// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#region Using declarations
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Automation.Peers;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Windows.Input;
using MS.Internal;
using Microsoft.Windows.Controls;
namespace System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon
namespace Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon
using Microsoft.Windows.Automation.Peers;
/// <summary>
/// RibbonGallery inherits from ItemsControl. It contains RibbonGalleryCategory instances which in turn contain
/// RibbonGalleryItem instances.
/// </summary>
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = "AllFilterItemContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(RibbonMenuItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = "FilterItemContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(RibbonMenuItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = "GalleryItemStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(RibbonGalleryItem))]
[StyleTypedProperty(Property = "ItemContainerStyle", StyleTargetType = typeof(RibbonGalleryCategory))]
[TemplatePart(Name = ItemsHostName, Type = typeof(ItemsPresenter))]
[TemplatePart(Name = _filterMenuButtonTemplatePartName, Type = typeof(RibbonMenuButton))]
[TemplatePart(Name = ScrollViewerTemplatePartName, Type=typeof(ScrollViewer))]
[TemplatePart(Name = FilterContentPaneTemplatePartName, Type = typeof(ContentPresenter))]
public class RibbonGallery : ItemsControl, IWeakEventListener, IPreviewCommandSource
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Initializes static members of the RibbonGallery class.
/// </summary>
static RibbonGallery()
Type ownerType = typeof(RibbonGallery);
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(ownerType));
ItemContainerStyleProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new CoerceValueCallback(OnCoerceItemContainerStyle)));
ItemTemplateProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new CoerceValueCallback(OnCoerceItemTemplate)));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(ownerType, MouseMoveEvent, new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseMove), true);
ToolTipProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new CoerceValueCallback(RibbonHelper.CoerceRibbonToolTip)));
ToolTipService.ShowOnDisabledProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
ContextMenuProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(RibbonHelper.OnContextMenuChanged, RibbonHelper.OnCoerceContextMenu));
ContextMenuService.ShowOnDisabledProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceVerticalScrollBarVisibility)));
ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty.OverrideMetadata(ownerType, new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(ownerType, RibbonControlService.DismissPopupEvent, new RibbonDismissPopupEventHandler(OnDismissPopupThunk));
FilterCommand = new RoutedCommand("Filter", ownerType);
CommandManager.RegisterClassCommandBinding(ownerType, new CommandBinding(FilterCommand, FilterExecuted, FilterCanExecute));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(ownerType, LoadedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(OnLoaded));
EventManager.RegisterClassHandler(ownerType, UnloadedEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(OnUnloaded));
/// <summary>
/// Initializes an instance of the RibbonGallery class.
/// </summary>
public RibbonGallery()
this.ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged += new EventHandler(OnItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged);
// Ensure coercion happens for these APIs.
#region Template
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
// remove any old handlers
if (_filterMenuButton != null)
Debug.Assert(_filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator != null);
_filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged -= OnFilterButtonItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged;
_filterMenuButton = this.Template.FindName(_filterMenuButtonTemplatePartName, this) as RibbonFilterMenuButton;
if (_filterMenuButton != null)
Debug.Assert(_filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator != null);
_filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator.StatusChanged += new EventHandler(OnFilterButtonItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged);
Binding itemsSourceBinding = new Binding() { Source = this._categoryFilters };
_filterMenuButton.SetBinding(RibbonMenuButton.ItemsSourceProperty, itemsSourceBinding);
_itemsPresenter = (ItemsPresenter)GetTemplateChild(ItemsHostName);
_filterContentPane = GetTemplateChild(FilterContentPaneTemplatePartName) as ContentPresenter;
_scrollViewer = GetTemplateChild(RibbonGallery.ScrollViewerTemplatePartName) as ScrollViewer;
PropertyHelper.TransferProperty(this, ContextMenuProperty); // Coerce to get a default ContextMenu if none has been specified.
PropertyHelper.TransferProperty(this, RibbonControlService.CanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectlyProperty);
if (_scrollViewer != null)
InRibbonGallery parentInRibbonGallery = ParentInRibbonGallery;
if (parentInRibbonGallery != null)
parentInRibbonGallery.CommandTarget = _scrollViewer;
private static object CoerceVerticalScrollBarVisibility(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery me = (RibbonGallery)d;
// Don't show ScrollBar Template when in InRibbonGalleryMode as it has it's own scroll buttons.
if (me.IsInInRibbonGalleryMode())
return ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden;
return baseValue;
#region CurrentFilter
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CurrentFilter. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
private static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentFilterProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CurrentFilter", typeof(object), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(_allFilter, OnCurrentFilterChanged));
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the current filter.
/// </summary>
private object CurrentFilter
get { return GetValue(CurrentFilterProperty); }
set { SetValue(CurrentFilterProperty, value); }
private static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentFilterStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CurrentFilterStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, null, OnCoerceCurrentFilterStyle));
private Style CurrentFilterStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(CurrentFilterStyleProperty); }
// coercion precedence:
// 1) FilterItemContainerStyleSelector, if one is specified.
// 2) FilterItemContainerStyle/AllFilterItemContainerStyle, if specified.
// 3) null (the base value)
// We get this all for free thanks to the coercion on FilterItemContainerStyleSelector and the logic in the default StyleSelector.
// We just need to tell the following properties to call this coercion when they change:
// 1) FilterItemContainerStyleSelector
// 2) FilterItemContainerStyle
// 3) AllFilterItemContainerStyle
// 4) CurrentFilter
private static object OnCoerceCurrentFilterStyle(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
object currentFilter = gallery.CurrentFilter;
StyleSelector filterItemContainerStyleSelector = gallery.FilterItemContainerStyleSelector;
if (currentFilter != null &&
filterItemContainerStyleSelector != null &&
gallery._filterMenuButton != null)
return filterItemContainerStyleSelector.SelectStyle(currentFilter, gallery._filterMenuButton.CurrentFilterItem);
return null;
// Header is tricky. For the filter items, Header defaults to the DataContext.
// However, Header can be overridden by a Setter at a the ItemContainerStyle level.
// Therefore, we should only bind Header to CurrentFilter when no Style is setting Header.
// We need to re-run this logic whenever any of the following change:
// 1) FilterItemContainerStyleSelector
// 2) FilterItemContainerStyle
// 3) AllFilterItemContainerStyle
// 4) CurrentFilter
// We also need to run this logic in OnApplyTemplate AFTER Style bindings have been set up.
internal void SetHeaderBindingForCurrentFilterItem()
if (_filterMenuButton != null)
RibbonMenuItem currentFilterItem = _filterMenuButton.CurrentFilterItem;
if (currentFilterItem != null)
if (PropertyHelper.IsDefaultValue(currentFilterItem, RibbonMenuItem.HeaderProperty))
// In the default case (where no Style is setting Header), we fall back
// to setting currentFilterItem.Header to CurrentFilter.
currentFilterItem.Header = this.CurrentFilter;
private static readonly DependencyProperty CurrentFilterTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CurrentFilterTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCurrentFilterTemplateChanged), new CoerceValueCallback(OnCoerceCurrentFilterTemplate)));
private DataTemplate CurrentFilterTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(CurrentFilterTemplateProperty); }
private static void OnCurrentFilterTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
private bool FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound] = value; }
// This method sets up a binding between _filterMenuButton's hosted RibbonMenuItem.HeaderTemplate and CurrentFilterTemplate.
// We need to call it whenever RibbonGallery is retemplated or CurrentFilterTemplate changes.
// If CurrentFilterTemplate is not being acquired through a user-set value, we do not want to have this binding. That way,
// a Setter for HeaderTemplate in _filterMenuButton's Style, if present, will be honored.
internal void SetTemplateBindingForCurrentFilterItem()
if (_filterMenuButton != null)
RibbonMenuItem currentFilterItem = _filterMenuButton.CurrentFilterItem;
if (currentFilterItem != null)
// Assume we are not going to set up a binding for template. The user may using FilterItemContainerStyle with a Setter
// for HeaderTemplate. In this case, we need to honor that setter so long as an item template for the filter has not
// been set through one of the other APIs: FilterItemTemplate, AllFilterItemTemplate, FilterItemTemplateSelector.
// Thus, only set this binding on HeaderTemplate when one of those template APIs is specified. When a template for the filter item
// is not specified, we unset this binding so that a Setter for HeaderTemplate in the Style is able to bleed through.
bool templateShouldBeBound = false;
if (FilterItemTemplateSelector is RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemTemplateSelector)
if (object.ReferenceEquals(CurrentFilter, AllFilterItem))
if (this.AllFilterItemTemplate != null)
templateShouldBeBound = true;
if (this.FilterItemTemplate != null)
templateShouldBeBound = true;
// Someone is setting FilterItemTemplateSelector. We should bind to the template that gets selected.
templateShouldBeBound = true;
if (templateShouldBeBound && !FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound)
Binding currentFilterTemplateBinding = new Binding("CurrentFilterTemplate") { Source = this };
currentFilterItem.SetBinding(RibbonMenuItem.HeaderTemplateProperty, currentFilterTemplateBinding);
FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound = true;
else if (!templateShouldBeBound && FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound)
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(currentFilterItem, RibbonMenuItem.HeaderTemplateProperty);
FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound = false;
// coercion precedence:
// 1) FilterItemTemplateSelector, if one is specified.
