12 types derived from ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms (4)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl.cs (1)
8public partial class DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl : ComboBox, IDataGridViewEditingControl
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.cs (1)
8internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxControlAccessibleObject.cs (1)
10internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter.cs (1)
11internal partial class ToolStripComboBoxControl : ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (8)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
473private class DifferentHeightComboBox : ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (7)
320private class TestComboBox : ComboBox 346private class TestableComboBox : ComboBox 706public class CustomComboBox : ComboBox 2753private class OwnerDrawComboBox : ComboBox 2769private class AutomationEventCountingComboBox : ComboBox 2809private class SubComboBox : ComboBox 2941private class ComboBoxWithSelectCounter : ComboBox
295 instantiations of ComboBox
Accessibility_Core_App (3)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (2)
53this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 55this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
30this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
PresentationUI (3)
MS\Internal\Documents\RequestedSignatureDialog.Designer.cs (1)
47_intentComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MS\Internal\Documents\RMPublishingDialog.Designer.cs (1)
45this.comboBoxTemplates = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MS\Internal\Documents\SigningDialog.Designer.cs (1)
41_reasonComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
System.Windows.Forms.Design (3)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataGridViewAddColumnDialog.cs (1)
276_columnTypesCombo = new ComboBox();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ShortcutKeysEditor.ShortcutKeysUI.cs (1)
127_keyComboBox = new ComboBox();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (1)
164_columnsOrRowsComboBox = new ComboBox();
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (4)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesignerTests.cs (4)
12using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 22using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 32using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 48using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System.Windows.Forms.Interop.Tests (1)
AccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
444using ComboBox control = new ComboBox
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (260)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\AccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
2650using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
17using ComboBox control = new(); 32using ComboBox control = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObjectTests.cs (22)
16using ComboBox control = new(); 34using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 57using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 83using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 100using ComboBox control = new(); 111using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 147using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 183using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 210using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 230using ComboBox control = new(); 258using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 271using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 297using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 309using ComboBox comboBox = new() { AccessibleDefaultActionDescription = "Test" }; 318using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 327using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 346using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 358using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 369using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 382using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 400using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 488ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (10)
23using ComboBox control = new(); 64using ComboBox control = new() 87using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 126using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 195using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 214using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 244using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 293using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 653ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGrid.PropertyGridAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
30using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 45using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGridView.PropertyGridViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (8)
51using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 66using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 85using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 112using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 128using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 166using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 194using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 238using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Application.ParkingWindowTests.cs (1)
40ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\BinaryFormat\WinFormsBinaryFormattedObjectTests.cs (1)
267{ new ComboBox(), new string[] { "DataSource: Object", "DataContext: Object", "Tag: Object" } },
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProviderTests.cs (4)
37using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 62using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 91using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 108using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProviderTests.cs (6)
40using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 86using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 113using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 129using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 145using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 159using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
32using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 61using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 97using ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindowTests.cs (1)
11using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown };
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProviderTests.cs (2)
27using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 52using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProviderTests.cs (53)
20using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 45using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 61using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 75using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 91using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 107using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 123using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 141using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 157using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 177using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 190using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 205using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 225using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 245using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 259using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 283using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 307using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 345using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 368using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 388using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 408using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 434using ComboBox comboBox = new() { Size = size, DropDownStyle = dropdownStyle }; 463using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 500using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 540using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 574using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 592using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new Size(250, 100) }; 623using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 643using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 660using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 