// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Accessibility;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Input.KeyboardAndMouse;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Automation;
internal sealed unsafe class UiaTextRange : ITextRangeProvider.Interface, IManagedWrapper<ITextRangeProvider>
// Edit controls always use "\r\n" as the line separator, not "\n".
// This string is a non-localizable string.
private const string LineSeparator = "\r\n";
private readonly IRawElementProviderSimple.Interface _enclosingElement;
private readonly UiaTextProvider _provider;
private int _start;
private int _end;
/// <param name="start">
/// A caret position before the first character from a text range, not an index of an item.
/// </param>
/// <param name="end">
/// A caret position after the last character from a text range, not an index of an item.
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>If there is a range "Test string", then start = 0, end = 11.
/// If start = 2 and end = 9, the range is "et stri".
/// If start=end, that points a caret position only, there is no any text range.</para>
/// </remarks>
public UiaTextRange(IRawElementProviderSimple.Interface enclosingElement, UiaTextProvider provider, int start, int end)
_enclosingElement = enclosingElement.OrThrowIfNull();
_provider = provider.OrThrowIfNull();
if (start > 0)
_start = start;
_end = start;
if (end > _start)
_end = end;
/// <summary>
/// Last caret position of this text range.
/// </summary>
internal int End
get => _end;
// Ensure that we never accidentally get a negative index.
_end = value < 0 ? 0 : value;
// Ensure that end never moves before start.
if (_end < _start)
_start = _end;
internal int Length
if (Start < 0 || End < 0 || Start > End)
return 0;
// The subtraction of caret positions returns the length of the text.
return End - Start;
/// <summary>
/// First caret position of this text range.
/// </summary>
internal int Start
get => _start;
// Ensure that start never moves after end.
if (value > _end)
_end = value;
// Ensure that we never accidentally get a negative index.
_start = value < 0 ? 0 : value;
/// <remarks>
/// <para>Strictly only needs to be == since never should _start > _end.</para>
/// </remarks>
private bool IsDegenerate => _start == _end;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.Clone(ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
// Ensure UiaTextRange is not disposable since _enclosingElement is being shared.
*pRetVal = ComHelpers.GetComPointer<ITextRangeProvider>(new UiaTextRange(_enclosingElement, _provider, Start, End));
return HRESULT.S_OK;
/// <remarks>
/// <para>Ranges come from the same element. Only need to compare endpoints.</para>
/// </remarks>
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.Compare(ITextRangeProvider* range, BOOL* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
if (range is null)
*pRetVal = ComHelpers.TryGetObjectForIUnknown((IUnknown*)range, out UiaTextRange? editRange) && editRange.Start == Start && editRange.End == End;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.CompareEndpoints(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, ITextRangeProvider* targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint, int* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
if (targetRange is null)
if (!ComHelpers.TryGetObjectForIUnknown((IUnknown*)targetRange, out UiaTextRange? editRange))
*pRetVal = -1;
int e1 = (endpoint == (int)TextPatternRangeEndpoint.TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start) ? Start : End;
int e2 = (targetEndpoint == (int)TextPatternRangeEndpoint.TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start) ? editRange.Start : editRange.End;
*pRetVal = e1 - e2;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.ExpandToEnclosingUnit(TextUnit unit)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Character:
// Leave it as it is except the case with 0-range.
if (IsDegenerate)
End = MoveEndpointForward(End, TextUnit.TextUnit_Character, 1, out _);
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Word:
// Get the word boundaries.
string text = _provider.Text;
// Move start left until we reach a word boundary.
while (!AtWordBoundary(text, Start))
// Move end right until we reach word boundary (different from Start).
End = Math.Min(Math.Max(End, Start + 1), text.Length);
while (!AtWordBoundary(text, End))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Line:
if (_provider.LinesCount != 1)
int startLine = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(Start);
int startIndex = _provider.GetLineIndex(startLine);
int endLine = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(End);
int endIndex;
if (endLine < _provider.LinesCount - 1)
endIndex = _provider.GetLineIndex(endLine);
endIndex = _provider.TextLength;
MoveTo(startIndex, endIndex);
MoveTo(0, _provider.TextLength);
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Paragraph:
// Get the paragraph boundaries.
string text = _provider.Text;
// Move start left until we reach a paragraph boundary.
while (!AtParagraphBoundary(text, Start))
// Move end right until we reach a paragraph boundary (different from Start).
