File: System\Reflection\Metadata\TypeNameParser.cs
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Project: src\src\libraries\System.Reflection.Metadata\src\System.Reflection.Metadata.csproj (System.Reflection.Metadata)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using static System.Reflection.Metadata.TypeNameParserHelpers;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata
    internal ref struct TypeNameParser
        private static readonly TypeNameParseOptions s_defaults = new();
        private readonly bool _throwOnError;
        private readonly TypeNameParseOptions _parseOptions;
        private ReadOnlySpan<char> _inputString;
        private TypeNameParser(ReadOnlySpan<char> name, bool throwOnError, TypeNameParseOptions? options) : this()
            _inputString = name;
            _throwOnError = throwOnError;
            _parseOptions = options ?? s_defaults;
        internal static TypeName? Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> typeName, bool throwOnError, TypeNameParseOptions? options = default)
            ReadOnlySpan<char> trimmedName = typeName.TrimStart(); // whitespaces at beginning are always OK
            if (trimmedName.IsEmpty)
                if (throwOnError)
                    ThrowArgumentException_InvalidTypeName(errorIndex: 0); // whitespace input needs to report the error index as 0
                return null;
            int recursiveDepth = 0;
            TypeNameParser parser = new(trimmedName, throwOnError, options);
            TypeName? parsedName = parser.ParseNextTypeName(allowFullyQualifiedName: true, ref recursiveDepth);
            if (parsedName is null || !parser._inputString.IsEmpty) // unconsumed input == error
                if (throwOnError)
                    if (IsMaxDepthExceeded(parser._parseOptions, recursiveDepth))
                    int errorIndex = typeName.Length - parser._inputString.Length;
                return null;
            Debug.Assert(parsedName.GetNodeCount() == recursiveDepth, $"Node count mismatch for '{typeName.ToString()}'");
            return parsedName;
        // this method should return null instead of throwing, so the caller can get errorIndex and include it in error msg
        private TypeName? ParseNextTypeName(bool allowFullyQualifiedName, ref int recursiveDepth)
            if (!TryDive(_parseOptions, ref recursiveDepth))
                return null;
            List<int>? nestedNameLengths = null;
            if (!TryGetTypeNameInfo(_parseOptions, ref _inputString, ref nestedNameLengths, ref recursiveDepth, out int fullTypeNameLength))
                return null;
            // At this point, we have performed O(fullTypeNameLength) total work.
            ReadOnlySpan<char> fullTypeName = _inputString.Slice(0, fullTypeNameLength);
            _inputString = _inputString.Slice(fullTypeNameLength);
            // Don't allocate now, as it may be an open generic type like "Name`1"
            List<TypeName>? genericArgs = null;
            ImmutableArray<TypeName>.Builder? genericArgs = null;
            // Are there any captured generic args? We'll look for "[[" and "[".
            // There are no spaces allowed before the first '[', but spaces are allowed
            // after that. The check slices _inputString, so we'll capture it into
            // a local so we can restore it later if needed.
            ReadOnlySpan<char> capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            if (IsBeginningOfGenericArgs(ref _inputString, out bool doubleBrackets))
                // Namespace.Type`2[[GenericArgument1, AssemblyName1],[GenericArgument2, AssemblyName2]] - double square bracket syntax allows for fully qualified type names
                // Namespace.Type`2[GenericArgument1,GenericArgument2] - single square bracket syntax is legal only for non-fully qualified type names
                // Namespace.Type`2[[GenericArgument1, AssemblyName1], GenericArgument2] - mixed mode
                // Namespace.Type`2[GenericArgument1, [GenericArgument2, AssemblyName2]] - mixed mode
                TypeName? genericArg = ParseNextTypeName(allowFullyQualifiedName: doubleBrackets, ref recursiveDepth);
                if (genericArg is null) // parsing failed
                    return null;
                // For [[, there had better be a ']' after the type name.
                if (doubleBrackets && !TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ']'))
                    return null;
                if (genericArgs is null)
                    genericArgs = new List<TypeName>(2);
                    genericArgs = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder<TypeName>(2);
                // Is there a ',[' indicating fully qualified generic type arg?
