File: System\Windows\Forms\Application.ComponentManager.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\System.Windows.Forms\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using Microsoft.Office;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
public sealed partial class Application
    /// <summary>
    ///  This is our implementation of the MSO ComponentManager. The Component Manager is an object that is
    ///  responsible for handling all message loop activity in a process. The idea is that someone in the process
    ///  implements the component manager and then anyone who wants access to the message loop can get to it.
    ///  We implement this so we have good interop with Office and VS. The first time we need a component manager,
    ///  we search the OLE message filter for one. If that fails, we create our own and install it in the message filter.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    ///  <para>
    ///   This class is not used when running inside the Visual Studio shell.
    ///  </para>
    /// </remarks>
    private unsafe class ComponentManager : IMsoComponentManager.Interface
        private struct ComponentHashtableEntry
            public AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent> component;
            public MSOCRINFO componentInfo;
        private Dictionary<nuint, ComponentHashtableEntry>? _oleComponents;
        private UIntPtr _cookieCounter = UIntPtr.Zero;
        private AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent>? _activeComponent;
        private AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent>? _trackingComponent;
        private msocstate _currentState;
        private Dictionary<nuint, ComponentHashtableEntry> OleComponents => _oleComponents ??= [];
        unsafe HRESULT IMsoComponentManager.Interface.QueryService(
            Guid* guidService,
            Guid* iid,
            void** ppvObj)
            if (ppvObj is not null)
                *ppvObj = null;
            return HRESULT.E_NOINTERFACE;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FDebugMessage(
            nint dwReserved,
            uint msg,
            WPARAM wParam,
            LPARAM lParam)
            return true;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FRegisterComponent(
            IMsoComponent* component,
            MSOCRINFO* pcrinfo,
            nuint* pdwComponentID)
            if (pcrinfo is null || pdwComponentID is null || component is null || pcrinfo->cbSize < sizeof(MSOCRINFO))
                return false;
            // Construct Hashtable entry for this component
            ComponentHashtableEntry entry = new ComponentHashtableEntry
                    = new(component, takeOwnership: false, trackDisposal: false),
                    = new(component, takeOwnership: false),
                componentInfo = *pcrinfo
            _cookieCounter += 1;
            OleComponents.Add(_cookieCounter, entry);
            // Return the cookie
            *pdwComponentID = _cookieCounter;
            return true;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FRevokeComponent(nuint dwComponentID)
            if (!OleComponents.TryGetValue(dwComponentID, out ComponentHashtableEntry entry))
                return false;
            if (entry.component == _activeComponent)
                DisposeHelper.NullAndDispose(ref _activeComponent);
            if (entry.component == _trackingComponent)
                DisposeHelper.NullAndDispose(ref _trackingComponent);
            return true;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FUpdateComponentRegistration(
            nuint dwComponentID,
            MSOCRINFO* pcrinfo)
            // Update the registration info
            if (pcrinfo is null || !OleComponents.TryGetValue(dwComponentID, out ComponentHashtableEntry entry))
                return false;
            entry.componentInfo = *pcrinfo;
            OleComponents[dwComponentID] = entry;
            return true;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FOnComponentActivate(nuint dwComponentID)
            if (!OleComponents.TryGetValue(dwComponentID, out ComponentHashtableEntry entry))
                return false;
            _activeComponent = entry.component;
            return true;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FSetTrackingComponent(nuint dwComponentID, BOOL fTrack)
            if (!OleComponents.TryGetValue(dwComponentID, out ComponentHashtableEntry entry)
                || !((entry.component == _trackingComponent) ^ fTrack))
                return false;
            _trackingComponent = fTrack ? entry.component : null;
            return true;
        void IMsoComponentManager.Interface.OnComponentEnterState(
            nuint dwComponentID,
            msocstate uStateID,
            msoccontext uContext,
            uint cpicmExclude,
            IMsoComponentManager** rgpicmExclude,
            uint dwReserved)
            _currentState = uStateID;
            if (uContext is msoccontext.All or msoccontext.Mine)
                // We should notify all components we contain that the state has changed.
                foreach (ComponentHashtableEntry entry in OleComponents.Values)
                    using var component = entry.component.GetInterface();
                    component.Value->OnEnterState(uStateID, true);
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FOnComponentExitState(
            nuint dwComponentID,
            msocstate uStateID,
            msoccontext uContext,
            uint cpicmExclude,
            IMsoComponentManager** rgpicmExclude)
            _currentState = 0;
            if (uContext is msoccontext.All or msoccontext.Mine)
                // We should notify all components we contain that the state has changed.
                foreach (ComponentHashtableEntry entry in OleComponents.Values)
                    using var component = entry.component.GetInterface();
                    component.Value->OnEnterState(uStateID, false);
            return false;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FInState(msocstate uStateID, void* pvoid)
            => _currentState == uStateID;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FContinueIdle()
            // If we have a message in the queue, then don't continue idle processing.
