// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: Manual definition of needed RichEdit (riched20.dll) interfaces
Note that DispId attribute is skipped since we are the only client and DISPIDs are never
used when .Net component invokes dual interface methods on a COM object since CLR always calls
through the v-table. TypeLibTypeAttribute ommit as weel, once again since we are the only client
All base interface methods must be duplicated on the definition of the derived interface.
Methods that will not be used (at least at this time) can be replcased with the void Placeholder()
If method returning the interface that will not be used, in order to prevent the baloon effect
simply return object.
[PreserveSig] Can be used when needed in order to get back HRESULT. If not used && FAILED(hr)
Exception will be thrown
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
// Right now we really define only methods and enums that are getting used in the code
// For everything else we put a stub, which can be easily converted to real thing when needed
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies
// ITextDocument
#region ITextDocument
[ComImport, Guid("8CC497C0-A1DF-11ce-8098-00AA0047BE5D"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
internal interface ITextDocument
void Placeholder_Name();
ITextSelection Selection
[return :MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
void Placeholder_StoryCount();
void Placeholder_StoryRanges();
void Placeholder_get_Saved();
void Placeholder_set_Saved();
void Placeholder_get_DefaultTabStop();
void Placeholder_set_DefaultTabStop();
void Placeholder_New();
void Placeholder_Open();
void Placeholder_Save();
void Placeholder_Freeze();
void Placeholder_Unfreeze();
void Placeholder_BeginEditCollection();
void Placeholder_EndEditCollection();
void Placeholder_Undo();
void Placeholder_Redo();
[return :MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
ITextRange Range(int cp1, int cp2);
[return :MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
ITextRange RangeFromPoint(int x, int y);
#endregion ITextDocument
// ITextRange
#region ITextRange
[ComImport, Guid("8CC497C2-A1DF-11ce-8098-00AA0047BE5D"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
internal interface ITextRange
string Text { get; }
void Placeholder_set_Text();
void Placeholder_get_Char();
void Placeholder_set_Char();
//void GetDuplicate([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]out ITextRange ppRange);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
ITextRange GetDuplicate();
void Placeholder_get_FormattedText();
void Placeholder_set_FormattedText();
int Start { get; set; }
int End { get; set; }
ITextFont Font { get; set; }
ITextPara Para { get; set; }
int StoryLength { get; }
TomStory StoryType { get; }
void Collapse(TomStartEnd bStart);
int Expand(TomUnit unit);
void Placeholder_GetIndex();
void Placeholder_SetIndex();
void SetRange(int cp1, int cp2);
TomBool InRange(ITextRange range);
void Placeholder_InStory();
TomBool IsEqual(ITextRange range);
void Select();
int StartOf(int type, int extend);
int EndOf(TomUnit unit, TomExtend extend);
int Move(TomUnit unit, int count);
int MoveStart(TomUnit unit, int count);
int MoveEnd(TomUnit unit, int count);
void Placeholder_MoveWhile();
void Placeholder_MoveStartWhile();
void Placeholder_MoveEndWhile();
void Placeholder_MoveUntil();
void Placeholder_MoveStartUntil();
void Placeholder_MoveEndUntil();
int FindText(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
int FindTextStart(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
int FindTextEnd(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
void Placeholder_Delete();
void Placeholder_Cut();
void Placeholder_Copy();
void Placeholder_Paste();
void Placeholder_CanPaste();
void Placeholder_CanEdit();
void Placeholder_ChangeCase();
[PreserveSig]int GetPoint(TomGetPoint type, out int px, out int py);
