// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class NativeWindow
/// <summary>
/// WindowClass encapsulates a Windows window class.
/// </summary>
private class WindowClass
internal static WindowClass? s_cache;
internal WindowClass? _next;
internal string? _className;
internal string? _windowClassName;
internal NativeWindow? _targetWindow;
private readonly WNDCLASS_STYLES _classStyle;
private IntPtr _defaultWindProc;
// This needs to be a field so the GC doesn't collect the managed callback
private WNDPROC? _windProc;
// There is only ever one AppDomain
private static readonly string s_currentAppDomainHash = Convert.ToString(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetHashCode(), 16);
private static readonly Lock s_wcInternalSyncObject = new();
internal WindowClass(string? className, WNDCLASS_STYLES classStyle)
_className = className;
_classStyle = classStyle;
public LRESULT Callback(HWND hwnd, uint msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
Debug.Assert(!hwnd.IsNull, "Windows called us with an HWND of 0");
// Set the window procedure to the default window procedure
PInvokeCore.SetWindowLong(hwnd, WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX.GWL_WNDPROC, _defaultWindProc);
Debug.Assert(_targetWindow is not null);
return _targetWindow.Callback(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a WindowClass object for use. This will create a new
/// object if there is no such class/style available, or return a
/// cached object if one exists.
/// </summary>
internal static WindowClass FindOrCreate(string? className, WNDCLASS_STYLES classStyle)
lock (s_wcInternalSyncObject)
WindowClass? wc = s_cache;
if (className is null)
// If we weren't given a class name, look for a window
// that has the exact class style.
while (wc is not null
&& (wc._className is not null || wc._classStyle != classStyle))
wc = wc._next;
while (wc is not null && !className.Equals(wc._className))
wc = wc._next;
if (wc is null)
// Didn't find an existing class, create one and attach it to
// the end of the linked list.
wc = new WindowClass(className, classStyle)
_next = s_cache
s_cache = wc;
return wc;
/// <summary>
/// Fabricates a full class name from a partial.
/// </summary>
private static string GetFullClassName(string className)
// VersioningHelper does a lot of string allocations, and on .NET Core for our purposes
// it always returns the exact same string (process is hardcoded to r3 and the AppDomain
// id is always 1 as there is only one AppDomain).
const string versionSuffix = "_r3_ad1";
VersioningHelper.MakeVersionSafeName(s_currentAppDomainHash, ResourceScope.Process, ResourceScope.AppDomain),
// While we don't have multiple AppDomains any more, we'll still include the information
// to keep the names in the same historical format for now.
return $"{Application.WindowsFormsVersion}.{className}.app.0.{s_currentAppDomainHash}{versionSuffix}";
/// <summary>
/// Once the class name and style bits have been set, this can be called to register the class.
/// </summary>
private unsafe void RegisterClass()
WNDCLASSW windowClass = default;
string? localClassName = _className;
if (_className is null)
// If we don't use a hollow brush here, Windows will "pre paint" us with COLOR_WINDOW which
// creates a little bit if flicker. This happens even though we are overriding wm_erasebackgnd.
// Make this hollow to avoid all flicker.
windowClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)PInvokeCore.GetStockObject(GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS.NULL_BRUSH);
windowClass.style = _classStyle;
_defaultWindProc = DefaultWindowProc;
localClassName = $"Window.{(int)_classStyle:x}";
// A system defined Window class was specified, get its info.
fixed (char* n = localClassName)
if (!PInvoke.GetClassInfo((HINSTANCE)0, n, &windowClass))
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(), SR.InvalidWndClsName);
localClassName = _className;
_defaultWindProc = (nint)windowClass.lpfnWndProc;
_windowClassName = GetFullClassName(localClassName);
_windProc = Callback;
nint callback = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(_windProc);
windowClass.lpfnWndProc = (delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<HWND, uint, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT>)callback;
windowClass.hInstance = PInvoke.GetModuleHandle((PCWSTR)null);
fixed (char* c = _windowClassName)
windowClass.lpszClassName = c;
if (PInvoke.RegisterClass(&windowClass) == 0)
_windProc = null;
throw new Win32Exception();