// 2) FilterItemTemplate/AllFilterItemTemplate, if specified.
// 3) null (the base value)
// We get this all for free thanks to the coercion on FilterItemTemplateSelector and the logic in the default DataTemplateSelector.
// We just need to tell the following properties to call this coercion when they change:
// 1) FilterItemTemplateSelector
// 2) FilterItemTemplate
// 3) AllFilterItemTemplate
// 4) CurrentFilter
private static object OnCoerceCurrentFilterTemplate(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
object currentFilter = gallery.CurrentFilter;
DataTemplateSelector filterItemTemplateSelector = gallery.FilterItemTemplateSelector;
if (currentFilter != null &&
filterItemTemplateSelector != null &&
gallery._filterMenuButton != null)
return filterItemTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate(currentFilter, gallery._filterMenuButton.CurrentFilterItem);
return null;
private void OnItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
if (_itemsPresenter != null)
ItemsHostSite = (Panel)(ItemsPanel.FindName(RibbonGallery.ItemsHostPanelName, _itemsPresenter));
#endregion CurrentFilterItem
private void OnFilterButtonItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
foreach (object filter in this._categoryFilters)
RibbonMenuItem filterItem = _filterMenuButton.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(filter) as RibbonMenuItem;
// Bind filterItem.IsChecked to true when Object.ReferenceEquals(this.CurrentFilter, filterItem.DataContext).
MultiBinding isCheckedBinding = new MultiBinding
Converter = new ReferentialEqualityConverter()
Binding currentFilterBinding = new Binding("CurrentFilter") { Source = this };
Binding myHeaderBinding = new Binding("DataContext") { Source = filterItem };
filterItem.SetBinding(RibbonMenuItem.IsCheckedProperty, isCheckedBinding);
// Set up FilterCommand properties.
filterItem.Command = RibbonGallery.FilterCommand;
Binding commandParameterBinding = new Binding("DataContext") { RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.Self) };
filterItem.SetBinding(RibbonMenuItem.CommandParameterProperty, commandParameterBinding);
#endregion Template
#region Tree
// To fetch defined ItemsPanel in RibbonGalleryCategory's Template. It is set during ApplyTemplate.
internal Panel ItemsHostSite
private set;
internal ScrollViewer ScrollViewer
return _scrollViewer;
internal ItemsPresenter ItemsPresenter
return _itemsPresenter;
#region Layout
/// <summary>
/// MinColumnCount is the property defined on RibbonGallery. RibbonGalleryCategory also Adds
/// itself Owner to this property.
/// It's used by RibbonGalleryItemsPanel during Measure/Arrange which is default panel for RibbonGalleryCategory
/// Default is 0
/// </summary>
public int MinColumnCount
get { return (int)GetValue(MinColumnCountProperty); }
set { SetValue(MinColumnCountProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// MinColumnCount is the property defined on RibbonGallery. RibbonGalleryCategory also Adds
/// itself Owner to this property.
/// It's used by RibbonGalleryItemsPanel during Measure/Arrange which is default panel for RibbonGalleryCategory
/// Default is 0
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty MinColumnCountProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange)), new ValidateValueCallback(IsMinMaxColumnCountValid));
/// <summary>
/// MaxColumnCount is the property defined on RibbonGallery. RibbonGalleryCategory also Adds
/// itself Owner to this property.
/// It's used by RibbonGalleryItemsPanel during Measure/Arrange which is default panel for RibbonGalleryCategory
/// Default is int.MaxValue
/// </summary>
public int MaxColumnCount
get { return (int)GetValue(MaxColumnCountProperty); }
set { SetValue(MaxColumnCountProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// MaxColumnCount is the property defined on RibbonGallery. RibbonGalleryCategory also Adds
/// itself Owner to this property.
/// It's used by RibbonGalleryItemsPanel during Measure/Arrange which is default panel for RibbonGalleryCategory
/// Default is int.MaxValue
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty MaxColumnCountProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange),
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceMaxColumnCount)),
new ValidateValueCallback(IsMinMaxColumnCountValid));
// coerce MaxColumnCount so as it's never lesser than MinColumnCount
private static object CoerceMaxColumnCount(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
int minColCount = gallery.MinColumnCount;
if (minColCount > (int)baseValue)
return minColCount;
return baseValue;
private static bool IsMinMaxColumnCountValid(object value)
int v = (int)value;
return (v > 0);
/// <summary>
/// When ColumnsStretchToFill is true, RibbonGalleryItems are stretched during layout to occupy all the width available.
/// ColumnsStretchToFill is honored only when IsSharedColumnSizeScope is true.
/// </summary>
public bool ColumnsStretchToFill
get { return (bool)GetValue(ColumnsStretchToFillProperty); }
set { SetValue(ColumnsStretchToFillProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnsStretchToFillProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ColumnsStretchToFill",
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange)));
/// <summary>
/// IsSharedColumnSizeScope: defined on RibbonGallery. RibbonGalleryCategory also adds itself owner to it.
/// It's a boolean property where True means that I (the control on which the property is set) am the Scope for
/// uniform layout of items. The truth table for this could be defined by:
/// gallery category Scope
/// ------- -------- --------
/// T T category
/// T F gallery
/// F T category
/// F F gallery*
/// * The most correct thing for the F - F combination would be to have no shared size scope at all. This would
/// require us to make non-trivial changes to our measure and arrange algorithms for our panels, and since we
/// don't envision a desired user scenario for this we simplify things and treat the F - F combo as gallery scope.
/// We want the default scope to be Gallery scope; hence the default value on Gallery is True and on Category it's false.
/// </summary>
public bool IsSharedColumnSizeScope
get { return (bool)GetValue(IsSharedColumnSizeScopeProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsSharedColumnSizeScopeProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSharedColumnSizeScopeProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure,new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange)));
// MaxColumnWidth is the desired maximum width of any RibbonGalleryItem in this RibbonGallery for all the Categories
// whose Panel's uniform layout scope results in scope of gallery.
internal double MaxColumnWidth
get { return (double)GetValue(MaxColumnWidthProperty); }
set { SetValue(MaxColumnWidthProperty, value); }
// MaxColumnWidth is the desired maximum width of any RibbonGalleryItem in this RibbonGallery for all the Categories
// whose Panel's uniform layout scope results in scope of gallery.
internal static readonly DependencyProperty MaxColumnWidthProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange)));
// MaxItemHeight is the desired maximum height of any RibbonGalleryItem in this RibbonGallery for all the Categories
internal double MaxItemHeight
get { return (double)GetValue(MaxItemHeightProperty); }
set { SetValue(MaxItemHeightProperty, value); }
// MaxItemHeight is the desired maximum height of any RibbonGalleryItem in this RibbonGallery for all the Categories
internal static readonly DependencyProperty MaxItemHeightProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnLayoutPropertyChange)));
/// <summary>
/// The actual width at which a GalleryItem in a SharedScope is arranged.
/// Its calculated such that the remaining horizontal space in the parent panel is filled up.
/// ArrangeWidth is recalculated whenever MaxColumnWidth changes.
/// </summary>
internal double ArrangeWidth
/// <summary>
/// Flag to indicate that ArrangeWidth should be recalculated because MaxColumnWidth changed.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsArrangeWidthValid
/// <summary>
/// Flag to indicate that MaxColumnWidth should be recalculated. for e.g. when Items collection changes.
/// </summary>
internal bool IsMaxColumnWidthValid
// This is a PropertyChangedCallBack for the layout related properties MinColumnCount/MaxColumnCount
// IsSharedColumnScope and MaxColumnWidth on RibbonGallery. This calls InvalidateMeasure for all the
// categories' ItemsPanel and they must use changed values.
private static void OnLayoutPropertyChange(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery me = (RibbonGallery)d;
me.IsArrangeWidthValid = false;
// Invalidate Measure on all the Categories' panel.
internal void InvalidateMeasureOnAllCategoriesPanel()
if (Items != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i);
if (category != null)
if (category.ItemsHostSite != null)
TreeHelper.InvalidateMeasureForVisualAncestorPath<RibbonGallery>(category.ItemsHostSite, false);
#endregion Layout
#region Selection
/// <summary>
/// Event fired when <see cref="SelectedItem"/> changes.
