File: System\Windows\Forms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2IVsPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop;
/// <summary>
///  Browsing handler for <see cref="IVsPerPropertyBrowsing"/>.
/// </summary>
[RequiresUnreferencedCode(ComNativeDescriptor.ComTypeDescriptorsMessage + " Uses Com2IDispatchConverter which is not trim-compatible.")]
internal sealed unsafe class Com2IVsPerPropertyBrowsingHandler : Com2ExtendedBrowsingHandler<IVsPerPropertyBrowsing>
    public static unsafe bool AllowChildProperties(Com2PropertyDescriptor property)
        using var browsing = TryGetComScope(property.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Succeeded)
            BOOL hide = false;
            hr = browsing.Value->DisplayChildProperties(property.DISPID, &hide);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                return hide;
        return false;
    public override void RegisterEvents(Com2PropertyDescriptor[]? properties)
        if (properties is null)
        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
            properties[i].QueryGetDynamicAttributes += OnGetDynamicAttributes;
            properties[i].QueryGetBaseAttributes += OnGetBaseAttributes;
            properties[i].QueryGetDisplayName += OnGetDisplayName;
            properties[i].QueryGetIsReadOnly += OnGetIsReadOnly;
            properties[i].QueryShouldSerializeValue += OnShouldSerializeValue;
            properties[i].QueryCanResetValue += OnCanResetPropertyValue;
            properties[i].QueryResetValue += OnResetPropertyValue;
            properties[i].QueryGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor += OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor;
    private void OnGetBaseAttributes(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetAttributesEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        using BSTR helpString = default;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->GetLocalizedPropertyInfo(sender.DISPID, PInvokeCore.GetThreadLocale(), null, &helpString);
        if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK && !helpString.IsNull)
            e.Add(new DescriptionAttribute(helpString.ToString()));
    private unsafe void OnGetDynamicAttributes(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetAttributesEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        hr = HRESULT.S_OK;
        // We want to avoid allowing clients to force a bad property to be browsable so we don't allow things
        // that are marked as non browsable to become browsable, only the other way around.
        if (sender.CanShow)
            // Should we hide this?
            BOOL hide = sender.Attributes[typeof(BrowsableAttribute)] is Attribute browsableAttribute
                && browsableAttribute.Equals(BrowsableAttribute.No);
            hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->HideProperty(sender.DISPID, &hide);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
                e.Add(hide ? BrowsableAttribute.No : BrowsableAttribute.Yes);
        // Should we show this?
        if (typeof(IDispatch.Interface).IsAssignableFrom(sender.PropertyType) && sender.CanShow)
            BOOL display = false;
            hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->DisplayChildProperties(sender.DISPID, &display);
            if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK && display)
    private unsafe void OnCanResetPropertyValue(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetBoolValueEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        BOOL canReset = e.Value;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->CanResetPropertyValue(sender.DISPID, &canReset);
        if (hr.Succeeded)
            e.Value = canReset;
    private void OnGetDisplayName(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetNameItemEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        // Get the localized name, if applicable.
        using BSTR name = default;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->GetLocalizedPropertyInfo(sender.DISPID, PInvokeCore.GetThreadLocale(), &name, null);
        if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK && !name.IsNull)
            e.Name = name.ToString();
    private unsafe void OnGetIsReadOnly(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetBoolValueEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        // Should we make this read only?
        BOOL readOnly = false;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->IsPropertyReadOnly(sender.DISPID, &readOnly);
        if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK)
            e.Value = readOnly;
    private unsafe void OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        // We only do this for IDispatch types.
        if (sender.CanShow && typeof(IDispatch.Interface).IsAssignableFrom(sender.PropertyType))
            // Should we make this read only?
            BOOL result;
            hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->DisplayChildProperties(sender.DISPID, &result);
            e.TypeConverter = e.TypeConverter is Com2IDispatchConverter
                ? new Com2IDispatchConverter(sender, hr == HRESULT.S_OK && result)
                : new Com2IDispatchConverter(hr == HRESULT.S_OK && result, e.TypeConverter);
    private unsafe void OnResetPropertyValue(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, EventArgs e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        int dispid = sender.DISPID;
        BOOL canReset = false;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->CanResetPropertyValue(dispid, &canReset);
        if (hr.Succeeded)
    private unsafe void OnShouldSerializeValue(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetBoolValueEvent e)
        using var propertyBrowsing = TryGetComScope(sender.TargetObject, out HRESULT hr);
        if (hr.Failed)
            Debug.Assert(sender.TargetObject is null);
        // By default we say it's default.
        BOOL isDefault = true;
        hr = propertyBrowsing.Value->HasDefaultValue(sender.DISPID, &isDefault);
        if (hr == HRESULT.S_OK && !isDefault)
            // Specify a default value editor.
            e.Value = true;