// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Threading
/// <summary>
/// Reader writer lock implementation that supports the following features:
/// 1. Cheap enough to be used in large numbers, such as per-object synchronization.
/// 2. Supports timeout. This is a valuable feature to detect deadlocks.
/// 3. Supports deleting (should support caching) events. Caching would allow events to be moved from least contentious
/// regions to the most contentious regions.
/// 4. Supports nested locks by readers and writers
/// 5. Supports spin counts for avoiding context switches on multi processor machines.
/// 6. Supports functionality for upgrading to a writer lock, and the <see cref="WriterSeqNum"/> property that indicates
/// whether there were any intermediate writes. Downgrading from a writer lock restores the state of the lock.
/// 7. Supports functionality to release all locks owned by a thread (see <see cref="ReleaseLock"/>).
/// <see cref="RestoreLock(ref LockCookie)"/> restores the lock state.
/// 8. Recovers from most common failures such as creation of events. In other words, the lock maintains consistent
/// internal state and remains usable
/// </summary>
public sealed class ReaderWriterLock : CriticalFinalizerObject
private const int InvalidThreadID = -1;
private const ushort MaxAcquireCount = ushort.MaxValue;
private static readonly int DefaultSpinCount = Environment.ProcessorCount != 1 ? 500 : 0;
/// <summary>
/// This is not an HResult, see <see cref="GetNotOwnerException"/>
/// </summary>
private const int IncorrectButCompatibleNotOwnerExceptionHResult = 0x120;
private static long s_mostRecentLockID;
private ManualResetEventSlim? _readerEvent;
private AutoResetEvent? _writerEvent;
private readonly long _lockID;
private volatile int _state;
private int _writerID = InvalidThreadID;
private int _writerSeqNum = 1;
private ushort _writerLevel;
public ReaderWriterLock()
_lockID = Interlocked.Increment(ref s_mostRecentLockID);
public bool IsReaderLockHeld
ThreadLocalLockEntry? threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID);
if (threadLocalLockEntry != null)
return threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0;
return false;
public bool IsWriterLockHeld => _writerID == GetCurrentThreadID();
public int WriterSeqNum => _writerSeqNum;
public bool AnyWritersSince(int seqNum)
if (_writerID == GetCurrentThreadID())
return (uint)_writerSeqNum > (uint)seqNum;
public void AcquireReaderLock(int millisecondsTimeout)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(millisecondsTimeout, -1);
ThreadLocalLockEntry threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetOrCreateCurrent(_lockID);
// Check for the fast path
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, LockStates.Reader, 0) == 0)
Debug.Assert(threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel == 0);
// Check for nested reader
else if (threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
if (threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel == MaxAcquireCount)
throw new OverflowException(SR.Overflow_UInt16);
// Check if the thread already has writer lock
else if (_writerID == GetCurrentThreadID())
int spinCount = 0;
int currentState = _state;
int knownState = currentState;
// Reader need not wait if there are only readers and no writer
if (knownState < LockStates.ReadersMask ||
(knownState & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0 &&
(knownState & LockStates.Writer) == 0 &&
// A waiting reader, after successfully completing the wait, expects that it can become a
// reader, so ensure that there is enough room for waiting readers and this potential reader.
(knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) +
((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) >> LockStates.WaitingReadersShift)
) <= LockStates.ReadersMask - 2
// Add to readers
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + LockStates.Reader, knownState);
if (currentState == knownState)
// One more reader
// Check for too many readers or waiting readers, or if signaling is in progress. The check for signaling
// prevents new readers from starting to wait for a read lock while the previous set of waiting readers are
// being granted their lock. This is necessary to guarantee thread safety for the 'finally' block below.
if ((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) == LockStates.ReadersMask ||
(knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) == LockStates.WaitingReadersMask ||
(knownState & LockStates.CachingEvents) == LockStates.ReaderSignaled)
// Sleep for a while, then update to the latest state and try again
int sleepDurationMilliseconds = 100;
if ((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) == LockStates.ReadersMask ||
(knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) == LockStates.WaitingReadersMask)
sleepDurationMilliseconds = 1000;
spinCount = 0;
currentState = _state;
// Check if events are being cached. The purpose of this check is that "caching" events could involve
// disposing one or both of {_readerEvent, _writerEvent}. This check prevents the waiting code below from
// trying to use these events during this dangerous time, and instead causes the loop to spin until the
// caching state is cleared and events can be recreated. See ReleaseEvents() and callers.