/// </summary>
public static readonly RoutedEvent SelectionChangedEvent =
EventManager.RegisterRoutedEvent("SelectionChanged", RoutingStrategy.Bubble, typeof(RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<object>), typeof(RibbonGallery));
/// <summary>
/// Event fired when <see cref="SelectedItem"/> changes.
/// </summary>
public event RoutedPropertyChangedEventHandler<object> SelectionChanged
AddHandler(SelectionChangedEvent, value);
RemoveHandler(SelectionChangedEvent, value);
/// <summary>
/// Called when <see cref="SelectedItem"/> changes.
/// Default implementation fires the <see cref="SelectionChanged"/> event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
protected virtual void OnSelectionChanged(RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> e)
if (ShouldExecuteCommand && !e.Handled && e.NewValue != null)
CommandHelpers.InvokeCommandSource(CommandParameter, PreviewCommandParameter, this, CommandOperation.Execute);
// There are times when the SelectedItem and the HighlightedItem
// are being mutated temporarily. This is specifically the case
// with RibbonComboBox's use of the RibbonGallery. At this time
// we do not want to fire the Commands.
internal bool ShouldExecuteCommand
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldExecuteCommand]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldExecuteCommand] = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the <see cref="SelectedItem"/> property.
/// Default Value: null
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedItemProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceSelectedItem)));
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the selected item.
/// </summary>
public object SelectedItem
return GetValue(SelectedItemProperty);
SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value);
private bool ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem] = value; }
// To force Coercion even if the SelectionItem didn't change, useful in case of when ItemsCollection changes.
internal void ForceCoerceSelectedItem()
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem = true;
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem = false;
private static object CoerceSelectedItem(DependencyObject d, object value)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
if (!gallery.IsSelectionChangeActive)
object oldItem = gallery.SelectedItem;
object newItem = value;
if (!VerifyEqual(oldItem, newItem))
if (newItem != null)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// If the newItem doesn't exist in RibbonGallery under any category then return UnsetValue
// so as not to change existing value
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = false;
if (!gallery.ContainsItem(newItem, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
// Changes the selection to newItem
gallery.ChangeSelection(newItem, galleryItem, true);
// Deselect oldItem
gallery.ChangeSelection(oldItem, null, false);
else if (gallery.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// This block is called when ItemCollection changes either at the Gallery or the Category levels
// to handle the case that a previously SelectedItem is removed or replaced.
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = true;
if (!gallery.ContainsItem(newItem, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem))
// Deselect oldItem
value = null;
gallery.ChangeSelection(oldItem, null, false);
return value;
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the <see cref="SelectedValue"/> property.
/// Default Value: null
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedValueProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceSelectedValue)));
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the value on the selected item as defined by <see cref="SelectedValuePath" />.
/// </summary>
public object SelectedValue
return GetValue(SelectedValueProperty);
SetValue(SelectedValueProperty, value);
private bool ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue] = value; }
// To force Coercion even if the SelectionValue didn't change, useful when synchronizing
// SelectedItem after container generation is complete.
internal void ForceCoerceSelectedValue()
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue = true;
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue = false;
private static object CoerceSelectedValue(DependencyObject d, object value)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
if (!gallery.IsSelectionChangeActive)
object oldValue = gallery.SelectedValue;
object newValue = value;
if (!VerifyEqual(oldValue, newValue))
if (newValue != null)
object newItem;
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// If the newValue doesn't exist in RibbonGallery under any category then return UnsetValue
// so as not to change existing value
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = false;
if (!gallery.ContainsValue(value, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out newItem, out category, out galleryItem))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
// Changes the selection to newItem
gallery.SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, newItem);
gallery.SelectedItem = newItem;
// Deselect
gallery.SelectedItem = null;
else if (gallery.ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue)
object newItem;
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// This block is called when generating RibbonGalleryCategory containers
// to synchronize the SelectedItem with the previously specified SelectedValue.
// If a match isn't found yet we keep the oldValue as is by returning UnsetValue.
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = true;
if (!gallery.ContainsValue(value, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out newItem, out category, out galleryItem))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
gallery.SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, newItem);
gallery.SelectedItem = newItem;
return value;
/// <summary>
/// SelectedValuePath DependencyProperty
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SelectedValuePathProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new PropertyChangedCallback(OnSelectedValuePathChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// The path used to retrieve the SelectedValue from the SelectedItem
/// </summary>
[Localizability(LocalizationCategory.NeverLocalize)] // not localizable
public string SelectedValuePath
get { return (string) GetValue(SelectedValuePathProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedValuePathProperty, value); }
private static void OnSelectedValuePathChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
ValueSource valueSource = DependencyPropertyHelper.GetValueSource(gallery, RibbonGallery.SelectedValueProperty);
if (valueSource.IsCoerced || gallery.SelectedValue != null)
public static readonly DependencyProperty IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem", typeof(bool?), typeof(RibbonGallery),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnIsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// This flag chooses the synchronization behavior between the
/// SelectedItem and the CurrentItem for the associated CollectionView.
/// When null we choose the automatic behavior of synchronizing only
/// when bound to an explicit CollectionViewSource.
/// </summary>
public bool? IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem
get { return (bool?)GetValue(IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty); }
set { SetValue(IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty, value); }
private static void OnIsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
/// <summary>
/// Update the private flag IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal so that it
/// honor the public property when set and chooses the automatic behavior
/// which is synchornize currency only when bound to an explicit CollectionViewSource.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateIsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal()
bool oldValue = IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal;
if (oldValue)
// Stop listening for currency changes
bool? isSynchronizedWithCurrentItem = IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem;
if (isSynchronizedWithCurrentItem.HasValue)
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal = isSynchronizedWithCurrentItem.Value;
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal = IsInitialized && (RibbonGallery.GetSourceCollectionView(this) != null);
bool newValue = IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal;
if (newValue)
// Listen for currency changes
// Synchronize
if (oldValue != newValue)
// Notify categories
for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++ )
RibbonGalleryCategory category = ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i) as RibbonGalleryCategory;
if (category != null)
if (newValue)
internal bool IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal] = value; }
private void SynchronizeWithCurrentItem()
if (IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal)
object selectedItem = SelectedItem;
if (selectedItem != null)
// If there is a SelectedItem synchronize
// CurrentItem to match it
RibbonGalleryCategory category;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem;
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = false;
if (ContainsItem(selectedItem, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem))
SynchronizeWithCurrentItem(category, selectedItem);
// Since there isn't already a SelectedItem
// synchronize it to match CurrentItem
// It is possible that the RibbonGalleryCategory containers
// haven't been generated at the time that we attempt this
// synchronization. In such a case we retry when the
// containers have been generated.
if (ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
private void SynchronizeWithCurrentItem(
RibbonGalleryCategory category,
object selectedItem)
Debug.Assert(selectedItem != null, "Must have a selectedItem to synchronize with.");
if (category != null)
// Synchronize currency on the category containing the SelectedItem
MoveCurrentTo(category.CollectionView, selectedItem);
// Synchronize currency on the gallery to be the category containing the SelectedItem
MoveCurrentTo(CollectionView, ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(category));
// Synchronize currency on the source CollectionView to be the SelectedItem
int index = SourceCollectionView != null ? SourceCollectionView.IndexOf(selectedItem) : -1;
if (index > -1)
MoveCurrentToPosition(SourceCollectionView, index);
protected override void OnInitialized(EventArgs e)
protected override void OnItemsSourceChanged(IEnumerable oldValue, IEnumerable newValue)
base.OnItemsSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);
// Note that it is possible that we haven't had a chance to sync
// to the CurrentItem on the CollectionView yet. This could happen,
// if the ItemContainers were generated synchronously and the base
// implementation fired ItemContainerGeneratorStatusChanged before
// we got here. So this is one more attempt to keep things in sync.
private void AddCurrentItemChangedListener()
Debug.Assert(IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal, "We should add currency change listeners only when IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal is true");
CollectionView = Items;
SourceCollectionView = RibbonGallery.GetSourceCollectionView(this);
if (SourceCollectionView == CollectionView.SourceCollection)
// We need to track the SourceCollectionView only if it
// is distinct from the immediate CollectionView
SourceCollectionView = null;
// Listen for currency changes on the immediate CollectionView for the Gallery
CurrentChangedEventManager.AddListener(CollectionView, this);
// Listen for currency changes on the Source CollectionView of the Gallery
if (SourceCollectionView != null)
CurrentChangedEventManager.AddListener(SourceCollectionView, this);
private void RemoveCurrentItemChangedListener()
// Stop listening for currency changes on the immediate CollectionView for the Gallery
if (CollectionView != null)
CurrentChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(CollectionView, this);
CollectionView = null;
// Stop listening for currency changes on the Source CollectionView of the Gallery
if (SourceCollectionView != null)
CurrentChangedEventManager.RemoveListener(SourceCollectionView, this);
SourceCollectionView = null;
internal CollectionView CollectionView
internal CollectionView SourceCollectionView
bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e)
if (managerType == typeof(CurrentChangedEventManager))
if (sender == CollectionView)
// Update currency on the immediate CollectionView for the Gallery
// Update currency on the Source CollectionView of the Gallery
// Unrecognized event
return false;
return true;
// Update currency on the immediate CollectionView for the Gallery
private void OnCurrentItemChanged()
Debug.Assert(IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal, "We shouldn't be listening for currency changes if IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal is false");
if (CollectionView == null || IsSelectionChangeActive)
// Synchronize the SelectedItem to be the first Item
// within the current Category.
