// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace System.Text.RegularExpressions
/// <summary>
/// The RegexReplacement class represents a substitution string for
/// use when using regexes to search/replace, etc. It's logically
/// a sequence intermixed (1) constant strings and (2) group numbers.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class RegexReplacement
// Constants for special insertion patterns
private const int Specials = 4;
public const int LeftPortion = -1;
public const int RightPortion = -2;
public const int LastGroup = -3;
public const int WholeString = -4;
private readonly string[] _strings; // table of string constants
private readonly int[] _rules; // negative -> group #, positive -> string #
private readonly bool _hasBackreferences; // true if the replacement has any backreferences; otherwise, false
/// <summary>
/// Since RegexReplacement shares the same parser as Regex,
/// the constructor takes a RegexNode which is a concatenation
/// of constant strings and backreferences.
/// </summary>
public RegexReplacement(string rep, RegexNode concat, Hashtable _caps)
Debug.Assert(concat.Kind == RegexNodeKind.Concatenate, $"Expected Concatenate, got {concat.Kind}");
var vsb = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[256]);
FourStackStrings stackStrings = default;
var strings = new ValueListBuilder<string>(stackStrings);
var rules = new ValueListBuilder<int>(stackalloc int[64]);
int childCount = concat.ChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
RegexNode child = concat.Child(i);
switch (child.Kind)
case RegexNodeKind.Multi:
case RegexNodeKind.One:
case RegexNodeKind.Backreference:
if (vsb.Length > 0)
vsb.Length = 0;
int slot = child.M;
if (_caps != null && slot >= 0)
slot = (int)_caps[slot]!;
rules.Append(-Specials - 1 - slot);
_hasBackreferences = true;
Debug.Fail($"Unexpected child kind {child.Kind}");
if (vsb.Length > 0)
Pattern = rep;
_strings = strings.AsSpan().ToArray();
_rules = rules.AsSpan().ToArray();
/// <summary>Simple struct of four strings.</summary>
private struct FourStackStrings // used to do the equivalent of: Span<string> strings = stackalloc string[4];
private string? _item1;
/// <summary>
/// Either returns a weakly cached RegexReplacement helper or creates one and caches it.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static RegexReplacement GetOrCreate(WeakReference<RegexReplacement?> replRef, string replacement, Hashtable caps,
int capsize, Hashtable capnames, RegexOptions roptions)
if (!replRef.TryGetTarget(out RegexReplacement? repl) || !repl.Pattern.Equals(replacement))
repl = RegexParser.ParseReplacement(replacement, roptions, caps, capsize, capnames);
return repl;
/// <summary>The original pattern string</summary>
public string Pattern { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Given a Match, emits into the StringBuilder the evaluated
/// substitution pattern.
/// </summary>
public void ReplacementImpl(ref StructListBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> segments, Match match)
foreach (int rule in _rules)
// Get the segment to add.
ReadOnlyMemory<char> segment =
rule >= 0 ? _strings[rule].AsMemory() : // string lookup
rule < -Specials ? match.GroupToStringImpl(-Specials - 1 - rule) : // group lookup
(-Specials - 1 - rule) switch // special insertion patterns
LeftPortion => match.GetLeftSubstring(),
RightPortion => match.GetRightSubstring(),
LastGroup => match.LastGroupToStringImpl(),
WholeString => match.Text.AsMemory(),
_ => default
// Add the segment if it's not empty. A common case for it being empty
// is if the developer is using Regex.Replace as a way to implement
// Regex.Remove, where the replacement string is empty.
if (segment.Length != 0)
/// <summary>
/// Given a Match, emits into the builder the evaluated
/// Right-to-Left substitution pattern.
/// </summary>
public void ReplacementImplRTL(ref StructListBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> segments, Match match)
for (int i = _rules.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int rule = _rules[i];
ReadOnlyMemory<char> segment =
rule >= 0 ? _strings[rule].AsMemory() : // string lookup
rule < -Specials ? match.GroupToStringImpl(-Specials - 1 - rule) : // group lookup
(-Specials - 1 - rule) switch // special insertion patterns
LeftPortion => match.GetLeftSubstring(),
RightPortion => match.GetRightSubstring(),
LastGroup => match.LastGroupToStringImpl(),
WholeString => match.Text.AsMemory(),
_ => default
// Add the segment to the list if it's not empty. A common case for it being
// empty is if the developer is using Regex.Replace as a way to implement
// Regex.Remove, where the replacement string is empty.
if (segment.Length != 0)
/// <summary>
/// Replaces all occurrences of the regex in the string with the
/// replacement pattern.
/// Note that the special case of no matches is handled on its own:
/// with no matches, the input string is returned unchanged.
/// The right-to-left case is split out because StringBuilder
/// doesn't handle right-to-left string building directly very well.
/// </summary>
public string Replace(Regex regex, string input, int count, int startat)
if (count < -1)
ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.count, ExceptionResource.CountTooSmall);
if ((uint)startat > (uint)input.Length)
ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument.startat, ExceptionResource.BeginIndexNotNegative);
if (count == 0)
return input;
// Handle the common case of a left-to-right pattern with no backreferences in the replacement pattern such that the replacement is just a string of text.
if (!regex.RightToLeft && !_hasBackreferences)
// With no backreferences, there should either be no rules (in the case of an empty replacement)
// or one rule (in the case of a single text string).
