1 write to Data
System.Windows.Forms.Primitives (1)
System\Windows\Forms\RefCountedCache.CacheEntry.cs (1)
21Data = data;
5 references to Data
System.Windows.Forms.Primitives (5)
System\Windows\Forms\GdiPlus\PenCache.cs (1)
13protected override bool IsMatch(Color key, CacheEntry entry) => key == entry.Data;
System\Windows\Forms\GdiPlus\SolidBrushCache.cs (1)
13protected override bool IsMatch(Color key, CacheEntry data) => key == data.Data;
System\Windows\Forms\RefCountedCache.CacheEntry.cs (2)
69/// By default we dispose of <see cref="Data"/> and <see cref="Object"/> if they implement 79disposable = Data as IDisposable;
System\Windows\Forms\RefCountedCache.Scope.cs (1)
47public TCacheEntryData Data => Entry is null ? default : Entry.Data;