4 instantiations of ToolBarButton
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (2)
System\Windows\Forms\UnsupportedTypesTests.cs (2)
55() => new ToolBarButton(), 56() => new ToolBarButton(text: "text"),
UnsupportedTypes (2)
CreateFrameworkTypes.cs (2)
115new ToolBarButton { Text = "toolBarButton1" }, 116new ToolBarButton { Text = "toolBarButton2", Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton}
11 references to ToolBarButton
System.Windows.Forms (10)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\Unsupported\ToolBar\ToolBar.ToolBarButtonCollection.cs (8)
27public virtual ToolBarButton this[int index] 39public virtual ToolBarButton this[string key] => throw null; 52public int Add(ToolBarButton button) => throw null; 58public void AddRange(ToolBarButton[] buttons) { } 62public bool Contains(ToolBarButton button) => throw null; 70public int IndexOf(ToolBarButton button) => throw null; 76public void Insert(int index, ToolBarButton button) { } 84public void Remove(ToolBarButton button) { }
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\Unsupported\ToolBar\ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs.cs (2)
22public ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs(ToolBarButton button) => throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); 24public ToolBarButton Button
UnsupportedTypes (1)
CreateFrameworkTypes.cs (1)
401if (Buttons[0] is ToolBarButton button)