// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms.Primitives.Resources;
using Microsoft.Win32;
namespace System.Windows.Forms;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class for scaling.
/// </summary>
internal static partial class ScaleHelper
/// <summary>
/// Pixels per inch at 100% scaling.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// Some historical discussion of this can be found
/// <see href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dots_per_inch#Computer_monitor_DPI_standards">
/// here.
/// </see>
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
internal const int OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi = 96;
// Backing field, indicating that we will need to send a PerMonitorV2 query in due course.
private static bool s_processPerMonitorAware;
private static Size? s_logicalSmallSystemIconSize;
/// <summary>
/// The initial primary monitor DPI (logical pixels per inch) for the process.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// This value may change when <see cref="SetProcessHighDpiMode(HighDpiMode)"/> is called.
/// Application.SetHighDpiMode makes this call. This is intended to be an initial setup step and will not
/// change after the application has created the first window. As such you can treat this as a "constant".
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// The System DPI can, of course, change if the user changes the primary monitor's DPI.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If the startup thread is unaware this will always be 96 (100%).
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
internal static int InitialSystemDpi { get; private set; }
static ScaleHelper() => InitializeStatics();
private static void InitializeStatics()
s_processPerMonitorAware = GetPerMonitorAware();
InitialSystemDpi = GetSystemDpi();
static int GetSystemDpi()
// This will only change when the first call to set the process DPI awareness is made. Multiple calls to
// set the DPI have no effect after making the first call. Depending on what the DPI awareness settings are
// we'll get either the actual DPI of the primary display at process startup or the default LogicalDpi;
if (!OsVersion.IsWindows10_1607OrGreater())
using var dc = GetDcScope.ScreenDC;
return PInvokeCore.GetDeviceCaps(dc, GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX.LOGPIXELSX);
// This avoids needing to create a DC
return (int)PInvoke.GetDpiForSystem();
static bool GetPerMonitorAware()
if (!OsVersion.IsWindows10_1607OrGreater())
return false;
HRESULT result = PInvoke.GetProcessDpiAwareness(
out PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS processDpiAwareness);
Debug.Assert(result.Succeeded, $"Failed to get ProcessDpi HRESULT: {result}");
return result.Succeeded && processDpiAwareness switch
_ => true
/// <summary>
/// Returns a boolean to specify if we should enable processing of WM_DPICHANGED and related messages
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsThreadPerMonitorV2Aware
if (s_processPerMonitorAware)
// We can't cache this value because different top level windows can have different DPI awareness context
// for mixed mode applications.
DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT dpiAwareness = PInvoke.GetThreadDpiAwarenessContextInternal();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Indicates, if rescaling becomes necessary, either because we are not 96 DPI or we're PerMonitorV2Aware.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsScalingRequirementMet => IsScalingRequired || s_processPerMonitorAware;
/// <summary>
/// Copies the given <see cref="Bitmap"/>, scaling if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <inheritdoc cref="ScaleToSize(Bitmap, Size, bool, bool)"/>
internal static Bitmap CopyAndScaleToSize(Bitmap bitmap, Size desiredSize)
=> ScaleToSize(bitmap, desiredSize, disposeBitmap: false, alwaysCopy: true);
/// <summary>
/// Scales the given <see cref="Bitmap"/> to the desired size if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposeBitmap">
/// If <see langword="true"/>, the original bitmap will be disposed if a new bitmap is created.
/// </param>
/// <param name="alwaysCopy">
/// If <see langword="true"/>, the original will be copied even if it doesn't need scaled.
/// </param>
private static Bitmap ScaleToSize(Bitmap bitmap, Size desiredSize, bool disposeBitmap = false, bool alwaysCopy = false)
Size originalSize = bitmap.Size;
if (originalSize == desiredSize)
if (alwaysCopy)
Bitmap copy = new(bitmap);
if (disposeBitmap)
bitmap = copy;
return bitmap;
// In general this is the best quality interpolation mode we have available. While it introduces fuzziness in
// the resulting image, it will not distort it as NearestNeighbor would (which is extremely important for
// small zoom factors like 125%, 150%).
InterpolationMode interpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
if (desiredSize.Width % originalSize.Width == 0 && desiredSize.Height % originalSize.Height == 0)
// We will prefer NearestNeighbor algorithm for 200, 300, 400, etc zoom factors, in which each pixel
// become a 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, etc rectangle. This produces sharp edges in the scaled image and doesn't
// cause distortions of the original image.
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
else if (desiredSize.Width < originalSize.Width && desiredSize.Height < originalSize.Height)
// Shrinking the graphic, use Bilinear. Produces better results as it uses less neighboring pixels.
interpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBilinear;
Bitmap scaledBitmap = new(desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height, bitmap.PixelFormat);
using (Bitmap? dispose = disposeBitmap ? bitmap : null)
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(scaledBitmap))
graphics.InterpolationMode = interpolationMode;
RectangleF sourceBounds = new(0, 0, bitmap.Size.Width, bitmap.Size.Height);
RectangleF destinationBounds = new(0, 0, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height);
// Specify a source rectangle shifted by half of pixel to account for GDI+ considering the source origin the
// center of top-left pixel.
