File: System\Windows\Forms\Controls\WebBrowser\HtmlShim.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using Windows.Win32.Web.MsHtml;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// This is essentially a proxy object between the native
/// html objects and our managed ones. We want the managed
/// HtmlDocument, HtmlWindow and HtmlElement to be super-lightweight,
/// which means that we shouldn't have things that tie up their lifetimes
/// contained within them. The "Shim" is essentially the object that
/// manages events coming out of the HtmlDocument, HtmlElement and HtmlWindow
/// and serves them back up to the user.
internal abstract class HtmlShim : IDisposable
    private EventHandlerList? _events;
    private int _eventCount;
    private Dictionary<EventHandler, HtmlToClrEventProxy>? _attachedEventList;
    protected HtmlShim()
    private EventHandlerList Events =>
        _events ??= new EventHandlerList();
    /// Support IHtml*3.AttachHandler
    public abstract void AttachEventHandler(string eventName, EventHandler eventHandler);
    public void AddHandler(object key, Delegate? value)
        Events.AddHandler(key, value);
    protected HtmlToClrEventProxy AddEventProxy(string eventName, EventHandler eventHandler)
        _attachedEventList ??= [];
        HtmlToClrEventProxy proxy = new(eventName, eventHandler);
        _attachedEventList[eventHandler] = proxy;
        return proxy;
    public abstract IHTMLWindow2.Interface? AssociatedWindow { get; }
    /// create connectionpoint cookie
    public abstract void ConnectToEvents();
    /// Support IHtml*3.DetachEventHandler
    public abstract void DetachEventHandler(string eventName, EventHandler eventHandler);
    /// disconnect from connectionpoint cookie
    /// inheriting classes should override to disconnect from ConnectionPoint and call base.
    public virtual void DisconnectFromEvents()
        if (_attachedEventList is not null)
            EventHandler[] events = new EventHandler[_attachedEventList.Count];
            _attachedEventList.Keys.CopyTo(events, 0);
            foreach (EventHandler eh in events)
                HtmlToClrEventProxy proxy = _attachedEventList[eh];
                DetachEventHandler(proxy.EventName, eh);
    /// return the sender for events, usually the HtmlWindow, HtmlElement, HtmlDocument
    protected abstract object GetEventSender();
    public void Dispose()
    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)
            _events = null;
    public void FireEvent(object key, EventArgs e)
        Delegate? delegateToInvoke = Events[key];
        if (delegateToInvoke is not null)
                delegateToInvoke.DynamicInvoke(GetEventSender(), e);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Note: this check is for the debugger, so we can catch exceptions in the debugger instead of
                // throwing a thread exception.
                if (NativeWindow.WndProcShouldBeDebuggable)
    protected virtual void OnEventHandlerAdded()
    protected virtual void OnEventHandlerRemoved()
        if (_eventCount <= 0)
            _eventCount = 0;
    public void RemoveHandler(object key, Delegate? value)
        Events.RemoveHandler(key, value);
    protected HtmlToClrEventProxy? RemoveEventProxy(EventHandler eventHandler)
        if (_attachedEventList is null)
            return null;
        if (_attachedEventList.Remove(eventHandler, out HtmlToClrEventProxy? proxy))
            return proxy;
        return null;