File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\WebBrowser\HtmlWindow.HtmlWindowShim.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.Web.MsHtml;
using static Interop.Mshtml;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public sealed partial class HtmlWindow
    /// <summary>
    ///  HtmlWindowShim - this is the glue between the DOM eventing mechanisms
    ///  and our CLR callbacks.
    ///  There are two kinds of events: HTMLWindowEvents2 and IHtmlWindow3.AttachHandler style
    ///  HTMLWindowEvents2: we create an IConnectionPoint (via ConnectionPointCookie) between us and MSHTML and it calls back
    ///  on an instance of HTMLWindowEvents2. The HTMLWindowEvents2 class then fires the event.
    ///  IHTMLWindow3.AttachHandler: MSHTML calls back on an HtmlToClrEventProxy that we've created, looking
    ///  for a method named DISPID=0. For each event that's subscribed, we create
    ///  a new HtmlToClrEventProxy, detect the callback and fire the corresponding
    ///  CLR event.
    /// </summary>
    internal unsafe class HtmlWindowShim : HtmlShim
        private AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie? _cookie;
        private HtmlWindow _htmlWindow;
        public HtmlWindowShim(HtmlWindow window)
            _htmlWindow = window;
        public override IHTMLWindow2.Interface AssociatedWindow => NativeHtmlWindow;
        public IHTMLWindow2.Interface NativeHtmlWindow => (IHTMLWindow2.Interface)_htmlWindow.NativeHtmlWindow.GetManagedObject();
        /// Support IHtmlDocument3.AttachHandler
        public override void AttachEventHandler(string eventName, EventHandler eventHandler)
            // IE likes to call back on an IDispatch of DISPID=0 when it has an event,
            // the HtmlToClrEventProxy helps us fake out the CLR so that we can call back on
            // our EventHandler properly.
            HtmlToClrEventProxy proxy = AddEventProxy(eventName, eventHandler);
            using var htmlWindow3 = _htmlWindow.GetHtmlWindow<IHTMLWindow3>();
            using BSTR name = new(eventName);
            using var dispatch = ComHelpers.GetComScope<IDispatch>(proxy);
            VARIANT_BOOL result;
            htmlWindow3.Value->attachEvent(name, dispatch, &result).ThrowOnFailure();
            Debug.Assert(result, "failed to add event");
        /// Support HTMLWindowEvents2
        public override void ConnectToEvents()
            if (_cookie is null || !_cookie.Connected)
                _cookie = new AxHost.ConnectionPointCookie(
                    new HTMLWindowEvents2(_htmlWindow),
                    throwException: false);
                if (!_cookie.Connected)
                    _cookie = null;
        /// Support IHTMLWindow3.DetachHandler
        public override void DetachEventHandler(string eventName, EventHandler eventHandler)
            HtmlToClrEventProxy? proxy = RemoveEventProxy(eventHandler);
            if (proxy is not null)
                using var htmlWindow3 = _htmlWindow.GetHtmlWindow<IHTMLWindow3>();
                using BSTR name = new(eventName);
                using var dispatch = ComHelpers.GetComScope<IDispatch>(proxy);
                htmlWindow3.Value->detachEvent(name, dispatch).ThrowOnFailure();
        public override void DisconnectFromEvents()
            if (_cookie is not null)
                _cookie = null;
        public void OnWindowUnload() => _htmlWindow?.ShimManager.OnWindowUnloaded(_htmlWindow);
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                _htmlWindow = null!;
        protected override object GetEventSender() => _htmlWindow;