// Failing to do so will result in the right and bottom of the bitmap lines being interpolated with the
// graphics' background color, and will appear black even if we cleared the background with transparent color.
// The apparition of these artifacts depends on the interpolation mode, on the dpi scaling factor, etc.
// (e.g. at 150% DPI, Bicubic produces them and NearestNeighbor is fine, but at 200% DPI NearestNeighbor
// also shows them).
sourceBounds.Offset(-0.5f, -0.5f);
graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, destinationBounds, sourceBounds, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
return scaledBitmap;
/// <summary>
/// Scales a logical (100%) <see cref="Bitmap"/> value to the specified DPI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalBitmap"><see cref="Bitmap"/> in logical units (pixels at 100%).</param>
/// <returns>Scaled <see cref="Bitmap"/>.</returns>
internal static Bitmap ScaleToDpi(Bitmap logicalBitmap, int dpi, bool disposeBitmap = false) =>
dpi == OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi
? logicalBitmap
: ScaleToSize(logicalBitmap, ScaleToDpi(logicalBitmap.Size, dpi), disposeBitmap);
/// <summary>
/// Returns whether scaling is required when converting between logical-device units,
/// if the application opted in the automatic scaling in the .config file.
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsScalingRequired => InitialSystemDpi != OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a scaled version of the given non system <see cref="Font"/> to the Windows Accessibility Text Size setting (also
/// known as Text Scaling) if needed, otherwise returns <see langword="null"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static Font? ScaleToSystemTextSize(Font? font)
if (font is null || font.IsSystemFont || !OsVersion.IsWindows10_1507OrGreater())
return null;
// The default(100) and max(225) text scale factor is value what Settings display text scale
// applies and also clamps the text scale factor value between 100 and 225 value.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/windows/uwp/design/input/text-scaling.
const int MinTextScaleValue = 100;
const int MaxTextScaleValue = 225;
// Retrieve the text scale factor, which is set via Settings > Display > Make Text Bigger.
using RegistryKey? key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\Accessibility");
if (key is not null && key.GetValue("TextScaleFactor") is int textScale)
textScale = Math.Clamp(textScale, MinTextScaleValue, MaxTextScaleValue);
return textScale == 100 ? null : font.WithSize(font.Size * (textScale / 100.0f));
// Failed to read the registry for whatever reason.
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Scale the given value the specified percent. Never returns less than 1.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="percent">Percentage value, with 1.0 equaling 100%.</param>
internal static int ScaleToPercent(int value, double percent) => Math.Max(1, (int)Math.Round(value * percent));
/// <summary>
/// Scales a logical (100%) pixel value to the specified DPI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalValue">Value in logical units (pixels at 100%).</param>
internal static int ScaleToDpi(int logicalValue, int dpi)
Debug.Assert(dpi >= 96);
if (dpi == OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi)
return logicalValue;
double scalingFactor = dpi / (double)OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi;
return (int)Math.Round(scalingFactor * logicalValue);
/// <summary>
/// Scales a logical (100%) <see cref="Padding"/> value to the specified DPI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalPadding"><see cref="Padding"/> in logical units (pixels at 100%).</param>
internal static Padding ScaleToDpi(Padding logicalPadding, int dpi) => dpi == OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi
? logicalPadding
: new(
ScaleToDpi(logicalPadding.Left, dpi),
ScaleToDpi(logicalPadding.Top, dpi),
ScaleToDpi(logicalPadding.Right, dpi),
ScaleToDpi(logicalPadding.Bottom, dpi));
/// <summary>
/// Scales a logical (100%) pixel value to the initial system DPI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalValue">Value in logical units (pixels at 100%).</param>
internal static int ScaleToInitialSystemDpi(int logicalValue) => ScaleToDpi(logicalValue, InitialSystemDpi);
/// <summary>
/// Scales a logical (100%) <see cref="Size"/> value to the specified DPI.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="logicalSize"><see cref="Size"/> in logical units (pixels at 100%).</param>
internal static Size ScaleToDpi(Size logicalSize, int dpi) => dpi == OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi
? logicalSize
: new(ScaleToDpi(logicalSize.Width, dpi), ScaleToDpi(logicalSize.Height, dpi));
internal static Size SystemIconSize => new(
internal static Size LogicalSmallSystemIconSize => s_logicalSmallSystemIconSize ??= OsVersion.IsWindows10_1607OrGreater()
? new(
PInvoke.GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX.SM_CXSMICON, OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi),
PInvoke.GetSystemMetricsForDpi(SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX.SM_CXSMICON, OneHundredPercentLogicalDpi))
: new(16, 16);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the given icon resource as a <see cref="Bitmap"/> at the default icon size.
/// </summary>
internal static Bitmap GetIconResourceAsDefaultSizeBitmap(Type type, string resource) =>
GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(type, resource, Size.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the given small icon (usually 16x16) resource as a <see cref="Bitmap"/> scaled to the specified dpi.
