// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing.Design;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.System.Diagnostics.Debug;
using Windows.Win32.System.Ole;
using Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop;
/// <summary>
/// <para>
/// This class wraps a com native property in a property descriptor. It maintains all information relative to the
/// basic (e.g. ITypeInfo) information about the member dispid function, and converts that info to meaningful
/// managed code information.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// It also allows other objects to register listeners to add extended information at runtime such as attributes
/// of <see cref="TypeConverter"/>s.
/// </para>
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(ComNativeDescriptor.ComTypeDescriptorsMessage + " Uses ComNativeDescriptor which is not trim-compatible.")]
internal unsafe partial class Com2PropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor, ICloneable
private EventHandlerList? _events;
// Is this property read only?
private readonly bool _baseReadOnly;
private bool _readOnly;
// The resolved native type -> clr type
private readonly Type? _propertyType;
private TypeConverter? _converter;
private object? _editor;
private string? _displayName;
// This is any extra data needed. For IDispatch types, it's the GUID of the interface, etc.
private readonly object? _typeData;
// Keeps track of which data members need to be refreshed.
private int _refreshState;
// Our original baseline properties
private Attribute[]? _baseAttributes;
// Our cached last value -- this is only for checking if we should ask for a display value.
private object? _lastValue;
// For Object and dispatch types, we hide them by default.
private readonly bool _typeHide;
// This property is hidden because its get didn't return S_OK.
private bool _hrHidden;
// Our event signatures.
private static readonly object s_eventGetBaseAttributes = new();
private static readonly object s_eventGetDynamicAttributes = new();
private static readonly object s_eventShouldRefresh = new();
private static readonly object s_eventGetDisplayName = new();
private static readonly object s_eventGetDisplayValue = new();
private static readonly object s_eventGetIsReadOnly = new();
private static readonly object s_eventGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor = new();
private static readonly object s_eventShouldSerializeValue = new();
private static readonly object s_eventCanResetValue = new();
private static readonly object s_eventResetValue = new();
private static Guid GUID_COLOR { get; } = new("{66504301-BE0F-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}");
private readonly Com2DataTypeToManagedDataTypeConverter? _valueConverter;
public Com2PropertyDescriptor(
int dispid,
string name,
Attribute[] attributes,
bool readOnly,
Type? propertyType,
object? typeData,
bool hrHidden)
: base(name, attributes)
_baseReadOnly = readOnly;
_readOnly = readOnly;
_baseAttributes = attributes;
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.BaseAttributes, true);
_hrHidden = hrHidden;
// Readonly to begin with is always read only.
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.ReadOnly, readOnly);
_propertyType = propertyType;
DISPID = dispid;
if (typeData is not null)
_typeData = typeData;
if (typeData is Com2Enum comEnum)
_converter = new Com2EnumConverter(comEnum);
else if (typeData is Guid guid)
if (guid.Equals(GUID_COLOR))
_valueConverter = new Com2ColorConverter();
else if (guid.Equals(IID.GetRef<IFontDisp>()) || guid.Equals(IID.GetRef<IFont>()))
_valueConverter = new Com2FontConverter();
else if (guid.Equals(IID.GetRef<IPictureDisp>()) || guid.Equals(IID.GetRef<IPicture>()))
_valueConverter = new Com2PictureConverter(this);
// Check if this is hidden from metadata.
CanShow = true;
if (attributes is not null)
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i++)
if (attributes[i].Equals(BrowsableAttribute.No) && !hrHidden)
CanShow = false;
if (CanShow && (propertyType == typeof(object) || (_valueConverter is null && propertyType == typeof(IDispatch.Interface))))
_typeHide = true;
protected Attribute[] BaseAttributes
if (!GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.BaseAttributes))
Debug.Assert(_baseAttributes is not null);
return _baseAttributes ??= [];
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.BaseAttributes, false);
int baseCount = _baseAttributes is null ? 0 : _baseAttributes.Length;
List<Attribute> attributes = [];
if (_baseAttributes is not null)
OnGetBaseAttributes(new GetAttributesEvent(attributes));
if (attributes.Count != baseCount)
_baseAttributes = new Attribute[attributes.Count];
if (_baseAttributes is not null)
attributes.CopyTo(_baseAttributes, 0);
_baseAttributes = [];
return _baseAttributes;
public override AttributeCollection Attributes
if (AttributesValid || InAttributeQuery)
return base.Attributes;
// Restore our base attributes
AttributeArray = BaseAttributes;
List<Attribute>? newAttributes = null;
// If we are forcing a hide.
