// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #region Using declarations using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Windows.Media; #if RIBBON_IN_FRAMEWORK using Microsoft.Windows.Controls; #else using Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon; #endif using MS.Internal; #if RIBBON_IN_FRAMEWORK namespace System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives #else namespace Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.Primitives #endif { #endregion public class RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel : Panel, IProvideStarLayoutInfoBase, IContainsStarLayoutManager, IScrollInfo { #region Constructors public RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel() { Unloaded += new RoutedEventHandler(OnRibbonGalleryCategoriesPanelUnloaded); Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(OnRibbonGalleryCategoriesPanelLoaded); } #endregion #region Private Methods and Properties private void OnRibbonGalleryCategoriesPanelUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IContainsStarLayoutManager iContainsStarLayoutManager = (IContainsStarLayoutManager)this; if (iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager != null) { iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager.UnregisterStarLayoutProvider(this); iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager = null; } } private void OnRibbonGalleryCategoriesPanelLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { RibbonGallery gallery = this.Gallery; if (gallery != null) { #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY if (gallery.IsInInRibbonGalleryMode()) { return; } #endif RibbonHelper.InitializeStarLayoutManager(this); } } #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY // PreComputing MaxItemHeight and MaxItemWidth as the Measure algorithms of parent panels of Items will need it already // If it is in InRibbonGalleryMode. private void PreComputeMaxRibbonGalleryItemWidthAndHeight() { UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; Size childConstraint = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity); double maxItemHeight = 0; int childrenCount = children.Count; double maxColumnWidth = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { RibbonGalleryCategory child = children[i] as RibbonGalleryCategory; RibbonGalleryItemsPanel itemPanel = child.ItemsHostSite as RibbonGalleryItemsPanel; if (itemPanel != null) { int itemPanelChildrenCount = itemPanel.Children.Count; for (int j = 0; j < itemPanelChildrenCount; j++) { RibbonGalleryItem item = (RibbonGalleryItem)itemPanel.Children[j]; item.Measure(childConstraint); Size itemSize = item.DesiredSize; maxColumnWidth = Math.Max(maxColumnWidth, itemSize.Width); maxItemHeight = Math.Max(maxItemHeight, itemSize.Height); } } } RibbonGallery gallery = this.Gallery; if (gallery != null) { gallery.MaxItemHeight = maxItemHeight; gallery.MaxColumnWidth = maxColumnWidth; } } internal bool InRibbonModeCanLineUp() { return !DoubleUtil.AreClose(VerticalOffset, 0.0); } internal bool InRibbonModeCanLineDown() { return DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(_scrollData._extent.Height, VerticalOffset + ViewportHeight); } #endif #region Scrolling Helper private void EnsureScrollData() { if (_scrollData == null) { _scrollData = new ScrollData(); } } private static void ResetScrolling(RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel element) { element.InvalidateMeasure(); // Clear scrolling data. Because of thrash (being disconnected & reconnected, &c...), we may if (element.IsScrolling) { element._scrollData.ClearLayout(); } } // OnScrollChange is an override called whenever the IScrollInfo exposed scrolling state changes on this element. // At the time this method is called, scrolling state is in its new, valid state. private void OnScrollChange() { ScrollOwner?.InvalidateScrollInfo(); } private void VerifyScrollingData(Size viewport, Size extent, Vector offset) { bool fValid = true; Debug.Assert(IsScrolling); fValid &= DoubleUtil.AreClose(viewport, _scrollData._viewport); fValid &= DoubleUtil.AreClose(extent, _scrollData._extent); fValid &= DoubleUtil.AreClose(offset, _scrollData._offset); _scrollData._offset = offset; if (!fValid) { _scrollData._viewport = viewport; _scrollData._extent = extent; } OnScrollChange(); } static private double ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll( double topView, double bottomView, double topChild, double bottomChild) { // # CHILD POSITION CHILD SIZE SCROLL REMEDY // 1 Above viewport <= viewport Down Align top edge of child & viewport // 2 Above viewport > viewport Down Align bottom edge of child & viewport // 3 Below viewport <= viewport Up Align bottom edge of child & viewport // 4 Below viewport > viewport Up Align top edge of child & viewport // 5 Entirely within viewport NA No scroll. // 6 Spanning viewport NA No scroll. // // Note: "Above viewport" = childTop above viewportTop, childBottom