// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection.Runtime.BindingFlagSupport;
using System.Reflection.Runtime.General;
namespace System.Reflection.TypeLoading
internal partial class RoType
public sealed override ConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<ConstructorInfo>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
protected sealed override ConstructorInfo? GetConstructorImpl(BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder? binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[]? types, ParameterModifier[]? modifiers)
Debug.Assert(types != null);
QueryResult<ConstructorInfo> queryResult = Query<ConstructorInfo>(bindingAttr);
ListBuilder<ConstructorInfo> candidates = default;
foreach (ConstructorInfo candidate in queryResult)
if (candidate.QualifiesBasedOnParameterCount(bindingAttr, callConvention, types))
// For perf and .NET Framework compat, fast-path these specific checks before calling on the binder to break ties.
if (candidates.Count == 0)
return null;
if (types.Length == 0 && candidates.Count == 1)
ConstructorInfo firstCandidate = candidates[0];
ParameterInfo[] parameters = firstCandidate.GetParametersNoCopy();
if (parameters.Length == 0)
return firstCandidate;
if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.ExactBinding) != 0)
return System.DefaultBinder.ExactBinding(candidates.ToArray(), types) as ConstructorInfo;
binder ??= Loader.GetDefaultBinder();
return binder.SelectMethod(bindingAttr, candidates.ToArray(), types, modifiers) as ConstructorInfo;
public sealed override EventInfo[] GetEvents(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<EventInfo>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
public sealed override EventInfo? GetEvent(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<EventInfo>(name, bindingAttr).Disambiguate();
public sealed override FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<FieldInfo>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
public sealed override FieldInfo? GetField(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<FieldInfo>(name, bindingAttr).Disambiguate();
public sealed override MethodInfo[] GetMethods(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<MethodInfo>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
protected sealed override MethodInfo? GetMethodImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder? binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[]? types, ParameterModifier[]? modifiers)
return GetMethodImplCommon(name, GenericParameterCountAny, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers);
protected sealed override MethodInfo? GetMethodImpl(string name, int genericParameterCount, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder? binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[]? types, ParameterModifier[]? modifiers)
return GetMethodImplCommon(name, genericParameterCount, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers);
private MethodInfo? GetMethodImplCommon(string name, int genericParameterCount, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder? binder, CallingConventions callConvention, Type[]? types, ParameterModifier[]? modifiers)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
// GetMethodImpl() is a funnel for two groups of api. We can distinguish by comparing "types" to null.
if (types == null)
// Group #1: This group of api accept only a name and BindingFlags. The other parameters are hard-wired by the non-virtual api entrypoints.
Debug.Assert(genericParameterCount == GenericParameterCountAny);
Debug.Assert(binder == null);
Debug.Assert(callConvention == CallingConventions.Any);
Debug.Assert(modifiers == null);
return Query<MethodInfo>(name, bindingAttr).Disambiguate();
// Group #2: This group of api takes a set of parameter types and an optional binder.
QueryResult<MethodInfo> queryResult = Query<MethodInfo>(name, bindingAttr);
ListBuilder<MethodInfo> candidates = default;
foreach (MethodInfo candidate in queryResult)
if (genericParameterCount != GenericParameterCountAny && genericParameterCount != candidate.GetGenericParameterCount())
if (candidate.QualifiesBasedOnParameterCount(bindingAttr, callConvention, types))
if (candidates.Count == 0)
return null;
// For perf and .NET Framework compat, fast-path these specific checks before calling on the binder to break ties.
if (types.Length == 0 && candidates.Count == 1)
return candidates[0];
binder ??= Loader.GetDefaultBinder();
return binder.SelectMethod(bindingAttr, candidates.ToArray(), types, modifiers) as MethodInfo;
public sealed override Type[] GetNestedTypes(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<Type>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
public sealed override Type? GetNestedType(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<Type>(name, bindingAttr).Disambiguate();
public sealed override PropertyInfo[] GetProperties(BindingFlags bindingAttr) => Query<PropertyInfo>(bindingAttr).ToArray();
protected sealed override PropertyInfo? GetPropertyImpl(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Binder? binder, Type? returnType, Type[]? types, ParameterModifier[]? modifiers)
Debug.Assert(name != null);
// GetPropertyImpl() is a funnel for two groups of api. We can distinguish by comparing "types" to null.
if (types == null && returnType == null)
// Group #1: This group of api accept only a name and BindingFlags. The other parameters are hard-wired by the non-virtual api entrypoints.
Debug.Assert(binder == null);
Debug.Assert(modifiers == null);
return Query<PropertyInfo>(name, bindingAttr).Disambiguate();
// Group #2: This group of api takes a set of parameter types, a return type (both cannot be null) and an optional binder.
QueryResult<PropertyInfo> queryResult = Query<PropertyInfo>(name, bindingAttr);
ListBuilder<PropertyInfo> candidates = default;
foreach (PropertyInfo candidate in queryResult)
if (types == null || (candidate.GetIndexParameters().Length == types.Length))
if (candidates.Count == 0)
return null;
// For perf and .NET Framework compat, fast-path these specific checks before calling on the binder to break ties.
if (types == null || types.Length == 0)
PropertyInfo firstCandidate = candidates[0];
// no arguments
if (candidates.Count == 1)
if (!(returnType is null) && !returnType.IsEquivalentTo(firstCandidate.PropertyType))
return null;
return firstCandidate;
if (returnType is null)
// if we are here we have no args or property type to select over and we have more than one property with that name
throw ThrowHelper.GetAmbiguousMatchException(firstCandidate);
if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.ExactBinding) != 0)
return System.DefaultBinder.ExactPropertyBinding(candidates.ToArray(), returnType, types);
binder ??= Loader.GetDefaultBinder();
return binder.SelectProperty(bindingAttr, candidates.ToArray(), returnType, types, modifiers);
private QueryResult<M> Query<M>(BindingFlags bindingAttr) where M : MemberInfo
return Query<M>(null, bindingAttr, null);
private QueryResult<M> Query<M>(string name, BindingFlags bindingAttr) where M : MemberInfo
if (name is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
return Query<M>(name, bindingAttr, null);
private QueryResult<M> Query<M>(string? optionalName, BindingFlags bindingAttr, Func<M, bool>? optionalPredicate) where M : MemberInfo
MemberPolicies<M> policies = MemberPolicies<M>.Default;
bindingAttr = policies.ModifyBindingFlags(bindingAttr);
bool immediateTypeOnly = NeedToSearchImmediateTypeOnly(bindingAttr);
bool ignoreCase = (bindingAttr & BindingFlags.IgnoreCase) != 0;
TypeComponentsCache cache = Cache;
QueriedMemberList<M> queriedMembers;
if (optionalName == null)
queriedMembers = cache.GetQueriedMembers<M>(immediateTypeOnly);
queriedMembers = cache.GetQueriedMembers<M>(optionalName, ignoreCase: ignoreCase, immediateTypeOnly: immediateTypeOnly);
if (optionalPredicate != null)
queriedMembers = queriedMembers.Filter(optionalPredicate);
return new QueryResult<M>(bindingAttr, queriedMembers);
private static bool NeedToSearchImmediateTypeOnly(BindingFlags bf)
if ((bf & (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)) == (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
return false;
if ((bf & (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)) == BindingFlags.Instance)
return false;
return true;
private TypeComponentsCache Cache => _lazyCache ??= new TypeComponentsCache(this);
private volatile TypeComponentsCache? _lazyCache;
private const int GenericParameterCountAny = -1;