void Placeholder_SetPoint();
void ScrollIntoView(TomStartEnd scrollvalue);
[PreserveSig]int GetEmbeddedObject([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]out object ppObj);
#endregion ITextRange
// ITextSelection
#region ITextSelection
[ComImport, Guid("8CC497C1-A1DF-11ce-8098-00AA0047BE5D"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
internal interface ITextSelection: ITextRange
#region ITextRange
new string Text { get; }
new void Placeholder_set_Text();
new void Placeholder_get_Char();
new void Placeholder_set_Char();
//new void GetDuplicate([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]out ITextRange ppRange);
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]
new ITextRange GetDuplicate();
new void Placeholder_get_FormattedText();
new void Placeholder_set_FormattedText();
new int Start { get; set; }
new int End { get; set; }
new ITextFont Font { get; set; }
new ITextPara Para { get; set; }
new int StoryLength { get; }
new TomStory StoryType { get; }
new void Collapse(TomStartEnd bStart);
new int Expand(TomUnit unit);
new void Placeholder_GetIndex();
new void Placeholder_SetIndex();
new void SetRange(int cp1, int cp2);
new TomBool InRange(ITextRange range);
new void Placeholder_InStory();
new TomBool IsEqual(ITextRange range);
new void Select();
new int StartOf(int type, int extend);
new int EndOf(TomUnit unit, TomExtend extend);
new int Move(TomUnit unit, int count);
new int MoveStart(TomUnit unit, int count);
new int MoveEnd(TomUnit unit, int count);
new void Placeholder_MoveWhile();
new void Placeholder_MoveStartWhile();
new void Placeholder_MoveEndWhile();
new void Placeholder_MoveUntil();
new void Placeholder_MoveStartUntil();
new void Placeholder_MoveEndUntil();
new int FindText(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
new int FindTextStart(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
new int FindTextEnd(string bstr, int count, TomMatch flags);
new void Placeholder_Delete();
new void Placeholder_Cut();
new void Placeholder_Copy();
new void Placeholder_Paste();
new void Placeholder_CanPaste();
new void Placeholder_CanEdit();
new void Placeholder_ChangeCase();
[PreserveSig]new int GetPoint(TomGetPoint type, out int px, out int py);
new void Placeholder_SetPoint();
new void ScrollIntoView(TomStartEnd scrollvalue);
[PreserveSig]new int GetEmbeddedObject([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)]out object ppObj);
#endregion ITextRange
TomSelectionFlags Flags { get; set; }
void Placeholder_Type();
void Placeholder_MoveLeft();
void Placeholder_MoveRight();
void Placeholder_MoveUp();
void Placeholder_MoveDown();
void Placeholder_HomeKey();
void Placeholder_EndKey();
void Placeholder_TypeText();
#endregion ITextSelection
// ITextFont
#region ITextFont
[ComImport, Guid("8CC497C3-A1DF-11ce-8098-00AA0047BE5D"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
internal interface ITextFont
//[propget]GetDuplicate([retval][out] ITextFont **ppFont)
void Placeholder_GetDuplicate();
//[propput]SetDuplicate([in] ITextFont *pFont)
void Placeholder_SetDuplicate();
//CanChange([retval][out] long *pB)
void Placeholder_CanChange();
//IsEqual([in] ITextFont *pFont, [retval][out] long *pB)
void Placeholder_IsEqual();
//Reset([in] long Value)
void Placeholder_Reset();
//[propget]GetStyle([retval][out] long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetStyle();
//[propput]SetStyle([in] long Value)
void Placeholder_SetStyle();
//[propget]GetAllCaps([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetAllCaps([in] long Value)
TomBool AllCaps { get; set; }
//[propget]GetAnimation([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetAnimation([in] long Value)
TomAnimation Animation { get; set; }
//[propget]GetBackColor([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetBackColor([in] long Value)
// if high byte is zero then value is COLORREF.
// if high byte is one then PALETTEINDEX.