End = Math.Min(Math.Max(End, Start + 1), text.Length);
while (!AtParagraphBoundary(text, End))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Format:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Page:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Document:
MoveTo(0, _provider.TextLength);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.FindAttribute(UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID attributeId, VARIANT val, BOOL backward, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
*pRetVal = null;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.FindText(BSTR text, BOOL backward, BOOL ignoreCase, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
if (text.IsNull)
Debug.Fail("Invalid text range argument. 'text' should not be null.");
*pRetVal = null;
if (text.Length == 0)
Debug.Fail("Invalid text range argument. 'text' length should be more than 0.");
*pRetVal = null;
ReadOnlySpan<char> rangeText = _provider.Text.AsSpan().Slice(Start, Length);
StringComparison comparisonType = ignoreCase ? StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase : StringComparison.Ordinal;
// Do a case-sensitive search for the text inside the range.
int index = backward ? rangeText.LastIndexOf(text, comparisonType) : rangeText.IndexOf(text, comparisonType);
// If the text was found then create a new range covering the found text.
*pRetVal = index >= 0
? ComHelpers.GetComPointer<ITextRangeProvider>(new UiaTextRange(_enclosingElement, _provider, Start + index, Start + index + text.Length))
: null;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.GetAttributeValue(UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID attributeId, VARIANT* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
*pRetVal = GetAttributeValue(attributeId);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.GetBoundingRectangles(SAFEARRAY** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
VARIANT result = default;
_enclosingElement.GetPropertyValue(UIA_PROPERTY_ID.UIA_BoundingRectanglePropertyId, &result).ThrowOnFailure();
if (!result.vt.HasFlag(VARENUM.VT_ARRAY & VARENUM.VT_R8)
|| result.data.parray->VarType is not VARENUM.VT_R8
|| result.data.parray->GetBounds().cElements != 4)
*pRetVal = SAFEARRAY.CreateEmpty(VARENUM.VT_R8);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
SafeArrayScope<double> ownerBounds = new(result.data.parray);
// We accumulate rectangles onto a list.
List<Rectangle> rectangles = [];
string text = _provider.Text;
if (text.Length == 0)
*pRetVal = ownerBounds;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// If this is an end of a line.
if (Start == _provider.TextLength
|| (_provider.IsMultiline && End < _provider.TextLength
&& End - Start == 1 && text[End] == '\n'))
PInvoke.GetCaretPos(out Point endlinePoint);
endlinePoint = _provider.PointToScreen(endlinePoint);
Rectangle endlineRectangle = new(endlinePoint.X, endlinePoint.Y + 2, UiaTextProvider.EndOfLineWidth, Math.Abs(_provider.Logfont.lfHeight) + 1);
*pRetVal = UiaTextProvider.BoundingRectangleAsArray(endlineRectangle);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// Return zero rectangles for a degenerate-range. We don't return an empty,
// but properly positioned, rectangle for degenerate ranges.
if (IsDegenerate)
*pRetVal = SAFEARRAY.CreateEmpty(VARENUM.VT_R8);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// Get the mapping from client coordinates to screen coordinates.
Point mapClientToScreen = new((int)ownerBounds[0], (int)ownerBounds[1]);
// Clip the rectangles to the edit control's formatting rectangle.
Rectangle clippingRectangle = _provider.BoundingRectangle;
if (_provider.IsMultiline)
rectangles = GetMultilineBoundingRectangles(clippingRectangle);
*pRetVal = UiaTextProvider.RectListToDoubleArray(rectangles);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// Figure out the rectangle for this one line.
Point startPoint = _provider.GetPositionFromChar(Start);
Point endPoint = _provider.GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(End - 1, text);
// Add 2 to Y to get a correct size of a rectangle around a range
Rectangle rectangle = new(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 2, endPoint.X - startPoint.X, clippingRectangle.Height);
if (rectangle.Width > 0 && rectangle.Height > 0)
rectangle.Offset(mapClientToScreen.X, mapClientToScreen.Y);
*pRetVal = UiaTextProvider.RectListToDoubleArray(rectangles);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.GetEnclosingElement(IRawElementProviderSimple** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
*pRetVal = ComHelpers.GetComPointer<IRawElementProviderSimple>(_enclosingElement);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.GetText(int maxLength, BSTR* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
if (maxLength == -1)
maxLength = End + 1;
string text = _provider.Text;
maxLength = maxLength >= 0 ? Math.Min(Length, maxLength) : Length;
*pRetVal = text.Length < maxLength - Start
? new(text[Start..])