if ((knownState & LockStates.CachingEvents) == LockStates.CachingEvents)
if (spinCount > DefaultSpinCount)
spinCount = 0;
currentState = _state;
// Check spin count
if (spinCount <= DefaultSpinCount)
currentState = _state;
// Add to waiting readers
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + LockStates.WaitingReader, knownState);
if (currentState != knownState)
int modifyState = -LockStates.WaitingReader;
ManualResetEventSlim? readerEvent = null;
bool waitSucceeded = false;
readerEvent = GetOrCreateReaderEvent();
waitSucceeded = readerEvent.Wait(millisecondsTimeout);
// AcquireReaderLock cannot have reentry via pumping while waiting for readerEvent, so
// threadLocalLockEntry's state should not change from underneath us
if (waitSucceeded)
// Become a reader
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) < LockStates.ReadersMask);
modifyState += LockStates.Reader;
// Make the state changes determined above
knownState = Interlocked.Add(ref _state, modifyState) - modifyState;
if (!waitSucceeded)
// Check for last signaled waiting reader. This is a rare case where the wait timed out, but shortly
// afterwards, waiting readers got released, hence the ReaderSignaled bit is set. In that case,
// remove the ReaderSignaled bit from the state, acquire a read lock, and release it. While the
// ReaderSignaled bit is set, new requests for a write lock must spin or wait to acquire the lock,
// so it is safe for this thread to acquire a read lock and call ReleaseReaderLock() as a shortcut
// to do the work of releasing other waiters.
if ((knownState & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0 &&
(knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) == LockStates.WaitingReader)
if (readerEvent == null)
readerEvent = _readerEvent;
Debug.Assert(readerEvent != null);
// Ensure the event is signaled before resetting it, since the ReaderSignaled state is set
// before the event is set.
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) < LockStates.ReadersMask);
// Reset the event and lower reader signaled flag
Interlocked.Add(ref _state, LockStates.Reader - LockStates.ReaderSignaled);
// Honor the original status
if (!waitSucceeded)
throw GetTimeoutException();
// Check for last signaled waiting reader
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) < LockStates.ReadersMask);
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) == LockStates.WaitingReader)
// Reset the event and the reader signaled flag
Interlocked.Add(ref _state, -LockStates.ReaderSignaled);
} while (YieldProcessor());
// Success
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.Writer) == 0);
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
public void AcquireReaderLock(TimeSpan timeout) => AcquireReaderLock(ToTimeoutMilliseconds(timeout));
public void AcquireWriterLock(int millisecondsTimeout)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(millisecondsTimeout, -1);
int threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
// Check for the fast path
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, LockStates.Writer, 0) == 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) == 0);
// Check if the thread already has writer lock
else if (_writerID == threadID)
if (_writerLevel == MaxAcquireCount)
throw new OverflowException(SR.Overflow_UInt16);
int spinCount = 0;
int currentState = _state;
int knownState = currentState;
// Writer need not wait if there are no readers and writer
if (knownState == 0 || knownState == LockStates.CachingEvents)
// Can be a writer
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + LockStates.Writer, knownState);
if (currentState == knownState)
// Only writer
// Check for too many waiting writers
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) == LockStates.WaitingWritersMask)
spinCount = 0;
currentState = _state;
// Check if events are being cached. The purpose of this check is that "caching" events could involve
// disposing one or both of {_readerEvent, _writerEvent}. This check prevents the waiting code below from
// trying to use these events during this dangerous time, and instead causes the loop to spin until the
// caching state is cleared and events can be recreated. See ReleaseEvents() and callers.
