// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Xsl.IlGen;
using System.Xml.Xsl.Xslt;
using MS.Internal.Xml.XPath;
namespace System.Xml.Xsl.Runtime
/// <summary>
/// XmlQueryRuntime is passed as the first parameter to all generated query methods.
/// XmlQueryRuntime contains runtime support for generated ILGen queries:
/// 1. Stack of output writers (stack handles nested document construction)
/// 2. Manages list of all xml types that are used within the query
/// 3. Manages list of all atomized names that are used within the query
/// </summary>
public sealed class XmlQueryRuntime
// Early-Bound Library Objects
private readonly XmlQueryContext _ctxt;
private XsltLibrary? _xsltLib;
private readonly EarlyBoundInfo[]? _earlyInfo;
private readonly object[]? _earlyObjects;
// Global variables and parameters
private readonly string[]? _globalNames;
private readonly object[]? _globalValues;
// Names, prefix mappings, and name filters
private readonly XmlNameTable _nameTableQuery;
private readonly string[]? _atomizedNames; // Names after atomization
private readonly XmlNavigatorFilter[]? _filters; // Name filters (contain atomized names)
private readonly StringPair[][]? _prefixMappingsList; // Lists of prefix mappings (used to resolve computed names)
// Xml types
private readonly XmlQueryType[]? _types;
// Collations
private readonly XmlCollation[]? _collations;
// Document ordering
private readonly DocumentOrderComparer _docOrderCmp;
// Indexes
private ArrayList[]? _indexes;
// Output construction
private XmlQueryOutput _output;
private readonly Stack<XmlQueryOutput> _stkOutput;
// Constructors
/// <summary>
/// This constructor is internal so that external users cannot construct it (and therefore we do not have to test it separately).
/// </summary>
internal XmlQueryRuntime(XmlQueryStaticData data, object defaultDataSource, XmlResolver dataSources, XsltArgumentList? argList, XmlSequenceWriter seqWrt)
Debug.Assert(data != null);
string[]? names = data.Names;
Int32Pair[]? filters = data.Filters;
WhitespaceRuleLookup? wsRules;
int i;
// Early-Bound Library Objects
wsRules = (data.WhitespaceRules != null && data.WhitespaceRules.Count != 0) ? new WhitespaceRuleLookup(data.WhitespaceRules) : null;
_ctxt = new XmlQueryContext(this, defaultDataSource, dataSources, argList, wsRules);
_xsltLib = null;
_earlyInfo = data.EarlyBound;
_earlyObjects = (_earlyInfo != null) ? new object[_earlyInfo.Length] : null;
// Global variables and parameters
_globalNames = data.GlobalNames;
_globalValues = (_globalNames != null) ? new object[_globalNames.Length] : null;
// Names
_nameTableQuery = _ctxt.QueryNameTable;
_atomizedNames = null;
if (names != null)
// Atomize all names in "nameTableQuery". Use names from the default data source's
// name table when possible.
XmlNameTable? nameTableDefault = _ctxt.DefaultNameTable;
_atomizedNames = new string[names.Length];
if (nameTableDefault != _nameTableQuery && nameTableDefault != null)
// Ensure that atomized names from the default data source are added to the
// name table used in this query
for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
string? name = nameTableDefault.Get(names[i]);
_atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(name ?? names[i]);
// Enter names into nametable used in this query
for (i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
_atomizedNames[i] = _nameTableQuery.Add(names[i]);
// Name filters
_filters = null;
if (filters != null)
// Construct name filters. Each pair of integers in the filters[] array specifies the
// (localName, namespaceUri) of the NameFilter to be created.