677using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 693using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 709using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 725using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 745using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 779using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 821using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 847using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 867using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 888using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 912using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 930using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 949using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 980using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1010using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1041using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1062using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1079using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1098using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1111using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1125using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1149using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 1170using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) };
System\Windows\Forms\Combobox.ObjectCollectionTests.cs (65)
18using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 41using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 66using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 87using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 104using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 125using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 151using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 184using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 216using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 239using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 259using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 284using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 307using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 338using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 368using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 405using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 427using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 452using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 473using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 497using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 525using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 542using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 559using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 576using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 596using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 620using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 645using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 674using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 700using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 731using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 763using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 780using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 797using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 814using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 835using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 857using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 881using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 898using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 915using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 936using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 960using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 983using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1014using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1036using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1060using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1081using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1105using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1130using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1150using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1167using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1184using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1212using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1243using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1264using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1287using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1308using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1327using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1344using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1361using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1382using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1415using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1451using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1464using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1477using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (79)
159using ComboBox control = new(); 173using ComboBox control = new() 196using ComboBox control = new(); 228using ComboBox control = new(); 244using ComboBox control = new(); 280using ComboBox control = new(); 296using ComboBox control = new(); 311using ComboBox control = new(); 400using ComboBox control = new(); 426using ComboBox control1 = new(); 430using ComboBox control2 = new() { AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems }; 435using ComboBox control3 = new(); 441using ComboBox control4 = new(); 449using ComboBox control = new(); 501using ComboBox control = new() 517using ComboBox control = new(); 560using ComboBox control = new() 576using ComboBox control = new(); 612using ComboBox control = new(); 653using ComboBox control = new(); 824using ComboBox control = new() 854using ComboBox control = new() 877using ComboBox control = new(); 886using ComboBox control = new(); 893using ComboBox control = new() 916using ComboBox control = new(); 944using ComboBox control = new(); 980using ComboBox control = new(); 1006using ComboBox control = new(); 1058using ComboBox control = new() 1084using ComboBox control = new(); 1112using ComboBox control = new(); 1148using ComboBox control = new(); 1164using ComboBox control = new(); 1180using ComboBox control = new() 1197using ComboBox control = new(); 1225using ComboBox control = new(); 1263using ComboBox control = new() 1279using ComboBox control = new(); 1315using ComboBox control = new(); 1325using ComboBox control = new(); 1347using ComboBox control = new() 1369using ComboBox control = new(); 1381using ComboBox control = new(); 1395using ComboBox control = new(); 1407using ComboBox control = new(); 1421using ComboBox control = new(); 1434using ComboBox control = new(); 1493yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, -1 }; 1494yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, -1 }; 1495yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, -1 }; 1497using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1499yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, -1 }; 1500yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, -1 }; 1501yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, -1 }; 1504using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1588using ComboBox control = new(); 1599yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1600yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1601yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1603using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1605yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), null, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1606yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), string.Empty, startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1607yield return new object[] { new ComboBox(), "s", startIndex, ignoreCase, -1 }; 1611using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1712using ComboBox control = new(); 2155using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(100, 50) }; 2259using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2425using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2447using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2464using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2479using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2563using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2628ComboBox control = new() 2671using ComboBox control = new(); 2682using ComboBox control = new(); 2696using ComboBox control = new(); 2708using ComboBox control = new(); 2720using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (1)