if (_typeHide && CanShow)
newAttributes = new(AttributeArray)
new BrowsableAttribute(false)
else if (_hrHidden)
// Check to see if the get still fails.
using var dispatch = ComHelpers.TryGetComScope<IDispatch>(TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
if (hr.Succeeded)
hr = ComNativeDescriptor.GetPropertyValue(dispatch, DISPID, out _);
// If not, go ahead and make this a browsable item.
if (hr.Succeeded)
// Make it browsable.
newAttributes = new(AttributeArray)
new BrowsableAttribute(true)
_hrHidden = false;
InAttributeQuery = true;
// Demand get any extended attributes
List<Attribute> attributeList = [];
OnGetDynamicAttributes(new GetAttributesEvent(attributeList));
if (attributeList.Count > 0)
newAttributes ??= [..AttributeArray];
// Push any new attributes into the base type.
for (int i = 0; i < attributeList.Count; i++)
InAttributeQuery = false;
// These are now valid.
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.Attributes, false);
// If we reconfigured attributes, then poke the new set back in.
if (newAttributes is not null)
Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[newAttributes.Count];
newAttributes.CopyTo(temp, 0);
AttributeArray = temp;
return base.Attributes;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if the attributes are valid. Asks any clients if they would like attributes required.
/// </summary>
protected bool AttributesValid => !GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.Attributes);
/// <summary>
/// Checks if this item can be shown.
/// </summary>
public bool CanShow { get; }
// Historically this was always an internal interface
public sealed override Type ComponentType => typeof(IDispatch.Interface);
public override TypeConverter Converter
if (TypeConverterValid)
return _converter;
object? typeEditor = null;
GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(ref _converter, typeof(UITypeEditor), ref typeEditor);
if (!TypeEditorValid)
_editor = typeEditor;
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeEditor, false);
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeConverter, false);
return _converter;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves whether this component is applying a type conversion...
/// </summary>
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(_valueConverter))]
public bool ConvertingNativeType => _valueConverter is not null;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the default value for this property.
/// </summary>
protected virtual object? DefaultValue => null;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the DISPID for this item
/// </summary>
public int DISPID { get; }
public override string DisplayName
if (_displayName is null || GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.DisplayName))
GetNameItemEvent getNameEvent = new(base.DisplayName);
_displayName = getNameEvent.NameString;
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.DisplayName, false);
return _displayName;
protected EventHandlerList Events => _events ??= new EventHandlerList();
protected bool InAttributeQuery { get; private set; }
public override bool IsReadOnly
if (!_baseReadOnly && GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.ReadOnly))
_readOnly |= Attributes[typeof(ReadOnlyAttribute)]?.Equals(ReadOnlyAttribute.Yes) ?? false;
GetBoolValueEvent getBoolEvent = new(_readOnly);
_readOnly = getBoolEvent.Value;
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.ReadOnly, false);
return _readOnly;
internal Com2Properties? PropertyManager { get; set; }
#pragma warning disable CS8764 // Nullability of return type doesn't match overridden member (possibly because of nullability attributes).
// Unfortunately we buck the annotations on PropertyDescriptor here. In cases where we can't resolve a
// type for a COM object's property, we create descriptors that are marked as non browsable. It isn't clear
// what the repercussions would be of not creating the descriptor so we'll continue to create them this way
// and mark as nullable here and try to guard where we can.
public override Type? PropertyType
// Replace the type with the mapped converter type
=> _valueConverter is not null ? _valueConverter.ManagedType : _propertyType;
#pragma warning restore CS8764
/// <summary>
/// Gets the Object that this descriptor was created for.
/// May be null if the Object's reference has died.