RibbonGalleryCategory category = this.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(CollectionView.CurrentItem) as RibbonGalleryCategory;
if (category != null && category.Items.Count > 0)
SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, category.Items[0]);
SelectedItem = category.Items[0];
// Update currency on the Source CollectionView of the Gallery
private void OnSourceCollectionViewCurrentItemChanged()
Debug.Assert(IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal, "We shouldn't be listening for currency changes if IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal is false");
if (IsSelectionChangeActive)
// Synchronize SelectedItem with the CurrentItem
// of the Source CollectionView
if (SourceCollectionView != null)
SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, SourceCollectionView.CurrentItem);
SelectedItem = SourceCollectionView.CurrentItem;
// This is to handle the case where the Gallery is bound to the Groups
// property of a CollectionViewSource with GroupDescriptions. Consider
// this example.
// <RibbonGallery
// Name="rg"
// IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
// Grid.Row="1"
// Grid.Column="0"
// ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CitiesCVS},Path=Groups}"
// ItemTemplate="{StaticResource HDT2}" />
// <ListBox
// Name="lb"
// SelectionMode="Single"
// IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"
// Grid.Row="1"
// Grid.Column="1"
// ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CitiesCVS}}"
// ItemTemplate="{StaticResource CT2}"/>
// To keep the ListBox synchronized with the Gallery we will need to update currency on
// the CollectionView that the Listox is bound which in this case is the Source CollectionView
// for Groups collection that the Gallery is bound to.
internal static CollectionView GetSourceCollectionView(ItemsControl itemsControl)
if (itemsControl == null)
return null;
CollectionViewSource cvs = null;
CollectionView cv = null;
Binding binding = BindingOperations.GetBinding(itemsControl, ItemsSourceProperty);
if (binding != null)
cvs = binding.Source as CollectionViewSource;
if (cvs != null)
cv = cvs.View as CollectionView;
return cv;
// Update all selection properties viz.
// - SelectedItem
// - SelectedValue
// - CurrentItem
// - IsSelected
// - SelectedContainers
internal void ChangeSelection(object item, RibbonGalleryItem container, bool isSelected)
if (IsSelectionChangeActive)
object oldItem = SelectedItem;
object newItem = item;
bool selectedItemChanged = !VerifyEqual(oldItem, newItem);
IsSelectionChangeActive = true;
if (isSelected == selectedItemChanged)
// Deselecting a single container. This can only happen
// when setting IsSelected to false on a specific container.
// Note that neither SelectedItem nor CurrentItem are updated
// in this case. We only updated the _selectedContainers and
// ContainsSelection properties both of which are specific to
// the containers in view.
if (!isSelected && container != null)
container.IsSelected = false;
int index = _selectedContainers.IndexOf(container);
if (index > -1)
container.OnUnselected(new RoutedEventArgs(RibbonGalleryItem.UnselectedEvent, container));
// This is the case where SelectedItem is changing.
// We start the processing by deselecting all existing
// containers.
for (int i = 0; i < _selectedContainers.Count; i++)
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = _selectedContainers[i];
galleryItem.IsSelected = false;
galleryItem.OnUnselected(new RoutedEventArgs(RibbonGalleryItem.UnselectedEvent, galleryItem));
if (!isSelected)
MoveCurrentToPosition(galleryItem.RibbonGalleryCategory.CollectionView, -1);
if (!isSelected)
SelectedItem = null;
SelectedValue = null;
MoveCurrentToPosition(CollectionView, -1);
MoveCurrentToPosition(SourceCollectionView, -1);
// When changing RibbonGallery.SelectedItem to null, we need to push RibbonComboBox to update its
// selection properties. Even though RibbonComboBox handles RibbonGalleryItem.UnselectedEvent,
// at the time of its handling RibbonGallery.SelectedItem is still non-null. We need to refresh
// RibbonComboBox's selection properties once RibbonGallery.SelectedItem is actually null.
RibbonComboBox comboBoxParent = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as RibbonComboBox;
if (comboBoxParent != null &&
this == comboBoxParent.FirstGallery &&
comboBoxParent.IsSelectedItemCached == false)
// Select the item
if (isSelected)
SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, item);
SetCurrentValue(SelectedValueProperty, GetSelectableValueFromItem(item));
SelectedItem = item;
SelectedValue = GetSelectableValueFromItem(item);
// Synchronize currency with the specified SelectedItem.
if (container != null)
// This is the case where a single container is selected
SynchronizeWithCurrentItem(container.RibbonGalleryCategory, item);
// This is the case where the selected item is directly
// set in which case we need to additionally find the category
// that contains it to perform the currency synchronization
// Select the container and synchronize currency
if (isSelected && container != null && !_selectedContainers.Contains(container))
container.IsSelected = true;
container.OnSelected(new RoutedEventArgs(RibbonGalleryItem.SelectedEvent, container));
IsSelectionChangeActive = false;
if (selectedItemChanged)
RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object> args = new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<object>(oldItem, isSelected ? newItem : null, SelectionChangedEvent);
// To find out if the RibbonGallery contains the specified item.
// If ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus is true then skip the
// container generation check.
private bool ContainsItem(
object item,
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus,
out RibbonGalleryCategory category,
out RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem)
category = null;
galleryItem = null;
int index = -1;
if (!ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus &&
ItemContainerGenerator.Status != GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
return true;
foreach (object current in Items)
category = ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(current) as RibbonGalleryCategory;
if (category != null)
index = category.Items.IndexOf(item);
if (index > -1)
galleryItem = category.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as RibbonGalleryItem;
category = null;
return index > -1;
// To find out if the RibbonGallery contains the specified value
// in any of the available items. If ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus
// is true then skip the container generation check.
private bool ContainsValue(
object value,
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus,
out object item,
out RibbonGalleryCategory category,
out RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem)
item = null;
category = null;
galleryItem = null;
if (!ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus &&
ItemContainerGenerator.Status != GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated)
return true;
ContentControl dummyElement = new ContentControl();
foreach (object current in Items)
category = ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(current) as RibbonGalleryCategory;
if (category != null)
for (int index=0; index<category.Items.Count; index++)
item = category.Items[index];
object itemValue = GetSelectableValueFromItem(item, dummyElement);
if (VerifyEqual(value, itemValue))
galleryItem = category.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as RibbonGalleryItem;
return true;
item = null;
category = null;
return false;
internal object GetSelectableValueFromItem(object item)
return GetSelectableValueFromItem(item, new ContentControl());
// Find out the value of the item using SelectedValuePath.
// If there is no SelectedValuePath then item itself is
// it's value or the innerText in case of XML node.
private object GetSelectableValueFromItem(object item, ContentControl dummyElement)
bool useXml = item is XmlNode;
Binding itemBinding = new Binding
Source = item
if (useXml)
itemBinding.XPath = SelectedValuePath;
itemBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("/InnerText");
itemBinding.Path = new PropertyPath(SelectedValuePath);
// optimize for case where there is no SelectedValuePath (meaning
// that the value of the item is the item itself, or the InnerText
// of the item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedValuePath))
// when there's no SelectedValuePath, the binding's Path
// is either empty (CLR) or "/InnerText" (XML)
string path = itemBinding.Path.Path;
Debug.Assert(String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || path == "/InnerText");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
// CLR - item is its own selected value
return item;
return GetInnerText(item);
dummyElement.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, itemBinding);
return dummyElement.Content;
private static object GetInnerText(object item)
XmlNode node = item as XmlNode;
if (node != null)
return node.InnerText;
return null;
internal static bool VerifyEqual(object knownValue, object itemValue)
return Object.Equals(knownValue, itemValue);
private void MoveCurrentTo(CollectionView cv, object item)
if (cv != null && IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal)
private void MoveCurrentToPosition(CollectionView cv, int position)
if (cv != null && IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal)
internal Collection<RibbonGalleryItem> SelectedContainers
get { return _selectedContainers; }
internal RibbonGalleryCategory SelectedCategory
if (_selectedContainers.Count > 0)
return _selectedContainers[0].RibbonGalleryCategory;
return null;
internal bool IsSelectionChangeActive
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.IsSelectionChangeActive]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.IsSelectionChangeActive] = value; }
#endregion Selection
#region Highlight
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the <see cref="HighlightedItem"/> property.