PropertyGridTests.cs (1)
302using ComboBox comboBox1 = new();
TrimTest (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
36comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
WinFormsControlsTest (19)
Calendar.Designer.cs (1)
42this.daysOfWeekComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
34this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
ComboBoxes.Designer.cs (13)
34this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 35this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 36this.comboBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 37this.comboBox4 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 38this.comboBox5 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 39this.comboBox6 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 40this.comboBox7 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 41this.comboBox8 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 42this.comboBox9 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 43this.comboBox10 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 44this.comboBox11 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 45this.comboBox12 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 46this.dataBoundComboBox = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (3)
35this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 36this.comboBox2 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox(); 37this.comboBox3 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
43this.comboBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
486 references to ComboBox
Accessibility_Core_App (3)
CommonControl1.Designer.cs (2)
759private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 761private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2;
DataBindingExample.Designer.cs (1)
294private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;
DesignSurface (2)
MainForm.cs (2)
200ComboBox cb1 = surface.CreateControl<ComboBox>(new Size(200, 20), new Point(260, 16));
PresentationUI (3)
MS\Internal\Documents\RequestedSignatureDialog.Designer.cs (1)
246private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox _intentComboBox;
MS\Internal\Documents\RMPublishingDialog.Designer.cs (1)
410private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBoxTemplates;
MS\Internal\Documents\SigningDialog.Designer.cs (1)
293private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox _reasonComboBox;
System.Windows.Forms (68)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject.cs (2)
10private readonly ComboBox _owner; 12public ChildAccessibleObject(ComboBox owner, IntPtr handle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject.cs (18)
6using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 25public ComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox owningComboBox) : base(owningComboBox) 32if (this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown != expand) 39=> this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? _) || base.IsIAccessibleExSupported(); 42=> patternId == UIA_PATTERN_ID.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId && this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) 51=> this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown 67=> _dropDownButtonUiaProvider ??= this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) ? new ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider(owner) : null; 71if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 90if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 122UIA_PROPERTY_ID.UIA_HasKeyboardFocusPropertyId => (VARIANT)(this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.Focused), 128if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 168if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 178if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 188if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? _)) 200if (!this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner)) 220if (this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DroppedDown) 235this.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner) && owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple 241if (!this.IsOwnerHandleCreated(out ComboBox? owner) || owner.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider.cs (2)
22private readonly ComboBox _owner; 28public ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider.cs (2)
20private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 29public ComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider(ComboBox owner, HWND childEditControlhandle) : base(owner, childEditControlhandle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider.cs (3)
7using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 21private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 24public ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider(ComboBox owningComboBox, HWND childListControlhandle) : base(owningComboBox, childListControlhandle)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindow.cs (2)
12private readonly ComboBox _owner; 15public ComboBoxChildNativeWindow(ComboBox comboBox, ChildWindowType childWindowType)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProvider.cs (2)
20private readonly ComboBox _owner; 26public ComboBoxChildTextUiaProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObject.cs (7)
8using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 15/// Represents the <see cref="ComboBox"/> item accessible object. 19private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 23/// Initializes new instance of <see cref="ComboBox"/> item accessible object. 25/// <param name="owningComboBox">The owning <see cref="ComboBox"/>.</param> 26/// <param name="owningItem">The owning <see cref="ComboBox"/> item.</param> 27public ComboBoxItemAccessibleObject(ComboBox owningComboBox, Entry owningItem)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectCollection.cs (2)
4using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 21if (!ContainsKey(key) && _owningComboBoxAccessibleObject.TryGetOwnerAs(out ComboBox? owner))
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider.cs (2)
30private readonly ComboBox _owningComboBox; 32public ComboBoxUiaTextProvider(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.cs (1)
13using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection;
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.FlatComboAdapter.cs (7)
26public FlatComboAdapter(ComboBox comboBox, bool smallButton) 58public bool IsValid(ComboBox combo) 66public virtual void DrawFlatCombo(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g) 142protected virtual void DrawFlatComboDropDown(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g, Rectangle dropDownRect) 170protected virtual Color GetOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox) 173protected virtual Color GetPopupOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox, bool focused) 183protected virtual Color GetInnerBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBox.ObjectCollection.cs (3)
7using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 16private readonly ComboBox _owner; 20public ObjectCollection(ComboBox owner)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ComboBox\ComboBoxStyle.cs (1)
7/// Specifies the <see cref="ComboBox"/> style.
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridViewComboBoxCell.cs (2)
584ComboBox comboBox = EditingComboBox; 1257if (DataGridView.EditingControl is ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.cs (5)
103public ComboBox ComboBox => (ComboBox)Control; 209public ComboBox.ObjectCollection Items 406if (control is ComboBox comboBox) 422if (control is ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripComboBox.ToolStripComboBoxControl.ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter.cs (5)
15public ToolStripComboBoxFlatComboAdapter(ComboBox comboBox) : base(comboBox, smallButton: true) 19private static bool UseBaseAdapter(ComboBox comboBox) 41protected override Color GetOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox) 51protected override Color GetPopupOuterBorderColor(ComboBox comboBox, bool focused) 68protected override void DrawFlatComboDropDown(ComboBox comboBox, Graphics g, Rectangle dropDownRect)
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\DrawItemEventArgs.cs (1)
10/// <see cref="ComboBox"/>. It contains all the information needed for the user to paint the given item,
System\Windows\Forms\Rendering\DrawItemState.cs (1)
18/// The item is the editing portion of a <see cref="ComboBox"/> .