: new(text.Substring(Start, maxLength));
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.Move(TextUnit unit, int count, int* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
// Positive count means move forward. Negative count means move backwards.
int moved;
if (count > 0)
// If the range is non-degenerate then we need to collapse the range.
// (See the discussion of Count for ITextRange::Move)
if (!IsDegenerate)
// If the count is greater than zero, collapse the range at its end point.
Start = End;
// Move the degenerate range forward by the number of units.
int start = Start;
Start = MoveEndpointForward(Start, unit, count, out moved);
// If the start did not change then no move was done.
if (start != Start)
*pRetVal = moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
if (count < 0)
// If the range is non-degenerate then we need to collapse the range.
if (!IsDegenerate)
// If the count is less than zero, collapse the range at the starting point.
End = Start;
// Move the degenerate range backward by the number of units.
int end = End;
End = MoveEndpointBackward(End, unit, count, out moved);
// If the end did not change then no move was done.
if (end != End)
*pRetVal = moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// Moving zero of any unit has no effect.
*pRetVal = 0;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.MoveEndpointByUnit(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, TextUnit unit, int count, int* pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
// Positive count means move forward. Negative count means move backwards.
bool moveStart = endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start;
int moved;
int start = Start;
int end = End;
if (count > 0)
if (moveStart)
Start = MoveEndpointForward(Start, unit, count, out moved);
// If the start did not change then no move was done.
*pRetVal = start == Start ? 0 : moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
End = MoveEndpointForward(End, unit, count, out moved);
// If the end did not change then no move was done.
*pRetVal = end == End ? 0 : moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
if (count < 0)
if (moveStart)
Start = MoveEndpointBackward(Start, unit, count, out moved);
// If the start did not change then no move was done.
*pRetVal = start == Start ? 0 : moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
End = MoveEndpointBackward(End, unit, count, out moved);
// If the end did not change then no move was done.
*pRetVal = end == End ? 0 : moved;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
// Moving zero of any unit has no effect.
*pRetVal = 0;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.MoveEndpointByRange(TextPatternRangeEndpoint endpoint, ITextRangeProvider* targetRange, TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndpoint)
if (!ComHelpers.TryGetObjectForIUnknown((IUnknown*)targetRange, out UiaTextRange? textRange))
int e = (targetEndpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
? textRange.Start
: textRange.End;
if (endpoint == TextPatternRangeEndpoint.TextPatternRangeEndpoint_Start)
Start = e;
End = e;
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.Select()
_provider.SetSelection(Start, End);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.AddToSelection() => HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.RemoveFromSelection() => HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.ScrollIntoView(BOOL alignToTop)
if (_provider.IsMultiline)
int newFirstLine = alignToTop
? _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(Start)
: Math.Max(0, _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(End) - _provider.LinesPerPage + 1);
_provider.LineScroll(Start, newFirstLine - _provider.FirstVisibleLine);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
if (_provider.IsScrollable)
_provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out int visibleStart, out int visibleEnd);
if (_provider.IsReadingRTL)
if (Start > visibleStart || Start < visibleEnd)
UiaTextProvider.SendKeyboardInputVK(key, true);
_provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out _, out _);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
if (Start < visibleStart || Start > visibleEnd)
UiaTextProvider.SendKeyboardInputVK(key, true);
_provider.GetVisibleRangePoints(out _, out _);
return HRESULT.S_OK;
HRESULT ITextRangeProvider.Interface.GetChildren(SAFEARRAY** pRetVal)
if (pRetVal is null)
return HRESULT.S_OK;
/// <remark>
/// Returns true if index identifies a paragraph boundary within text.
/// </remark>
private static bool AtParagraphBoundary(string text, int index)
=> string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) || index <= 0 || index >= text.Length || ((text[index - 1] == '\n') && (text[index] != '\n'));
private static bool AtWordBoundary(string text, int index)
// Returns true if index identifies a word boundary within text.
// Following richedit & word precedent the boundaries are at the leading edge of the word
// so the span of a word includes trailing whitespace.
// We are at a word boundary if we are at the beginning or end of the text.
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text) || index <= 0 || index >= text.Length || AtParagraphBoundary(text, index))
return true;
char ch1 = text[index - 1];
char ch2 = text[index];
// An apostrophe does *not* break a word if it follows or precedes characters.
if ((char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch1) && IsApostrophe(ch2))
|| (IsApostrophe(ch1) && char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch2) && index >= 2 && char.IsLetterOrDigit(text[index - 2])))
return false;
// The following transitions mark boundaries.