_filters = new XmlNavigatorFilter[filters.Length];
for (i = 0; i < filters.Length; i++)
_filters[i] = XmlNavNameFilter.Create(_atomizedNames![filters[i].Left], _atomizedNames[filters[i].Right]);
// Prefix maping lists
_prefixMappingsList = data.PrefixMappingsList;
// Xml types
_types = data.Types;
// Xml collations
_collations = data.Collations;
// Document ordering
_docOrderCmp = new DocumentOrderComparer();
// Indexes
_indexes = null;
// Output construction
_stkOutput = new Stack<XmlQueryOutput>(16);
_output = new XmlQueryOutput(this, seqWrt);
// Debugger Utility Methods
/// <summary>
/// Return array containing the names of all the global variables and parameters used in this query, in this format:
/// {namespace}prefix:local-name
/// </summary>
public string[]? DebugGetGlobalNames()
return _globalNames;
/// <summary>
/// Get the value of a global value having the specified name. Always return the global value as a list of XPathItem.
/// Return null if there is no global value having the specified name.
/// </summary>
public IList? DebugGetGlobalValue(string name)
for (int idx = 0; idx < _globalNames!.Length; idx++)
if (_globalNames[idx] == name)
Debug.Assert(IsGlobalComputed(idx), "Cannot get the value of a global value until it has been computed.");
Debug.Assert(_globalValues![idx] is IList<XPathItem>, "Only debugger should call this method, and all global values should have type item* in debugging scenarios.");
return (IList)_globalValues[idx];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Set the value of a global value having the specified name. If there is no such value, this method is a no-op.
/// </summary>
public void DebugSetGlobalValue(string name, object value)
for (int idx = 0; idx < _globalNames!.Length; idx++)
if (_globalNames[idx] == name)
Debug.Assert(IsGlobalComputed(idx), "Cannot get the value of a global value until it has been computed.");
Debug.Assert(_globalValues![idx] is IList<XPathItem>, "Only debugger should call this method, and all global values should have type item* in debugging scenarios.");
// Always convert "value" to a list of XPathItem using the item* converter
_globalValues[idx] = (IList<XPathItem>)XmlAnyListConverter.ItemList.ChangeType(value, typeof(XPathItem[]), null);
/// <summary>
/// Convert sequence to it's appropriate XSLT type and return to caller.
/// </summary>
public object? DebugGetXsltValue(IList? seq)
if (seq != null && seq.Count == 1)
XPathItem? item = seq[0] as XPathItem;
if (item != null && !item.IsNode)
return item.TypedValue;
else if (item is RtfNavigator)
return ((RtfNavigator)item).ToNavigator();
return seq;
// Early-Bound Library Objects
internal const BindingFlags EarlyBoundFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
internal const BindingFlags LateBoundFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static;
/// <summary>
/// Return the object that manages external user context information such as data sources, parameters, extension objects, etc.
/// </summary>
public XmlQueryContext ExternalContext
get { return _ctxt; }
/// <summary>
/// Return the object that manages the state needed to implement various Xslt functions.
/// </summary>
public XsltLibrary XsltFunctions => _xsltLib ??= new XsltLibrary(this);
/// <summary>
/// Get the early-bound extension object identified by "index". If it does not yet exist, create an instance using the
/// corresponding ConstructorInfo.
/// </summary>
public object GetEarlyBoundObject(int index)
object obj;
Debug.Assert(_earlyObjects != null && index < _earlyObjects.Length, "Early bound object does not exist");
obj = _earlyObjects[index];
if (obj == null)
// Early-bound object does not yet exist, so create it now
obj = _earlyInfo![index].CreateObject();
_earlyObjects[index] = obj;
return obj;
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the early bound object identified by "namespaceUri" contains a method that matches "name".
/// </summary>
public bool EarlyBoundFunctionExists(string name, string namespaceUri)
if (_earlyInfo == null)
return false;
for (int idx = 0; idx < _earlyInfo.Length; idx++)
if (namespaceUri == _earlyInfo[idx].NamespaceUri)
return new XmlExtensionFunction(name, namespaceUri, -1, _earlyInfo[idx].EarlyBoundType, EarlyBoundFlags).CanBind();
return false;
// Global variables and parameters
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the global value specified by idxValue was previously computed.
