File: System\Text\Json\Document\JsonDocument.TryGetProperty.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\libraries\System.Text.Json\src\System.Text.Json.csproj (System.Text.Json)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace System.Text.Json
    public sealed partial class JsonDocument
        internal bool TryGetNamedPropertyValue(int index, ReadOnlySpan<char> propertyName, out JsonElement value)
            DbRow row = _parsedData.Get(index);
            CheckExpectedType(JsonTokenType.StartObject, row.TokenType);
            // Only one row means it was EndObject.
            if (row.NumberOfRows == 1)
                value = default;
                return false;
            int maxBytes = JsonReaderHelper.s_utf8Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(propertyName.Length);
            int startIndex = index + DbRow.Size;
            int endIndex = checked(row.NumberOfRows * DbRow.Size + index);
            if (maxBytes < JsonConstants.StackallocByteThreshold)
                Span<byte> utf8Name = stackalloc byte[JsonConstants.StackallocByteThreshold];
                int len = JsonReaderHelper.GetUtf8FromText(propertyName, utf8Name);
                utf8Name = utf8Name.Slice(0, len);
                return TryGetNamedPropertyValue(
                    out value);
            // Unescaping the property name will make the string shorter (or the same)
            // So the first viable candidate is one whose length in bytes matches, or
            // exceeds, our length in chars.
            // The maximal escaping seems to be 6 -> 1 ("\u0030" => "0"), but just transcode
            // and switch once one viable long property is found.
            int minBytes = propertyName.Length;
            // Move to the row before the EndObject
            int candidateIndex = endIndex - DbRow.Size;
            while (candidateIndex > index)
                int passedIndex = candidateIndex;
                row = _parsedData.Get(candidateIndex);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName);
                // Move before the value
                if (row.IsSimpleValue)
                    candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size;
                    Debug.Assert(row.NumberOfRows > 0);
                    candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size * (row.NumberOfRows + 1);
                row = _parsedData.Get(candidateIndex);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName);
                if (row.SizeOrLength >= minBytes)
                    byte[] tmpUtf8 = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(maxBytes);
                    Span<byte> utf8Name = default;
                        int len = JsonReaderHelper.GetUtf8FromText(propertyName, tmpUtf8);
                        utf8Name = tmpUtf8.AsSpan(0, len);
                        return TryGetNamedPropertyValue(
                            passedIndex + DbRow.Size,
                            out value);
                        // While property names aren't usually a secret, they also usually
                        // aren't long enough to end up in the rented buffer transcode path.
                        // On the basis that this is user data, go ahead and clear it.
                // Move to the previous value
                candidateIndex -= DbRow.Size;
            // None of the property names were within the range that the UTF-8 encoding would have been.
            value = default;
            return false;
        internal bool TryGetNamedPropertyValue(int index, ReadOnlySpan<byte> propertyName, out JsonElement value)
            DbRow row = _parsedData.Get(index);
            CheckExpectedType(JsonTokenType.StartObject, row.TokenType);
            // Only one row means it was EndObject.
            if (row.NumberOfRows == 1)
                value = default;
                return false;
            int endIndex = checked(row.NumberOfRows * DbRow.Size + index);
            return TryGetNamedPropertyValue(
                index + DbRow.Size,
                out value);
        private bool TryGetNamedPropertyValue(
            int startIndex,
            int endIndex,
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> propertyName,
            out JsonElement value)
            ReadOnlySpan<byte> documentSpan = _utf8Json.Span;
            Span<byte> utf8UnescapedStack = stackalloc byte[JsonConstants.StackallocByteThreshold];
            // Move to the row before the EndObject
            int index = endIndex - DbRow.Size;
            while (index > startIndex)
                DbRow row = _parsedData.Get(index);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName);
                // Move before the value
                if (row.IsSimpleValue)
                    index -= DbRow.Size;
                    Debug.Assert(row.NumberOfRows > 0);
                    index -= DbRow.Size * (row.NumberOfRows + 1);
                row = _parsedData.Get(index);
                Debug.Assert(row.TokenType == JsonTokenType.PropertyName);
                ReadOnlySpan<byte> currentPropertyName = documentSpan.Slice(row.Location, row.SizeOrLength);
                if (row.HasComplexChildren)
                    // An escaped property name will be longer than an unescaped candidate, so only unescape
                    // when the lengths are compatible.
                    if (currentPropertyName.Length > propertyName.Length)
                        int idx = currentPropertyName.IndexOf(JsonConstants.BackSlash);
                        Debug.Assert(idx >= 0);
                        // If everything up to where the property name has a backslash matches, keep going.
                        if (propertyName.Length > idx &&
                            currentPropertyName.Slice(0, idx).SequenceEqual(propertyName.Slice(0, idx)))
                            int remaining = currentPropertyName.Length - idx;
                            int written = 0;
                            byte[]? rented = null;
                                Span<byte> utf8Unescaped = remaining <= utf8UnescapedStack.Length ?
                                    utf8UnescapedStack :
                                    (rented = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(remaining));
                                // Only unescape the part we haven't processed.
                                JsonReaderHelper.Unescape(currentPropertyName.Slice(idx), utf8Unescaped, 0, out written);
                                // If the unescaped remainder matches the input remainder, it's a match.
                                if (utf8Unescaped.Slice(0, written).SequenceEqual(propertyName.Slice(idx)))
                                    // If the property name is a match, the answer is the next element.
                                    value = new JsonElement(this, index + DbRow.Size);
                                    return true;
                                if (rented != null)
                                    rented.AsSpan(0, written).Clear();
                else if (currentPropertyName.SequenceEqual(propertyName))
                    // If the property name is a match, the answer is the next element.
                    value = new JsonElement(this, index + DbRow.Size);
                    return true;
                // Move to the previous value
                index -= DbRow.Size;
            value = default;
            return false;