// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// Module to allocate shared memory between process.
// The memory allocation scheme is different for Win 9x and WinNT
// Performance measurements showed that using a global heap mechanism
// is fastest on Win 9x.
// When the dll is loaded, a counter is set to 1. For each instance
// creation/destruction, the counter is is incremented/decremented.
// When the dll is released, the counter gets to zero and the static
// heap on Win 9x is destroyed.
using System;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using MS.Win32;
namespace MS.Internal.AutomationProxies
// Class to allocate shared memory between process.
class RemoteMemoryBlock : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ------------------------------------------------------
#region Constructors
// This constructor is used by the P/Invoke marshaling layer
// to allocate a SafeHandle instance. P/Invoke then does the
// appropriate method call, storing the handle in this class.
private RemoteMemoryBlock() : base(true) {}
internal RemoteMemoryBlock(int cbSize, SafeProcessHandle processHandle) : base(true)
_processHandle = processHandle;
SetHandle(Misc.VirtualAllocEx(_processHandle, IntPtr.Zero, new UIntPtr((uint)cbSize), UnsafeNativeMethods.MEM_COMMIT, UnsafeNativeMethods.PAGE_READWRITE));
// Uncomment this if & only if we need a constructor
// that takes a handle from external code
//internal RemoteMemoryBlock(IntPtr preexistingHandle, bool ownsHandle) : base(ownsHandle)
// SetHandle(preexistingHandle);
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
return Misc.VirtualFreeEx(_processHandle, handle, UIntPtr.Zero, UnsafeNativeMethods.MEM_RELEASE);
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------
#region Internal Methods
internal IntPtr Address
return handle;
internal void WriteTo(IntPtr sourceAddress, IntPtr cbSize)
IntPtr count;
Misc.WriteProcessMemory(_processHandle, handle, sourceAddress, cbSize, out count);
internal void ReadFrom(IntPtr remoteAddress, IntPtr destAddress, IntPtr cbSize)
IntPtr count;
Misc.ReadProcessMemory(_processHandle, remoteAddress, destAddress, cbSize, out count);
internal void ReadFrom(SafeCoTaskMem destAddress, IntPtr cbSize)
IntPtr count;
Misc.ReadProcessMemory(_processHandle, handle, destAddress, cbSize, out count);
internal void ReadFrom(IntPtr destAddress, IntPtr cbSize)
IntPtr count;
Misc.ReadProcessMemory(_processHandle, handle, destAddress, cbSize, out count);
// Helper function to handle common scenario of translating a remote
// unmanaged char/wchar buffer in to a managed string object.
internal bool ReadString (out string str, int maxLength)
// Clear the return string
str = null;
// Ensure there is a buffer size
if (0 >= maxLength)
return false;
// Ensure proper allocation
using (SafeCoTaskMem ptr = new SafeCoTaskMem(maxLength))
if (ptr.IsInvalid)
return false;
// Copy remote buffer back to local process...
ReadFrom(ptr, new IntPtr(maxLength * sizeof (char)));
// Convert the local unmanaged buffer in to a string object
str = ptr.GetStringUni(maxLength);
// Note: lots of "old world" strings are null terminated
// Leaving the null termination in the System.String may lead
// to some issues when used with the StringBuilder
int nullTermination = str.IndexOf('\0');
if (-1 != nullTermination)
// We need to strip null terminated char and everything behind it from the str
str = str.Remove(nullTermination, maxLength - nullTermination);
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Private Fields
// ------------------------------------------------------
#region Private Fields
private SafeProcessHandle _processHandle; // Handle of remote process