/// </summary>
public virtual object? TargetObject => PropertyManager?.TargetObject;
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(_converter))]
protected bool TypeConverterValid
=> _converter is not null && !GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeConverter);
[MemberNotNullWhen(true, nameof(_editor))]
protected bool TypeEditorValid
=> _editor is not null && !GetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeEditor);
public event GetBoolValueEventHandler QueryCanResetValue
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventCanResetValue, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventCanResetValue, value);
public event GetAttributesEventHandler QueryGetBaseAttributes
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetBaseAttributes, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetBaseAttributes, value);
public event GetAttributesEventHandler QueryGetDynamicAttributes
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetDynamicAttributes, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetDynamicAttributes, value);
public event GetNameItemEventHandler QueryGetDisplayName
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetDisplayName, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetDisplayName, value);
public event GetNameItemEventHandler QueryGetDisplayValue
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetDisplayValue, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetDisplayValue, value);
public event GetBoolValueEventHandler QueryGetIsReadOnly
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetIsReadOnly, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetIsReadOnly, value);
public event GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEventHandler QueryGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor, value);
public event Com2EventHandler QueryResetValue
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventResetValue, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventResetValue, value);
public event GetBoolValueEventHandler QueryShouldSerializeValue
add => Events.AddHandler(s_eventShouldSerializeValue, value);
remove => Events.RemoveHandler(s_eventShouldSerializeValue, value);
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor descriptor)
object? owner = descriptor.GetPropertyOwner(this);
if (owner is null)
return false;
component = owner;
if (component == TargetObject)
GetBoolValueEvent boolEvent = new(defaultValue: false);
return boolEvent.Value;
return false;
public object Clone()
=> new Com2PropertyDescriptor(
(Attribute[])(_baseAttributes?.Clone() ?? Array.Empty<Attribute>()),
protected sealed override AttributeCollection CreateAttributeCollection() => new(AttributeArray);
private TypeConverter GetBaseTypeConverter()
if (PropertyType is null)
return new TypeConverter();
TypeConverter? localConverter = null;
if (Attributes[typeof(TypeConverterAttribute)] is TypeConverterAttribute attribute)
string converterTypeName = attribute.ConverterTypeName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterTypeName)
&& Type.GetType(converterTypeName) is { } converterType
&& typeof(TypeConverter).IsAssignableFrom(converterType))
localConverter = (TypeConverter?)Activator.CreateInstance(converterType);
if (localConverter is not null)
_refreshState |= Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeConverterAttr;
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Fail($"Failed to create TypeConverter of type '{attribute.ConverterTypeName}' from Attribute", ex.ToString());
// If we didn't get one from the attribute, ask the type descriptor. We don't want to create the value
// editor for the IDispatch properties because that will create the reference editor.
localConverter ??= typeof(IDispatch).IsAssignableFrom(PropertyType)
? new Com2IDispatchConverter(this, allowExpand: false)
: base.Converter;
return localConverter ?? new TypeConverter();
private object? GetBaseTypeEditor(Type editorBaseType)
if (PropertyType is null)
return null;
if (Attributes[typeof(EditorAttribute)] is EditorAttribute attribute)
string? editorTypeName = attribute.EditorBaseTypeName;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorTypeName)
&& Type.GetType(editorTypeName) is { } attributeEditorBaseType
&& attributeEditorBaseType == editorBaseType
&& Type.GetType(attribute.EditorTypeName) is { } type)
if (Activator.CreateInstance(type) is { } localEditor)
_refreshState |= Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeEditorAttr;
return localEditor;
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Fail($"Failed to create editor of type '{attribute.EditorTypeName}' from Attribute", ex.ToString());
return base.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the value that should be displayed to the user, such as in the Property Browser.
/// </summary>
public string? GetDisplayValue(string? defaultValue)
GetNameItemEvent name = new(defaultValue);
return name.Name?.ToString();
[RequiresUnreferencedCode($"{TrimmingConstants.EditorRequiresUnreferencedCode} {TrimmingConstants.PropertyDescriptorPropertyTypeMessage}")]
public override object? GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
if (TypeEditorValid)
return _editor;
if (PropertyType is null)
return null;
if (editorBaseType == typeof(UITypeEditor))
TypeConverter? converter = null;
GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(ref converter, editorBaseType, ref _editor);
if (!TypeConverterValid)
_converter = converter;
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeConverter, false);
SetNeedsRefresh(Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeEditor, false);
_editor = base.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
return _editor;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the current native value of the property on the given component. You must dispose of the
/// returned <see cref="VARIANT"/> after using it.