if ((knownState & LockStates.CachingEvents) == LockStates.CachingEvents)
if (spinCount > DefaultSpinCount)
spinCount = 0;
currentState = _state;
// Check spin count
if (spinCount <= DefaultSpinCount)
currentState = _state;
// Add to waiting writers
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + LockStates.WaitingWriter, knownState);
if (currentState != knownState)
int modifyState = -LockStates.WaitingWriter;
AutoResetEvent? writerEvent = null;
bool waitSucceeded = false;
writerEvent = GetOrCreateWriterEvent();
waitSucceeded = writerEvent.WaitOne(millisecondsTimeout);
if (waitSucceeded)
// Become a writer and remove the writer-signaled state
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.WriterSignaled) != 0);
modifyState += LockStates.Writer - LockStates.WriterSignaled;
// Make the state changes determined above
knownState = Interlocked.Add(ref _state, modifyState) - modifyState;
if (!waitSucceeded &&
(knownState & LockStates.WriterSignaled) != 0 &&
(knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) == LockStates.WaitingWriter)
if (writerEvent == null)
writerEvent = _writerEvent;
Debug.Assert(writerEvent != null);
while (true)
knownState = _state;
if ((knownState & LockStates.WriterSignaled) == 0 ||
(knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) != 0)
if (!writerEvent.WaitOne(10))
modifyState = LockStates.Writer - LockStates.WriterSignaled;
knownState = Interlocked.Add(ref _state, modifyState) - modifyState;
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.WriterSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.Writer) == 0);
// Honor the original status
_writerID = threadID;
Debug.Assert(_writerLevel == 0);
_writerLevel = 1;
if (!waitSucceeded)
throw GetTimeoutException();
} while (YieldProcessor());
// Success
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.Writer) != 0);
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) == 0);
Debug.Assert(_writerID == InvalidThreadID);
// Save threadid of the writer
_writerID = threadID;
_writerLevel = 1;
public void AcquireWriterLock(TimeSpan timeout) => AcquireWriterLock(ToTimeoutMilliseconds(timeout));
public void ReleaseReaderLock()
// Check if the thread has writer lock
if (_writerID == GetCurrentThreadID())
ThreadLocalLockEntry? threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID);
if (threadLocalLockEntry == null)
throw GetNotOwnerException();
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.Writer) == 0);
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
Debug.Assert(threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0);
if (threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0)
// Not a reader any more
bool isLastReader;
bool cacheEvents;
AutoResetEvent? writerEvent = null;
ManualResetEventSlim? readerEvent = null;
int currentState = _state;
int knownState;
isLastReader = false;
cacheEvents = false;
knownState = currentState;
int modifyState = -LockStates.Reader;
if ((knownState & (LockStates.ReadersMask | LockStates.ReaderSignaled)) == LockStates.Reader)
isLastReader = true;
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) != 0)
writerEvent = TryGetOrCreateWriterEvent();
if (writerEvent == null)
// Similar to below, wait for some time and try again
currentState = _state;
knownState = 0;
Debug.Assert(currentState != knownState);
modifyState += LockStates.WriterSignaled;
else if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
readerEvent = TryGetOrCreateReaderEvent();
if (readerEvent == null)
// Wait for some time and try again. Since a WaitingReaders bit is set, the event would usually
// already be created (if the waiting reader that called AcquireReaderLock is already waiting on the
// event, it would have created the event). However, AcquireReaderLock adds WaitingReader to the
// state before trying to create the event.
// This is such a situation, where the event has not yet been created, and likely due to the system
// being low on resources, this thread failed to create the event. We don't want to throw here,
// because it could potentially leave waiters waiting and cause a deadlock.
// Instead, we let the threads that set the WaitingReader bit throw, and here, just wait and try
// again. In a low-resource situation, eventually, all such new waiting readers would throw, and the
// WaitingReaders bits would not be set anymore, breaking the loop and releasing this thread.
currentState = _state;
knownState = 0;
Debug.Assert(currentState != knownState);
modifyState += LockStates.ReaderSignaled;
else if (knownState == LockStates.Reader && (_readerEvent != null || _writerEvent != null))
cacheEvents = true;
modifyState += LockStates.CachingEvents;
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.Writer) == 0);
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + modifyState, knownState);
} while (currentState != knownState);
// Check for last reader
if (isLastReader)
// Check for waiting writers
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) != 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.WriterSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert(writerEvent != null);
// Check for waiting readers
else if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert(readerEvent != null);
// Check for the need to release events
else if (cacheEvents)
public void ReleaseWriterLock()
if (_writerID != GetCurrentThreadID())
throw GetNotOwnerException();
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) == 0);
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.Writer) != 0);
Debug.Assert(_writerLevel > 0);
// Check for nested release
if (_writerLevel > 0)
// Not a writer any more
_writerID = InvalidThreadID;
bool cacheEvents;
ManualResetEventSlim? readerEvent = null;
AutoResetEvent? writerEvent = null;
int currentState = _state;
int knownState;
cacheEvents = false;
knownState = currentState;
int modifyState = -LockStates.Writer;
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
readerEvent = TryGetOrCreateReaderEvent();
if (readerEvent == null)
// Wait for some time and try again. Since a WaitingReaders bit is set, the event would usually
// already be created (if the waiting reader that called AcquireReaderLock is already waiting on the
// event, it would have created the event). However, AcquireReaderLock adds WaitingReader to the
// state before trying to create the event.
