13 types derived from ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms (4)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl.cs (1)
8public partial class DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl : ComboBox, IDataGridViewEditingControl
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.cs (1)
8internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxControlAccessibleObject.cs (1)
10internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter.cs (1)
11internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms.Design (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripCollectionEditor.ToolStripItemEditorForm.cs (1)
983private class ImageComboBox : ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (8)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
475private class DifferentHeightComboBox : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (7)
322private class TestComboBox : ComboBox 348private class TestableComboBox : ComboBox 708public class CustomComboBox : ComboBox 2755private class OwnerDrawComboBox : ComboBox 2771private class AutomationEventCountingComboBox : ComboBox 2811private class SubComboBox : ComboBox 2943private class ComboBoxWithSelectCounter : ComboBox
296 instantiations of ComboBox
PresentationUI (3)
MS\Internal\Documents\RequestedSignatureDialog.Designer.cs (1)
47_intentComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MS\Internal\Documents\RMPublishingDialog.Designer.cs (1)
45this.comboBoxTemplates = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MS\Internal\Documents\SigningDialog.Designer.cs (1)
41_reasonComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
System.Windows.Forms.Design (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataGridViewAddColumnDialog.cs (1)
276_columnTypesCombo = new ComboBox();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ShortcutKeysEditor.ShortcutKeysUI.cs (1)
127_keyComboBox = new ComboBox();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (1)
164_columnsOrRowsComboBox = new ComboBox();
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (5)
DataMemberFieldEditorTests.cs (1)
25contextMock.Setup(c => c.Instance).Returns(new ComboBox());
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesignerTests.cs (4)
14using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 24using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 34using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 50using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Interop.Tests (1)
AccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
444using ComboBox control = new ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (260)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\AccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
2652using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
19using ComboBox control = new(); 34using ComboBox control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObjectTests.cs (22)
18using ComboBox control = new(); 36using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 59using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 85using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 102using ComboBox control = new(); 113using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 149using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 185using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 212using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 232using ComboBox control = new(); 260using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 273using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 299using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 311using ComboBox comboBox = new() { AccessibleDefaultActionDescription = "Test" }; 320using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 329using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 348using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 360using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 371using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 402using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 490ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (10)
25using ComboBox control = new(); 66using ComboBox control = new() 89using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 128using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 197using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 216using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 246using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 295using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 386using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 655ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGrid.PropertyGridAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
31using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 46using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGridView.PropertyGridViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (8)
53using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 68using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 87using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 114using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 130using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 168using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 196using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 240using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Application.ParkingWindowTests.cs (1)
42ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\BinaryFormat\WinFormsBinaryFormattedObjectTests.cs (1)
280{ new ComboBox(), new string[] { "DataSource: Object", "DataContext: Object", "Tag: Object" } },
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProviderTests.cs (4)
39using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 64using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 93using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 110using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProviderTests.cs (6)
42using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 88using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 115using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 131using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 147using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 161using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
34using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 63using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 99using ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindowTests.cs (1)
13using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown };
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProviderTests.cs (2)
29using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 54using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProviderTests.cs (53)
22using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 47using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 63using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 77using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 93using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 109using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 125using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 143using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 159using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 179using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 192using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 207using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 227using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 247using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 261using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 285using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 309using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 347using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 370using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 390using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 410using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 436using ComboBox comboBox = new() { Size = size, DropDownStyle = dropdownStyle }; 465using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 502using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 542using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 576using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 594using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new Size(250, 100) }; 625using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 