File: System\Windows\Forms\Layout\TableLayout.SorterObjectArray.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
internal partial class TableLayout
    // Private value type used by the Sort methods.
    private readonly struct SorterObjectArray
        private readonly LayoutInfo[] _keys;
        private readonly IComparer<LayoutInfo> _comparer;
        internal SorterObjectArray(LayoutInfo[] keys, IComparer<LayoutInfo> comparer)
            comparer ??= Comparer<LayoutInfo>.Default;
            _keys = keys;
            _comparer = comparer;
        internal readonly void SwapIfGreaterWithItems(int a, int b)
            if (a != b)
                    if (_comparer.Compare(_keys[a], _keys[b]) > 0)
                        (_keys[a], _keys[b]) = (_keys[b], _keys[a]);
                catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                    throw new ArgumentException(null);
                catch (Exception)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();
        internal void QuickSort(int left, int right)
            // Can use the much faster jit helpers for array access.
                int i = left;
                int j = right;
                // pre-sort the low, middle (pivot), and high values in place.
                // this improves performance in the face of already sorted data, or
                // data that is made up of multiple sorted runs appended together.
                int middle = GetMedian(i, j);
                SwapIfGreaterWithItems(i, middle); // swap the low with the mid point
                SwapIfGreaterWithItems(i, j);      // swap the low with the high
                SwapIfGreaterWithItems(middle, j); // swap the middle with the high
                LayoutInfo x = _keys[middle];
                    // Add a try block here to detect IComparers (or their
                    // underlying IComparables, etc) that are bogus.
                        while (_comparer.Compare(_keys[i], x) < 0)
                        while (_comparer.Compare(x, _keys[j]) < 0)
                    catch (IndexOutOfRangeException)
                        throw new ArgumentException(null);
                    catch (Exception)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException();
                    if (i > j)
                    if (i < j)
                        (_keys[i], _keys[j]) = (_keys[j], _keys[i]);
                while (i <= j);
                if (j - left <= right - i)
                    if (left < j)
                        QuickSort(left, j);
                    left = i;
                    if (i < right)
                        QuickSort(i, right);
                    right = j;
            while (left < right);