File: System\Windows\Forms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2PictureConverter.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\src\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.System.Ole;
using Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop;
/// <summary>
///  This class maps an IPicture to a System.Drawing.Image.
/// </summary>
internal sealed unsafe class Com2PictureConverter : Com2DataTypeToManagedDataTypeConverter
    private object? _lastManaged;
    private OLE_HANDLE _lastNativeHandle;
    private Type _pictureType = typeof(Bitmap);
    public Com2PictureConverter(Com2PropertyDescriptor property)
        if (property.DISPID == PInvokeCore.DISPID_MOUSEICON || property.Name.Contains("Icon"))
            _pictureType = typeof(Icon);
    public override Type ManagedType => _pictureType;
    public override object? ConvertNativeToManaged(VARIANT nativeValue, Com2PropertyDescriptor property)
        if (nativeValue.Type != VARENUM.VT_UNKNOWN)
            Debug.Assert(nativeValue.IsEmpty, $"Expected IUnknown, got {nativeValue.Type}");
            return null;
        using var picture = ComScope<IPicture>.TryQueryFrom((IUnknown*)nativeValue, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Fail($"Failed to get IPicture: {hr}");
            return null;
        picture.Value->get_Handle(out OLE_HANDLE handle).ThrowOnFailure();
        if (_lastManaged is not null && handle == _lastNativeHandle)
            return _lastManaged;
        if (handle != 0)
            // GDI handles are sign extended 32 bit values.
            // We need to first cast to int so sign extension happens correctly.
            nint extendedHandle = (int)handle.Value;
            picture.Value->get_Type(out PICTYPE type).ThrowOnFailure();
            switch (type)
                case PICTYPE.PICTYPE_ICON:
                    _pictureType = typeof(Icon);
                    _lastManaged = Icon.FromHandle(extendedHandle);
                case PICTYPE.PICTYPE_BITMAP:
                    _pictureType = typeof(Bitmap);
                    _lastManaged = Image.FromHbitmap(extendedHandle);
                    Debug.Fail("Unknown picture type");
                    return null;
            _lastNativeHandle = handle;
            _lastManaged = null;
        return _lastManaged;
    public override VARIANT ConvertManagedToNative(object? managedValue, Com2PropertyDescriptor property, ref bool cancelSet)
        if (managedValue == _lastManaged)
            // There should be no point in setting the same object back for this property.
            cancelSet = true;
            return VARIANT.Empty;
        cancelSet = false;
        // Build the IPicture.
        if (managedValue is not null)
            BOOL own = false;
            PICTDESC pictdesc;
            if (managedValue is Icon icon)
                pictdesc = PICTDESC.FromIcon(icon, copy: false);
            else if (managedValue is Bitmap bitmap)
                pictdesc = PICTDESC.FromBitmap(bitmap);
                own = true;
                Debug.Fail($"Unknown Image type: {managedValue.GetType().Name}");
                return VARIANT.Empty;
            using ComScope<IPicture> picture = new(null);
            PInvokeCore.OleCreatePictureIndirect(&pictdesc, IID.Get<IPicture>(), own, picture).ThrowOnFailure();
            _lastManaged = managedValue;
            picture.Value->get_Handle(out _lastNativeHandle).ThrowOnFailure();
            IUnknown* unknown;
            picture.Value->QueryInterface(IID.Get<IUnknown>(), (void**)&unknown).ThrowOnFailure();
            return (VARIANT)unknown;
            _lastManaged = null;
            _lastNativeHandle = default;
            return VARIANT.Empty;