/// </summary>
internal static Bitmap GetSmallIconResourceAsBitmap(Type type, string resource, int dpi) =>
GetIconResourceAsBitmap(type, resource, ScaleToDpi(LogicalSmallSystemIconSize, dpi));
/// <summary>
/// Gets the given icon resource as a <see cref="Bitmap"/> of the given size.
/// </summary>
internal static Bitmap GetIconResourceAsBitmap(Type type, string resource, Size size)
if (size.IsEmpty)
size = SystemIconSize;
return ScaleToSize(
GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(type, resource, size),
disposeBitmap: true);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the given icon resource that is closest to the given size as a <see cref="Bitmap"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static Bitmap GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(Stream resourceStream, Size size)
// While more efficient than what we were doing, this could be even more so if we grabbed the bitmap data
// directly out of the data stream.
using Icon icon = new(resourceStream, size.IsEmpty ? SystemIconSize : size);
return icon.ToBitmap();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the given icon resource that is closest to the given size as a <see cref="Bitmap"/>.
/// </summary>
internal static Bitmap GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(Type type, string resource, Size size)
using Stream stream = type.Module.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type, resource)
?? throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(SR.ResourceNotFound, type, resource));
return GetIconResourceAsBestMatchBitmap(stream, size);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the DPI mode for the current thread.
/// </summary>
internal static HighDpiMode GetThreadHighDpiMode()
// For Windows 10 RS2 and above
if (OsVersion.IsWindows10_1607OrGreater())
DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT dpiAwareness = PInvoke.GetThreadDpiAwarenessContextInternal();
return HighDpiMode.SystemAware;
return HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware;
return HighDpiMode.PerMonitorV2;
return HighDpiMode.PerMonitor;
return HighDpiMode.DpiUnawareGdiScaled;
else if (OsVersion.IsWindows8_1OrGreater())
PInvoke.GetProcessDpiAwareness(HANDLE.Null, out PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS processDpiAwareness);
switch (processDpiAwareness)
return HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware;
return HighDpiMode.SystemAware;
return HighDpiMode.PerMonitor;
// Available on Vista and higher.
return PInvoke.IsProcessDPIAware() ? HighDpiMode.SystemAware : HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware;
// We should never get here.
Debug.Fail("Unexpected DPI state.");
return HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware;
/// <summary>
/// Get X, Y metrics at DPI, IF icon is not already that size, create and return a new one.
/// </summary>
internal static Icon ScaleSmallIconToDpi(Icon icon, int dpi)
int width = PInvoke.GetCurrentSystemMetrics(SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX.SM_CXSMICON, (uint)dpi);
int height = PInvoke.GetCurrentSystemMetrics(SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX.SM_CYSMICON, (uint)dpi);
return (icon.Width == width && icon.Height == height) ? icon : new(icon, width, height);
/// <summary>
/// Sets the requested DPI mode. If the current OS does not support the requested mode,
/// </summary>
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> if the mode was successfully set.</returns>
internal static bool SetProcessHighDpiMode(HighDpiMode highDpiMode)
bool success = false;
if (OsVersion.IsWindows10_1703OrGreater())
DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT dpiAwareness = highDpiMode switch
HighDpiMode.PerMonitorV2 =>
// Necessary for RS1, since this SetProcessIntPtr IS available here.
HighDpiMode.DpiUnawareGdiScaled =>
// Make sure we do not try to set a value which has been introduced in later Windows releases.
success = PInvoke.SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext(dpiAwareness);
else if (OsVersion.IsWindows8_1OrGreater())
PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS dpiAwareness = highDpiMode switch
HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware or HighDpiMode.DpiUnawareGdiScaled => PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS.PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE,
success = PInvoke.SetProcessDpiAwareness(dpiAwareness).Succeeded;
// Vista or higher has SetProcessDPIAware
switch (highDpiMode)
case HighDpiMode.DpiUnaware:
case HighDpiMode.DpiUnawareGdiScaled:
// We can return, there is nothing to set if we assume we're already in DpiUnaware.
return true;
case HighDpiMode.SystemAware:
case HighDpiMode.PerMonitor:
case HighDpiMode.PerMonitorV2:
success = PInvoke.SetProcessDPIAware();
// Need to reset as our DPI might change if this was the first call to set the DPI context for the process.
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Enters a scope during which the current thread's DPI awareness context is set to
/// <paramref name="awareness"/>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="awareness">The new DPI awareness for the current thread</param>
/// <returns>
/// An object that, when disposed, will reset the current thread's DPI awareness to the value it had when the
/// object was created.
/// </returns>
public static IDisposable EnterDpiAwarenessScope(
=> new DpiAwarenessScope(awareness, dpiHosting);
/// <summary>
/// Invokes the given action in the System Aware DPI context.
/// </summary>
public static T InvokeInSystemAwareContext<T>(Func<T> func)
return func();