// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection.TypeLoading;
using RuntimeTypeInfo = System.Reflection.TypeLoading.RoType;
namespace System.Reflection.Runtime.BindingFlagSupport
/// <summary>
/// This class encapsulates the minimum set of arcane .NET Framework CLR policies needed to implement the Get*(BindingFlags) apis.
/// In particular, it encapsulates behaviors such as what exactly determines the "visibility" of a property and event, and
/// what determines whether and how they are overridden.
/// </summary>
internal abstract class MemberPolicies<M> where M : MemberInfo
// Subclasses for specific MemberInfo types must override these:
// Returns all of the directly declared members on the given TypeInfo.
public abstract IEnumerable<M> GetDeclaredMembers(TypeInfo typeInfo);
// Returns all of the directly declared members on the given TypeInfo whose name matches filter. If filter is null,
// returns all directly declared members.
public abstract IEnumerable<M> CoreGetDeclaredMembers(RuntimeTypeInfo type, NameFilter? filter, RuntimeTypeInfo reflectedType);
// Policy to decide whether a member is considered "virtual", "virtual new" and what its member visibility is.
// (For "visibility", we reuse the MethodAttributes enum since Reflection lacks an element-agnostic enum for this.
// Only the MemberAccessMask bits are set.)
public abstract void GetMemberAttributes(M member, out MethodAttributes visibility, out bool isStatic, out bool isVirtual, out bool isNewSlot);
// Policy to decide whether "derivedMember" is a virtual override of "baseMember." Used to implement MethodInfo.GetBaseDefinition(),
// parent chain traversal for discovering inherited custom attributes, and suppressing lookup results in the Type.Get*() api family.
// Does not consider explicit overrides (methodimpls.) Does not consider "overrides" of interface methods.
public abstract bool ImplicitlyOverrides(M? baseMember, M? derivedMember);
// Policy to decide how BindingFlags should be reinterpreted for a given member type.
// This is overridden for nested types which all match on any combination Instance | Static and are never inherited.
// It is also overridden for constructors which are never inherited.
public virtual BindingFlags ModifyBindingFlags(BindingFlags bindingFlags)
return bindingFlags;
// Policy to decide if BindingFlags is always interpreted as having set DeclaredOnly.
public abstract bool AlwaysTreatAsDeclaredOnly { get; }
// Policy to decide how or if members in more derived types hide same-named members in base types.
// Due to .NET Framework compat concerns, the definitions are a bit more arbitrary than we'd like.
public abstract bool IsSuppressedByMoreDerivedMember(M member, M[] priorMembers, int startIndex, int endIndex);
// Policy to decide whether to throw an AmbiguousMatchException on an ambiguous Type.Get*() call.
// Does not apply to GetConstructor/GetMethod/GetProperty calls that have a non-null Type[] array passed to it.
// If method returns true, the Get() api will pick the member that's in the most derived type.
// If method returns false, the Get() api throws AmbiguousMatchException.
public abstract bool OkToIgnoreAmbiguity(M m1, M m2);
// Helper method for determining whether two methods are signature-compatible.
protected static bool AreNamesAndSignaturesEqual(MethodInfo method1, MethodInfo method2)
if (method1.Name != method2.Name)
return false;
ParameterInfo[] p1 = method1.GetParametersNoCopy();
ParameterInfo[] p2 = method2.GetParametersNoCopy();
if (p1.Length != p2.Length)
return false;
bool isGenericMethod1 = method1.IsGenericMethodDefinition;
bool isGenericMethod2 = method2.IsGenericMethodDefinition;
if (isGenericMethod1 != isGenericMethod2)
return false;
if (!isGenericMethod1)
for (int i = 0; i < p1.Length; i++)
Type parameterType1 = p1[i].ParameterType;
Type parameterType2 = p2[i].ParameterType;
if (!(parameterType1.Equals(parameterType2)))
return false;
if (method1.GetGenericArguments().Length != method2.GetGenericArguments().Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < p1.Length; i++)
Type parameterType1 = p1[i].ParameterType;
Type parameterType2 = p2[i].ParameterType;
if (!GenericMethodAwareAreParameterTypesEqual(parameterType1, parameterType2))
return false;
return true;
// This helper compares the types of the corresponding parameters of two methods to see if one method is signature equivalent to the other.
