// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Drawing;
using Windows.Win32.System.Com;
using Windows.Win32.System.Variant;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Accessibility;
using Windows.Win32.UI.Input.KeyboardAndMouse;
namespace System.Windows.Forms.Automation;
internal abstract unsafe class UiaTextProvider : ITextProvider.Interface, ITextProvider2.Interface, IManagedWrapper<ITextProvider2, ITextProvider>
/// <summary>
/// The value of a width of an end of a text line as 2 px to a ScreenReader can show it.
/// </summary>
public const int EndOfLineWidth = 2;
public abstract HRESULT GetSelection(SAFEARRAY** pRetVal);
public abstract HRESULT GetVisibleRanges(SAFEARRAY** pRetVal);
public abstract HRESULT RangeFromChild(IRawElementProviderSimple* childElement, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal);
public abstract HRESULT RangeFromPoint(UiaPoint point, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal);
public abstract ITextRangeProvider* DocumentRange { get; }
public abstract SupportedTextSelection SupportedTextSelection { get; }
public abstract Rectangle BoundingRectangle { get; }
public abstract int FirstVisibleLine { get; }
public abstract bool IsMultiline { get; }
public abstract bool IsReadingRTL { get; }
public abstract bool IsReadOnly { get; }
public abstract bool IsScrollable { get; }
public abstract int LinesPerPage { get; }
public abstract int LinesCount { get; }
public abstract LOGFONTW Logfont { get; }
public abstract string Text { get; }
public abstract int TextLength { get; }
public abstract WINDOW_EX_STYLE WindowExStyle { get; }
public abstract WINDOW_STYLE WindowStyle { get; }
public abstract int GetLineFromCharIndex(int charIndex);
public abstract int GetLineIndex(int line);
public abstract Point GetPositionFromChar(int charIndex);
public abstract Point GetPositionFromCharForUpperRightCorner(int startCharIndex, string text);
public abstract void GetVisibleRangePoints(out int visibleStart, out int visibleEnd);
public abstract bool LineScroll(int charactersHorizontal, int linesVertical);
public abstract Point PointToScreen(Point pt);
public abstract Rectangle RectangleToScreen(Rectangle rect);
public abstract void SetSelection(int start, int end);
public static WINDOW_EX_STYLE GetWindowExStyle(IHandle<HWND> hWnd) =>
public static WINDOW_STYLE GetWindowStyle(IHandle<HWND> hWnd) =>
public static SafeArrayScope<double> RectListToDoubleArray(List<Rectangle> rectArray)
if (rectArray is null || rectArray.Count == 0)
return new(SAFEARRAY.CreateEmpty(VARENUM.VT_R8));
SafeArrayScope<double> result = new((uint)(rectArray.Count * 4));
int scan = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rectArray.Count; i++)
result[scan++] = rectArray[i].X;
result[scan++] = rectArray[i].Y;
result[scan++] = rectArray[i].Width;
result[scan++] = rectArray[i].Height;
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Bounding rectangles are represented by a VT_ARRAY of doubles in a native VARIANT
/// in accessibility interfaces. This method does the conversion. Accessibility will then convert it to an UiaRect.
/// https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/nf-uiautomationcore-irawelementproviderfragment-get_boundingrectangle
/// https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/win32/api/uiautomationcore/ns-uiautomationcore-uiarect
/// </summary>
internal static SafeArrayScope<double> BoundingRectangleAsArray(Rectangle bounds)
SafeArrayScope<double> result = new(4);
result[0] = bounds.X;
result[1] = bounds.Y;
result[2] = bounds.Width;
result[3] = bounds.Height;
return result;
/// <inheritdoc cref="BoundingRectangleAsArray(Rectangle)"/>
internal static VARIANT BoundingRectangleAsVariant(Rectangle bounds)
=> (VARIANT)BoundingRectangleAsArray(bounds);
public static int SendInput(ref INPUT input)
fixed (INPUT* i = &input)
return (int)PInvoke.SendInput(1, i, sizeof(INPUT));
public static unsafe int SendKeyboardInputVK(VIRTUAL_KEY vk, bool press)
INPUT keyboardInput = default;
keyboardInput.type = INPUT_TYPE.INPUT_KEYBOARD;
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.wVk = vk;
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.wScan = 0;
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.dwFlags = press ? 0 : KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
if (VirtualKeyUtilities.IsExtendedKey(vk))
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.dwFlags |= KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY;
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.time = 0;
keyboardInput.Anonymous.ki.dwExtraInfo = UIntPtr.Zero;
return SendInput(ref keyboardInput);
public abstract HRESULT RangeFromAnnotation(IRawElementProviderSimple* annotationElement, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal);
public abstract HRESULT GetCaretRange(BOOL* isActive, ITextRangeProvider** pRetVal);