1 instantiation of ValueMatch
System.Text.RegularExpressions (1)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Regex.EnumerateMatches.cs (1)
146_current = new ValueMatch(match.Index, match.Length);
12 references to ValueMatch
Microsoft.ML.Tokenizers (2)
PreTokenizer\PreTokenizer.cs (2)
70foreach (ValueMatch m in regex.EnumerateMatches(text.AsSpan(beginning, length))) 90foreach (ValueMatch m in regex.EnumerateMatches(text.Slice(beginning, length)))
System.ComponentModel.Annotations (1)
System\ComponentModel\DataAnnotations\RegularExpressionAttribute.cs (1)
69foreach (ValueMatch m in Regex!.EnumerateMatches(stringValue))
System.Text.RegularExpressions (9)
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Regex.EnumerateMatches.cs (5)
100/// object.The enumerator will lazily iterate over zero or more <see cref="ValueMatch"/> objects. If there is at least one successful match in the span, then 101/// <see cref="MoveNext"/> returns <see langword="true"/> and <see cref="Current"/> will contain the first <see cref="ValueMatch"/>. If there are no successful matches, 110private ValueMatch _current; 156/// Gets the <see cref="ValueMatch"/> element at the current position of the enumerator. 159public readonly ValueMatch Current => _current;
System\Text\RegularExpressions\Regex.EnumerateSplits.cs (1)
270/// Gets the <see cref="ValueMatch"/> element at the current position of the enumerator.
System\Text\RegularExpressions\ValueMatch.cs (3)
10/// The <see cref="ValueMatch"/> type is immutable and has no public constructor. An instance of the <see cref="ValueMatch"/> struct is returned by the 19/// Crates an instance of the <see cref="ValueMatch"/> type based on the passed in <paramref name="index"/> and <paramref name="length"/>.