// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms.Layout;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public partial class ComboBox
internal class FlatComboAdapter
private Rectangle _outerBorder;
private Rectangle _innerBorder;
private Rectangle _innerInnerBorder;
internal Rectangle _dropDownRect;
private Rectangle _whiteFillRect;
private Rectangle _clientRect;
private readonly RightToLeft _origRightToLeft; // The combo box's RTL value when we were created
private const int WhiteFillRectWidth = 5; // used for making the button look smaller than it is
private const int OFFSET_2PIXELS = 2;
protected static int s_offsetPixels = OFFSET_2PIXELS;
public FlatComboAdapter(ComboBox comboBox, bool smallButton)
// adapter is re-created when ComboBox is resized, see IsValid method, thus we don't need to handle DPI changed explicitly
s_offsetPixels = comboBox.LogicalToDeviceUnits(OFFSET_2PIXELS);
_clientRect = comboBox.ClientRectangle;
int dropDownButtonWidth = SystemInformation.GetHorizontalScrollBarArrowWidthForDpi(comboBox._deviceDpi);
_outerBorder = new Rectangle(_clientRect.Location, new Size(_clientRect.Width - 1, _clientRect.Height - 1));
_innerBorder = new Rectangle(_outerBorder.X + 1, _outerBorder.Y + 1, _outerBorder.Width - dropDownButtonWidth - 2, _outerBorder.Height - 2);
_innerInnerBorder = new Rectangle(_innerBorder.X + 1, _innerBorder.Y + 1, _innerBorder.Width - 2, _innerBorder.Height - 2);
_dropDownRect = new Rectangle(_innerBorder.Right + 1, _innerBorder.Y, dropDownButtonWidth, _innerBorder.Height + 1);
// fill in several pixels of the dropdown rect with white so that it looks like the combo button is thinner.
if (smallButton)
_whiteFillRect = _dropDownRect;
_whiteFillRect.Width = WhiteFillRectWidth;
_dropDownRect.X += WhiteFillRectWidth;
_dropDownRect.Width -= WhiteFillRectWidth;
_origRightToLeft = comboBox.RightToLeft;
if (_origRightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
_innerBorder.X = _clientRect.Width - _innerBorder.Right;
_innerInnerBorder.X = _clientRect.Width - _innerInnerBorder.Right;
_dropDownRect.X = _clientRect.Width - _dropDownRect.Right;
_whiteFillRect.X = _clientRect.Width - _whiteFillRect.Right + 1; // since we're filling, we need to move over to the next px.
public bool IsValid(ComboBox combo)
return (combo.ClientRectangle == _clientRect && combo.RightToLeft == _origRightToLeft);
/// <summary>
/// Paints over the edges of the combo box to make it appear flat.
/// </summary>
public virtual void DrawFlatCombo(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g)
if (comboBox.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
Color outerBorderColor = GetOuterBorderColor(comboBox);
Color innerBorderColor = GetInnerBorderColor(comboBox);
bool rightToLeft = comboBox.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes;
// Draw the drop down
DrawFlatComboDropDown(comboBox, g, _dropDownRect);
// When we are disabled there is one line of color that seems to eek through if BackColor is set
// so let's erase it.
if (!LayoutUtils.IsZeroWidthOrHeight(_whiteFillRect))
// Fill in two more pixels with white so it looks smaller.
using var b = innerBorderColor.GetCachedSolidBrushScope();
g.FillRectangle(b, _whiteFillRect);
// Draw the outer border
using var outerBorderPen = outerBorderColor.GetCachedPenScope();
g.DrawRectangle(outerBorderPen, _outerBorder);
if (rightToLeft)
new Rectangle(_outerBorder.X, _outerBorder.Y, _dropDownRect.Width + 1, _outerBorder.Height));
new Rectangle(_dropDownRect.X, _outerBorder.Y, _outerBorder.Right - _dropDownRect.X, _outerBorder.Height));
// Draw the inner border
using var innerBorderPen = innerBorderColor.GetCachedPenScope();
g.DrawRectangle(innerBorderPen, _innerBorder);
g.DrawRectangle(innerBorderPen, _innerInnerBorder);
// Draw a dark border around everything if we're in popup mode
if ((!comboBox.Enabled) || (comboBox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup))
bool focused = comboBox.ContainsFocus || comboBox.MouseIsOver;
Color borderPenColor = GetPopupOuterBorderColor(comboBox, focused);
using var borderPen = borderPenColor.GetCachedPenScope();
Pen innerPen = comboBox.Enabled ? borderPen : SystemPens.Control;
// Around the dropdown
if (rightToLeft)
new Rectangle(_outerBorder.X, _outerBorder.Y, _dropDownRect.Width + 1, _outerBorder.Height));
new Rectangle(_dropDownRect.X, _outerBorder.Y, _outerBorder.Right - _dropDownRect.X, _outerBorder.Height));
// Around the whole combobox.
g.DrawRectangle(borderPen, _outerBorder);
/// <summary>
/// Paints over the edges of the combo box to make it appear flat.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void DrawFlatComboDropDown(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g, Rectangle dropDownRect)
g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, dropDownRect);
Brush brush = (comboBox.Enabled) ? SystemBrushes.ControlText : SystemBrushes.ControlDark;
Point middle = new(dropDownRect.Left + dropDownRect.Width / 2, dropDownRect.Top + dropDownRect.Height / 2);
if (_origRightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
// if the width is odd - favor pushing it over one pixel left.
middle.X -= (dropDownRect.Width % 2);
// if the width is odd - favor pushing it over one pixel right.
middle.X += (dropDownRect.Width % 2);
new(middle.X - s_offsetPixels, middle.Y - 1),
new(middle.X + s_offsetPixels + 1, middle.Y - 1),
new(middle.X, middle.Y + s_offsetPixels)
protected virtual Color GetOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox)
=> comboBox.Enabled ? SystemColors.Window : SystemColors.ControlDark;
protected virtual Color GetPopupOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox, bool focused)
if (!comboBox.Enabled)
return SystemColors.ControlDark;
return focused ? SystemColors.ControlDark : SystemColors.Window;
protected virtual Color GetInnerBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox)
=> comboBox.Enabled ? comboBox.BackColor : SystemColors.Control;