above viewportBottom // "Below viewport" = childTop below viewportTop, childBottom below viewportBottom // These child thus may overlap with the viewport, but will scroll the same direction/ bool fAbove = DoubleUtil.LessThan(topChild, topView) && DoubleUtil.LessThan(bottomChild, bottomView); bool fBelow = DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(bottomChild, bottomView) && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(topChild, topView); bool fLarger = (bottomChild - topChild) > (bottomView - topView); // Handle Cases: 1 & 4 above if ((fAbove && !fLarger) || (fBelow && fLarger)) { return topChild; } // Handle Cases: 2 & 3 above else if (fAbove || fBelow) { return (bottomChild - (bottomView - topView)); } // Handle cases: 5 & 6 above. return topView; } // Returns an offset coerced into the [0, Extent - Viewport] range. static private double CoerceOffset(double offset, double extent, double viewport) { if (offset > extent - viewport) { offset = extent - viewport; } if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } return offset; } private bool IsScrolling { get { return (_scrollData != null) && (_scrollData._scrollOwner != null); } } private bool CanMouseWheelVerticallyScroll { get { return (SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines > 0); } } #endregion Scrolling Helper #endregion #region Protected Methods /// <summary> /// In normal(Star) pass this panel behaves like a StackPanel but during Auto(non Star) pass /// It returns minimum Width and Height required to represent the children. There is another /// mode wherein it provides laying out mechanism for InRibbonGallery in INRibbon mode. /// </summary> /// <param name="availableSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { RibbonGallery gallery = this.Gallery; #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY InRibbonGallery parentInRibbonGallery = gallery != null ? gallery.ParentInRibbonGallery : null; bool isInInRibbonMode = parentInRibbonGallery != null ? parentInRibbonGallery.IsInInRibbonMode : false; // For an InRibbonGallery rendering with IsDropDownOpen==true, we force gallery.ItemsPresenter's // MinWidth to be at least the value of IRG.ContentPresenter.ActualWidth. This way, the IRG's popup // totally eclipses the IRG, which is required by the Office Fluent UI guidelines. if (gallery != null && gallery.ItemsPresenter != null && parentInRibbonGallery != null) { if (isInInRibbonMode && _irgIsConstrainingWidth) { gallery.ItemsPresenter.MinWidth = _originalGalleryItemsPresenterMinWidth; _irgIsConstrainingWidth = false; } else if (parentInRibbonGallery.IsDropDownOpen && !_irgIsConstrainingWidth) { _originalGalleryItemsPresenterMinWidth = gallery.ItemsPresenter.MinWidth; double minWidthFromParent = parentInRibbonGallery.CalculateGalleryItemsPresenterMinWidth(); gallery.ItemsPresenter.MinWidth = Math.Max(minWidthFromParent, _originalGalleryItemsPresenterMinWidth); _irgIsConstrainingWidth = true; } } if (!isInInRibbonMode) { #endif RibbonHelper.InitializeStarLayoutManager(this); #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY } #endif IContainsStarLayoutManager iContainsStarLayoutManager = (IContainsStarLayoutManager)this; bool isStarLayoutPass = (iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager == null ? true : iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager.IsStarLayoutPass); #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY if (isInInRibbonMode) { PreComputeMaxRibbonGalleryItemWidthAndHeight(); return InRibbonGalleryModeMeasureOverride(availableSize); } else { #endif if (isStarLayoutPass) { return RealMeasureOverride(availableSize); } else { return AutoPassMeasureOverride(); } #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY } #endif } #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY // InRibbonGalleryMode where the gallery is shown within Ribbon via InRibbonGallery and Measure becomes responsibility // of InRibbonGalleryModeMeasureOverride. private Size InRibbonGalleryModeMeasureOverride(Size availableSize) { Size desiredSize = new Size(); Size childConstraint = availableSize; childConstraint.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; int childrenCount = children.Count; int galleryItemCount = 0; double galleryItemCumulativeHeight = 0.0; double maxChildWidth = 0.0; double maxChildHeight = 0.0; int rowOffset = 0; int colOffset = 0; // Measure the child and also sets start and end offsets of the categories to be used their ItemsPanel // (RibbonGalleryItemsPanel) in their Measure and Arrange algorithms when in InRibbonMode. for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { RibbonGalleryCategory child = children[i] as RibbonGalleryCategory; if (child == null || child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { continue; } child.RowOffset = rowOffset; child.ColumnOffset = colOffset; child.Measure(childConstraint); Size childSize = child.DesiredSize; maxChildWidth = Math.Max(maxChildWidth, childSize.Width); maxChildHeight = Math.Max(maxChildHeight, childSize.Height); galleryItemCount += child.averageItemHeightInfo.Count; galleryItemCumulativeHeight += child.averageItemHeightInfo.CumulativeHeight; int childFullRows = Math.Max(0, child.RowCount - 1); if (child.RowCount > 0 && child.ColumnEndOffSet == 0) childFullRows++; rowOffset += childFullRows; colOffset = child.ColumnEndOffSet; } if (galleryItemCount == 0 || galleryItemCumulativeHeight == 0.0) { internalScrollDelta = 16.0; } else { internalScrollDelta = galleryItemCumulativeHeight/galleryItemCount; } desiredSize.Width = maxChildWidth; desiredSize.Height = maxChildHeight; if (IsScrolling) { UpdateScrollingData(availableSize, desiredSize); } return desiredSize; } #endif private Size AutoPassMeasureOverride() { Size desiredSize = new Size(); Size childConstraint = new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity); IContainsStarLayoutManager iContainsStarLayoutManager = (IContainsStarLayoutManager)this; // This is Auto(non Star) pass UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; int childrenCount, endCountForUpdate = children.Count; int galleryItemCount = 0; double galleryItemCumulativeHeight = 0.0; double maxChildWidth = 0.0; double maxChildHeight = 0.0; double maxColumnWidth = 0.0; // Since we support SharedColumnSizes across different categories, we need // to repeatedly measure them until their MaxColumnWidth has been synchronized. // The inner loop iterates over all of those categories that need an update. // Of course in the beginning all of them do. During that pass we detect if the // MaxColumnWidth has increased such that a previously measured category needs // an update. If so we make another pass over those categories once more. We // repeat this strategy until none of the categories need an update. while (endCountForUpdate > 0) { childrenCount = endCountForUpdate; endCountForUpdate = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { UIElement child = children[i] as UIElement; child.Measure(childConstraint); Size childSize = child.DesiredSize; maxChildWidth = Math.Max(maxChildWidth, childSize.Width); maxChildHeight = Math.Max(maxChildHeight, childSize.Height); RibbonGalleryCategory category = child as RibbonGalleryCategory; if (category != null) { galleryItemCount += category.averageItemHeightInfo.Count; galleryItemCumulativeHeight += category.averageItemHeightInfo.CumulativeHeight; // If the category is a ColumnSizeScope in itself it does not need // to be synchronized with the gallery's scope and hence can be ignored. if (!category.IsSharedColumnSizeScope && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(category.MaxColumnWidth, maxColumnWidth)) { maxColumnWidth = category.MaxColumnWidth; endCountForUpdate = i; } } } } if (galleryItemCount == 0 || galleryItemCumulativeHeight == 0.0) { internalScrollDelta = 16.0; } else { internalScrollDelta = galleryItemCumulativeHeight/galleryItemCount; } desiredSize.Width = maxChildWidth; desiredSize.Height = maxChildHeight; return desiredSize; } /// <summary> /// General RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel layout behavior is to grow unbounded in the "vertical" direction (Size To Content). /// Children in this dimension are encouraged to be as large as they like. In the other dimension, /// RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel will assume the maximum size of its children. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// When scrolling, RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel will not grow in layout size but effectively add the children on a z-plane which /// will probably be clipped by some parent (typically a ScrollContentPresenter) to Stack's size. /// </remarks> /// <param name="constraint">Constraint</param> /// <returns>Desired size</returns> private Size RealMeasureOverride(Size constraint) { UIElementCollection children = InternalChildren; Size stackDesiredSize = new Size(); Size layoutSlotSize = constraint; // // Initialize child sizing and iterator data // Allow children as much size as they want along the stack. // layoutSlotSize.Height = Double.PositiveInfinity; // // Iterate through children. // While we still supported virtualization, this was hidden in a child iterator (see source history). // for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; ++i) { // Get next child. UIElement child = children[i]; if (child == null) { continue; } // Measure the child. child.Measure(layoutSlotSize); Size childDesiredSize = child.DesiredSize; stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Max(stackDesiredSize.Width, childDesiredSize.Width); stackDesiredSize.Height += childDesiredSize.Height; } if (IsScrolling) { UpdateScrollingData(constraint, stackDesiredSize); } // Since we can offset and clip our content, we never need to be larger than the parent suggestion. // If we returned the full size of the content, we would always be so big we didn't need to scroll. :) stackDesiredSize.Width = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Width, constraint.Width); stackDesiredSize.Height = Math.Min(stackDesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height); return stackDesiredSize; } // Compute Scrolling stuff while in Measure. private void UpdateScrollingData(Size constraint, Size stackDesiredSize) { double viewportOffsetY = (IsScrolling) ? _scrollData._offset.Y : 0; double logicalVisibleSpace = constraint.Height; // Compute viewport and extent. Size viewport = constraint; Size extent = stackDesiredSize; Vector offset = _scrollData._offset; // If we or children have resized, it's possible that we can now display more content. // This is true if we started at a nonzero offeset and still have space remaining. // In this case, we move up as much as remaining space. logicalVisibleSpace = DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose((viewportOffsetY + logicalVisibleSpace) - stackDesiredSize.Height, 0.0) ? 0.0 : Math.Min((viewportOffsetY + logicalVisibleSpace) - stackDesiredSize.Height, constraint.Height); viewportOffsetY = Math.Max(viewportOffsetY - logicalVisibleSpace, 0.0); offset.Y = viewportOffsetY; offset.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(offset.X, extent.Width - viewport.Width)); // Verify Scroll Info, invalidate ScrollOwner if necessary. VerifyScrollingData(viewport, extent, offset); } /// <summary> /// Content arrangement. /// </summary> /// <param name="finalSize">Arrange size</param> protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { RibbonGallery gallery = this.Gallery; #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY if (gallery != null && gallery.IsInInRibbonGalleryMode()) { return InRibbonGalleryModeArrangeOverride(finalSize); } else { #endif return RealArrangeOverride(finalSize); #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY } #endif } #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY // InRibbonGalleryMode where the gallery is shown within Ribbon via InRibbonGallery and Arrange // becomes responsibility of InRibbonGalleryModeArrangeOverride. private Size InRibbonGalleryModeArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { UIElementCollection children = this.Children; Rect rcChild = new Rect(finalSize); // // Seed scroll offset into rcChild. // if (IsScrolling) { rcChild.X = -1.0 * _scrollData._offset.X; rcChild.Y = -1.0 * _scrollData._offset.Y; } // Arrange and Position Children. over each other as the items being arranged in child // in a way to respect the offset of where previous category children are ending. // It's merged wrapping. for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; ++i) { RibbonGalleryCategory child = children[i] as RibbonGalleryCategory; if (child == null || child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { continue; } rcChild.Width = Math.Max(finalSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Width); child.Arrange(rcChild); } // Refresh the IsEnabled state of the InRibbonGallery's LineUp & LineDown buttons. RibbonGallery gallery = Gallery; if (gallery != null) { InRibbonGallery irg = gallery.ParentInRibbonGallery; if (irg != null && irg.IsInInRibbonMode) { irg.CoerceValue(InRibbonGallery.CanLineUpProperty); irg.CoerceValue(InRibbonGallery.CanLineDownProperty); } } return DesiredSize; } #endif private Size RealArrangeOverride(Size finalSize) { UIElementCollection children = this.Children; Rect rcChild = new Rect(finalSize); double previousChildSize = 0.0; // // Compute scroll offset and seed it into rcChild. // if (IsScrolling) { rcChild.X = -1.0 * _scrollData._offset.X; rcChild.Y = -1.0 * _scrollData._offset.Y; } // // Arrange and Position Children. // for (int i = 0, count = children.Count; i < count; ++i) { UIElement child = (UIElement)children[i]; if (child == null) { continue; } rcChild.Y += previousChildSize; previousChildSize = child.DesiredSize.Height; rcChild.Height = previousChildSize; rcChild.Width = Math.Max(finalSize.Width, child.DesiredSize.Width); child.Arrange(rcChild); } return finalSize; } #endregion Protected Methods #region IProvideStarLayoutInfoBase Members public void OnInitializeLayout() { IContainsStarLayoutManager iContainsStarLayoutManager = (IContainsStarLayoutManager)this; if (iContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager != null) { TreeHelper.InvalidateMeasureForVisualAncestorPath(this, RibbonHelper.IsISupportStarLayout); RibbonGallery gallery = this.Gallery; gallery?.InvalidateMeasureOnAllCategoriesPanel(); } } public UIElement TargetElement { get { return this.Gallery; } } #endregion #region IContainsStarLayoutManager Members ISupportStarLayout IContainsStarLayoutManager.StarLayoutManager { get; set; } #endregion #region IScrollInfo Methods /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one line to the top. /// </summary> public void LineUp() { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - internalScrollDelta); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one