/// </summary>
public bool IsGlobalComputed(int index)
return _globalValues![index] != null;
/// <summary>
/// Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue.
/// If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.
/// </summary>
public object GetGlobalValue(int index)
Debug.Assert(IsGlobalComputed(index), "Cannot get the value of a global value until it has been computed.");
return _globalValues![index];
/// <summary>
/// Return the value that is bound to the global variable or parameter specified by idxValue.
/// If the value has not yet been computed, then compute it now and store it in this.globalValues.
/// </summary>
public void SetGlobalValue(int index, object value)
Debug.Assert(!IsGlobalComputed(index), "Global value should only be set once.");
_globalValues![index] = value;
// Names, prefix mappings, and name filters
/// <summary>
/// Return the name table used to atomize all names used by the query.
/// </summary>
public XmlNameTable NameTable
get { return _nameTableQuery; }
/// <summary>
/// Get the atomized name at the specified index in the array of names.
/// </summary>
public string GetAtomizedName(int index)
Debug.Assert(_atomizedNames != null);
return _atomizedNames[index];
/// <summary>
/// Get the name filter at the specified index in the array of filters.
/// </summary>
public XmlNavigatorFilter GetNameFilter(int index)
Debug.Assert(_filters != null);
return _filters[index];
/// <summary>
/// XPathNodeType.All: Filters all nodes
/// XPathNodeType.Attribute: Filters attributes
/// XPathNodeType.Namespace: Not allowed
/// XPathNodeType.XXX: Filters all nodes *except* those having XPathNodeType.XXX
/// </summary>
public XmlNavigatorFilter GetTypeFilter(XPathNodeType nodeType)
if (nodeType == XPathNodeType.All)
return XmlNavNeverFilter.Create();
if (nodeType == XPathNodeType.Attribute)
return XmlNavAttrFilter.Create();
return XmlNavTypeFilter.Create(nodeType);
/// <summary>
/// Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar) and resolve the resulting prefix. If the prefix cannot be resolved,
/// then throw an error. Return an XmlQualifiedName.
/// </summary>
public XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName(string tagName, int indexPrefixMappings)
string localName;
string? ns;
// Parse the tagName as a prefix, localName pair and resolve the prefix
ParseTagName(tagName, indexPrefixMappings, out _, out localName, out ns);
return new XmlQualifiedName(localName, ns);
/// <summary>
/// Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar). Return an XmlQualifiedName consisting of the parsed local name
/// and the specified namespace.
/// </summary>
public XmlQualifiedName ParseTagName(string tagName, string ns)
string localName;
// Parse the tagName as a prefix, localName pair
ValidateNames.ParseQNameThrow(tagName, out _, out localName);
return new XmlQualifiedName(localName, ns);
/// <summary>
/// Parse the specified tag name (foo:bar) and resolve the resulting prefix. If the prefix cannot be resolved,
/// then throw an error. Return the prefix, localName, and namespace URI.
/// </summary>
internal void ParseTagName(string tagName, int idxPrefixMappings, out string prefix, out string localName, out string ns)
Debug.Assert(_prefixMappingsList != null);
// Parse the tagName as a prefix, localName pair
ValidateNames.ParseQNameThrow(tagName, out prefix, out localName);
// Map the prefix to a namespace URI
ns = null!;
foreach (StringPair pair in _prefixMappingsList[idxPrefixMappings])
if (prefix == pair.Left)
ns = pair.Right;
// Throw exception if prefix could not be resolved
if (ns == null)
// Check for mappings that are always in-scope
if (prefix.Length == 0)
ns = "";
else if (prefix.Equals("xml"))
ns = XmlReservedNs.NsXml;
// It is not correct to resolve xmlns prefix in XPath but removing it would be a breaking change.
else if (prefix.Equals("xmlns"))
ns = XmlReservedNs.NsXmlNs;
throw new XslTransformException(SR.Xslt_InvalidPrefix, prefix);
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the nav1's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal nav2's corresponding properties.