int BackColor { get; set; }
//[propget]GetBold([retval][out] long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetBold();
//[propput]SetBold([in] long Value)
void Placeholder_SetBold();
//[propget]GetEmboss([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetEmboss([in] long Value)
TomBool Emboss { get; set; }
//[propget]GetForeColor([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetForeColor([in] long Value)
int ForeColor { get; set; }
//[propget]GetHidden([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetHidden([in] long Value)
TomBool Hidden { get; set; }
//[propget]GetEngrave([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetEngrave([in] long Value)
TomBool Engrave { get; set; }
//[propget]GetItalic([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetItalic([in] long Value)
TomBool Italic { get; set; }
//[propget]GetKerning([retval][out] float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetKerning();
//[propput]SetKerning([in] float Value)
void Placeholder_SetKerning();
//[propget]GetLanguageID([retval][out] long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetLanguageID();
//[propput]SetLanguageID([in] long Value)
void Placeholder_SetLanguageID();
//[propget]GetName([retval][out] BSTR *pbstr)
//[propput]SetName([in] BSTR bstr)
string Name { get; set; }
//[propget]GetOutline([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetOutline([in] long Value)
TomBool Outline { get; set; }
//[propget]GetPosition([retval][out] float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetPosition();
//[propput]SetPosition([in] float Value)
void Placeholder_SetPosition();
//[propget]GetProtected([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetProtected([in] long Value)
TomBool Protected { get; set; }
//[propget]GetShadow([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetShadow([in] long Value)
TomBool Shadow { get; set; }
//[propget]GetSize([retval][out] float *pValue)
//[propput]SetSize([in] float Value)
float Size { get; set; }
//[propget]GetSmallCaps([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetSmallCaps([in] long Value)
TomBool SmallCaps { get; set; }
//[propget]GetSpacing([retval][out] float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetSpacing();
//[propput]SetSpacing([in] float Value)
void Placeholder_SetSpacing();
//[propget]GetStrikeThrough([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetStrikeThrough([in] long Value)
TomBool StrikeThrough { get; set; }
//[propget]GetSubscript([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetSubscript([in] long Value)
TomBool Subscript { get; set; }
//[propget]GetSuperscript([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetSuperscript([in] long Value)
TomBool Superscript { get; set; }
//[propget]GetUnderline([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetUnderline([in] long Value)
TomUnderline Underline { get; set; }
//[propget]GetWeight([retval][out] long *pValue)
//[propput]SetWeight([in] long Value)
int Weight { get; set; }
#endregion ITextFont
// ITextPara
#region ITextPara
[ComImport, Guid("8CC497C4-A1DF-11CE-8098-00AA0047BE5D"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)]
internal interface ITextPara
//[propget]GetDuplicate([retval][out]ITextPara * *ppPara)
void Placeholder_GetDuplicate();
//[propput]SetDuplicate([in]ITextPara *pPara)
void Placeholder_SetDuplicate();
//CanChange([retval][out]long *pB)
void Placeholder_CanChange();
//IsEqual([in]ITextPara *pPara,[retval][out]long *pB)
void Placeholder_IsEqual();
//Reset([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_Reset();
//[propget]GetStyle([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetStyle();
//[propput]SetStyle([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetStyle();
//[propget]GetAlignment([retval][out]long *pValue)
//[propput]SetAlignment([in]long Value)
TomAlignment Alignment { get; set; }
//[propget]GetHyphenation([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetHyphenation();
//[propput]SetHyphenation([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetHyphenation();
//[propget]GetFirstLineIndent([retval][out]float *pValue)
float FirstLineIndent { get; }
//[propget]GetKeepTogether([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetKeepTogether();
//[propput]SetKeepTogether([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetKeepTogether();
//[propget]GetKeepWithNext([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetKeepWithNext();
//[propput]SetKeepWithNext([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetKeepWithNext();
//[propget]GetLeftIndent([retval][out]float *pValue)
float LeftIndent { get; }
//[propget]GetLineSpacing([retval][out]float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetLineSpacing();
//[propget]GetLineSpacingRule([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetLineSpacingRule();
//[propget]GetListAlignment([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetListAlignment();
//[propput]SetListAlignment([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetListAlignment();