Debug.Assert(_rules.Length <= 1);
Debug.Assert(_rules.Length == 0 || (_rules[0] == 0 && _strings.Length == 1));
return ReplaceSimpleText(regex, input, _rules.Length != 0 ? _strings[0] : "", count, startat);
return ReplaceNonSimpleText(regex, input, count, startat);
private static unsafe string ReplaceSimpleText(Regex regex, string input, string replacement, int count, int startat)
// As the replacement text is the same for every match, for every match we can simply store the offset/count for the match.
// As we only split the input when there's a replacement, we know that there's then replacement text to be inserted between
// every offset/count pair in the list.
var state = (input, replacement, offsetAndCounts: new StructListBuilder<int>(), inputMemory: input.AsMemory(), prevat: 0, count);
string result = input;
regex.RunAllMatchesWithCallback(input, startat, ref state, (ref (string input, string replacement, StructListBuilder<int> segments, ReadOnlyMemory<char> inputMemory, int prevat, int count) state, Match match) =>
// Store the offset/count pair for the match.
state.segments.Add(match.Index - state.prevat);
// Update the previous offset to be the end of the match.
state.prevat = match.Index + match.Length;
// Update the number of matches and return whether to continue.
return --state.count != 0;
}, RegexRunnerMode.BoundsRequired, reuseMatchObject: true);
// If the list is empty, there were no matches and we can just return the input string.
// If the list isn't empty, we need to compose the result string.
if (state.offsetAndCounts.Count != 0)
// Add the final offset/count pair for the text after the last match.
state.offsetAndCounts.Add(input.Length - state.prevat);
// There should now be an even number of items in the list, as each offset and count is its
// own entry and they're added in pairs. And there should be at least four entries, one for
// the first segment and one for the last.
Debug.Assert(state.offsetAndCounts.Count % 2 == 0, $"{state.offsetAndCounts.Count}");
Debug.Assert(state.offsetAndCounts.Count >= 4, $"{state.offsetAndCounts.Count}");
Span<int> span = state.offsetAndCounts.AsSpan();
// Determine the final string length.
int length = ((span.Length / 2) - 1) * replacement.Length;
for (int i = 1; i < span.Length; i += 2) // the count of each pair is the second item
length += span[i];
ReadOnlySpan<int> tmpSpan = span; // avoid address exposing the span and impacting the other code in the method that uses it
result = string.Create(length, ((IntPtr)(&tmpSpan), input, replacement), static (dest, state) =>
ReadOnlySpan<int> span = *(ReadOnlySpan<int>*)state.Item1;
for (int i = 0; i < span.Length; i += 2)
if (i != 0)
dest = dest.Slice(state.replacement.Length);
(int offset, int count) = (span[i], span[i + 1]);
state.input.AsSpan(offset, count).CopyTo(dest);
dest = dest.Slice(count);
return result;
/// <summary>Handles cases other than left-to-right with a simple replacement string.</summary>
private string ReplaceNonSimpleText(Regex regex, string input, int count, int startat)
var state = (replacement: this, segments: new StructListBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>(), inputMemory: input.AsMemory(), prevat: 0, count);
if (!regex.RightToLeft)
regex.RunAllMatchesWithCallback(input, startat, ref state, (ref (RegexReplacement thisRef, StructListBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> segments, ReadOnlyMemory<char> inputMemory, int prevat, int count) state, Match match) =>
state.segments.Add(state.inputMemory.Slice(state.prevat, match.Index - state.prevat));
state.prevat = match.Index + match.Length;
state.thisRef.ReplacementImpl(ref state.segments, match);
return --state.count != 0;
}, _hasBackreferences ? RegexRunnerMode.FullMatchRequired : RegexRunnerMode.BoundsRequired, reuseMatchObject: true);
if (state.segments.Count == 0)
return input;
// Final segment of the input string after the last match.
state.prevat = input.Length;
regex.RunAllMatchesWithCallback(input, startat, ref state, (ref (RegexReplacement thisRef, StructListBuilder<ReadOnlyMemory<char>> segments, ReadOnlyMemory<char> inputMemory, int prevat, int count) state, Match match) =>
state.segments.Add(state.inputMemory.Slice(match.Index + match.Length, state.prevat - match.Index - match.Length));
state.prevat = match.Index;
state.thisRef.ReplacementImplRTL(ref state.segments, match);
return --state.count != 0;
}, _hasBackreferences ? RegexRunnerMode.FullMatchRequired : RegexRunnerMode.BoundsRequired, reuseMatchObject: true);
if (state.segments.Count == 0)
return input;
// Final segment of the input string after the last match.
state.segments.Add(state.inputMemory.Slice(0, state.prevat));
// Reverse the segments as we're dealing with right-to-left handling.
// Compose the final string from the built up segments.
return Regex.SegmentsToStringAndDispose(ref state.segments);