/// Default Value: null
/// </summary>
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey HighlightedItemPropertyKey =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
new PropertyChangedCallback(OnHighlightedItemChangedPrivate),
new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceHighlightedItem)));
/// <summary>
/// The DependencyProperty for the HighlightedItem property.
/// Flags: None
/// Default Value: null
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty HighlightedItemProperty =
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the highlighted item.
/// </summary>
public object HighlightedItem
get { return GetValue(HighlightedItemProperty); }
internal set { SetValue(HighlightedItemPropertyKey, value); }
// To force Coercion even if the HighlightedItem didn't change, useful in case of when ItemsCollection changes.
internal void ForceCoerceHighlightedItem()
ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem = true;
ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem = false;
private static object CoerceHighlightedItem(DependencyObject d, object value)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
if (!gallery.IsHighlightChangeActive)
object oldItem = gallery.HighlightedItem;
object newItem = value;
if (!VerifyEqual(oldItem, newItem))
if (newItem != null)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// If the newItem doesn't exist in RibbonGallery under any category then return UnsetValue
// so as not to change existing value
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = false;
if (!gallery.ContainsItem(newItem, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
// Changes the highlight to newItem
gallery.ChangeHighlight(newItem, galleryItem, true);
// Dehighlight oldItem
gallery.ChangeHighlight(oldItem, null, false);
else if (gallery.ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
// This block is called when ItemCollection changes either at the Gallery or the Category levels
// to handle the case that a previously HighlightedItem is removed or replaced.
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = true;
if (!gallery.ContainsItem(newItem, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem))
// Dehighlight oldItem
value = null;
gallery.ChangeHighlight(oldItem, null, false);
return value;
private static void OnHighlightedItemChangedPrivate(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
protected virtual void OnHighlightedItemChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (HighlightChanged != null)
HighlightChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
if (ShouldExecuteCommand && e.OldValue != null)
CommandHelpers.InvokeCommandSource(CommandParameter, PreviewCommandParameter, this, CommandOperation.CancelPreview);
if (ShouldExecuteCommand && e.NewValue != null)
// Fire the Preview operation on a Dispatcher callback to allow the
// PreviewCommandParameter's Binding to be updated to match the HighlightedItem
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Send, (DispatcherOperationCallback)delegate(object unused)
CommandHelpers.InvokeCommandSource(CommandParameter, PreviewCommandParameter, this, CommandOperation.Preview);
return null;
}, null);
// Update all highlighting properties viz.
// - HighlightedItem
// - IsHighlighted
// - HighlightedContainer
internal void ChangeHighlight(object item, RibbonGalleryItem container, bool isHighlighted)
if (IsHighlightChangeActive)
IsHighlightChangeActive = true;
if (_highlightedContainer != null)
_highlightedContainer.IsHighlighted = false;
if (!isHighlighted)
_highlightedContainer = null;
HighlightedItem = null;
_highlightedContainer = container;
HighlightedItem = item;
if (container != null)
container.IsHighlighted = true;
IsHighlightChangeActive = false;
internal event EventHandler HighlightChanged;
internal RibbonGalleryCategory HighlightedCategory
if (_highlightedContainer != null)
return _highlightedContainer.RibbonGalleryCategory;
return null;
internal RibbonGalleryItem HighlightedContainer
get { return _highlightedContainer; }
private bool IsHighlightChangeActive
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.IsHighlightChangeActive]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.IsHighlightChangeActive] = value; }
private bool ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem] = value; }
#endregion Highlight
#region Filtering
/// <summary>
/// Command fired when the user changes the current Gallery filter.
/// </summary>
public static RoutedCommand FilterCommand { get; private set; }
// We only want to execute the FilterCommand if we are in the auto-filtering case and we have _filterMenuButton available.
private static void FilterCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs args)
RibbonGallery rg = sender as RibbonGallery;
if (rg != null &&
rg.CanUserFilter &&
rg._filterMenuButton != null &&
rg.FilterPaneContent == null &&
rg.FilterPaneContentTemplate == null)
args.CanExecute = true;
private static void FilterExecuted(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs args)
RibbonGallery rg = (RibbonGallery)sender;
rg.CurrentFilter = args.Parameter;
args.Handled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets a value indicating whether the Gallery is filterable.
/// </summary>
public bool CanUserFilter
get { return (bool)GetValue(CanUserFilterProperty); }
set { SetValue(CanUserFilterProperty, value); }
private static object CoerceCanUserFilter(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery me = (RibbonGallery)d;
// Don't allow Filter when in InRibbonGalleryMode
if (me.IsInInRibbonGalleryMode())
return false;
return baseValue;
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CanUserFilter. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CanUserFilterProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CanUserFilter", typeof(bool), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, null, new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceCanUserFilter)));
DependencyProperty.Register("CanUserFilter", typeof(bool), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterItemContainerStyle. This is the container style for the filter items generated from RibbonGalleryCategory Headers.
/// </summary>
public Style FilterItemContainerStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(FilterItemContainerStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterItemContainerStyleProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Style to allow customization of the filter items containers.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterItemContainerStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("FilterItemContainerStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemContainerStyleChanged));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the AllFilterItemContainerStyle. This is the container style for the "All" filter.
/// </summary>
public Style AllFilterItemContainerStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(AllFilterItemContainerStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(AllFilterItemContainerStyleProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Style to allow customization of the "All" filter item's container.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty AllFilterItemContainerStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("AllFilterItemContainerStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemContainerStyleChanged));
private static void OnFilterItemContainerStyleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
// Reapply the FilterItemContainerStyleSelector coercion.
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterItemContainerStyleSelector.
/// </summary>
public StyleSelector FilterItemContainerStyleSelector
get { return (StyleSelector)GetValue(FilterItemContainerStyleSelectorProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterItemContainerStyleSelectorProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// StyleSelector to allow customization of the filter item containers.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterItemContainerStyleSelectorProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemContainerStyleSelectorChanged, OnCoerceFilterItemContainerStyleSelector));
private static void OnFilterItemContainerStyleSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
// If FilterItemContainerStyle is specified but FilterItemContainerStyleSelector is unspecified, then we supply our own StyleSelector for FilterItemContainerStyleSelector.
// This allows a user-supplied FilterItemContainerStyle to reskin the filter items without affecting the "All" item.
// We also coerce when both FilterItemContainerStyle & FilterItemContainerStyleSelector are set so that FilterItemContainerStyle dominates. Thus, we need to
// call this coercion whenever the FilterItemContainerStyle property (or AllFilterItemContainerStyle) changes.
// Similarly, if AllFilterItemContainerStyle is set, the default StyleSelector dominates FilterItemContainerStyleSelector.
private static object OnCoerceFilterItemContainerStyleSelector(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
if (baseValue == null ||
gallery.FilterItemContainerStyle != null ||
gallery.AllFilterItemContainerStyle != null)
return new RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemContainerStyleSelector(gallery);
return baseValue;
private class RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemContainerStyleSelector : StyleSelector
private RibbonGallery _gallery;
internal RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemContainerStyleSelector(RibbonGallery inputGallery) : base()
_gallery = inputGallery;
public override Style SelectStyle(object item, DependencyObject container)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(item, _allFilter))
if (_gallery.AllFilterItemContainerStyle != null)
return _gallery.AllFilterItemContainerStyle;
if (_gallery.FilterItemContainerStyle != null)
return _gallery.FilterItemContainerStyle;
return base.SelectStyle(item, container);
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterMenuButtonStyle.
/// </summary>
public Style FilterMenuButtonStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(FilterMenuButtonStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterMenuButtonStyleProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Style to allow customization of the Filter menu button.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterMenuButtonStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("FilterMenuButtonStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterPaneContent.
/// </summary>
public object FilterPaneContent
get { return (object)GetValue(FilterPaneContentProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterPaneContentProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Object to allow customization of the Filter pane.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterPaneContentProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("FilterPaneContent", typeof(object), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterPaneContentTemplate.
/// </summary>
public DataTemplate FilterPaneContentTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(FilterPaneContentTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterPaneContentTemplateProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DataTemplate to allow customization of the Filter pane.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterPaneContentTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("FilterPaneContentTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterItemTemplate. This specifies the template for filter items generated from RibbonGalleryCategory Headers.
/// </summary>
public DataTemplate FilterItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(FilterItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterItemTemplateProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DataTemplate to allow customization of the filter items.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterItemTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("FilterItemTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemTemplateChanged));
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the AllFilterItemTemplate. This specifies the template for the "All" filter item.
/// </summary>
public DataTemplate AllFilterItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(AllFilterItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(AllFilterItemTemplateProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DataTemplate to allow customization of the "All" filter item.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty AllFilterItemTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("AllFilterItemTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemTemplateChanged));
private static void OnFilterItemTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
// Reapply the FilterItemTemplateSelector coercion.