// Note: these are constructed to include trailing whitespace.
return (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch1) && !char.IsWhiteSpace(ch2))
|| (char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch1) && !char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch2))
|| (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch1) && char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch2))
|| (char.IsPunctuation(ch1) && char.IsWhiteSpace(ch2));
private static bool IsApostrophe(char ch) => ch is '\'' or ((char)0x2019); // Unicode Right Single Quote Mark
/// <devdoc>
/// Attribute values and their types are defined here -
/// https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/winauto/uiauto-textattribute-ids
/// </devdoc>
private VARIANT GetAttributeValue(UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID textAttributeIdentifier)
object? value = textAttributeIdentifier switch
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId => GetBackgroundColor(),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_CapStyleAttributeId => GetCapStyle(_provider.WindowStyle),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_FontNameAttributeId => GetFontName(_provider.Logfont),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_FontSizeAttributeId => GetFontSize(_provider.Logfont),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_FontWeightAttributeId => GetFontWeight(_provider.Logfont),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId => GetForegroundColor(),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_HorizontalTextAlignmentAttributeId => GetHorizontalTextAlignment(_provider.WindowStyle),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_IsItalicAttributeId => GetItalic(_provider.Logfont),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId => GetReadOnly(),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId => GetStrikethroughStyle(_provider.Logfont),
UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID.UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId => GetUnderlineStyle(_provider.Logfont),
_ => null
if (value?.GetType() is { } type && type.IsValueType && !type.IsPrimitive && !type.IsEnum)
// Check to make sure we can actually convert this to a VARIANT, throw otherwise.
using VARIANT variant = default;
Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetNativeVariantForObject(value, (nint)(void*)&variant);
return value is null ? UiaGetReservedNotSupportedValue() : VARIANT.FromObject(value);
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to accumulate a list of bounding rectangles for a potentially mult-line range.
/// </summary>
private List<Rectangle> GetMultilineBoundingRectangles(Rectangle clippingRectangle)
// Get the starting and ending lines for the range.
int start = Start;
int end = End;
int startLine = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(start);
int endLine = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(end - 1);
// Adjust the start based on the first visible line.
int firstVisibleLine = _provider.FirstVisibleLine;
if (firstVisibleLine > startLine)
startLine = firstVisibleLine;
start = _provider.GetLineIndex(startLine);
// Adjust the end based on the last visible line.
int lastVisibleLine = firstVisibleLine + _provider.LinesPerPage - 1;
if (lastVisibleLine < endLine)
endLine = lastVisibleLine;
end = _provider.GetLineIndex(endLine + 1); // Index of the next line is the end caret position of the previous line.
// Remember the line height.
int lineHeight = Math.Abs(_provider.Logfont.lfHeight);
string text = _provider.Text;
// Adding a rectangle for each line.
List<Rectangle> rects = [];
for (int lineIndex = startLine; lineIndex <= endLine; lineIndex++)
// Get the left text position in the line.
int lineStartIndex = lineIndex == startLine ? start : _provider.GetLineIndex(lineIndex);
Point lineStartPoint = _provider.GetPositionFromChar(lineStartIndex);
// Get the right text position in the line.
int lineEndIndex = lineIndex == endLine
// Just take the end of the range for the last line.
// `end` is a caret position after the last character in the range,
// so subtract 1 to get the last character index.
? end - 1
// Or get the first index of the next line and take the previous character.
// This is a workaround to get the last index of the line,
// because Windows doesn't provide API for it.
: _provider.GetLineIndex(lineIndex + 1) - 1;
Point lineEndPoint = _provider.GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(lineEndIndex, text);
if (!_provider.IsReadingRTL)
// Don't need additional calculations for LeftToRight edit field.
AddLineRectangle(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint);
// Windows provides incorrect coordinates in several cases
// for RightToLeft edit fields. So adjust it.
// This value can be negative for a RTL edit field, because Windows
// may provide incorrect start and end point for some broken lines.
int lineTextLength = lineEndIndex - lineStartIndex + 1;
// If the line is empty (just contains transition to the next line),
// we need to offset the start point on end of line width (equals 2 px)
// to show its rectangle in RTL mode. For LTR mode
// `GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner` do it for us.
// Also, we have to check the line text length, because Windows may provide
// incorrect endpoints for RTL TextBox, in this case we will catch an exception.
if (lineTextLength > 0
&& (text.Substring(lineStartIndex, lineTextLength) == Environment.NewLine
// Or if the range takes more space, than owning control rectangle.