/// </summary>
public bool IsQNameEqual(XPathNavigator n1, XPathNavigator n2)
if ((object)n1.NameTable == (object)n2.NameTable)
// Use atomized comparison
return (object)n1.LocalName == (object)n2.LocalName && (object)n1.NamespaceURI == (object)n2.NamespaceURI;
return (n1.LocalName == n2.LocalName) && (n1.NamespaceURI == n2.NamespaceURI);
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the specified navigator's LocalName and NamespaceURI properties equal the argument names.
/// </summary>
public bool IsQNameEqual(XPathNavigator navigator, int indexLocalName, int indexNamespaceUri)
if ((object)navigator.NameTable == (object)_nameTableQuery)
// Use atomized comparison
return ((object)GetAtomizedName(indexLocalName) == (object)navigator.LocalName &&
(object)GetAtomizedName(indexNamespaceUri) == (object)navigator.NamespaceURI);
// Use string comparison
return (GetAtomizedName(indexLocalName) == navigator.LocalName) && (GetAtomizedName(indexNamespaceUri) == navigator.NamespaceURI);
/// <summary>
/// Get the Xml query type at the specified index in the array of types.
/// </summary>
internal XmlQueryType GetXmlType(int idxType)
Debug.Assert(_types != null);
return _types[idxType];
/// <summary>
/// Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltArgument(XmlQueryType, object, Type).
/// </summary>
public object ChangeTypeXsltArgument(int indexType, object value, Type destinationType)
return ChangeTypeXsltArgument(GetXmlType(indexType), value, destinationType);
/// <summary>
/// Convert from the Clr type of "value" to Clr type "destinationType" using V1 Xslt rules.
/// These rules include converting any Rtf values to Nodes.
/// </summary>
internal static object ChangeTypeXsltArgument(XmlQueryType xmlType, object value, Type destinationType)
"Values passed to ChangeTypeXsltArgument should be in ILGen's default Clr representation.");
Debug.Assert(destinationType == typeof(object) || !destinationType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()),
$"No need to call ChangeTypeXsltArgument since value is already assignable to destinationType {destinationType}");
switch (xmlType.TypeCode)
case XmlTypeCode.String:
if (destinationType == typeof(DateTime))
value = XsltConvert.ToDateTime((string)value);
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
if (destinationType != typeof(double))
value = Convert.ChangeType(value, destinationType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
case XmlTypeCode.Node:
Debug.Assert(xmlType != XmlQueryTypeFactory.Node && xmlType != XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeS,
"Rtf values should have been eliminated by caller.");
if (destinationType == typeof(XPathNodeIterator))
value = new XPathArrayIterator((IList)value);
else if (destinationType == typeof(XPathNavigator[]))
// Copy sequence to XPathNavigator[]
IList<XPathNavigator> seq = (IList<XPathNavigator>)value;
XPathNavigator[] navArray = new XPathNavigator[seq.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < seq.Count; i++)
navArray[i] = seq[i];
value = navArray;
case XmlTypeCode.Item:
// Only typeof(object) is supported as a destination type
if (destinationType != typeof(object))
throw new XslTransformException(SR.Xslt_UnsupportedClrType, destinationType.Name);
// Convert to default, backwards-compatible representation
// 1. NodeSet: System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator
// 2. Rtf: System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator
// 3. Other: Default V1 representation
IList<XPathItem> seq = (IList<XPathItem>)value;
if (seq.Count == 1)
XPathItem item = seq[0];
if (item.IsNode)
// Node or Rtf
RtfNavigator? rtf = item as RtfNavigator;
if (rtf != null)
value = rtf.ToNavigator();
value = new XPathArrayIterator((IList)value);
// Atomic value
value = item.TypedValue;
// Nodeset
value = new XPathArrayIterator((IList)value);
Debug.Assert(destinationType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()), $"ChangeType from type {value.GetType().Name} to type {destinationType.Name} failed");
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Forward call to ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryType, object)
/// </summary>
public object ChangeTypeXsltResult(int indexType, object value)
return ChangeTypeXsltResult(GetXmlType(indexType), value);
/// <summary>
/// Convert from the Clr type of "value" to the default Clr type that ILGen uses to represent the xml type, using
/// the conversion rules of the xml type.