/// <summary>
/// Gets/Sets the FilterItemTemplateSelector.
/// </summary>
public DataTemplateSelector FilterItemTemplateSelector
get { return (DataTemplateSelector)GetValue(FilterItemTemplateSelectorProperty); }
set { SetValue(FilterItemTemplateSelectorProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DataTemplateSelector to allow customization of the filter items.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty FilterItemTemplateSelectorProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(OnFilterItemTemplateSelectorChanged, OnCoerceFilterItemTemplateSelector));
private static void OnFilterItemTemplateSelectorChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
// If FilterItemTemplate is specified but FilterItemTemplateSelector is unspecified, then we supply our own DataTemplateSelector for FilterItemTemplateSelector.
// This allows a user-supplied FilterItemTemplate to reskin the filter items without affecting the "All" item.
// We also coerce when both FilterItemTemplate & FilterItemTemplateSelector are set so that FilterItemTemplate dominates. Thus, we need to
// call this coercion whenever the FilterItemTemplate (or AllFilterItemTemplate) property changes.
// Similarly, if AllFilterItemTemplate is set, then the default DataTemplateSelector dominates FilterItemTemplateSelector.
private static object OnCoerceFilterItemTemplateSelector(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
if (baseValue == null ||
gallery.FilterItemTemplate != null ||
gallery.AllFilterItemTemplate != null)
return new RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemTemplateSelector(gallery);
return baseValue;
private class RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
private RibbonGallery _gallery;
internal RibbonGalleryDefaultFilterItemTemplateSelector(RibbonGallery inputGallery) : base()
_gallery = inputGallery;
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(item, _allFilter))
if (_gallery.AllFilterItemTemplate != null)
return _gallery.AllFilterItemTemplate;
if (_gallery.FilterItemTemplate != null)
return _gallery.FilterItemTemplate;
return base.SelectTemplate(item, container);
internal ContentPresenter FilterContentPane
return _filterContentPane;
internal RibbonFilterMenuButton FilterMenuButton
return _filterMenuButton;
#endregion Filtering
#region ContainerGeneration
protected override bool IsItemItsOwnContainerOverride(object item)
return item is RibbonGalleryCategory;
protected override DependencyObject GetContainerForItemOverride()
return new RibbonGalleryCategory();
/// <summary>
/// Called when the container is being attached to the parent ItemsControl
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <param name="item"></param>
protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride(DependencyObject element, object item)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)element;
category.RibbonGallery = this;
if (SelectedValue != null && SelectedItem == null)
// Synchronize SelectedItem with SelectedValue
if (HasItems)
object selectedItem = SelectedItem;
for (int index = 0; index < category.Items.Count; index++)
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = category.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as RibbonGalleryItem;
if (galleryItem != null)
// Set IsSelected to true on GalleryItems that match the SelectedItem
if (selectedItem != null)
if (VerifyEqual(selectedItem, category.Items[index]))
galleryItem.IsSelected = true;
else if (galleryItem.IsSelected)
// If a GalleryItem is marked IsSelected true then synchronize SelectedItem with it
SetCurrentValue(SelectedItemProperty, category.Items[index]);
SelectedItem = category.Items[index];
// copy templates and styles from this ItemsControl
var itemTemplate = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemTemplateProperty);
var itemTemplateSelector = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemTemplateSelectorProperty);
var itemStringFormat = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemStringFormatProperty);
var itemContainerStyle = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemContainerStyleProperty);
var itemContainerStyleSelector = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemContainerStyleSelectorProperty);
var alternationCount = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.AlternationCountProperty);
var itemBindingGroup = RibbonHelper.GetValueAndValueSource(category, ItemsControl.ItemBindingGroupProperty);
base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
// Call this function to work around a restriction of supporting hetrogenous
// ItemsCotnrol hierarchy. The method takes care of both ItemsControl and
// HeaderedItemsControl (in this case) and assign back the default properties
// whereever appropriate.
/// <summary>
/// Called when the container is being detached from the parent ItemsControl
/// </summary>
/// <param name="element"></param>
/// <param name="item"></param>
protected override void ClearContainerForItemOverride(DependencyObject element, object item)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)element;
for (int index = 0; index < category.Items.Count; index++)
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = category.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index) as RibbonGalleryItem;
if (galleryItem != null)
object dataItem = category.Items[index];
// Turn off selection and highlight on GalleryItems that are being cleared.
// Note that we directly call Change[Selection/Highlight] instead of setting
// Is[Selected/Highlighted] because we aren't able to get ItemFromContainer
// in OnIs[Selected/Highlighted]Changed because the ItemContainerGenerator
// has already detached this container.
if (galleryItem.IsHighlighted)
galleryItem.RibbonGallery.ChangeHighlight(dataItem, galleryItem, false);
if (galleryItem.IsSelected)
galleryItem.RibbonGallery.ChangeSelection(dataItem, galleryItem, false);
category.RibbonGallery = null;
base.ClearContainerForItemOverride(element, item);
#endregion ContainerGeneration
#region DropDownContainer
/// <summary>
/// True if this is the current "Selection" of its parent.
/// A gallery is selected when Keyboard focus is within or mouse enters.
/// We use the Ribbon prefix to disambiguate this property from MenuItem.IsSelected.
/// </summary>
internal bool RibbonIsSelected
get { return (bool)GetValue(RibbonIsSelectedProperty); }
set { SetValue(RibbonIsSelectedProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for RibbonIsSelected property.
/// </summary>
internal static readonly DependencyProperty RibbonIsSelectedProperty = RibbonMenuItem.RibbonIsSelectedProperty.AddOwner(
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnRibbonIsSelectedChanged)));
private static void OnRibbonIsSelectedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
((RibbonGallery)d).RaiseEvent(new RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<bool>((bool)e.OldValue, (bool)e.NewValue, RibbonMenuButton.RibbonIsSelectedChangedEvent));
/// <summary>
/// Called when the focus changes within the subtree
/// </summary>
protected override void OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (IsKeyboardFocusWithin)
if (!RibbonIsSelected)
// If an item within us got focus (probably programatically), we need to become selected
RibbonIsSelected = true;
// When keyboard-navigating into an InRibbonGallery, transfer focus to PartToggleButton. When
// IsInInRibbonMode is true, only PartToggleButton gets focus and RibbonGalleryItems are skipped.
InRibbonGallery parentInRibbonGallery = ParentInRibbonGallery;
if (parentInRibbonGallery != null &&
RibbonToggleButton partToggleButton = parentInRibbonGallery.PartToggleButton;
if (partToggleButton != null)
#region CollectionChange
private void RepopulateCategoryFilters()
// Add the "All" filter and make this the current filter.
// Search Items collection for categories.
for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++)
RibbonGalleryCategory category;
object filterToAdd;
// If this item is a RibbonGalleryCategory, then add its Header to the filters collection.
// Otherwise add the item itself.
if (this.Items[i] is RibbonGalleryCategory)
category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)this.Items[i];
filterToAdd = category.Header;
category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)this.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i);
filterToAdd = this.Items[i];
// RibbonGalleryCategories that omit Header are omitted from the filters collection.
// If category.Header is a string, make sure it is non-empty as well.
if ((category.Header is string && !String.IsNullOrEmpty((string)category.Header)) ||
category.Header != null)
CurrentFilter = _allFilter;
private static void OnCurrentFilterChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
object newFilter = e.NewValue;
Debug.Assert(gallery.ItemContainerGenerator.Status == GeneratorStatus.ContainersGenerated);
for (int i = 0; i < gallery.Items.Count; i++)
RibbonGalleryCategory category;
object dataToCompareAgainst;
// If this item is a RibbonGalleryCategory, then we want to compare against its Header.
// Otherwise compare against the item itself.
if (gallery.Items[i] is RibbonGalleryCategory)
category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)gallery.Items[i];
dataToCompareAgainst = category.Header;
category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)gallery.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(i);
dataToCompareAgainst = gallery.Items[i];
// Show the category if the current filter is the "All" filter or dataToCompareAgainst.
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(newFilter, _allFilter) ||
Object.ReferenceEquals(newFilter, dataToCompareAgainst))
category.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
category.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
/// <summary>
/// The "All" item in a RibbonGallery filter. This is a localized string.
/// Custom FilterItemTemplateSelector or FilterItemContainerStyleSelector implementations can use this to
/// distinguish between the "All" filter item and normal filter items.
/// </summary>
public static object AllFilterItem
get { return _allFilter; }
/// <summary>
/// This method is invoked when the Items property changes.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnItemsChanged(NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
switch (e.Action)
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
if (SelectedItem != null)
// Synchronize SelectedItem after Remove, Replace or Reset operations.
if (HighlightedItem != null)
// Synchronize HighlightedItem after Remove, Replace or Reset operations.