// This is such a situation, where the event has not yet been created, and likely due to the system
// being low on resources, this thread failed to create the event. We don't want to throw here,
// because it could potentially leave waiters waiting and cause a deadlock.
// Instead, we let the threads that set the WaitingReader bit throw, and here, just wait and try
// again. In a low-resource situation, eventually, all such new waiting readers would throw, and the
// WaitingReaders bits would not be set anymore, breaking the loop and releasing this thread.
currentState = _state;
knownState = 0;
Debug.Assert(currentState != knownState);
modifyState += LockStates.ReaderSignaled;
else if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) != 0)
writerEvent = TryGetOrCreateWriterEvent();
if (writerEvent == null)
// Similar to above, wait for some time and try again
currentState = _state;
knownState = 0;
Debug.Assert(currentState != knownState);
modifyState += LockStates.WriterSignaled;
else if (knownState == LockStates.Writer && (_readerEvent != null || _writerEvent != null))
cacheEvents = true;
modifyState += LockStates.CachingEvents;
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) == 0);
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.Writer) != 0);
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + modifyState, knownState);
} while (currentState != knownState);
// Check for waiting readers
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert(readerEvent != null);
// Check for waiting writers
else if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingWritersMask) != 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.WriterSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert(writerEvent != null);
// Check for the need to release events
else if (cacheEvents)
public LockCookie UpgradeToWriterLock(int millisecondsTimeout)
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(millisecondsTimeout, -1);
LockCookie lockCookie = default;
int threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
lockCookie._threadID = threadID;
// Check if the thread is already a writer
if (_writerID == threadID)
// Update cookie state
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Upgrade | LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter;
lockCookie._writerLevel = _writerLevel;
// Acquire the writer lock again
return lockCookie;
ThreadLocalLockEntry? threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID);
if (threadLocalLockEntry == null)
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Upgrade | LockCookieFlags.OwnedNone;
// Sanity check
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
Debug.Assert(threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0);
// Save lock state in the cookie
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Upgrade | LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader;
lockCookie._readerLevel = threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel;
// If there is only one reader, try to convert reader to a writer
int knownState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, LockStates.Writer, LockStates.Reader);
if (knownState == LockStates.Reader)
// Thread is no longer a reader
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = 0;
// Thread is a writer
_writerID = threadID;
_writerLevel = 1;
return lockCookie;
// Release the reader lock
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = 1;
// We are aware of the contention on the lock and the thread will most probably block to acquire writer lock
bool acquired = false;
acquired = true;
return lockCookie;
if (!acquired)
// Invalidate cookie
LockCookieFlags flags = lockCookie._flags;
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Invalid;
RecoverLock(ref lockCookie, flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader);
public LockCookie UpgradeToWriterLock(TimeSpan timeout) => UpgradeToWriterLock(ToTimeoutMilliseconds(timeout));
public void DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref LockCookie lockCookie)
int threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
if (_writerID != threadID)
throw GetNotOwnerException();
// Validate cookie
LockCookieFlags flags = lockCookie._flags;
ushort requestedWriterLevel = lockCookie._writerLevel;
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.Invalid) != 0 ||
lockCookie._threadID != threadID ||
// Cannot downgrade to a writer level that is greater than or equal to the current
(flags & (LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter | LockCookieFlags.OwnedNone)) != 0 &&
_writerLevel <= requestedWriterLevel
throw GetInvalidLockCookieException();
// Check if the thread was a reader
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader) != 0)
Debug.Assert(_writerLevel > 0);
ThreadLocalLockEntry threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetOrCreateCurrent(_lockID);
// Downgrade to a reader
_writerID = InvalidThreadID;
_writerLevel = 0;
ManualResetEventSlim? readerEvent = null;
int currentState = _state;
int knownState;
knownState = currentState;
int modifyState = LockStates.Reader - LockStates.Writer;
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
readerEvent = TryGetOrCreateReaderEvent();
if (readerEvent == null)
// Wait for some time and try again. Since a WaitingReaders bit is set, the event would usually
// already be created (if the waiting reader that called AcquireReaderLock is already waiting on the
// event, it would have created the event). However, AcquireReaderLock adds WaitingReader to the
// state before trying to create the event.