// One of the case is when there is a RTL line divided by space (not '\n').
|| lineEndPoint.X > clippingRectangle.Right))
lineStartPoint.X -= UiaTextProvider.EndOfLineWidth;
AddLineRectangle(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint);
// If Windows provided incorrect coordinates for endpoints in RTL mode.
if (lineEndPoint.X <= lineStartPoint.X && lineTextLength > 0)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text.Substring(lineStartIndex, lineTextLength)))
// If the line contains whitespaces only, they are in RTL order,
// so just swap start and end points, taken from Windows.
(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint) = (lineEndPoint, lineStartPoint);
AddLineRectangle(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint);
// TextBox in RTL mode may have incorrect character display order,
// in this case the caret "jumps" between characters in the line
// instead of direct moving through them. In this case Windows provides
// incorrect characters indexes and their positions in the line.
// This is a bug or the native control, because the caret "jums"
// when selecting and the selected text is torn. Moreover, the caret position
// is incorrect for some whitespaces, thereby Windows provides incorrect text range endpoints.
// There are 2 ways to get rectangles:
// 1) Go through all characters in the line and get min and max positions.
// (Used now)
// 2) Take the owning control rectangle width for the line text range.
// (Fast and simple)
// lineStartPoint.X = clippingRectangle.Left;
// lineEndPoint.X = clippingRectangle.Right;
// Use the "end" point as min, because it is less than the "start" point for this case.
int minX = lineEndPoint.X;
int maxX = minX;
// Go through all characters in the line and get min and max positions.
for (int i = lineStartIndex; i <= lineEndIndex; i++)
Point pt = _provider.GetPositionFromChar(i);
if (pt.X < minX)
minX = pt.X;
pt = _provider.GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(i, text);
if (pt.X > maxX)
maxX = pt.X;
lineStartPoint.X = minX;
lineEndPoint.X = maxX;
AddLineRectangle(lineStartPoint, lineEndPoint);
return rects;
void AddLineRectangle(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
// Add a bounding rectangle for a line, if it's nonempty.
// Increase Y by 2 to Y to get a correct size of the rectangle around a text range.
// Adding 2px constant to Y doesn't affect rectangles in a high DPI mode,
// because it just moves the rectangle down a TextBox border, that is 1 px in all DPI modes.
Rectangle rect = new(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y + 2, endPoint.X - startPoint.X, lineHeight);
if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
rect = _provider.RectangleToScreen(rect);
private static int GetBackgroundColor() => (int)PInvoke.GetSysColor(SYS_COLOR_INDEX.COLOR_WINDOW);
private static int GetCapStyle(WINDOW_STYLE windowStyle)
=> (int)(((int)windowStyle & PInvoke.ES_UPPERCASE) != 0 ? CapStyle.AllCap : CapStyle.None);
private static string GetFontName(LOGFONTW logfont) => logfont.FaceName.ToString();
private static double GetFontSize(LOGFONTW logfont)
// Note: this assumes integral point sizes. violating this assumption would confuse the user
// because they set something to 7 point but reports that it is, say 7.2 point, due to the rounding.
using var dc = GetDcScope.ScreenDC;
int lpy = PInvokeCore.GetDeviceCaps(dc, GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX.LOGPIXELSY);
return Math.Round((double)(-logfont.lfHeight) * 72 / lpy);
private static int GetFontWeight(LOGFONTW logfont) => logfont.lfWeight;
private static int GetForegroundColor() => (int)PInvoke.GetSysColor(SYS_COLOR_INDEX.COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
private static int GetHorizontalTextAlignment(WINDOW_STYLE windowStyle)
=> (int)(((int)windowStyle & PInvoke.ES_CENTER) != 0
? HorizontalTextAlignment.Centered
: ((int)windowStyle & PInvoke.ES_RIGHT) != 0
? HorizontalTextAlignment.Right
: HorizontalTextAlignment.Left);
private static bool GetItalic(LOGFONTW logfont) => logfont.lfItalic != 0;
private bool GetReadOnly() => _provider.IsReadOnly;
private static int GetStrikethroughStyle(LOGFONTW logfont)
=> (int)(logfont.lfStrikeOut != 0 ? TextDecorationLineStyle.Single : TextDecorationLineStyle.None);
private static int GetUnderlineStyle(LOGFONTW logfont)
=> (int)(logfont.lfUnderline != 0 ? TextDecorationLineStyle.Single : TextDecorationLineStyle.None);
private static VARIANT UiaGetReservedNotSupportedValue()
IUnknown* unknown;
return new VARIANT()
data = new() { punkVal = unknown }
/// <summary>
/// Moves an endpoint forward a certain number of units.