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
#endregion CollectionChange
#region CategoryTemplate
/// <summary>
/// Equivalent of ItemTemplate.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If this property has a non-null value, it will override the value
/// of ItemTemplate.
/// </remarks>
public DataTemplate CategoryTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(CategoryTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(CategoryTemplateProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for the CategoryStyle property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CategoryTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CategoryTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCategoryTemplateChanged)));
private static void OnCategoryTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// Always respect CategoryTemplate property over ItemTemplateProperty
private static object OnCoerceItemTemplate(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
if (!PropertyHelper.IsDefaultValue(d, RibbonGallery.CategoryTemplateProperty))
return d.GetValue(RibbonGallery.CategoryTemplateProperty);
return baseValue;
/// <summary>
/// Equivalent of ItemContainerStyle.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// If this property has a non-null value, it will override the value
/// of ItemContainerStyle.
/// </remarks>
public Style CategoryStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(CategoryStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(CategoryStyleProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for the CategoryStyle property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CategoryStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("CategoryStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCategoryStyleChanged)));
private static void OnCategoryStyleChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
// // Always respect CategoryStyleProperty property over ItemConatinerStyleProperty
private static object OnCoerceItemContainerStyle(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
if (!PropertyHelper.IsDefaultValue(d, RibbonGallery.CategoryStyleProperty))
return d.GetValue(RibbonGallery.CategoryStyleProperty);
return baseValue;
#endregion CategoryTemplate
#region GalleryItemTemplate
public DataTemplate GalleryItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(GalleryItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(GalleryItemTemplateProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty GalleryItemTemplateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("GalleryItemTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnNotifyGalleryItemTemplateOrStylePropertyChanged)));
public Style GalleryItemStyle
get { return (Style)GetValue(GalleryItemStyleProperty); }
set { SetValue(GalleryItemStyleProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty GalleryItemStyleProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("GalleryItemStyle", typeof(Style), typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnNotifyGalleryItemTemplateOrStylePropertyChanged)));
private static void OnNotifyGalleryItemTemplateOrStylePropertyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
for (int index = 0; index < gallery.Items.Count; index++)
RibbonGalleryCategory category = (RibbonGalleryCategory)gallery.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(index);
#endregion GalleryItemTemplate
#region InRibbonGallery
// Note this sometimes returns null even if the RibbonGallery is indeed the first gallery of an InRibbonGallery.
// This returns null until the InRibbonGallery's template has been applied (including its ContentPresenter and ItemsPresenter)
// and the InRibbonGallery.FirstGallery link has been established.
internal InRibbonGallery ParentInRibbonGallery
ItemsControl parentItemsControl = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(this);
InRibbonGallery parentInRibbonGallery = null;
if (parentItemsControl != null)
parentInRibbonGallery = parentItemsControl as InRibbonGallery;
// When an InRibbonGallery's children are specified in XAML, they are part of the logical tree
// and it is sufficient to call ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(this) to find the
// InRibbonGallery that is the logical parent.
// However, in the MVVM scenario we are not part of the logical tree. When IsDropDownOpen == false,
// FirstGallery is hosted in a ContentPresenter and must walk the visual tree to determine the
// parent InRibbonGallery. This will not happen when IsDropDownOpen == true and we are hosted
// in a RibbonMenuItemsPanel, because ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(this) also covers
// this scenario.
ContentPresenter parentContentPresenter = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(this) as ContentPresenter;
if (parentContentPresenter != null)
parentInRibbonGallery = parentContentPresenter.TemplatedParent as InRibbonGallery;
if (parentInRibbonGallery != null &&
parentInRibbonGallery.FirstGallery == this)
return parentInRibbonGallery;
return null;
// Check if the Gallery is hosted in and InRibbonGallery and is in InRibbon mode.
internal bool IsInInRibbonGalleryMode()
InRibbonGallery parentInRibbonGallery = ParentInRibbonGallery;
return parentInRibbonGallery != null &&
!parentInRibbonGallery.IsCollapsed &&
#region Automation
protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
return new RibbonGalleryAutomationPeer(this);
#endregion Automation
#region Input Handling
// The RibbonGallery tracks the position of the mouse relative to
// itself in order to differentiate cases where the mouse move event
// is generated as an artifact of elements moving (eg. scrolling) vs
// the mouse actually moving. We track this point by listening to the
// MouseEnter/MouseMove/MouseLeave events. The pattern is for
// RibbonGalleryItems to call DidMouseMove in response to the bubbling
// MouseMove event, which should be routed through the
// RibbonGalleryItems before it is routed through the RibbonGallery.
protected override void OnMouseEnter(MouseEventArgs e)
_localMousePosition = e.GetPosition(this);
if (!RibbonIsSelected)
// If it's already focused, make sure it's also selected.
RibbonIsSelected = true;
protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)
_localMousePosition = null;
if (RibbonIsSelected)
RibbonIsSelected = false;
private static void OnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)sender;
gallery._localMousePosition = e.GetPosition(gallery);
internal bool DidMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
Debug.Assert(e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseMoveEvent || e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseLeaveEvent);
Point currentMousePosition = e.GetPosition(this);
return currentMousePosition != _localMousePosition;
private Point? _localMousePosition;
/// <summary>
/// Gallery's ScrollViewer handles up/down arrow keys and marks the KeyDown event handled
/// even if the next focusable element is not its descendant.
/// The logic here enables navigation to outside the gallery
/// (for e.g. from the last/first galleryItem to gallery's sibling MenuItem).
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e"></param>
protected override void OnPreviewKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
if (!e.Handled)
DependencyObject focusedElement = Keyboard.FocusedElement as DependencyObject;
OnNavigationKeyDown(e, focusedElement);
internal void OnNavigationKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e, DependencyObject focusedElement)
if (e.Key == Key.Down || e.Key == Key.Up)
FocusNavigationDirection direction = (e.Key == Key.Down) ? FocusNavigationDirection.Down : FocusNavigationDirection.Up;
DependencyObject predictedFocus = null;
if (focusedElement != null)
// if predictedFocus is not a descendant of the Gallery._scrollViewer
// then handle the navigation
predictedFocus = RibbonHelper.PredictFocus(focusedElement, direction) as UIElement;
if (_scrollViewer != null && predictedFocus != null)
ScrollViewer predictedFocusAncestor = TreeHelper.FindVisualAncestor<ScrollViewer>(predictedFocus);
if (predictedFocusAncestor != _scrollViewer)
e.Handled = true;
else if ((e.Key == Key.Left) == (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight))
UIElement predictedFocus = null;
FocusNavigationDirection direction = (FlowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight ? FocusNavigationDirection.Left : FocusNavigationDirection.Right);
if (focusedElement != null)
RibbonMenuItem menuItem = TreeHelper.FindAncestor(this, delegate(DependencyObject d) { return (d is RibbonMenuItem); }) as RibbonMenuItem;
if (menuItem != null)
predictedFocus = RibbonHelper.PredictFocus(focusedElement, direction) as UIElement;
bool callRibbonMenuItemHandler = false;
// If predicted focus of logical left is null or the focused element
// itself or if its origin with respect to screen is logically to the
// right of focused element, then assume that we are at the left boundary
// (any maybe trying to cycle) and hence make the
// ancestor RibbonMenuItem handle the event.
if (predictedFocus == null ||
predictedFocus == focusedElement)
callRibbonMenuItemHandler = true;
Point focusedOrigin = new Point();
UIElement focusContainer = RibbonHelper.GetContainingUIElement(focusedElement);
if (focusContainer != null)
focusedOrigin = focusContainer.PointToScreen(new Point());
Point predictedFocusedOrigin = predictedFocus.PointToScreen(new Point());
if ((FlowDirection == FlowDirection.LeftToRight && DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(predictedFocusedOrigin.X, focusedOrigin.X)) ||
(FlowDirection == FlowDirection.RightToLeft && DoubleUtil.LessThan(predictedFocusedOrigin.X, focusedOrigin.X)))
callRibbonMenuItemHandler = true;
if (callRibbonMenuItemHandler)
e.Handled = menuItem.HandleLeftKeyDown(e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject);
else if (e.Key == Key.PageDown || e.Key == Key.PageUp)
FocusNavigationDirection direction = e.Key == Key.PageDown ? FocusNavigationDirection.Down : FocusNavigationDirection.Up;
RibbonGalleryItem focusedGalleryItem = focusedElement as RibbonGalleryItem;
if (focusedGalleryItem != null)
RibbonGalleryItem highlightedGalleryItem;
e.Handled = RibbonHelper.NavigatePageAndHighlightRibbonGalleryItem(
out highlightedGalleryItem);
if (highlightedGalleryItem != null)
private static void OnDismissPopupThunk(object sender, RibbonDismissPopupEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery ribbonGallery = (RibbonGallery)sender;
private void OnDismissPopup(RibbonDismissPopupEventArgs e)
if (e.DismissMode == RibbonDismissPopupMode.Always)
// Stop popup dismissal if the original source
// is from FilterPane.