// This is needed when comparing the signatures of two generic methods as Type.Equals() is not up to that job.
private static bool GenericMethodAwareAreParameterTypesEqual(Type t1, Type t2)
// Fast-path - if Reflection has already deemed them equivalent, we can trust its result.
if (t1.Equals(t2))
return true;
// If we got here, Reflection determined the types not equivalent. Most of the time, that's the result we want.
// There is however, one wrinkle. If the type is or embeds a generic method parameter type, Reflection will always report them
// non-equivalent, since generic parameter type comparison always compares both the position and the declaring method. For our purposes, though,
// we only want to consider the position.
// Fast-path: if the types don't embed any generic parameters, we can go ahead and use Reflection's result.
if (!(t1.ContainsGenericParameters && t2.ContainsGenericParameters))
return false;
if ((t1.IsArray && t2.IsArray) || (t1.IsByRef && t2.IsByRef) || (t1.IsPointer && t2.IsPointer))
if (t1.IsSZArray() != t2.IsSZArray())
return false;
if (t1.IsArray && (t1.GetArrayRank() != t2.GetArrayRank()))
return false;
return GenericMethodAwareAreParameterTypesEqual(t1.GetElementType()!, t2.GetElementType()!);
if (t1.IsConstructedGenericType)
// We can use regular old Equals() rather than recursing into GenericMethodAwareAreParameterTypesEqual() since the
// generic type definition will always be a plain old named type and won't embed any generic method parameters.
if (!(t1.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(t2.GetGenericTypeDefinition())))
return false;
Type[] ga1 = t1.GenericTypeArguments;
Type[] ga2 = t2.GenericTypeArguments;
if (ga1.Length != ga2.Length)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < ga1.Length; i++)
if (!GenericMethodAwareAreParameterTypesEqual(ga1[i], ga2[i]))
return false;
return true;
if (t1.IsGenericMethodParameter() && t2.IsGenericMethodParameter())
// A generic method parameter. The DeclaringMethods will be different but we don't care about that - we can assume that
// the declaring method will be the method that declared the parameter's whose type we're testing. We only need to
// compare the positions.
return t1.GenericParameterPosition == t2.GenericParameterPosition;
// If we got here, either t1 and t2 are different flavors of types or they are both simple named types or both generic type parameters.
// Either way, we can trust Reflection's result here.
return false;
#pragma warning disable CA1810 // explicit static cctor
static MemberPolicies()
Type t = typeof(M);
if (t.Equals(typeof(FieldInfo)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.Field;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new FieldPolicies());
else if (t.Equals(typeof(MethodInfo)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.Method;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new MethodPolicies());
else if (t.Equals(typeof(ConstructorInfo)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.Constructor;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new ConstructorPolicies());
else if (t.Equals(typeof(PropertyInfo)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.Property;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new PropertyPolicies());
else if (t.Equals(typeof(EventInfo)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.Event;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new EventPolicies());
else if (t.Equals(typeof(Type)))
MemberTypeIndex = BindingFlagSupport.MemberTypeIndex.NestedType;
Default = (MemberPolicies<M>)(object)(new NestedTypePolicies());
Debug.Fail("Unknown MemberInfo type.");
#pragma warning restore CA1810
// This is a singleton class one for each MemberInfo category: Return the appropriate one.
public static readonly MemberPolicies<M> Default = null!;
// This returns a fixed value from 0 to MemberIndex.Count-1 with each possible type of M
// being assigned a unique index (see the MemberTypeIndex for possible values). This is useful
// for converting a type reference to M to an array index or switch case label.
public static readonly int MemberTypeIndex;