31 references to F10
DesignSurface (1)
MainForm.Designer.cs (1)
252this.ToolStripMenuItemKeyInvokeSmartTag.ShortcutKeys = System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Alt | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Shift | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F10;
System.Windows.Forms (13)
System\Windows\Forms\Control.cs (3)
8964if (keyCode is not Keys.F10 and not Keys.Menu and not Keys.Tab) 8988if (keyCode is Keys.F10 or Keys.Menu) 12818|| IsKeyDown(Keys.F10, stateArray)
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\DataGridView\DataGridView.Methods.cs (2)
15709case Keys.F10: 24478case Keys.F10:
System\Windows\Forms\Controls\ToolStrips\ToolStripManager.cs (1)
712=> (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) is Keys.Menu or Keys.F10;
System\Windows\Forms\Input\KeysConverter.cs (1)
43AddKey("F10", Keys.F10);
System\Windows\Forms\SendKeys\SendKeys.cs (1)
59new("F10", Keys.F10),
System\Windows\Forms\Shortcut.cs (5)
320F10 = Keys.F10, 380ShiftF10 = Keys.Shift + Keys.F10, 440CtrlF10 = Keys.Control + Keys.F10, 500CtrlShiftF10 = Keys.Control + Keys.Shift + Keys.F10, 615AltF10 = Keys.Alt + Keys.F10,
System.Windows.Forms.Design (1)
System\Windows\Forms\Design\ShortcutKeysEditor.ShortcutKeysUI.cs (1)
22Keys.D8, Keys.D9, Keys.Delete, Keys.Down, Keys.E, Keys.End, Keys.F, Keys.F1, Keys.F10, Keys.F11,
System.Windows.Forms.Tests (16)
KeyboardTooltipStateMachineTests.cs (3)
53[InlineData(Keys.ControlKey | Keys.ShiftKey | Keys.F10)] 82[InlineData(Keys.ControlKey | Keys.ShiftKey | Keys.F10, true)] 85[InlineData(Keys.ControlKey | Keys.ShiftKey | Keys.F10, false)]
System\Windows\Forms\ControlTests.Methods.cs (12)
4376yield return new object[] { Keys.F10, false }; 4406yield return new object[] { Keys.Control | Keys.F10, false }; 4436yield return new object[] { Keys.Alt | Keys.F10, false }; 5261yield return new object[] { 0, Keys.F10, false }; 5267yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_KEYDOWN, Keys.F10, true }; 5273yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, Keys.F10, true }; 5279yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_KEYUP, Keys.F10, false }; 5285yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_SYSKEYUP, Keys.F10, false }; 5291yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_CHAR, Keys.F10, true }; 5297yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_SYSCHAR, Keys.F10, false }; 5303yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_KEYUP, Keys.F10, false }; 5309yield return new object[] { (int)PInvokeCore.WM_SYSKEYUP, Keys.F10, false };
System\Windows\Forms\KeysConverterTests.cs (1)
147Keys.Delete, Keys.End, Keys.Enter, Keys.F1, Keys.F10, Keys.F11, Keys.F12, Keys.F2, Keys.F3, Keys.F4, Keys.F5, Keys.F6, Keys.F7, Keys.F8,