// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.Symbolic
internal sealed partial class SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet>
/// <inheritdoc cref="Regex.Explore(bool, bool, bool, bool, bool)"/>
[ExcludeFromCodeCoverage(Justification = "Currently only used for testing")]
public override void Explore(bool includeDotStarred, bool includeReverse, bool includeOriginal, bool exploreDfa, bool exploreNfa)
lock (this)
// Track seen states to avoid exploring twice
HashSet<MatchingState<TSet>> seen = new();
// Use a queue for unexplored states
// This results in a breadth-first exploration
Queue<MatchingState<TSet>> toExplore = new();
// Explore all initial states as requested
if (includeDotStarred)
EnqueueAll(_dotstarredInitialStates, seen, toExplore);
if (includeReverse)
EnqueueAll(_reverseInitialStates, seen, toExplore);
if (includeOriginal)
EnqueueAll(_initialStates, seen, toExplore);
if (exploreDfa)
while (toExplore.Count > 0)
// Don't dequeue yet, because a transition might fail
MatchingState<TSet> state = toExplore.Peek();
// Include the special minterm for the last end-of-line if the state is sensitive to it
int maxMinterm = state.StartsWithLineAnchor ? _minterms!.Length : _minterms!.Length - 1;
// Explore successor states for each minterm
for (int mintermId = 0; mintermId <= maxMinterm; ++mintermId)
int offset = DeltaOffset(state.Id, mintermId);
if (!TryCreateNewTransition(state, mintermId, offset, true, 0, out MatchingState<TSet>? nextState))
goto DfaLimitReached;
EnqueueIfUnseen(nextState, seen, toExplore);
// Safe to dequeue now that the state has been completely handled
if (exploreNfa && toExplore.Count > 0)
// DFA states are broken up into NFA states when they are alternations
MatchingState<TSet>[] toBreakUp = toExplore.ToArray();
foreach (MatchingState<TSet> dfaState in toBreakUp)
// Remove state from seen so that it can be added back in if necessary
// Enqueue all elements of a top level alternation or the state itself
ForEachNfaState(dfaState.Node, dfaState.PrevCharKind, (this, seen, toExplore),
static (int nfaId, (SymbolicRegexMatcher<TSet> Matcher, HashSet<MatchingState<TSet>> Seen, Queue<MatchingState<TSet>> ToExplore) args) =>
MatchingState<TSet>? coreState = args.Matcher.GetState(args.Matcher.GetCoreStateId(nfaId));
EnqueueIfUnseen(coreState, args.Seen, args.ToExplore);
while (toExplore.Count > 0)
// NFA transitions can't fail, so its safe to dequeue here
MatchingState<TSet> state = toExplore.Dequeue();
// Include the special minterm for the last end-of-line if the state is sensitive to it
int maxMinterm = state.StartsWithLineAnchor ? _minterms.Length : _minterms.Length - 1;
// Explore successor states for each minterm
for (int mintermId = 0; mintermId <= maxMinterm; ++mintermId)
int nfaOffset = DeltaOffset(_nfaIdByCoreId[state.Id], mintermId);
int[] nextNfaStates = CreateNewNfaTransition(_nfaIdByCoreId[state.Id], mintermId, nfaOffset);
foreach (int nextNfaState in nextNfaStates)
EnqueueIfUnseen(GetState(GetCoreStateId(nextNfaState)), seen, toExplore);
static void EnqueueAll(MatchingState<TSet>[] states, HashSet<MatchingState<TSet>> seen, Queue<MatchingState<TSet>> toExplore)
foreach (MatchingState<TSet> state in states)
EnqueueIfUnseen(state, seen, toExplore);
static void EnqueueIfUnseen(MatchingState<TSet> state, HashSet<MatchingState<TSet>> seen, Queue<MatchingState<TSet>> queue)
if (seen.Add(state))