ContentPresenter filterPane = FilterContentPane;
if (filterPane != null &&
RibbonHelper.IsAncestorOf(filterPane, e.OriginalSource as DependencyObject))
e.Handled = true;
#endregion Input Handling
#region Commanding
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the Command that will be executed when the command source is invoked.
/// </summary>
public ICommand Command
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(CommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(CommandProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CommandProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCommandChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a user defined data value that can be passed to the command when it is executed.
/// </summary>
public object CommandParameter
get { return (object)GetValue(CommandParameterProperty); }
set { SetValue(CommandParameterProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CommandParameterProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandParameterProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCommandParameterChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a user defined data value that can be passed to the command when it is previewed.
/// </summary>
public object PreviewCommandParameter
get { return (object)GetValue(PreviewCommandParameterProperty); }
set { SetValue(PreviewCommandParameterProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for PreviewCommandParameterProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty PreviewCommandParameterProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the object that the command is being executed on.
/// </summary>
public IInputElement CommandTarget
get { return (IInputElement)GetValue(CommandTargetProperty); }
set { SetValue(CommandTargetProperty, value); }
/// <summary>
/// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CommandTargetProperty. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CommandTargetProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
private static void OnCommandChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
ICommand oldCommand = (ICommand)e.OldValue;
ICommand newCommand = (ICommand)e.NewValue;
if (oldCommand != null)
if (newCommand != null)
RibbonHelper.OnCommandChanged(d, e);
private void HookCommand(ICommand command)
CanExecuteChangedEventManager.AddHandler(command, OnCanExecuteChanged);
_canExecuteChangedHandler = new EventHandler(OnCanExecuteChanged);
command.CanExecuteChanged += _canExecuteChangedHandler;
private void UnhookCommand(ICommand command)
CanExecuteChangedEventManager.RemoveHandler(command, OnCanExecuteChanged);
if (_canExecuteChangedHandler != null)
command.CanExecuteChanged -= _canExecuteChangedHandler;
_canExecuteChangedHandler = null;
private void OnCanExecuteChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void UpdateCanExecute()
if (Command != null)
CanExecute = CommandHelpers.CanExecuteCommandSource(CommandParameter, this);
CanExecute = true;
private static void OnCommandParameterChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)d;
/// <summary>
/// Fetches the value of the IsEnabled property
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The reason this property is overridden is so that RibbonGallery
/// can infuse the value for CanExecute into it.
/// </remarks>
protected override bool IsEnabledCore
return base.IsEnabledCore && CanExecute;
private bool CanExecute
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.CanExecute]; ; }
_bits[(int)Bits.CanExecute] = value;
private EventHandler _canExecuteChangedHandler;
#endregion Commanding
#region RibbonControlService Properties
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for SmallImageSource property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SmallImageSourceProperty =
/// <summary>
/// ImageSource property which is normally a 16X16 icon.
/// </summary>
public ImageSource SmallImageSource
get { return RibbonControlService.GetSmallImageSource(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetSmallImageSource(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipTitle property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipTitleProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipTitleProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Title text for the tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipTitle
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipTitle(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipTitle(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipDescription property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipDescriptionProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipDescriptionProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Description text for the tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipDescription
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipDescription(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipDescription(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipImageSource property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipImageSourceProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipImageSourceProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Image source for the tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public ImageSource ToolTipImageSource
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipImageSource(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipImageSource(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipFooterTitle property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipFooterTitleProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipFooterTitleProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Title text for the footer of tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipFooterTitle
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterTitle(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipFooterTitle(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipFooterDescription property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipFooterDescriptionProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipFooterDescriptionProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Description text for the footer of the tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public string ToolTipFooterDescription
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterDescription(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipFooterDescription(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for ToolTipFooterImageSource property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToolTipFooterImageSourceProperty =
RibbonControlService.ToolTipFooterImageSourceProperty.AddOwner(typeof(RibbonGallery), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(RibbonHelper.OnRibbonToolTipPropertyChanged)));
/// <summary>
/// Image source for the footer of the tooltip of the control.
/// </summary>
public ImageSource ToolTipFooterImageSource
get { return RibbonControlService.GetToolTipFooterImageSource(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetToolTipFooterImageSource(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for Ribbon property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty RibbonProperty =
/// <summary>
/// This property is used to access visual style brushes defined on the Ribbon class.
/// </summary>
public Ribbon Ribbon
get { return RibbonControlService.GetRibbon(this); }
#endregion RibbonControlService Properties
#region Scrolling
/// <summary>
/// This method allows a particular item to be scrolled into view
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Note that this method currently does not support the virtualization
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="item"></param>
public void ScrollIntoView(object item)
if (item != null)
// This is a fast path to scroll to the selected or the highlighted item
if (VerifyEqual(item, SelectedItem) && _selectedContainers.Count > 0)
else if (VerifyEqual(item, HighlightedItem) && _highlightedContainer != null)
// If this a request for an arbitrary item then we need to
// find its container and then scroll that into view.
RibbonGalleryCategory category = null;
RibbonGalleryItem galleryItem = null;
bool ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus = true;
if (ContainsItem(item, ignoreItemContainerGeneratorStatus, out category, out galleryItem) &&
galleryItem != null)
private static void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// A RibbonGallery is always hosted within a drop down control
// viz. RibbonMenuButton, RibbonComboBox, RibbonMenuItem, etc.
// In all of these cases we wish to scroll the selected item
// into view when the drop down first opens. Hence this clause
// in RibbonGallery.
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)sender;
private static void OnUnloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
RibbonGallery gallery = (RibbonGallery)sender;
// Invalidate these layout calculations, so that these are recalculated when drop down is opened.
// We would need invalidation if any Items are removed from the parent RibbonMenuButton causing its constraint to change.
gallery.IsArrangeWidthValid = false;
gallery.IsMaxColumnWidthValid = false;
internal bool ShouldGalleryItemsAcquireFocus
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldGalleryItemsAcquireFocus]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.ShouldGalleryItemsAcquireFocus] = value; }
internal bool HasHighlightChangedViaMouse
get { return _bits[(int)Bits.HighlightChangedViaMouse]; }
set { _bits[(int)Bits.HighlightChangedViaMouse] = value; }
#endregion Scrolling
#region QAT
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for QuickAccessToolBarId property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty QuickAccessToolBarIdProperty =
/// <summary>
/// This property is used as a unique identifier to link a control in the Ribbon with its counterpart in the QAT.
/// </summary>
public object QuickAccessToolBarId
get { return RibbonControlService.GetQuickAccessToolBarId(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetQuickAccessToolBarId(this, value); }
/// <summary>
/// DependencyProperty for CanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectly property.
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty CanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectlyProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(true));
/// <summary>
/// Property determining whether a control can be added to the RibbonQuickAccessToolBar directly.
/// </summary>
public bool CanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectly
get { return RibbonControlService.GetCanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectly(this); }
set { RibbonControlService.SetCanAddToQuickAccessToolBarDirectly(this, value); }
#endregion QAT
#region Data
private enum Bits
IsSelectionChangeActive = 0x1,
IsHighlightChangeActive = 0x2,
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedItem = 0x4,
ShouldForceCoerceSelectedValue = 0x8,
ShouldForceCoerceHighlightedItem = 0x10,
IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemInternal = 0x20,
CanExecute = 0x40,
ShouldExecuteCommand = 0x80,
ShouldGalleryItemsAcquireFocus = 0x100,
HighlightChangedViaMouse = 0x200,
FilterMenuButtonTemplateIsBound = 0x400,
// Packed boolean information
private BitVector32 _bits = new BitVector32((int)Bits.CanExecute | (int)Bits.ShouldExecuteCommand | (int)Bits.ShouldGalleryItemsAcquireFocus);
private Collection<RibbonGalleryItem> _selectedContainers = new Collection<RibbonGalleryItem>();
private RibbonGalleryItem _highlightedContainer;
// Filtering
private ObservableCollection<object> _categoryFilters = new ObservableCollection<object>();
private static object _allFilter = Microsoft.Windows.Controls.SR.RibbonGallery_AllFilter;
private const string _filterMenuButtonTemplatePartName = "PART_FilterMenuButton";
private const string FilterContentPaneTemplatePartName = "PART_FilterContentPane";
private const string ScrollViewerTemplatePartName = "PART_ScrollViewer";
private const string ItemsHostPanelName = "ItemsHostPanel";
private const string ItemsHostName = "ItemsPresenter";
private ItemsPresenter _itemsPresenter;
private RibbonFilterMenuButton _filterMenuButton;
private ContentPresenter _filterContentPane;
private ScrollViewer _scrollViewer;
#endregion Data