                // Is there a ',' indicating non-fully qualified generic type arg?
                if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ','))
                    doubleBrackets = TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, '[');
                    goto ParseAnotherGenericArg;
                // The only other allowable character is ']', indicating the end of
                // the generic type arg list.
                if (!TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ']'))
                    return null;
            // At this point, we may have performed O(fullTypeNameLength + _inputString.Length) total work.
            // This will be the case if there was whitespace after the full type name in the original input
            // string. We could end up looking at these same whitespace chars again later in this method,
            // such as when parsing decorators. We rely on the TryDive routine to limit the total number
            // of times we might inspect the same character.
            // If there was an error stripping the generic args, back up to
            // before we started processing them, and let the decorator
            // parser try handling it.
            if (genericArgs is null)
                _inputString = capturedBeforeProcessing;
                // Every constructed generic type needs the generic type definition.
                if (!TryDive(_parseOptions, ref recursiveDepth))
                    return null;
                // If that generic type is a nested type, we don't increase the recursiveDepth any further,
                // as generic type definition uses exactly the same declaring type as the constructed generic type.
            int previousDecorator = default;
            // capture the current state so we can reprocess it again once we know the AssemblyName
            capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            // iterate over the decorators to ensure there are no illegal combinations
            while (TryParseNextDecorator(ref _inputString, out int parsedDecorator))
                if (!TryDive(_parseOptions, ref recursiveDepth))
                    return null;
                // Currently it's illegal for managed reference to be followed by any other decorator,
                // but this is a runtime-specific behavior and the parser is not enforcing that rule.
                previousDecorator = parsedDecorator;
            AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName = null;
            if (allowFullyQualifiedName && !TryParseAssemblyName(ref assemblyName))
                // backward compat: throw FileLoadException for non-empty invalid strings
                if (_throwOnError || !_inputString.TrimStart().StartsWith(","))
                    throw new IO.FileLoadException(SR.InvalidAssemblyName, _inputString.ToString());
                return null;
            // No matter what was parsed, the full name string is allocated only once.
            // In case of generic, nested, array, pointer and byref types the full name is allocated
            // when needed for the first time .
            string fullName = fullTypeName.ToString();
            TypeName? declaringType = GetDeclaringType(fullName, nestedNameLengths, assemblyName);
            TypeName result = new(fullName, assemblyName, declaringType: declaringType);
            if (genericArgs is not null)
                result = new(fullName: null, assemblyName, elementOrGenericType: result, declaringType, genericArgs);
            // The loop below is protected by the dive check during the first decorator pass prior
            // to assembly name parsing above.
            if (previousDecorator != default) // some decorators were recognized
                while (TryParseNextDecorator(ref capturedBeforeProcessing, out int parsedModifier))
                    result = new(fullName: null, assemblyName, elementOrGenericType: result, rankOrModifier: parsedModifier);
            return result;
        /// <returns>false means the input was invalid and parsing has failed. Empty input is valid and returns true.</returns>
        private bool TryParseAssemblyName(ref AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName)
            ReadOnlySpan<char> capturedBeforeProcessing = _inputString;
            if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref _inputString, ','))
                if (_inputString.IsEmpty)
                    _inputString = capturedBeforeProcessing; // restore the state
                    return false;
                ReadOnlySpan<char> candidate = GetAssemblyNameCandidate(_inputString);
                if (!AssemblyNameInfo.TryParse(candidate, out assemblyName))
                    return false;
                _inputString = _inputString.Slice(candidate.Length);
                return true;
            return true;
        private static TypeName? GetDeclaringType(string fullTypeName, List<int>? nestedNameLengths, AssemblyNameInfo? assemblyName)
            if (nestedNameLengths is null)
                return null;
            // The loop below is protected by the dive check in GetFullTypeNameLength.
            TypeName? declaringType = null;
            int nameOffset = 0;
            foreach (int nestedNameLength in nestedNameLengths)
                Debug.Assert(nestedNameLength > 0, "TryGetTypeNameInfo should return error on zero lengths");
                int fullNameLength = nameOffset + nestedNameLength;
                declaringType = new(fullTypeName, assemblyName, declaringType: declaringType, nestedNameLength: fullNameLength);
                nameOffset += nestedNameLength + 1; // include the '+' that was skipped in name
            return declaringType;