// This is such a situation, where the event has not yet been created, and likely due to the system
// being low on resources, this thread failed to create the event. We don't want to throw here,
// because it could potentially leave waiters waiting and cause a deadlock.
// Instead, we let the threads that set the WaitingReader bit throw, and here, just wait and try
// again. In a low-resource situation, eventually, all such new waiting readers would throw, and the
// WaitingReaders bits would not be set anymore, breaking the loop and releasing this thread.
currentState = _state;
knownState = 0;
Debug.Assert(currentState != knownState);
modifyState += LockStates.ReaderSignaled;
Debug.Assert((knownState & LockStates.ReadersMask) == 0);
currentState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + modifyState, knownState);
} while (currentState != knownState);
// Check for waiting readers
if ((knownState & LockStates.WaitingReadersMask) != 0)
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReaderSignaled) != 0);
Debug.Assert(readerEvent != null);
// Restore reader nesting level
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = lockCookie._readerLevel;
else if ((flags & (LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter | LockCookieFlags.OwnedNone)) != 0)
// Original code:
// ReleaseWriterLock();
// Debug.Assert((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter) != 0 || _writerID != threadID);
// Previously, the lock cookie was ignored on this path. UpgradeToWriterLock allows upgrading from an unlocked
// state or when the write lock is already held, where it just calls AcquireWriteLock. To compensate, I
// DowngradeFromWriterLock intends to just behave as ReleaseWriterLock.
// However, the lock cookie could be several operations old. Consider:
// lockCookie = UpgradeToWriterLock()
// AcquireWriterLock()
// DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref lockCookie)
// Since the lock cookie indicates that no lock was held at the time of the upgrade, The ReleaseWriterLock in
// the original code above does not result in releasing all writer locks as requested by the lock cookie and as
// expected by the assertion. The code should respect the lock cookie (as it does in the case above where the
// lock cookie indicates that a read lock was held), and restore the writer level appropriately.
// Similarly, when the lock cookie does indicate that a write lock was held, the downgrade does not restore the
// write lock recursion level to that indicated by the lock cookie. Consider:
// AcquireWriterLock()
// lockCookie = UpgradeToWriterLock()
// AcquireWriterLock()
// DowngradeFromWriterLock(ref lockCookie) // does not restore recursion level of write lock!