/// </summary>
internal unsafe VARIANT GetNativeValue(object? component)
if (component is null)
return VARIANT.Empty;
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor descriptor)
component = descriptor.GetPropertyOwner(this);
using var dispatch = ComHelpers.TryGetComScope<IDispatch>(component, out HRESULT hr);
if (hr.Failed)
return VARIANT.Empty;
VARIANT nativeValue = default;
hr = dispatch.Value->TryGetProperty(DISPID, &nativeValue, PInvokeCore.GetThreadLocale());
if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK && hr != HRESULT.S_FALSE)
Debug.Fail($"Failed to get property: {hr}");
return VARIANT.Empty;
return nativeValue;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether the particular item(s) need refreshing.
/// </summary>
private bool GetNeedsRefresh(int mask) => (_refreshState & mask) != 0;
public override object? GetValue(object? component)
using VARIANT nativeValue = GetNativeValue(component);
// Do we need to convert the type?
if (ConvertingNativeType && !nativeValue.IsEmpty)
return _valueConverter.ConvertNativeToManaged(nativeValue, this);
_lastValue = nativeValue.ToObject();
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Fail($"Could not convert the native value to a .NET object: {ex.Message}");
if (_lastValue is not null && _propertyType is not null && _propertyType.IsEnum && _lastValue.GetType().IsPrimitive)
// We've got to convert the value here. We built the enum but the native object returns values as integers.
_lastValue = Enum.ToObject(_propertyType, _lastValue);
return _lastValue;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the value editor for the property.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// If a value editor is passed in as a <see cref="TypeConverterAttribute"/>, that value editor will be
/// instantiated. If no such attribute was found, a system value editor will be looked for. See
/// <see cref="TypeConverter"/> for a description of how system value editors are found. If there is no
/// system value editor, null is returned. If the value editor found takes an IEditorSite in its constructor,
/// the parameter will be passed in.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public void GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor([NotNull] ref TypeConverter? typeConverter, Type editorBaseType, ref object? typeEditor)
// Get the base editor and converter, attributes first.
TypeConverter? localConverter = typeConverter;
object? localEditor = typeEditor;
localConverter ??= GetBaseTypeConverter();
localEditor ??= GetBaseTypeEditor(editorBaseType);
// If this is a object, get the value and attempt to create the correct value editor based on that value.
// We don't do this if the state came from an attribute.
if ((_refreshState & Com2PropertyDescriptorRefresh.TypeConverterAttr) == 0 && PropertyType == typeof(Com2Variant))
// The results were never used here, they probably were intended to be used.
// Without specific scenarios, leaving the access as is to avoid breaking changes.
_ = PropertyType;
object? value = GetValue(TargetObject);
if (value is not null)
_ = value.GetType();
ComNativeDescriptor.ResolveVariantTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(value, ref localConverter, editorBaseType, ref localEditor);
// Now see if someone else would like to serve up a value editor.
// Unwrap the editor if it's one of ours.
if (localConverter is Com2PropDescMainConverter mainConverter)
localConverter = mainConverter.InnerConverter;
GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEvent e = new(localConverter, localEditor);
localConverter = e.TypeConverter;
localEditor = e.TypeEditor;
// Just in case one of the handlers removed our editor.
localConverter ??= GetBaseTypeConverter();
localEditor ??= GetBaseTypeEditor(editorBaseType);
// Wrap the value editor in our main value editor, but only if it isn't "TypeConverter" or already a Com2PropDescMainTypeConverter
Type localConverterType = localConverter.GetType();
if (localConverterType != typeof(TypeConverter) && localConverterType != typeof(Com2PropDescMainConverter))
localConverter = new Com2PropDescMainConverter(this, localConverter);
// Save the values back to the variables.
typeConverter = localConverter;
typeEditor = localEditor;
/// <summary>
/// Is the given value equal to the last known value for this object?