System.Windows.Forms.Design (5)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesigner.cs (2)
22public override ComboBox Control => (ComboBox)Component;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\DataGridViewAddColumnDialog.cs (1)
22private ComboBox _columnTypesCombo;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ShortcutKeysEditor.ShortcutKeysUI.cs (1)
37private ComboBox _keyComboBox;
System\Windows\Forms\Design\StyleEditorForm.cs (1)
52private ComboBox _columnsOrRowsComboBox;
System.Windows.Forms.Design.Tests (7)
EnsureEditorsTests.cs (2)
85[InlineData(typeof(ComboBox), "AutoCompleteCustomSource", typeof(ListControlStringCollectionEditor))] 86[InlineData(typeof(ComboBox), "Items", typeof(ListControlStringCollectionEditor))]
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ComboBoxDesignerTests.cs (4)
12using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 22using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 32using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 48using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Design\EventHandlerServiceTests.cs (1)
System.Windows.Forms.Interop.Tests (2)
AccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
444using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 449ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = new(control);
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (372)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\AccessibleObjectTests.cs (3)
2650using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2698typeof(ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject), 2704if (type.BaseType != typeof(AccessibleObject) && type.BaseType != typeof(ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject))
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObjectTests.cs (5)
11Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(null, IntPtr.Zero)); 17using ComboBox control = new(); 20var accessibleObject = new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(control, IntPtr.Zero); 32using ComboBox control = new(); 36var accessibleObject = new ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject(control, IntPtr.Zero);
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObjectTests.cs (41)
16using ComboBox control = new(); 23ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = new(control); 34using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 57using ComboBox control = new ComboBox 83using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 100using ComboBox control = new(); 111using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 147using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 183using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 210using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 222private ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox) 224return comboBox.AccessibilityObject as ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject; 230using ComboBox control = new(); 258using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 271using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 297using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 299ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 309using ComboBox comboBox = new() { AccessibleDefaultActionDescription = "Test" }; 318using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 327using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 346using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 358using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 369using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 382using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.Simple }; 400using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = style }; 414using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 417var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 430using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 433var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 446using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 449var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 450ComboBox.ObjectCollection.Entry item = comboBox.Items.InnerList[0]; 464using ComboBox comboBox = CreateComboBoxWithItems(); 471var accessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject; 472ComboBox.ObjectCollection.Entry item = comboBox.Items.InnerList[0]; 486private ComboBox CreateComboBoxWithItems() 488ComboBox comboBox = new(); 503private void InitComboBoxItemsAccessibleObjects(ComboBox comboBox) 505var listAccessibleObject = (ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProvider)comboBox.ChildListAccessibleObject;
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\ComboBox.ComboBoxItemAccessibleObjectTests.cs (29)
8using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 9using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 23using ComboBox control = new(); 64using ComboBox control = new() 87using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 126using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 171using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 184using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 195using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 214using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 244using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 293using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 512using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(comboBoxStyle); 531using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(comboBoxStyle); 550using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 564using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle.Simple); 585using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(comboBoxStyle); 604using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(comboBoxStyle); 623using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 637using ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle.Simple); 651private ComboBox GetComboBox(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 653ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 665private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxItems(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 667ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 675private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxHeight(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 677ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle); 684private ComboBox GetComboBoxWithMaxSize(ComboBoxStyle comboBoxStyle) 686ComboBox comboBox = GetComboBox(comboBoxStyle);
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\Control.ControlAccessibleObjectTests.cs (1)
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGrid.PropertyGridAccessibleObjectTests.cs (2)
30using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 45using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\AccessibleObjects\PropertyGridView.PropertyGridViewAccessibleObjectTests.cs (8)
51using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 66using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 85using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 112using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 128using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 166using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 194using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 238using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\Application.ParkingWindowTests.cs (1)
40ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildDropDownButtonUiaProviderTests.cs (7)
37using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 62using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 91using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 108using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 121private ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox) 123return comboBox.AccessibilityObject as ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject;
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildEditUiaProviderTests.cs (7)
40using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 86using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 101? ((ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject).DropDownButtonUiaProvider 113using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 129using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 145using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 159using ComboBox comboBox = new();
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildListUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