Debug.Assert(_writerLevel > 0);
Debug.Assert(_writerLevel > requestedWriterLevel);
if (requestedWriterLevel > 0)
_writerLevel = requestedWriterLevel;
if (_writerLevel != 1)
_writerLevel = 1;
Debug.Assert((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter) != 0 || _writerID != threadID);
// Update the validation fields of the cookie
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Invalid;
public LockCookie ReleaseLock()
LockCookie lockCookie = default;
int threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
lockCookie._threadID = threadID;
if (_writerID == threadID)
// Save lock state in the cookie
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Release | LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter;
lockCookie._writerLevel = _writerLevel;
// Release the writer lock
_writerLevel = 1;
return lockCookie;
ThreadLocalLockEntry? threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID);
if (threadLocalLockEntry == null)
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Release | LockCookieFlags.OwnedNone;
return lockCookie;
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.ReadersMask) != 0);
Debug.Assert(threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel > 0);
// Save lock state in the cookie
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Release | LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader;
lockCookie._readerLevel = threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel;
// Release the reader lock
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = 1;
return lockCookie;
public void RestoreLock(ref LockCookie lockCookie)
// Validate cookie
int threadID = GetCurrentThreadID();
if (lockCookie._threadID != threadID)
throw GetInvalidLockCookieException();
if (_writerID == threadID || ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID) != null)
throw new SynchronizationLockException(SR.ReaderWriterLock_RestoreLockWithOwnedLocks);
LockCookieFlags flags = lockCookie._flags;
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.Invalid) != 0)
throw GetInvalidLockCookieException();
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedNone) != 0)
// Check for the no contention case
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter) != 0)
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, LockStates.Writer, 0) == 0)
// Restore writer nesting level
_writerID = threadID;
_writerLevel = lockCookie._writerLevel;
else if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader) != 0)
// This thread should not already be a reader else bad things can happen
ThreadLocalLockEntry threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetOrCreateCurrent(_lockID);
int knownState = _state;
if (knownState < LockStates.ReadersMask &&
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _state, knownState + LockStates.Reader, knownState) == knownState)
// Restore reader nesting level
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = lockCookie._readerLevel;
// We are aware of the contention on the lock and the thread will most probably block to acquire the lock
RecoverLock(ref lockCookie, flags);
} while (false);
lockCookie._flags = LockCookieFlags.Invalid;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function that restores the lock to the original state indicated by parameters
/// </summary>
private void RecoverLock(ref LockCookie lockCookie, LockCookieFlags flags)
// Contrary to the legacy code, this method does not use a finite timeout for recovering the previous lock state, as
// a timeout would leave the lock in an inconsistent state. That possibility is not documented, but as documented,
// the caller of the public entry method should expect that it does not return until the state is consistent.
// Check if the thread was a writer
if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedWriter) != 0)
// Acquire writer lock
_writerLevel = lockCookie._writerLevel;
// Check if the thread was a reader
else if ((flags & LockCookieFlags.OwnedReader) != 0)
ThreadLocalLockEntry? threadLocalLockEntry = ThreadLocalLockEntry.GetCurrent(_lockID);
Debug.Assert(threadLocalLockEntry != null);
threadLocalLockEntry._readerLevel = lockCookie._readerLevel;
private static int GetCurrentThreadID()
int threadID = Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId;
Debug.Assert(threadID != InvalidThreadID);
return threadID;
private static bool YieldProcessor()
// Indicate to the processor that we are spinning. The return value facilitates usage in do-while spin loops that
// use 'continue' statements for readability, like:
// do { ... } while (YieldProcessor());
return true;
/// <exception cref="OutOfMemoryException">Failed to allocate the event object</exception>
private ManualResetEventSlim GetOrCreateReaderEvent()
ManualResetEventSlim? currentEvent = _readerEvent;
if (currentEvent != null)
return currentEvent;
currentEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false, 0);
ManualResetEventSlim? previousEvent = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _readerEvent, currentEvent, null);
if (previousEvent == null)
return currentEvent;
return previousEvent;
/// <exception cref="OutOfMemoryException">Failed to allocate the event object</exception>
/// <exception cref="SystemException">Failed to create the system event due to some system error</exception>
private AutoResetEvent GetOrCreateWriterEvent()
AutoResetEvent? currentEvent = _writerEvent;
if (currentEvent != null)
return currentEvent;
currentEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
AutoResetEvent? previousEvent = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _writerEvent, currentEvent, null);
if (previousEvent == null)
return currentEvent;
return previousEvent;
private ManualResetEventSlim? TryGetOrCreateReaderEvent()
// The intention is to catch all exceptions, so that the caller can try again. Typically, only OutOfMemoryException
// would be thrown, but the idea is that any exception that may be thrown will propagate to the user on a different
// path, through AcquireReaderLock.
return GetOrCreateReaderEvent();
return null;
private AutoResetEvent? TryGetOrCreateWriterEvent()
// The intention is to catch all exceptions, so that the caller can try again. Typically, only OutOfMemoryException
// or any SystemException would be thrown. For instance, the EventWaitHandle constructor may throw IOException if
// the Windows CreateEvent function fails due to low system resources. The idea is that any exception that may be
// thrown will propagate to the user on a different path, through AcquireWriterLock.