645using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 662using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 679using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 695using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 711using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 727using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 747using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 781using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 823using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 849using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 869using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 890using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 914using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 932using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 951using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 982using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1012using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1043using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1064using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1081using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1100using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1113using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1127using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1151using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 1172using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) };
System\Windows\Forms\Combobox.ObjectCollectionTests.cs (65)
20using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 43using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 68using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 89using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 106using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 127using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 153using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 186using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 218using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 241using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 261using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 286using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 309using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 340using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 370using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 386using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 407using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 429using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 454using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 475using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 499using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 527using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 544using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 561using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 578using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 598using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 622using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 647using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 676using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 702using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 733using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 765using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 782using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 799using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 816using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 837using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 859using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 883using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 900using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 917using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 938using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 962using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 985using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1016using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1038using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1062using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1083using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1107using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1132using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1152using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1169using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1186using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1214using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1245using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1266using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1289using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1310using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1329using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1346using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1363using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1384using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1417using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1453using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1466using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1479using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (79)
161using ComboBox control = new(); 175using ComboBox control = new() 198using ComboBox control = new(); 230using ComboBox control = new(); 246using ComboBox control = new(); 282using ComboBox control = new(); 298using ComboBox control = new(); 313using ComboBox control = new(); 402using ComboBox control = new(); 428using ComboBox control1 = new(); 432using ComboBox control2 = new() { AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems }; 437using ComboBox control3 = new(); 443using ComboBox control4 = new(); 451using ComboBox control = new(); 503using ComboBox control = new() 519using ComboBox control = new(); 562using ComboBox control = new() 578using ComboBox control = new(); 614using ComboBox control = new(); 655using ComboBox control = new(); 826using ComboBox control = new() 856using ComboBox control = new() 879using ComboBox control = new(); 888using ComboBox control = new(); 895using ComboBox control = new() 918using ComboBox control = new(); 946using ComboBox control = new(); 982using ComboBox control = new(); 1008using ComboBox control = new(); 1060using ComboBox control = new() 1086using ComboBox control = new(); 1114using ComboBox control = new(); 1150using ComboBox control = new(); 1166using ComboBox control = new(); 1182using ComboBox control = new() 1199using ComboBox control = new(); 1227using ComboBox control = new(); 1265using ComboBox control = new() 1281using ComboBox control = new(); 1317using ComboBox control = new(); 1327using ComboBox control = new(); 1349using ComboBox control = new() 1371using ComboBox control = new(); 1383using ComboBox control = new(); 1397using ComboBox control = new(); 1409using ComboBox control = new(); 1423using ComboBox control = new(); 1436using ComboBox control = new(); 1495yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, -1 }; 1496yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, -1 }; 1497yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, -1 }; 1499using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1501yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, -1 }; 1502yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, -1 }; 1503yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, -1 }; 1506using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1590using ComboBox control = new(); 1601yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1602yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1603yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1605using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1607yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1608yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1609yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1613using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1714using ComboBox control = new(); 2157using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(100, 50) }; 2261using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2427using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2449using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2466using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2481using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2565using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2630ComboBox control = new() 2673using ComboBox control = new(); 2684using ComboBox control = new(); 2698using ComboBox control = new(); 2710using ComboBox control = new(); 2722using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (1)
