File: System\Reflection\Metadata\TypeNameParser.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.Metadata\src\System.Reflection.Metadata.csproj (System.Reflection.Metadata)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using static System.Reflection.Metadata.TypeNameParserHelpers;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata
    internal ref struct TypeNameParser
        private static readonly TypeNameParseOptions s_defaults = new();
        private readonly bool _throwOnError;
        private readonly TypeNameParseOptions _parseOptions;
        private ReadOnlySpan<char> _inputString;
        private TypeNameParser(ReadOnlySpan<char> name, bool throwOnError, TypeNameParseOptions? options) : this()
            _inputString = name;
            _throwOnError = throwOnError;
            _parseOptions = options ?? s_defaults;
        internal static TypeName? Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> typeName, bool throwOnError, TypeNameParseOptions? options = default)
            ReadOnlySpan<char> trimmedName = typeName.TrimStart(); // whitespaces at beginning are always OK
            if (trimmedName.IsEmpty)
                if (throwOnError)
                    ThrowArgumentException_InvalidTypeName(errorIndex: 0); // whitespace input needs to report the error index as 0
                return null;
            int recursiveDepth = 0;
            TypeNameParser parser = new(trimmedName, throwOnError, options);
            TypeName? parsedName = parser.ParseNextTypeName(allowFullyQualifiedName: true, ref recursiveDepth);
            if (parsedName is null || !parser._inputString.IsEmpty) // unconsumed input == error
                if (throwOnError)
                    if (parser._parseOptions.IsMaxDepthExceeded(recursiveDepth))
                    int errorIndex = typeName.Length - parser._inputString.Length;
                return null;
            return parsedName;
        // this method should return null instead of throwing, so the caller can get errorIndex and include it in error msg
        private TypeName? ParseNextTypeName(bool allowFullyQualifiedName, ref int recursiveDepth)
            if (!TryDive(ref recursiveDepth))
                return null;
            List<int>? nestedNameLengths = null;
            if (!TryGetTypeNameInfo(ref _inputString, ref nestedNameLengths, out int fullTypeNameLength))
                return null;
            ReadOnlySpan<char> fullTypeName = _inputString.Slice(0, fullTypeNameLength);
            _inputString = _inputString.Slice(fullTypeNameLength);
            // Don't allocate now, as it may be an open generic type like "Name`1"
            List<TypeName>? genericArgs = null;
            ImmutableArray<TypeName>.Builder? genericArgs = null;
            // Are there any captured generic args? We'll look for "[[" and "[".
            // There are no spaces allowed before the first '[', but spaces are allowed
            // after that. The check slices _inputString, so we'll capture it into
            // a local so we can restore it later if needed.
            ReadOnlySpan<char> capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            if (IsBeginningOfGenericArgs(ref _inputString, out bool doubleBrackets))
                // Namespace.Type`2[[GenericArgument1, AssemblyName1],[GenericArgument2, AssemblyName2]] - double square bracket syntax allows for fully qualified type names
                // Namespace.Type`2[GenericArgument1,GenericArgument2] - single square bracket syntax is legal only for non-fully qualified type names
                // Namespace.Type`2[[GenericArgument1, AssemblyName1], GenericArgument2] - mixed mode
                // Namespace.Type`2[GenericArgument1, [GenericArgument2, AssemblyName2]] - mixed mode
                TypeName? genericArg = ParseNextTypeName(allowFullyQualifiedName: doubleBrackets, ref recursiveDepth);
                if (genericArg is null) // parsing failed
                    return null;
                // For [[, there had better be a ']' after the type name.
                if (doubleBrackets && !TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ']'))
                    return null;
                if (genericArgs is null)
                    genericArgs = new List<TypeName>(2);
                    genericArgs = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<TypeName>(2);
                // Is there a ',[' indicating fully qualified generic type arg?
                // Is there a ',' indicating non-fully qualified generic type arg?
                if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ','))
                    doubleBrackets = TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, '[');
                    goto ParseAnotherGenericArg;
                // The only other allowable character is ']', indicating the end of
                // the generic type arg list.
                if (!TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ']'))
                    return null;
            // If there was an error stripping the generic args, back up to
            // before we started processing them, and let the decorator
            // parser try handling it.
            if (genericArgs is null)
                _inputString = capturedBeforeProcessing;
            int previousDecorator = default;
            // capture the current state so we can reprocess it again once we know the AssemblyName
            capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            // iterate over the decorators to ensure there are no illegal combinations
            while (TryParseNextDecorator(ref _inputString, out int parsedDecorator))
                if (!TryDive(ref recursiveDepth))
                    return null;
                // Currently it's illegal for managed reference to be followed by any other decorator,
                // but this is a runtime-specific behavior and the parser is not enforcing that rule.
                previousDecorator = parsedDecorator;
            AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName = null;
            if (allowFullyQualifiedName && !TryParseAssemblyName(ref assemblyName))
                // backward compat: throw FileLoadException for non-empty invalid strings
                if (_throwOnError || !_inputString.TrimStart().StartsWith(","))
                    throw new IO.FileLoadException(SR.InvalidAssemblyName, _inputString.ToString());
                return null;
            // No matter what was parsed, the full name string is allocated only once.
            // In case of generic, nested, array, pointer and byref types the full name is allocated
            // when needed for the first time .
            string fullName = fullTypeName.ToString();
            TypeName? declaringType = GetDeclaringType(fullName, nestedNameLengths, assemblyName);
            TypeName result = new(fullName, assemblyName, declaringType: declaringType);
            if (genericArgs is not null)
                result = new(fullName: null, assemblyName, elementOrGenericType: result, declaringType, genericArgs);
            if (previousDecorator != default) // some decorators were recognized
                while (TryParseNextDecorator(ref capturedBeforeProcessing, out int parsedModifier))
                    result = new(fullName: null, assemblyName, elementOrGenericType: result, rankOrModifier: (sbyte)parsedModifier);
            return result;
        /// <returns>false means the input was invalid and parsing has failed. Empty input is valid and returns true.</returns>
        private bool TryParseAssemblyName(ref AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName)
            ReadOnlySpan<char> capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ','))
                if (_inputString.IsEmpty)
                    _inputString = capturedBeforeProcessing; // restore the state
                    return false;
                ReadOnlySpan<char> candidate = GetAssemblyNameCandidate(_inputString);
                if (!AssemblyNameInfo.TryParse(candidate, out assemblyName))
                    return false;
                _inputString = _inputString.Slice(candidate.Length);
                return true;
            return true;
        private static TypeName? GetDeclaringType(string fullTypeName, List<int>? nestedNameLengths, AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName)
            if (nestedNameLengths is null)
                return null;
            TypeName? declaringType = null;
            int nameOffset = 0;
            foreach (int nestedNameLength in nestedNameLengths)
                Debug.Assert(nestedNameLength > 0, "TryGetTypeNameInfo should return error on zero lengths");
                int fullNameLength = nameOffset + nestedNameLength;
                declaringType = new(fullTypeName, assemblyName, declaringType: declaringType, nestedNameLength: fullNameLength);
                nameOffset += nestedNameLength + 1; // include the '+' that was skipped in name
            return declaringType;
        private bool TryDive(ref int depth)
            if (_parseOptions.IsMaxDepthExceeded(depth))
                return false;
            return true;