/// </summary>
private int MoveEndpointForward(int index, TextUnit unit, int count, out int moved)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Character:
int limit = _provider.TextLength;
moved = Math.Min(count, limit - index);
index += moved;
index = index > limit ? limit : index;
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Word:
string text = _provider.Text;
moved = 0;
while (moved < count && index < text.Length)
while (!AtWordBoundary(text, index))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Line:
// Figure out what line we are on. If we are in the middle of a line and
// are moving left then we'll round up to the next line so that we move
// to the beginning of the current line.
int line = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(index);
// Limit the number of lines moved to the number of lines available to move
// Note lineMax is always >= 1.
int lineMax = _provider.LinesCount;
moved = Math.Min(count, lineMax - line - 1);
if (moved > 0)
// move the endpoint to the beginning of the destination line.
index = _provider.GetLineIndex(line + moved);
else if (moved == 0 && lineMax == 1)
// There is only one line so get the text length as endpoint.
index = _provider.TextLength;
moved = 1;
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Paragraph:
// Just like moving words but we look for paragraph boundaries instead of
// word boundaries.
string text = _provider.Text;
moved = 0;
while (moved < count && index < text.Length)
while (!AtParagraphBoundary(text, index))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Format:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Page:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Document:
// Since edit controls are plain text moving one uniform format unit will
// take us all the way to the end of the document, just like
// "pages" and document.
int limit = _provider.TextLength;
// We'll move 1 format unit if we aren't already at the end of the
// document. Otherwise, we won't move at all.
moved = index < limit ? 1 : 0;
index = limit;
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(unit), (int)unit, typeof(TextUnit));
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Moves an endpoint backward a certain number of units.
/// </summary>
private int MoveEndpointBackward(int index, TextUnit unit, int count, out int moved)
switch (unit)
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Character:
int oneBasedIndex = index + 1;
moved = Math.Max(count, -oneBasedIndex);
index += moved;
index = index < 0 ? 0 : index;
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Word:
string text = _provider.Text;
for (moved = 0; moved > count && index > 0; moved--)
while (!AtWordBoundary(text, index))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Line:
// Note count < 0.
// Get 1-based line.
int line = _provider.GetLineFromCharIndex(index) + 1;
int lineMax = _provider.LinesCount;
// Truncate the count to the number of available lines.
int actualCount = Math.Max(count, -line);
moved = actualCount;
if (actualCount == -line)
// We are moving by the maximum number of possible lines,
// so we know the resulting index will be 0.
index = 0;
// If a line other than the first consists of only "\r\n",
// you can move backwards past this line and the position changes,
// hence this is counted. The first line is special, though:
// if it is empty, and you move say from the second line back up
// to the first, you cannot move further; however if the first line
// is nonempty, you can move from the end of the first line to its
// beginning! This latter move is counted, but if the first line
// is empty, it is not counted.
// Recalculate the value of "moved".
// The first line is empty if it consists only of
// a line separator sequence.
bool firstLineEmpty = (lineMax == 0 || (lineMax > 1 && _provider.GetLineIndex(1) == LineSeparator.Length));
if (moved < 0 && firstLineEmpty)
else // actualCount > -line
// Move the endpoint to the beginning of the following line,
// then back by the line separator length to get to the end
// of the previous line, since the Edit control has
// no method to get the character index of the end
// of a line directly.
index = _provider.GetLineIndex(line + actualCount) - LineSeparator.Length;
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Paragraph:
// Just like moving words but we look for paragraph boundaries instead of
// word boundaries.
string text = _provider.Text;
for (moved = 0; moved > count && index > 0; moved--)
while (!AtParagraphBoundary(text, index))
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Format:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Page:
case TextUnit.TextUnit_Document:
// Since edit controls are plain text moving one uniform format unit will
// take us all the way to the beginning of the document, just like
// "pages" and document.
// We'll move 1 format unit if we aren't already at the beginning of the
// document. Otherwise, we won't move at all.
moved = index > 0 ? -1 : 0;
index = 0;
throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException(nameof(unit), (int)unit, typeof(TextUnit));
return index;
/// <summary>
/// Method to set both endpoints simultaneously.
/// </summary>
private void MoveTo(int start, int end)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(end, start);
_start = start;
_end = end;
private void ValidateEndpoints()
int limit = _provider.TextLength;
if (Start > limit && limit > 0)
Start = limit;
if (End > limit && limit > 0)
End = limit;