32using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 61using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 97using ComboBox comboBox = new()
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildNativeWindowTests.cs (3)
11using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown }; 15Type childWindowTypeEnum = typeof(ComboBox).GetNestedType("ChildWindowType", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); 20Assert.True(childNativeWindow.TestAccessor().Dynamic.GetChildAccessibleObject() is ComboBox.ChildAccessibleObject);
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxChildTextUiaProviderTests.cs (3)
27using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 52using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 66AccessibleObject expectedItem = ((ComboBox.ComboBoxAccessibleObject)comboBox.AccessibilityObject).DropDownButtonUiaProvider;
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProviderTests.cs (107)
20using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 25ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 35Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => new ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider(null)); 45using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 46ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 61using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 62ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 75using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 77ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 91using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 92ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 107using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 108ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 123using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 125ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 141using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, RightToLeft = rightToLeft }; 142ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 157using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 159ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 177using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 178ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 190using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 191ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 205using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 207ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 225using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 226ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 245using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 246ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 259using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 261ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 283using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 287ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 307using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 310ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 345using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 349ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 368using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 371ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 388using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 390ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 408using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 409ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 434using ComboBox comboBox = new() { Size = size, DropDownStyle = dropdownStyle }; 438ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 463using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 466ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 500using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 504ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 540using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 543ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 574using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 576ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 592using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new Size(250, 100) }; 593ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 623using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 627ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 643using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 646ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 660using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 664ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 677using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 680ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 693using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 695ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 709using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 710ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 725using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 727ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 745using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 746ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 779using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 783ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 821using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 824ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 847using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 851ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 867using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = size }; 870ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 888using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 889ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 912using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 914ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 930using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 931ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 949using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 953ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 980using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 983ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1010using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle }; 1014ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1041using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1045ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1062using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1065ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1079using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1081ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1098using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1099ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1111using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1113ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1125using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1127ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1149using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(width, height) }; 1153ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox); 1170using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(50, 100) }; 1174ComboBox.ComboBoxUiaTextProvider provider = new(comboBox);
System\Windows\Forms\Combobox.ObjectCollectionTests.cs (68)
