim anything to the left of it.
if (GotBottomLeft = RangeGetPoint(range, TomGetPoint.tomStart | TomGetPoint.TA_BOTTOM /*|LEFT*/, out x, out y))
left = x;
bottom = y;
// update the rectangle
rect.X = left;
rect.Y = top;
rect.Width = right - left;
rect.Height = bottom - top;
return GotTopLeft || GotTopRight || GotBottomLeft || GotBottomRight;
#endregion Static Methods
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private ITextRange _range; // alert: this can point to different ITextRange objects over the lifetime of this WindowsRichEditRange.
private WindowsRichEdit _pattern;
#endregion private Fields