return GetOrCreateWriterEvent();
return null;
private void ReleaseEvents()
Debug.Assert((_state & LockStates.CachingEvents) == LockStates.CachingEvents);
// Save events
AutoResetEvent? writerEvent = _writerEvent;
_writerEvent = null;
ManualResetEventSlim? readerEvent = _readerEvent;
_readerEvent = null;
// Allow readers and writers to continue
Interlocked.Add(ref _state, -LockStates.CachingEvents);
// Cache events
// TODO: (old) Disposing events for now. What is needed is an event cache to which the events are released.
private static int ToTimeoutMilliseconds(TimeSpan timeout)
var timeoutMilliseconds = (long)timeout.TotalMilliseconds;
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfLessThan(timeoutMilliseconds, -1, nameof(timeout));
ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(timeoutMilliseconds, int.MaxValue, nameof(timeout));
return (int)timeoutMilliseconds;
/// <summary>
/// The original code used to throw <see cref="ApplicationException"/> for almost all exception cases, even for
/// out-of-memory scenarios. <see cref="Exception.HResult"/> property was set to a specific value to indicate the actual
/// error that occurred, and this was not documented.
/// In this C# rewrite, out-of-memory and low-resource cases throw <see cref="OutOfMemoryException"/> or whatever the
/// original type of exception was (for example, <see cref="IO.IOException"/> may be thrown if the system is unable to
/// create an <see cref="AutoResetEvent"/>). For all other exceptions, a
/// <see cref="ReaderWriterLockApplicationException"/> is thrown with the same <see cref="Exception.HResult"/> as
/// before.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ReaderWriterLockApplicationException : ApplicationException
public ReaderWriterLockApplicationException(int errorHResult, string message)
: base(SR.Format(message, SR.Format(SR.ExceptionFromHResult, errorHResult)))
HResult = errorHResult;
[Obsolete(Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplMessage, DiagnosticId = Obsoletions.LegacyFormatterImplDiagId, UrlFormat = Obsoletions.SharedUrlFormat)]
public ReaderWriterLockApplicationException(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
: base(info, context)
private static ReaderWriterLockApplicationException GetTimeoutException()
return new ReaderWriterLockApplicationException(HResults.ERROR_TIMEOUT, SR.ReaderWriterLock_Timeout);
/// <summary>
/// The original code used an incorrect <see cref="Exception.HResult"/> for this exception. The
/// <see cref="Exception.HResult"/> value was set to ERROR_NOT_OWNER without first converting that error code into an
/// HRESULT. The same value is used here for compatibility.
/// </summary>
private static ReaderWriterLockApplicationException GetNotOwnerException()
new ReaderWriterLockApplicationException(
private static ReaderWriterLockApplicationException GetInvalidLockCookieException()
return new ReaderWriterLockApplicationException(HResults.E_INVALIDARG, SR.ReaderWriterLock_InvalidLockCookie);
// This would normally be a [Flags] enum, but due to the limited types on which methods of Interlocked operate, and to
// avoid the required explicit casts between the enum and its underlying type, the values below are typed directly as
// the underlying type.
private static class LockStates
// Reader increment
public const int Reader = 0x1;
// Max number of readers
public const int ReadersMask = 0x3ff;
// Reader event is or is about to be signaled
public const int ReaderSignaled = 0x400;
// Writer event is or is about to be signaled
public const int WriterSignaled = 0x800;
public const int Writer = 0x1000;
// Waiting reader increment
public const int WaitingReader = 0x2000;
// Max number of waiting readers (maximum count must be less than or equal to the maximum count of readers)
public const int WaitingReadersMask = 0x7FE000;
public const int WaitingReadersShift = 13;
// Waiting writer increment
public const int WaitingWriter = 0x800000;
// Max number of waiting writers
public const int WaitingWritersMask = unchecked((int)0xFF800000);
// Events are being cached (for all intents and purposes, "cached" means "disposed of"). New acquire requests cannot
// become waiters during this time since they need the events for waiting. Once events are disposed of and the
// state is changed, new to-be-waiters can recreate the events they need.
public const int CachingEvents = ReaderSignaled | WriterSignaled;
/// <summary>
/// Stores thread-local lock info and manages the association of this info with each <see cref="ReaderWriterLock"/>
/// owned by a thread.
/// The original code maintained lists of thread-local lock entries on the CLR's thread objects, and manually released
/// lock entries, which involved walking through all threads. While this is possible with ThreadLocal{T}, this
/// implementation prefers to use a similar design to that from ReaderWriterLockSlim, and allow reusing free entries
/// without removing entries, since it is unlikely that the list length for any thread would get unreasonably long.