6using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 7using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox.ObjectCollection; 18using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 41using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 66using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 87using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 104using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 125using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 151using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 184using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 216using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 239using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 259using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 284using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 307using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 338using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 368using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 384using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 405using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 427using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 452using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 473using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 497using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 525using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 542using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 559using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 576using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 596using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 620using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 645using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 674using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 700using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 731using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 763using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 780using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 797using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 814using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 835using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 857using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 881using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 898using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 915using ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox 936using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 960using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 983using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1014using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1036using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1060using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1081using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1105using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1130using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1150using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1167using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1184using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1212using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1243using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1264using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1287using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1308using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1327using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1344using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1361using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1382using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1415using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1451using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1464using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1477using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 1487private static ComboBoxAccessibleObject GetComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox comboBox)
System\Windows\Forms\ComboBoxTests.cs (84)
10using static System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox; 159using ComboBox control = new(); 173using ComboBox control = new() 196using ComboBox control = new(); 228using ComboBox control = new(); 244using ComboBox control = new(); 279PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.BackColor)]; 280using ComboBox control = new(); 295PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.BackColor)]; 296using ComboBox control = new(); 311using ComboBox control = new(); 400using ComboBox control = new(); 426using ComboBox control1 = new(); 430using ComboBox control2 = new() { AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.ListItems }; 435using ComboBox control3 = new(); 441using ComboBox control4 = new(); 449using ComboBox control = new(); 501using ComboBox control = new() 517using ComboBox control = new(); 560using ComboBox control = new() 576using ComboBox control = new(); 612using ComboBox control = new(); 653using ComboBox control = new(); 824using ComboBox control = new() 854using ComboBox control = new() 877using ComboBox control = new(); 886using ComboBox control = new(); 893using ComboBox control = new() 916using ComboBox control = new(); 944using ComboBox control = new(); 980using ComboBox control = new(); 1006using ComboBox control = new(); 1058using ComboBox control = new() 1084using ComboBox control = new(); 1112using ComboBox control = new(); 1147PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.ForeColor)]; 1148using ComboBox control = new(); 1163PropertyDescriptor property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(ComboBox))[nameof(ComboBox.ForeColor)]; 1164using ComboBox control = new(); 1180using ComboBox control = new() 1197using ComboBox control = new(); 1225using ComboBox control = new(); 1263using ComboBox control = new() 1279using ComboBox control = new(); 1315using ComboBox control = new(); 1325using ComboBox control = new(); 1347using ComboBox control = new() 1369using ComboBox control = new(); 1381using ComboBox control = new(); 1395using ComboBox control = new(); 1407using ComboBox control = new(); 1421using ComboBox control = new(); 1434using ComboBox control = new(); 1497using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1504using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1572public void ComboBox_FindString_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(ComboBox control, string s, int startIndex, int expected) 1588using ComboBox control = new(); 1603using ComboBox controlWithNoItems = new(); 1611using ComboBox controlWithItems = new() 1691public void ComboBox_FindStringExact_Invoke_ReturnsExpected(ComboBox control, string s, int startIndex, bool ignoreCase, int expected) 1712using ComboBox control = new(); 2155using ComboBox comboBox = new() { DropDownStyle = dropDownStyle, Size = new(100, 50) }; 2259using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2425using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2447using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2464using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2479using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2563using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2622using ComboBox control = CreateComboBox(drawMode, expected); 2626private ComboBox CreateComboBox(DrawMode drawMode, int itemHeight = 15) 2628ComboBox control = new() 2650using ComboBox control = CreateComboBox(DrawMode.OwnerDrawVariable); 2671using ComboBox control = new(); 2682using ComboBox control = new(); 2696using ComboBox control = new(); 2708using ComboBox control = new(); 2720using ComboBox comboBox = new(); 2743private void InitializeItems(ComboBox comboBox, int numItems) 2781public AutomationEventCountingComboBoxAccessibleObject(ComboBox owner) : base(owner) 2795public AutomationEventCountingComboBoxChildEditUiaProvider(ComboBox owner, HWND childEditControlhandle) : base(owner, childEditControlhandle)
System.Windows.Forms.UI.IntegrationTests (2)
ComboBoxTests.cs (1)
18await RunSingleControlTestAsync<ComboBox>((form, comboBox) =>
PropertyGridTests.cs (1)
302using ComboBox comboBox1 = new();
TrimTest (1)
Form1.Designer.cs (1)
116private ComboBox comboBox1;
WinFormsControlsTest (21)
Calendar.Designer.cs (1)
268private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox daysOfWeekComboBox;
CollectionEditors.Designer.cs (1)
125private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;
ComboBoxes.Designer.cs (13)
294private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 295private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2; 296private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox3; 297private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox4; 298private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox5; 299private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox6; 300private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox7; 301private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox8; 302private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox9; 303private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox10; 304private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox11; 305private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox12; 306private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox dataBoundComboBox;
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.cs (2)
129ComboBox control = (ComboBox)sender;
ComboBoxesWithScrollBars.Designer.cs (3)
379private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1; 380private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox2; 381private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox3;
MultipleControls.Designer.cs (1)
341private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox comboBox1;