// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
// We need to target netstandard2.0, so keep using ref for MemoryMarshal.Write
// CS9191: The 'ref' modifier for argument 2 corresponding to 'in' parameter is equivalent to 'in'. Consider using 'in' instead.
#pragma warning disable CS9191
namespace System.Text.Json
public sealed partial class JsonDocument
// The database for the parsed structure of a JSON document.
// Every token from the document gets a row, which has one of the following forms:
// Number
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is set if the number uses scientific notation
// * 31 bits for the token length
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits unassigned / always clear
// String, PropertyName
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is set if the string requires unescaping
// * 31 bits for the token length
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits unassigned / always clear
// Other value types (True, False, Null)
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for the token length
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits unassigned / always clear
// EndObject / EndArray
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for the token length (always 1, effectively unassigned)
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits for the number of rows until the previous value (never 0)
// StartObject
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for the number of properties in this object
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits for the number of rows until the next value (never 0)
// StartArray
// * First int
// * Top bit is unassigned / always clear
// * 31 bits for token offset
// * Second int
// * Top bit is set if the array contains other arrays or objects ("complex" types)
// * 31 bits for the number of elements in this array
// * Third int
// * 4 bits JsonTokenType
// * 28 bits for the number of rows until the next value (never 0)
private struct MetadataDb : IDisposable
private const int SizeOrLengthOffset = 4;
private const int NumberOfRowsOffset = 8;
internal int Length { get; private set; }
private byte[] _data;
private bool _convertToAlloc; // Convert the rented data to an alloc when complete.
private bool _isLocked; // Is the array the correct fixed size.
// _isLocked _convertToAlloc truth table:
// false false Standard flow. Size is not known and renting used throughout lifetime.
// true false Used by JsonElement.ParseValue() for primitives and JsonDocument.Clone(). Size is known and no renting.
// false true Used by JsonElement.ParseValue() for arrays and objects. Renting used until size is known.
// true true not valid
private MetadataDb(byte[] initialDb, bool isLocked, bool convertToAlloc)
_data = initialDb;
_isLocked = isLocked;
_convertToAlloc = convertToAlloc;
Length = 0;
internal MetadataDb(byte[] completeDb)
_data = completeDb;
_isLocked = true;
_convertToAlloc = false;
Length = completeDb.Length;
internal static MetadataDb CreateRented(int payloadLength, bool convertToAlloc)
// Assume that a token happens approximately every 12 bytes.
// int estimatedTokens = payloadLength / 12
// now acknowledge that the number of bytes we need per token is 12.
// So that's just the payload length.
// Add one row worth of data since we need at least one row for a primitive type.
int initialSize = payloadLength + DbRow.Size;
// Stick with ArrayPool's rent/return range if it looks feasible.
// If it's wrong, we'll just grow and copy as we would if the tokens
// were more frequent anyways.
const int OneMegabyte = 1024 * 1024;
if (initialSize > OneMegabyte && initialSize <= 4 * OneMegabyte)
initialSize = OneMegabyte;
byte[] data = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(initialSize);
return new MetadataDb(data, isLocked: false, convertToAlloc);
internal static MetadataDb CreateLocked(int payloadLength)
// Add one row worth of data since we need at least one row for a primitive type.
int size = payloadLength + DbRow.Size;
byte[] data = new byte[size];
return new MetadataDb(data, isLocked: true, convertToAlloc: false);
public void Dispose()
byte[]? data = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _data, null!);
if (data == null)
Debug.Assert(!_isLocked, "Dispose called on a locked database");
// The data in this rented buffer only conveys the positions and
// lengths of tokens in a document, but no content; so it does not
// need to be cleared.
Length = 0;
/// <summary>
/// If using array pools, trim excess if necessary.
/// If not using array pools, release the temporary array pool and alloc.
/// </summary>
internal void CompleteAllocations()
if (!_isLocked)
if (_convertToAlloc)
Debug.Assert(_data != null);
byte[] returnBuf = _data;
_data = _data.AsSpan(0, Length).ToArray();
_isLocked = true;
_convertToAlloc = false;
// The data in this rented buffer only conveys the positions and
// lengths of tokens in a document, but no content; so it does not
// need to be cleared.
// There's a chance that the size we have is the size we'd get for this
// amount of usage (particularly if Enlarge ever got called); and there's
// the small copy-cost associated with trimming anyways. "Is half-empty" is
// just a rough metric for "is trimming worth it?".
if (Length <= _data.Length / 2)
byte[] newRent = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(Length);
byte[] returnBuf = newRent;
if (newRent.Length < _data.Length)
Buffer.BlockCopy(_data, 0, newRent, 0, Length);
returnBuf = _data;
_data = newRent;
// The data in this rented buffer only conveys the positions and
// lengths of tokens in a document, but no content; so it does not
// need to be cleared.
internal void Append(JsonTokenType tokenType, int startLocation, int length)
// StartArray or StartObject should have length -1, otherwise the length should not be -1.
(tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray || tokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject) ==
(length == DbRow.UnknownSize));
if (Length >= _data.Length - DbRow.Size)
DbRow row = new DbRow(tokenType, startLocation, length);
MemoryMarshal.Write(_data.AsSpan(Length), ref row);
Length += DbRow.Size;
private void Enlarge()
Debug.Assert(!_isLocked, "Appending to a locked database");
byte[] toReturn = _data;
// Allow the data to grow up to maximum possible capacity (~2G bytes) before encountering overflow.
// Note: Array.MaxLength exists only on .NET 6 or greater,
// so for the other versions value is hardcoded
const int MaxArrayLength = 0x7FFFFFC7;
#if NET
Debug.Assert(MaxArrayLength == Array.MaxLength);
int newCapacity = toReturn.Length * 2;
// Note that this check works even when newCapacity overflowed thanks to the (uint) cast
if ((uint)newCapacity > MaxArrayLength) newCapacity = MaxArrayLength;
// If the maximum capacity has already been reached,
// then set the new capacity to be larger than what is possible
// so that ArrayPool.Rent throws an OutOfMemoryException for us.
if (newCapacity == toReturn.Length) newCapacity = int.MaxValue;
_data = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(newCapacity);
Buffer.BlockCopy(toReturn, 0, _data, 0, toReturn.Length);
// The data in this rented buffer only conveys the positions and
// lengths of tokens in a document, but no content; so it does not
// need to be cleared.
private void AssertValidIndex(int index)
Debug.Assert(index >= 0);
Debug.Assert(index <= Length - DbRow.Size, $"index {index} is out of bounds");
Debug.Assert(index % DbRow.Size == 0, $"index {index} is not at a record start position");
internal void SetLength(int index, int length)
Debug.Assert(length >= 0);
Span<byte> destination = _data.AsSpan(index + SizeOrLengthOffset);
MemoryMarshal.Write(destination, ref length);
internal void SetNumberOfRows(int index, int numberOfRows)
Debug.Assert(numberOfRows >= 1 && numberOfRows <= 0x0FFFFFFF);
Span<byte> dataPos = _data.AsSpan(index + NumberOfRowsOffset);
int current = MemoryMarshal.Read<int>(dataPos);
// Persist the most significant nybble
int value = (current & unchecked((int)0xF0000000)) | numberOfRows;
MemoryMarshal.Write(dataPos, ref value);
internal void SetHasComplexChildren(int index)
// The HasComplexChildren bit is the most significant bit of "SizeOrLength"
Span<byte> dataPos = _data.AsSpan(index + SizeOrLengthOffset);
int current = MemoryMarshal.Read<int>(dataPos);
int value = current | unchecked((int)0x80000000);
MemoryMarshal.Write(dataPos, ref value);
internal int FindIndexOfFirstUnsetSizeOrLength(JsonTokenType lookupType)
Debug.Assert(lookupType == JsonTokenType.StartObject || lookupType == JsonTokenType.StartArray);
return FindOpenElement(lookupType);
private int FindOpenElement(JsonTokenType lookupType)
Span<byte> data = _data.AsSpan(0, Length);
for (int i = Length - DbRow.Size; i >= 0; i -= DbRow.Size)
DbRow row = MemoryMarshal.Read<DbRow>(data.Slice(i));
if (row.IsUnknownSize && row.TokenType == lookupType)
return i;
// We should never reach here.
Debug.Fail($"Unable to find expected {lookupType} token");
return -1;
internal DbRow Get(int index)
return MemoryMarshal.Read<DbRow>(_data.AsSpan(index));
internal JsonTokenType GetJsonTokenType(int index)
uint union = MemoryMarshal.Read<uint>(_data.AsSpan(index + NumberOfRowsOffset));
return (JsonTokenType)(union >> 28);
internal MetadataDb CopySegment(int startIndex, int endIndex)
endIndex > startIndex,
$"endIndex={endIndex} was at or before startIndex={startIndex}");
Debug.Assert(endIndex <= Length);
DbRow start = Get(startIndex);
DbRow end = Get(endIndex - DbRow.Size);
if (start.TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartObject)
end.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject,
$"StartObject paired with {end.TokenType}");
else if (start.TokenType == JsonTokenType.StartArray)
end.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndArray,
$"StartArray paired with {end.TokenType}");
startIndex + DbRow.Size == endIndex,
$"{start.TokenType} should have been one row");
int length = endIndex - startIndex;
byte[] newDatabase = new byte[length];
_data.AsSpan(startIndex, length).CopyTo(newDatabase);
Span<int> newDbInts = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, int>(newDatabase.AsSpan());
int locationOffset = newDbInts[0];
// Need to nudge one forward to account for the hidden quote on the string.
if (start.TokenType == JsonTokenType.String)
for (int i = (length - DbRow.Size) / sizeof(int); i >= 0; i -= DbRow.Size / sizeof(int))
Debug.Assert(newDbInts[i] >= locationOffset);
newDbInts[i] -= locationOffset;
return new MetadataDb(newDatabase);