/// </summary>
private sealed class ThreadLocalLockEntry
private static ThreadLocalLockEntry? t_lockEntryHead;
private long _lockID;
private ThreadLocalLockEntry? _next;
public ushort _readerLevel;
private ThreadLocalLockEntry(long lockID)
_lockID = lockID;
public bool HasLockID(long lockID) => _lockID == lockID;
public bool IsFree => _readerLevel == 0;
private static void VerifyNoNonemptyEntryInListAfter(long lockID, ThreadLocalLockEntry afterEntry)
Debug.Assert(lockID != 0);
Debug.Assert(afterEntry != null);
for (ThreadLocalLockEntry? currentEntry = afterEntry._next;
currentEntry != null;
currentEntry = currentEntry._next)
Debug.Assert(currentEntry._lockID != lockID || currentEntry.IsFree);
public static ThreadLocalLockEntry? GetCurrent(long lockID)
Debug.Assert(lockID != 0);
ThreadLocalLockEntry? headEntry = t_lockEntryHead;
for (ThreadLocalLockEntry? currentEntry = headEntry; currentEntry != null; currentEntry = currentEntry._next)
if (currentEntry._lockID == lockID)
VerifyNoNonemptyEntryInListAfter(lockID, currentEntry);
// The lock ID assignment is only relevant when the entry is not empty, since the lock ID is not reset
// when its state becomes empty. Empty entries can be poached by other ReaderWriterLocks.
return currentEntry.IsFree ? null : currentEntry;
return null;
public static ThreadLocalLockEntry GetOrCreateCurrent(long lockID)
Debug.Assert(lockID != 0);
ThreadLocalLockEntry? headEntry = t_lockEntryHead;
if (headEntry != null && headEntry._lockID == lockID)
VerifyNoNonemptyEntryInListAfter(lockID, headEntry);
return headEntry;
return GetOrCreateCurrentSlow(lockID, headEntry);
private static ThreadLocalLockEntry GetOrCreateCurrentSlow(long lockID, ThreadLocalLockEntry? headEntry)
Debug.Assert(lockID != 0);
Debug.Assert(headEntry == t_lockEntryHead);
Debug.Assert(headEntry == null || headEntry._lockID != lockID);
ThreadLocalLockEntry? entry = null;
ThreadLocalLockEntry? emptyEntryPrevious = null;
ThreadLocalLockEntry? emptyEntry = null;
if (headEntry != null)
if (headEntry.IsFree)
emptyEntry = headEntry;
for (ThreadLocalLockEntry? previousEntry = headEntry, currentEntry = headEntry._next;
currentEntry != null;
previousEntry = currentEntry, currentEntry = currentEntry._next)
if (currentEntry._lockID == lockID)
VerifyNoNonemptyEntryInListAfter(lockID, currentEntry);
// Unlink the entry, preparing to move it to the head of the list
previousEntry._next = currentEntry._next;
entry = currentEntry;
if (emptyEntry == null && currentEntry.IsFree)
// Record the first empty entry in case there is no existing entry
emptyEntryPrevious = previousEntry;
emptyEntry = currentEntry;
if (entry == null)
if (emptyEntry != null)
// Claim the first empty entry that was found
emptyEntry._lockID = lockID;
// Unlink the empty entry, preparing to move it to the head of the list
if (emptyEntryPrevious == null)
Debug.Assert(emptyEntry == headEntry);
return emptyEntry;
emptyEntryPrevious._next = emptyEntry._next;
entry = emptyEntry;
entry = new ThreadLocalLockEntry(lockID);
// Insert the entry at the head of the list
Debug.Assert(entry._lockID == lockID);
entry._next = headEntry;
t_lockEntryHead = entry;
return entry;
internal enum LockCookieFlags
// The performed operation that may need to be reverted
Upgrade = 0x2000,
Release = 0x4000,
// Lock state before the performed operation, to which the lock state may need to be reverted
OwnedNone = 0x10000,
OwnedWriter = 0x20000,
OwnedReader = 0x40000,
Invalid = ~(Upgrade | Release | OwnedNone | OwnedWriter | OwnedReader)