// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Buffers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
namespace System.Reflection.Metadata
internal static class TypeNameParserHelpers
internal const int SZArray = -1;
internal const int Pointer = -2;
internal const int ByRef = -3;
private const char EscapeCharacter = '\\';
// Keep this in sync with GetFullTypeNameLength/NeedsEscaping
private static readonly SearchValues<char> s_endOfFullTypeNameDelimitersSearchValues = SearchValues.Create("[]&*,+\\");
/// <returns>Positive length or negative value for invalid name</returns>
internal static int GetFullTypeNameLength(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, out bool isNestedType)
isNestedType = false;
// NET 6+ guarantees that MemoryExtensions.IndexOfAny has worst-case complexity
// O(m * i) if a match is found, or O(m * n) if a match is not found, where:
// i := index of match position
// m := number of needles
// n := length of search space (haystack)
// Downlevel versions of .NET do not make this guarantee, instead having a
// worst-case complexity of O(m * n) even if a match occurs at the beginning of
// the search space. Since we're running this in a loop over untrusted user
// input, that makes the total loop complexity potentially O(m * n^2), where
// 'n' is adversary-controlled. To avoid DoS issues here, we'll loop manually.
int offset = input.IndexOfAny(s_endOfFullTypeNameDelimitersSearchValues);
if (offset < 0)
return input.Length; // no type name end chars were found, the whole input is the type name
if (input[offset] == EscapeCharacter) // this is very rare (IL Emit or pure IL)
offset = GetUnescapedOffset(input, startOffset: offset); // this is slower, but very rare so acceptable
int offset = GetUnescapedOffset(input, startOffset: 0);
isNestedType = offset > 0 && offset < input.Length && input[offset] == '+';
return offset;
static int GetUnescapedOffset(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int startOffset)
int offset = startOffset;
for (; offset < input.Length; offset++)
char c = input[offset];
if (c == EscapeCharacter)
offset++; // skip the escaped char
if (offset == input.Length || // invalid name that ends with escape character
!NeedsEscaping(input[offset])) // invalid name, escapes a char that does not need escaping
return -1;
else if (NeedsEscaping(c))
return offset;
// Keep this in sync with s_endOfFullTypeNameDelimitersSearchValues
static bool NeedsEscaping(char c) => c is '[' or ']' or '&' or '*' or ',' or '+' or EscapeCharacter;
internal static int IndexOfNamespaceDelimiter(ReadOnlySpan<char> fullName)
// Matches algorithm from ns::FindSep in src\coreclr\utilcode\namespaceutil.cpp
// This could result in the type name beginning with a '.' character.
int index = fullName.LastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 0 && fullName[index - 1] == '.')
return index;
internal static string Unescape(string input)
int indexOfEscapeCharacter = input.IndexOf(EscapeCharacter);
if (indexOfEscapeCharacter < 0)
// Nothing to escape, just return the original value.
return input;
return UnescapeToBuilder(input, indexOfEscapeCharacter);
static string UnescapeToBuilder(string name, int indexOfEscapeCharacter)
// This code path is executed very rarely (IL Emit or pure IL with chars not allowed in C# or F#).
var sb = new ValueStringBuilder(stackalloc char[64]);
sb.Append(name.AsSpan(0, indexOfEscapeCharacter));
for (int i = indexOfEscapeCharacter; i < name.Length;)
char c = name[i++];
if (c != EscapeCharacter || i == name.Length)
else if (name[i] == EscapeCharacter) // escaped escape character ;)
// Consume the escaped escape character, it's important for edge cases
// like escaped escape character followed by another escaped char (example: "\\\\\\+")
return sb.ToString();
// this method handles escaping of the ] just to let the AssemblyNameParser fail for the right input
internal static ReadOnlySpan<char> GetAssemblyNameCandidate(ReadOnlySpan<char> input)
// The only delimiter which can terminate an assembly name is ']'.
// Otherwise EOL serves as the terminator.
int offset = input.IndexOf(']');
if (offset > 0 && input[offset - 1] == EscapeCharacter) // this should be very rare (IL Emit & pure IL)
offset = GetUnescapedOffset(input, startIndex: offset);
return offset < 0 ? input : input.Slice(0, offset);
static int GetUnescapedOffset(ReadOnlySpan<char> input, int startIndex)
int offset = startIndex;
for (; offset < input.Length; offset++)
if (input[offset] is ']')
if (input[offset - 1] != EscapeCharacter)
return offset;
internal static void AppendRankOrModifierStringRepresentation(int rankOrModifier, ref ValueStringBuilder builder)
if (rankOrModifier == ByRef)
else if (rankOrModifier == Pointer)
else if (rankOrModifier == SZArray)
else if (rankOrModifier == 1)
Debug.Assert(rankOrModifier >= 2);
// O(rank) work, so we have to assume the rank is trusted. We don't put a hard cap on this,
// but within the TypeName parser, we do require the input string to contain the correct number
// of commas. This forces the input string to have at least O(rank) length, so there's no
// alg. complexity attack possible here. Callers can of course pass any arbitrary value to
// TypeName.MakeArrayTypeName, but per first sentence in this comment, we have to assume any
// such arbitrary value which is programmatically fed in originates from a trustworthy source.
builder.Append(',', rankOrModifier - 1);
/// <summary>
/// Are there any captured generic args? We'll look for "[[" and "[" that is not followed by "]", "*" and ",".