line to the bottom. /// </summary> public void LineDown() { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + internalScrollDelta); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one line to the left. /// </summary> public void LineLeft() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - _scrollLineDelta); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one line to the right. /// </summary> public void LineRight() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + _scrollLineDelta); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one page to the top. /// </summary> public void PageUp() { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - ViewportHeight); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one page to the bottom. /// </summary> public void PageDown() { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + ViewportHeight); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one page to the left. /// </summary> public void PageLeft() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - ViewportWidth); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by one page to the right. /// </summary> public void PageRight() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + ViewportWidth); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines lines to the top. /// </summary> public void MouseWheelUp() { if (CanMouseWheelVerticallyScroll) { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset - SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * internalScrollDelta); } else { PageUp(); } } /// <summary> /// Scroll content by SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines lines to the bottom. /// </summary> public void MouseWheelDown() { if (CanMouseWheelVerticallyScroll) { SetVerticalOffset(VerticalOffset + SystemParameters.WheelScrollLines * internalScrollDelta); } else { PageDown(); } } /// <summary> /// Scroll content a little to the left. /// </summary> public void MouseWheelLeft() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset - 3.0 * _scrollLineDelta); } /// <summary> /// Scroll content a little to the right. /// </summary> public void MouseWheelRight() { SetHorizontalOffset(HorizontalOffset + 3.0 * _scrollLineDelta); } /// <summary> /// Set the HorizontalOffset to the passed value. /// </summary> public void SetHorizontalOffset(double offset) { EnsureScrollData(); double scrollX = CoerceOffset(offset, _scrollData._extent.Width, _scrollData._viewport.Width); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollX, _scrollData._offset.X)) { _scrollData._offset.X = scrollX; InvalidateMeasure(); } } /// <summary> /// Set the VerticalOffset to the passed value. /// </summary> public void SetVerticalOffset(double offset) { EnsureScrollData(); double scrollY = CoerceOffset(offset, _scrollData._extent.Height, _scrollData._viewport.Height); if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(scrollY, _scrollData._offset.Y)) { _scrollData._offset.Y = scrollY; InvalidateMeasure(); } } /// <summary> /// RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel implementation of <seealso cref="IScrollInfo.MakeVisible" />. /// </summary> /// <param name="visual">The Visual that should become visible</param> /// <param name="rectangle">A rectangle representing in the visual's coordinate space to make visible.</param> /// <returns> /// A rectangle in the IScrollInfo's coordinate space that has been made visible. /// Other ancestors to in turn make this new rectangle visible. /// The rectangle should generally be a transformed version of the input rectangle. In some cases, like /// when the input rectangle cannot entirely fit in the viewport, the return value might be smaller. /// </returns> public Rect MakeVisible(Visual visual, Rect rectangle) { // We can only work on visuals that are us or children. // An empty rect has no size or position. We can't meaningfully use it. if (rectangle.IsEmpty || visual == null || visual == (Visual)this || !this.IsAncestorOf(visual)) { return Rect.Empty; } // Compute the child's rect relative to (0,0) in our coordinate space. GeneralTransform childTransform = visual.TransformToAncestor(this); rectangle = childTransform.TransformBounds(rectangle); // We can't do any work unless we're scrolling. if (!IsScrolling) { return rectangle; } // Initialize the viewport Rect viewport = new Rect(HorizontalOffset, VerticalOffset, ViewportWidth, ViewportHeight); rectangle.X += viewport.X; rectangle.Y += viewport.Y; // Compute the offsets required to minimally scroll the child maximally into view. double minX = ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(viewport.Left, viewport.Right, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Right); double minY = ComputeScrollOffsetWithMinimalScroll(viewport.Top, viewport.Bottom, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Bottom); // We have computed the scrolling offsets; scroll to them. SetHorizontalOffset(minX); SetVerticalOffset(minY); // Compute