PropertyGridTests.cs (1)
302using ComboBox comboBox1 = new();
TestPassApp (3)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (2)
53this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 55this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
30this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
TrimTest (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
36comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
WinFormsControlsTest (19)
Calendar.Designer.cs (1)
42this.daysOfWeekComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
34this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
ComboBoxes.Designer.cs (13)
34this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 35this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 36this.comboBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 37this.comboBox4 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 38this.comboBox5 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 39this.comboBox6 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 40this.comboBox7 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 41this.comboBox8 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 42this.comboBox9 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 43this.comboBox10 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 44this.comboBox11 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 45this.comboBox12 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 46this.dataBoundComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (3)
35this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 36this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 37this.comboBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
43this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
490 references to ComboBox
DesignSurface (2)
MainForm.cs (2)
192ComboBox cb1 = surface.CreateControl<ComboBox>(new Size(200, 20), new Point(260, 16));
PresentationUI (3)
MS\Internal\Documents\RequestedSignatureDialog.Designer.cs (1)
246private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox _intentComboBox;
MS\Internal\Documents\RMPublishingDialog.Designer.cs (1)
410private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBoxTemplates;
MS\Internal\Documents\SigningDialog.Designer.cs (1)
293private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox _reasonComboBox;
System.Windows.Forms (68)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject.cs (2)
10private readonly ComboBox _owner; 12public ChildAccessibleObject(ComboBox owner, IntPtr handle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject.cs (18)
6using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 25public ComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox owningComboBox) : base(owningComboBox) 32if (this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown != expand) 39=> this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? _) || base.IsIAccessibleExSupported(); 42=> patternId == UIA_PATTERN_ID.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId && this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) 51=> this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown 67=> _dropDownButtonUiaProvider ??= this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) ? new ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider(owner) : null; 71if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 90if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 122UIA_PROPERTY_ID.UIA_HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId => (VARIANT)(this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.Focused), 128if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 168if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 178if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 188if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 200if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 220if (this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown) 235this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple 241if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) || owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider.cs (2)
22private readonly ComboBox _owner; 28public ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider.cs (2)
20private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 29public ComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider(ComboBox owner, HWND childEditControlhandle) : base(owner, childEditControlhandle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider.cs (3)
7using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 21private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 24public ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider(ComboBox owningComboBox, HWND childListControlhandle) : base(owningComboBox, childListControlhandle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindow.cs (2)
12private readonly ComboBox _owner; 15public ComboBoxChildNativeWindow(ComboBox comboBox, ChildWindowType childWindowType)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProvider.cs (2)
20private readonly ComboBox _owner; 26public ComboBoxChildTextUiaProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObject.cs (7)
8using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 15/// Represents the <see cref="ComboBox"/> item accessible object. 19private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 23/// Initializes new instance of <see cref="ComboBox"/> item accessible object. 25/// <param name="owningComboBox">The owning <see cref="ComboBox"/>.</param> 26/// <param name="owningItem">The owning <see cref="ComboBox"/> item.</param> 27public ComboBoxItemAccessibleObject(ComboBox owningComboBox, Entry owningItem)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectCollection.cs (2)
4using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 21if (!ContainsKey(key) && _owningComboBoxAccessibleObject.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner))
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider.cs (2)
30private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 32public ComboBoxUiaTextProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.cs (1)
13using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.FlatComboAdapter.cs (7)
26public FlatComboAdapter(ComboBox comboBox, bool smallButton) 58public bool IsValid(ComboBox combo) 66public virtual void DrawFlatCombo(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g) 142protected virtual void DrawFlatComboDropDown(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g, Rectangle dropDownRect) 170protected virtual Color GetOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox) 173protected virtual Color GetPopupOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox, bool focused) 183protected virtual Color GetInnerBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ObjectCollection.cs (3)
7using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 16private readonly ComboBox _owner; 20public ObjectCollection(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBoxStyle.cs (1)
7/// Specifies the <see cref="ComboBox"/> style.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewComboBoxCell.cs (2)
584ComboBox comboBox = EditingComboBox; 1257if (DataGridView.EditingControl is ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.cs (5)
103public ComboBox ComboBox => (ComboBox)Control; 209public ComboBox.ObjectCollection Items 406if (control is ComboBox comboBox) 422if (control is ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter.cs (5)
15public ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter(ComboBox comboBox) : base(comboBox, smallButton: true) 19private static bool UseBaseAdapter(ComboBox comboBox) 41protected override Color GetOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox) 51protected override Color GetPopupOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox, bool focused) 68protected override void DrawFlatComboDropDown(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g, Rectangle dropDownRect)
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\DrawItemEventArgs.cs (1)
10/// <see cref="ComboBox"/>. It contains all the information needed for the user to paint the given item,
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\DrawItemState.cs (1)
18/// The item is the editing portion of a <see cref="ComboBox"/> .