/// </summary>
internal static bool IsBeginningOfGenericArgs(ref ReadOnlySpan<char> span, out bool doubleBrackets)
doubleBrackets = false;
if (!span.IsEmpty && span[0] == '[')
// There are no spaces allowed before the first '[', but spaces are allowed after that.
ReadOnlySpan<char> trimmed = span.Slice(1).TrimStart();
if (!trimmed.IsEmpty)
if (trimmed[0] == '[')
doubleBrackets = true;
span = trimmed.Slice(1).TrimStart();
return true;
if (!(trimmed[0] is ',' or '*' or ']')) // [] or [*] or [,] or [,,,, ...]
span = trimmed;
return true;
return false;
internal static bool TryGetTypeNameInfo(TypeNameParseOptions options, ref ReadOnlySpan<char> input,
ref List<int>? nestedNameLengths, ref int recursiveDepth, out int totalLength)
bool isNestedType;
totalLength = 0;
int length = GetFullTypeNameLength(input.Slice(totalLength), out isNestedType);
if (length <= 0)
// invalid type names:
// -1: invalid escaping
// 0: pair of unescaped "++" characters
return false;
// Compat: Ignore leading '.' for type names without namespace. .NET Framework historically ignored leading '.' here. It is likely
// that code out there depends on this behavior. For example, type names formed by concatenating namespace and name, without checking for
// empty namespace (bug), are going to have superfluous leading '.'.
// This behavior means that types that start with '.' are not round-trippable via type name.
if (length > 1 && input[0] == '.' && input.Slice(0, length).LastIndexOf('.') == 0)
input = input.Slice(1);
if (isNestedType)
if (!TryDive(options, ref recursiveDepth))
return false;
(nestedNameLengths ??= new()).Add(length);
totalLength += 1; // skip the '+' sign in next search
totalLength += length;
} while (isNestedType);
return true;
internal static bool TryParseNextDecorator(ref ReadOnlySpan<char> input, out int rankOrModifier)
// Then try pulling a single decorator.
// Whitespace cannot precede the decorator, but it can follow the decorator.
ReadOnlySpan<char> originalInput = input; // so we can restore on 'false' return
if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, '*'))
rankOrModifier = Pointer;
return true;
if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, '&'))
rankOrModifier = ByRef;
return true;
if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, '['))
// SZArray := []
// MDArray := [*] or [,] or [,,,, ...]
int rank = 1;
bool hasSeenAsterisk = false;
if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, ']'))
// End of array marker
rankOrModifier = rank == 1 && !hasSeenAsterisk ? SZArray : rank;
return true;
if (!hasSeenAsterisk)
if (rank == 1 && TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, '*'))
// [*]
hasSeenAsterisk = true;
goto ReadNextArrayToken;
else if (TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref input, ','))
// [,,, ...]
// The runtime restricts arrays to rank 32, but we don't enforce that here.
// Instead, the max rank is controlled by the total number of commas present
// in the array decorator.
checked { rank++; }
goto ReadNextArrayToken;
// Don't know what this token is.
// Fall through to 'return false' statement.
input = originalInput; // ensure 'ref input' not mutated
rankOrModifier = 0;
return false;
internal static bool TryStripFirstCharAndTrailingSpaces(ref ReadOnlySpan<char> span, char value)
if (!span.IsEmpty && span[0] == value)
span = span.Slice(1).TrimStart();
return true;
return false;
internal static void ThrowArgumentNullException(string paramName)
throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName);
internal static void ThrowArgumentException_InvalidTypeName(int errorIndex)
throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_InvalidTypeName, $"typeName@{errorIndex}");
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_MaxNodesExceeded(int limit)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.InvalidOperation_MaxNodesExceeded, limit));
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_NotGenericType()
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NotGenericType);
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_NotNestedType()
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NotNestedType);
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_NoElement()
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NoElement);
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_HasToBeArrayClass()
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Argument_HasToBeArrayClass);
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_NestedTypeNamespace()
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_NestedTypeNamespace);
Debug.Fail("Expected to be unreachable");
throw new InvalidOperationException();
internal static bool IsMaxDepthExceeded(TypeNameParseOptions options, int depth)
=> false; // CoreLib does not enforce any limits
=> depth > options.MaxNodes;
internal static bool TryDive(TypeNameParseOptions options, ref int depth)
return !IsMaxDepthExceeded(options, depth);
internal static void ThrowInvalidOperation_NotSimpleName(string fullName)
throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Format(SR.Arg_NotSimpleTypeName, fullName));