            MSG msg = default;
            return PInvokeCore.PeekMessage(&msg, HWND.Null, 0, 0, PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE.PM_NOREMOVE);
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FPushMessageLoop(
            nuint dwComponentID,
            msoloop uReason,
            void* pvLoopData)
            // Hold onto old state to allow restoring it before we exit.
            msocstate currentLoopState = _currentState;
            BOOL continueLoop = true;
            if (!OleComponents.TryGetValue(dwComponentID, out ComponentHashtableEntry entry))
                return false;
            AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent>? prevActive = _activeComponent;
                MSG msg = default;
                AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent>? requestingComponent = entry.component;
                _activeComponent = requestingComponent;
                while (true)
                    // Determine the component to route the message to
                    using var component = (_trackingComponent ?? _activeComponent ?? requestingComponent).GetInterface();
                    if (PInvokeCore.PeekMessage(&msg, HWND.Null, 0, 0, PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE.PM_NOREMOVE))
                        if (!component.Value->FContinueMessageLoop(uReason, pvLoopData, &msg))
                            return true;
                        // If the component wants us to process the message, do it.
                        PInvoke.GetMessage(&msg, HWND.Null, 0, 0);
                        if (msg.message == PInvokeCore.WM_QUIT)
                            if (uReason != msoloop.Main)
                            return true;
                        // Now translate and dispatch the message.
                        // Reading through the rather sparse documentation, it seems we should only call
                        // FPreTranslateMessage on the active component.
                        if (!component.Value->FPreTranslateMessage(&msg))
                        // If this is a DoEvents loop, then get out. There's nothing left for us to do.
                        if (uReason is msoloop.DoEvents or msoloop.DoEventsModal)
                        // Nothing is on the message queue. Perform idle processing and then do a WaitMessage.
                        bool continueIdle = false;
                        if (OleComponents is not null)
                            foreach (ComponentHashtableEntry idleEntry in OleComponents.Values)
                                using var idleComponent = idleEntry.component.GetInterface();
                                continueIdle |= idleComponent.Value->FDoIdle(msoidlef.All);
                        // Give the component one more chance to terminate the message loop.
                        if (!component.Value->FContinueMessageLoop(uReason, pvLoopData, pMsgPeeked: null))
                            return true;
                        if (continueIdle)
                            // If someone has asked for idle time, give it to them. However, don't cycle immediately;
                            // wait up to 100ms. We don't want someone to attach to idle, forget to detach, and then
                            // cause CPU to end up in race condition. For Windows Forms this generally isn't an issue
                            // because our component always returns false from its idle request
                            // We should call GetMessage here, but we cannot because the component manager requires
                            // that we notify the active component before we pull the message off the queue. This is
                            // a bit of a problem, because WaitMessage waits for a NEW message to appear on the
                            // queue. If a message appeared between processing and now WaitMessage would wait for
                            // the next message. We minimize this here by calling PeekMessage.
                            if (!PInvokeCore.PeekMessage(&msg, HWND.Null, 0, 0, PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE.PM_NOREMOVE))
                _currentState = currentLoopState;
                _activeComponent = prevActive;
            return !continueLoop;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FCreateSubComponentManager(
            IUnknown* punkOuter,
            IUnknown* punkServProv,
            Guid* riid,
            void** ppvObj)
            // We do not support sub component managers.
            if (ppvObj is not null)
                *ppvObj = null;
            return false;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FGetParentComponentManager(IMsoComponentManager** ppicm)
            // We have no parent.
            if (ppicm is not null)
                *ppicm = null;
            return false;
        BOOL IMsoComponentManager.Interface.FGetActiveComponent(
            msogac dwgac,
            IMsoComponent** ppic,
            MSOCRINFO* pcrinfo,
            uint dwReserved)
            AgileComPointer<IMsoComponent>? component = dwgac switch
                msogac.Active => _activeComponent,
                msogac.Tracking => _trackingComponent,
                msogac.TrackingOrActive => _trackingComponent ?? _activeComponent,
                _ => null
            if (component is null)
                return false;
            if (pcrinfo is not null)
                if (pcrinfo->cbSize < sizeof(MSOCRINFO))
                    return false;
                foreach (ComponentHashtableEntry entry in OleComponents.Values)
                    if (entry.component == component)
                        *pcrinfo = entry.componentInfo;
            if (ppic is not null)
                // Adding ref by not releasing the ComScope.
                *ppic = component.GetInterface().Value;
            return true;