System.Windows.Forms.Design (9)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesigner.cs (2)
22public override ComboBox Control => (ComboBox)Component;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataGridViewAddColumnDialog.cs (1)
22private ComboBox _columnTypesCombo;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataMemberFieldEditor.cs (1)
24if (TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance)[nameof(ComboBox.DataSource)] is not PropertyDescriptor property)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataMemberListEditor.cs (1)
22if (TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(context.Instance)[nameof(ComboBox.DataSource)] is { } dataSourceProperty)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ShortcutKeysEditor.ShortcutKeysUI.cs (1)
37private ComboBox _keyComboBox;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (1)
52private ComboBox _columnsOrRowsComboBox;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ToolStripCollectionEditor.ToolStripItemEditorForm.cs (2)
630if (sender is ComboBox) 680else if (sender is ComboBox box)
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (7)
EnsureEditorsTests.cs (2)
87[InlineData(typeof(ComboBox), "AutoCompleteCustomSource", typeof(ListControlStringCollectionEditor))] 88[InlineData(typeof(ComboBox), "Items", typeof(ListControlStringCollectionEditor))]
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesignerTests.cs (4)
14using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 24using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 34using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 50using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\EventHandlerServiceTests.cs (1)
System.Windows.Forms.Interop.Tests (2)
AccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
444using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 449ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = new(control);
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (372)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\AccessibleObjectTests.cs (3)
2652using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2700typeof(ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject), 2706if (type.BaseType != typeof(AccessibleObject) && type.BaseType != typeof(ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject))
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObjectTests.cs (5)
13Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(null, IntPtr.Zero)); 19using ComboBox control = new(); 22var accessibleObject = new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(control, IntPtr.Zero); 34using ComboBox control = new(); 38var accessibleObject = new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(control, IntPtr.Zero);
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObjectTests.cs (41)
18using ComboBox control = new(); 25ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = new(control); 36using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 59using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 85using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 102using ComboBox control = new(); 113using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 149using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 185using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 212using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 224private ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox) 226return comboBox.AccessibilityObject as ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject; 232using ComboBox control = new(); 260using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 273using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 299using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 301ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 311using ComboBox comboBox = new() { AccessibleDefaultActionDescription = "Test" }; 320using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 329using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 348using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 360using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 371using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 402using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 416using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 419var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 432using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 435var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 448using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 451var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 452ComboBox.ObjectCollection.Entry item = comboBox.Items.InnerList[0]; 466using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 473var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 474ComboBox.ObjectCollection.Entry item = comboBox.Items.InnerList[0]; 488private ComboBox CreateComboBoxWithItems() 490ComboBox comboBox = new(); 505private void InitComboBoxItemsAccessibleObjects(ComboBox comboBox) 507var listAccessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider)comboBox.ChildListAccessibleObject;
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (29)
10using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 11using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 25using ComboBox control = new(); 66using ComboBox control = new() 89using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 128using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 173using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 186using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 197using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 216using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 246using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 295using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 386using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 514using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(comboBoxStyle); 533using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(comboBoxStyle); 552using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 566using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle.Simple); 587using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(comboBoxStyle); 606using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(comboBoxStyle); 625using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 639using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle.Simple); 653private ComboBox GetComboBox(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 655ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 667private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 669ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 677private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 679ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 686private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 688ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle);
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\Control.ControlAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGrid.PropertyGridAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
31using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 46using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGridView.PropertyGridViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (8)
53using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 68using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 87using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 114using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 130using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 168using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 196using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 240using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Application.ParkingWindowTests.cs (1)
42ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProviderTests.cs (7)
39using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 64using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 93using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 110using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 123private ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox) 125return comboBox.AccessibilityObject as ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject;
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProviderTests.cs (7)
42using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 88using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 103? ((ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject).DropDownButtonUiaProvider 115using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 131using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 147using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 161using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
34using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 63using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 99using ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindowTests.cs (3)
13using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown }; 17Type childWindowTypeEnum = typeof(ComboBox).GetNestedType("ChildWindowType", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); 22Assert.True(childNativeWindow.TestAccessor().Dynamic.GetChildAccessibleObject() is ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject);
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
29using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 54using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 68AccessibleObject expectedItem = ((ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject).DropDownButtonUiaProvider;
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProviderTests.cs (107)
22using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 27ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 37Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider(null)); 47using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 48ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 63using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 64ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 77using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 79ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 93using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 94ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 109using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 110ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 125using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 127ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 143using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 144ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 159using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 161ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 179using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 180ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 192using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 193ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 207using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 209ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 227using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 228ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 247using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 248ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 261using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 263ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 285using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 289ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 309using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 312ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 347using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 351ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 370using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 373ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 390using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 392ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 410using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 411ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 436using ComboBox comboBox = new() { Size = size, DropDownStyle = dropdownStyle }; 440ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 465using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 468ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 502using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 506ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 542using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 545ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 576using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 578ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 594using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new Size(250, 100) }; 595ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 625using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 629ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 645using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 648ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 662using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 666ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 679using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 682ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 695using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 697ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 711using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 712ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 727using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 729ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 747using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 748ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 781using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 785ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 823using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 826ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 849using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 853ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 869using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 872ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 890using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 891ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 914using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 916ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 932using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 933ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 951using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 955ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 982using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 985ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1012using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1016ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1043using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1047ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1064using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1067ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1081using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1083ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1100using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1101ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1113using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1115ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1127using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1129ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1151using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 1155ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1172using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1176ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox);
System\Windows\Forms\Combobox.ObjectCollectionTests.cs (68)
8using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 9using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 20using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 43using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 68using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 89using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 106using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 127using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 153using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 186using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 218using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 241using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 261using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 286using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 309using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 340using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 370using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 386using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 407using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 429using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 454using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 475using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 499using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 527using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 544using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 561using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 578using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 598using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 622using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 647using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 676using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 702using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 733using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 765using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 782using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 799using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 816using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 837using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 859using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 883using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 900using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 917using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 938using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 962using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 985using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1016using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1038using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1062using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1083using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1107using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1132using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1152using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1169using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1186using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1214using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1245using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1266using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1289using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1310using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1329using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1346using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1363using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1384using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1417using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1453using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1466using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1479using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1489private static ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (84)
12using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 161using ComboBox control = new(); 175using ComboBox control = new() 198using ComboBox control = new(); 230using ComboBox control = new(); 246using ComboBox control = new(); 281PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.BackColor)]; 282using ComboBox control = new(); 297PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.BackColor)]; 298using ComboBox control = new(); 313using ComboBox control = new(); 402using ComboBox control = new(); 428using ComboBox control1 = new(); 432using ComboBox control2 = new() { AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems }; 437using ComboBox control3 = new(); 443using ComboBox control4 = new(); 451using ComboBox control = new(); 503using ComboBox control = new() 519using ComboBox control = new(); 562using ComboBox control = new() 578using ComboBox control = new(); 614using ComboBox control = new(); 655using ComboBox control = new(); 826using ComboBox control = new() 856using ComboBox control = new() 879using ComboBox control = new(); 888using ComboBox control = new(); 895using ComboBox control = new() 918using ComboBox control = new(); 946using ComboBox control = new(); 982using ComboBox control = new(); 1008using ComboBox control = new(); 1060using ComboBox control = new() 1086using ComboBox control = new(); 1114using ComboBox control = new(); 1149PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.ForeColor)]; 1150using ComboBox control = new(); 1165PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.ForeColor)]; 1166using ComboBox control = new(); 1182using ComboBox control = new() 1199using ComboBox control = new(); 1227using ComboBox control = new(); 1265using ComboBox control = new() 1281using ComboBox control = new(); 1317using ComboBox control = new(); 1327using ComboBox control = new(); 1349using ComboBox control = new() 1371using ComboBox control = new(); 1383using ComboBox control = new(); 1397using ComboBox control = new(); 1409using ComboBox control = new(); 1423using ComboBox control = new(); 1436using ComboBox control = new(); 1499using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1506using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1574public void ComboBox_FindString_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(ComboBox control, string s, int startIndex, int expected) 1590using ComboBox control = new(); 1605using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1613using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1693public void ComboBox_FindStringExact_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(ComboBox control, string s, int startIndex, bool ignoreCase, int expected) 1714using ComboBox control = new(); 2157using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(100, 50) }; 2261using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2427using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2449using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2466using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2481using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2565using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2624using ComboBox control = CreateComboBox(drawMode, expected); 2628private ComboBox CreateComboBox(DrawMode drawMode, int itemHeight = 15) 2630ComboBox control = new() 2652using ComboBox control = CreateComboBox(DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable); 2673using ComboBox control = new(); 2684using ComboBox control = new(); 2698using ComboBox control = new(); 2710using ComboBox control = new(); 2722using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2745private void InitializeItems(ComboBox comboBox, int numItems) 2783public AutomationEventCountingComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox owner) : base(owner) 2797public AutomationEventCountingComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider(ComboBox owner, HWND childEditControlhandle) : base(owner, childEditControlhandle)
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (2)
ComboBoxTests.cs (1)
18await RunSingleControlTestAsync<ComboBox>((form, comboBox) =>
PropertyGridTests.cs (1)
302using ComboBox comboBox1 = new();
TestPassApp (3)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (2)
759private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 761private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2;
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
294private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;
TrimTest (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
116private ComboBox comboBox1;
WinFormsControlsTest (21)
Calendar.Designer.cs (1)
268private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox daysOfWeekComboBox;
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
125private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;
ComboBoxes.Designer.cs (13)
294private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 295private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2; 296private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox3; 297private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox4; 298private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox5; 299private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox6; 300private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox7; 301private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox8; 302private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox9; 303private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox10; 304private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox11; 305private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox12; 306private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox dataBoundComboBox;
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.cs (2)
129ComboBox control = (ComboBox)sender;
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (3)
379private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 380private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2; 381private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox3;
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
341private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;