//[propget]GetListLevelIndex([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetListLevelIndex();
//[propput]SetListLevelIndex([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetListLevelIndex();
//[propget]GetListStart([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetListStart();
//[propput]SetListStart([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetListStart();
//[propget]GetListTab([retval][out]float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetListTab();
//[propput]SetListTab([in]float Value)
void Placeholder_SetListTab();
//[propget]GetListType([retval][out]long *pValue)
//[propput]SetListType([in]long Value)
TomListType ListType { get; set; }
//[propget]GetNoLineNumber([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetNoLineNumber();
//[propput]SetNoLineNumber([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetNoLineNumber();
//[propget]GetPageBreakBefore([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetPageBreakBefore();
//[propput]SetPageBreakBefore([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetPageBreakBefore();
//[propget]GetRightIndent([retval][out]float *pValue)
//[propput]SetRightIndent([in]float Value)
float RightIndent { get; set; }
//SetIndents([in]float StartIndent,[in]float LeftIndent,[in]float RightIndent)
void Placeholder_SetIndents();
//SetLineSpacing([in]long LineSpacingRule,[in]float LineSpacing)
void Placeholder_SetLineSpacing();
//[propget]GetSpaceAfter([retval][out]float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetSpaceAfter();
//[propput]SetSpaceAfter([in]float Value)
void Placeholder_SetSpaceAfter();
//[propget]GetSpaceBefore([retval][out]float *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetSpaceBefore();
//[propput]SetSpaceBefore([in]float Value)
void Placeholder_SetSpaceBefore();
//[propget]GetWidowControl([retval][out]long *pValue)
void Placeholder_GetWidowControl();
//[propput]SetWidowControl([in]long Value)
void Placeholder_SetWidowControl();
//[propget]GetTabCount([retval][out]long *pCount)
int TabCount { get; }
//AddTab([in]float tbPos,[in]long tbAlign,[in]long tbLeader)
void Placeholder_AddTab();
void Placeholder_ClearAllTabs();
//DeleteTab([in]float tbPos)
void Placeholder_DeleteTab();
//GetTab([in]long iTab,[out]float *ptbPos,[out]long *ptbAlign,[out]long *ptbLeader)
void GetTab(int iTab, out float tbPos, out TomAlignment tbAlign, out TomLeader tbLeader);
#endregion ITextPara
// Tom constants
#region TomConstants
internal enum TomAlignment : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomAlignLeft = 0,
tomAlignCenter = 1,
tomAlignRight = 2,
tomAlignJustify = 3,
tomAlignDecimal = 3,
tomAlignBar = 4,
internal enum TomAnimation : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomNoAnimation = 0,
tomLasVegasLights = 1,
tomBlinkingBackground = 2,
tomSparkleText = 3,
tomMarchingBlackAnts = 4,
tomMarchingRedAnts = 5,
tomShimmer = 6,
internal enum TomBool : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomTrue = -1,
tomFalse = 0,
// miscellaneous integer constants
internal enum TomConst : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomAutocolor = -9999997,
internal enum TomExtend : int
tomMove = 0,
tomExtend = 1,
internal enum TomGetPoint : int
//TA_LEFT = 0
//TA_TOP = 0
tomStart = 32,
internal enum TomLeader : int
tomDots = 1,
tomDashes = 2,
tomLines = 3,
// See ITextPara::GetListType documentation
internal enum TomListType : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomListNone = 0,
tomListBullet = 1,
tomListNumberAsArabic = 2,
tomListNumberAsLCLetter = 3,
tomListNumberAsUCLetter = 4,
tomListNumberAsLCRoman = 5,
tomListNumberAsUCRoman = 6,
tomListNumberAsSequence = 7,
tomListTypeMask = 0xf,
tomListParentheses = 0x10000,
tomListPeriod = 0x20000,
tomListPlain = 0x30000,
tomListFormatMask = 0xf0000,
internal enum TomMatch : int
tomMatchWord = 2,
tomMatchCase = 4,
tomMatchPattern = 8,
// ITextSelection Flags values
internal enum TomSelectionFlags : int
tomSelStartActive = 1,
tomSelAtEOL = 2,
tomSelOvertype = 4,
tomSelActive = 8,
tomSelReplace = 16,
internal enum TomStartEnd : int
tomStart = 32,
tomEnd = 0,
internal enum TomStory : int
tomUnknownStory = 0,
tomMainTextStory = 1,
tomFootnotesStory = 2,
tomEndnotesStory = 3,
tomCommentsStory = 4,
tomTextFrameStory = 5,
tomEvenPagesHeaderStory = 6,
tomPrimaryHeaderStory = 7,
tomEvenPagesFooterStory = 8,
tomPrimaryFooterStory = 9,
tomFirstPageHeaderStory = 10,
tomFirstPageFooterStory = 11,
internal enum TomUnderline : int
tomUndefined = -9999999,
tomTrue = -1,
tomNone = 0,
tomSingle = 1,
tomWords = 2,
tomDouble = 3,
tomDotted = 4,
tomDash = 5,
tomDashDot = 6,
tomDashDotDot = 7,
tomWave = 8,
tomThick = 9,
tomHair = 10,
internal enum TomUnit : int
tomCharacter = 1,
tomWord = 2,
tomSentence = 3,
tomParagraph = 4,
tomLine = 5,
tomStory = 6,
tomScreen = 7,
tomSection = 8,
tomColumn = 9,
tomRow = 10,
tomWindow = 11,
tomCell = 12,
tomCharFormat = 13,
tomParaFormat = 14,
tomTable = 15,
tomObject = 16,
#endregion TomConstants