/// </summary>
internal bool IsLastKnownValue(object? value) => value == _lastValue;
protected void OnCanResetValue(GetBoolValueEvent e) => RaiseGetBoolValueEvent(s_eventCanResetValue, e);
protected void OnGetBaseAttributes(GetAttributesEvent e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((GetAttributesEventHandler?)Events[s_eventGetBaseAttributes])?.Invoke(this, e);
protected void OnGetDisplayName(GetNameItemEvent e) => RaiseGetNameItemEvent(s_eventGetDisplayName, e);
protected void OnGetDisplayValue(GetNameItemEvent e) => RaiseGetNameItemEvent(s_eventGetDisplayValue, e);
protected void OnGetDynamicAttributes(GetAttributesEvent e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((GetAttributesEventHandler?)Events[s_eventGetDynamicAttributes])?.Invoke(this, e);
protected void OnGetIsReadOnly(GetBoolValueEvent e) => RaiseGetBoolValueEvent(s_eventGetIsReadOnly, e);
protected void OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEvent e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEventHandler?)Events[s_eventGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor])?.Invoke(this, e);
protected void OnResetValue(EventArgs e) => RaiseCom2Event(s_eventResetValue, e);
protected void OnShouldSerializeValue(GetBoolValueEvent e) => RaiseGetBoolValueEvent(s_eventShouldSerializeValue, e);
protected void OnShouldRefresh(GetRefreshStateEvent e) => RaiseGetBoolValueEvent(s_eventShouldRefresh, e);
private void RaiseGetBoolValueEvent(object key, GetBoolValueEvent e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((GetBoolValueEventHandler?)Events[key])?.Invoke(this, e);
private void RaiseCom2Event(object key, EventArgs e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((Com2EventHandler?)Events[key])?.Invoke(this, e);
private void RaiseGetNameItemEvent(object key, GetNameItemEvent e)
using ValidityScope scope = new(PropertyManager);
((GetNameItemEventHandler?)Events[key])?.Invoke(this, e);
public override void ResetValue(object? component)
if (component is ICustomTypeDescriptor descriptor)
component = descriptor.GetPropertyOwner(this);
if (component == TargetObject)
/// <summary>
/// Sets whether the particular item(s) need refreshing.
/// </summary>
internal void SetNeedsRefresh(int mask, bool value)
if (value)
_refreshState |= mask;
_refreshState &= ~mask;
public override unsafe void SetValue(object? component, object? value)
if (_readOnly)
throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(SR.COM2ReadonlyProperty, Name));
object? owner = component;
if (owner is ICustomTypeDescriptor descriptor)
owner = descriptor.GetPropertyOwner(this);
using var dispatch = ComHelpers.TryGetComScope<IDispatch>(owner, out HRESULT hr);
if (hr.Failed)
VARIANT nativeValue = default;
// Do we need to convert the type?
if (_valueConverter is not null)
bool cancel = false;
nativeValue = _valueConverter.ConvertManagedToNative(value, this, ref cancel);
if (cancel)
nativeValue = VARIANT.FromObject(value);
hr = dispatch.Value->SetPropertyValue(DISPID, nativeValue, out string? errorText);
if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK || hr == HRESULT.S_FALSE)
OnValueChanged(component, EventArgs.Empty);
_lastValue = value;
// Cancelled checkout, etc.
HRESULT setError = hr;
using var iSupportErrorInfo = dispatch.TryQuery<ISupportErrorInfo>(out hr);
if (hr.Succeeded)
if (iSupportErrorInfo.Value->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(IID.Get<IDispatch>()).Succeeded)
using ComScope<IErrorInfo> errorInfo = new(null);
hr = PInvoke.GetErrorInfo(0, errorInfo);
if (hr.Succeeded && hr != HRESULT.S_FALSE && !errorInfo.IsNull)
using BSTR description = default;
hr = errorInfo.Value->GetDescription(&description);
if (hr.Succeeded)
errorText = description.ToString();
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText))
using BufferScope<char> buffer = new(256 + 1);
fixed (char* b = buffer)
uint result = PInvoke.FormatMessage(
(uint)buffer.Length - 2,
errorText = result == 0
? string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.DispInvokeFailed, "SetValue", setError)
: buffer[..(int)result].TrimEnd(CharacterConstants.NewLine).ToString();
throw new ExternalException(errorText, (int)setError);
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
GetBoolValueEvent e = new(defaultValue: false);
return e.Value;