the visible rectangle of the child relative to the viewport. viewport.X = minX; viewport.Y = minY; rectangle.Intersect(viewport); if (!rectangle.IsEmpty) { rectangle.X -= viewport.X; rectangle.Y -= viewport.Y; } // Return the rectangle return rectangle; } #endregion #region IScrollInfo Properties /// <summary> /// For RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel it is always false. /// </summary> [DefaultValue(false)] public bool CanHorizontallyScroll { get { return false; } set { EnsureScrollData(); if (_scrollData._allowHorizontal != value) { _scrollData._allowHorizontal = false; InvalidateMeasure(); } } } /// <summary> /// For RibbonGalleryCategoriesPanel it is always true. /// </summary> [DefaultValue(true)] public bool CanVerticallyScroll { get { return true; } set { EnsureScrollData(); if (_scrollData._allowVertical != value) { _scrollData._allowVertical = true; InvalidateMeasure(); } } } /// <summary> /// ExtentWidth contains the horizontal size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" /// </summary> public double ExtentWidth { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._extent.Width; } } /// <summary> /// ExtentHeight contains the vertical size of the scrolled content element in 1/96" /// </summary> public double ExtentHeight { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._extent.Height; } } /// <summary> /// ViewportWidth contains the horizontal size of content's visible range in 1/96" /// </summary> public double ViewportWidth { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._viewport.Width; } } /// <summary> /// ViewportHeight contains the vertical size of content's visible range in 1/96" /// </summary> public double ViewportHeight { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._viewport.Height; } } /// <summary> /// HorizontalOffset is the horizontal offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". /// </summary> [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public double HorizontalOffset { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._offset.X; } } /// <summary> /// VerticalOffset is the vertical offset of the scrolled content in 1/96". /// </summary> [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public double VerticalOffset { get { if (_scrollData == null) { return 0.0; } return _scrollData._offset.Y; } } /// <summary> /// ScrollOwner is the container that controls any scrollbars, headers, etc... that are dependant /// on this IScrollInfo's properties. /// </summary> [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public ScrollViewer ScrollOwner { get { EnsureScrollData(); return _scrollData._scrollOwner; } set { EnsureScrollData(); if (value != _scrollData._scrollOwner) { ResetScrolling(this); _scrollData._scrollOwner = value; } } } #endregion IScrollInfo Properties #region Data private RibbonGallery Gallery { get { return (RibbonGallery)ItemsControl.GetItemsOwner(this); } } // Logical scrolling. private ScrollData _scrollData; internal double internalScrollDelta; internal const double _scrollLineDelta = 16.0; // Default physical amount to scroll with one Up/Down/Left/Right key #if IN_RIBBON_GALLERY // Flag indicating whether we are constraining IRG.FirstGallery.ItemPresenter.MinWidth to be // approximately the ActualWidth of the IRG while in in-Ribbon mode. private bool _irgIsConstrainingWidth; private double _originalGalleryItemsPresenterMinWidth; #endif #endregion Data #region Private Structures Classes //----------------------------------------------------------- // ScrollData class //----------------------------------------------------------- #region ScrollData // Helper class to hold scrolling data. // This class exists to reduce working set when StackPanel is used outside a scrolling situation. // Standard "extra pointer always for less data sometimes" cache savings model: // !Scroll [1xReference] // Scroll [1xReference] + [4xDouble + 1xReference] private class ScrollData { // Clears layout generated data. // Does not clear scrollOwner, because unless resetting due to a scrollOwner change, we won't get reattached. internal void ClearLayout() { _offset = new Vector(); _viewport = _extent = new Size(); _allowHorizontal = false; _allowVertical = true; } // For Stack/Flow, the two dimensions of properties are in different units: // 1. The "logically scrolling" dimension uses items as units. // 2. The other dimension physically scrolls. Units are in Avalon pixels (1/96"). internal bool _allowHorizontal; internal bool _allowVertical; internal Vector _offset; // Scroll offset of content. Positive corresponds to a visually upward offset. internal Size _viewport; // ViewportSize is in {pixels x items} (or vice-versa). internal Size _extent; // Extent is the total number of children (logical dimension) or physical size internal ScrollViewer _scrollOwner; // ScrollViewer to which we're attached. } #endregion ScrollData #endregion Private Structures Classes } } |