/// </summary>
internal object ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryType xmlType, object? value)
if (value == null)
throw new XslTransformException(SR.Xslt_ItemNull, string.Empty);
switch (xmlType.TypeCode)
case XmlTypeCode.String:
if (value.GetType() == typeof(DateTime))
value = XsltConvert.ToString((DateTime)value);
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
if (value.GetType() != typeof(double))
value = ((IConvertible)value).ToDouble(null);
case XmlTypeCode.Node:
if (!xmlType.IsSingleton)
XPathArrayIterator? iter = value as XPathArrayIterator;
// Special-case XPathArrayIterator in order to avoid copies
if (iter != null && iter.AsList is XmlQueryNodeSequence sequence)
value = sequence;
// Iterate over list and ensure it only contains nodes
XmlQueryNodeSequence seq = new XmlQueryNodeSequence();
IList? list = value as IList;
if (list != null)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
foreach (object o in (IEnumerable)value)
value = seq;
// Always sort node-set by document order
value = ((XmlQueryNodeSequence)value).DocOrderDistinct(_docOrderCmp);
case XmlTypeCode.Item:
Type sourceType = value.GetType();
IXPathNavigable? navigable;
// If static type is item, then infer type based on dynamic value
switch (XsltConvert.InferXsltType(sourceType).TypeCode)
case XmlTypeCode.Boolean:
value = new XmlQueryItemSequence(new XmlAtomicValue(XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlTypeCode.Boolean), value));
case XmlTypeCode.Double:
value = new XmlQueryItemSequence(new XmlAtomicValue(XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlTypeCode.Double), ((IConvertible)value).ToDouble(null)));
case XmlTypeCode.String:
if (sourceType == typeof(DateTime))
value = new XmlQueryItemSequence(new XmlAtomicValue(XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlTypeCode.String), XsltConvert.ToString((DateTime)value)));
value = new XmlQueryItemSequence(new XmlAtomicValue(XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(XmlTypeCode.String), value));
case XmlTypeCode.Node:
// Support XPathNavigator[]
value = ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeS, value);
case XmlTypeCode.Item:
// Support XPathNodeIterator
if (value is XPathNodeIterator)
value = ChangeTypeXsltResult(XmlQueryTypeFactory.NodeS, value);
// Support IXPathNavigable and XPathNavigator
navigable = value as IXPathNavigable;
if (navigable != null)
if (value is XPathNavigator navigator)
value = new XmlQueryNodeSequence(navigator);
value = new XmlQueryNodeSequence(navigable.CreateNavigator()!);
throw new XslTransformException(SR.Xslt_UnsupportedClrType, sourceType.Name);
Debug.Assert(XmlILTypeHelper.GetStorageType(xmlType).IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()), $"Xml type {xmlType} is not represented in ILGen as {value.GetType().Name}");
return value;
/// <summary>
/// Ensure that "value" is a navigator and not null.
/// </summary>
private static XPathNavigator EnsureNavigator(object? value)
XPathNavigator? nav = value as XPathNavigator;
if (nav == null)
throw new XslTransformException(SR.Xslt_ItemNull, string.Empty);
return nav;
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the type of every item in "seq" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".
/// </summary>
public bool MatchesXmlType(IList<XPathItem> seq, int indexType)
XmlQueryType typBase = GetXmlType(indexType);
XmlQueryCardinality card = seq.Count switch
0 => XmlQueryCardinality.Zero,
1 => XmlQueryCardinality.One,
_ => XmlQueryCardinality.More,
if (!(card <= typBase.Cardinality))
return false;
typBase = typBase.Prime;
for (int i = 0; i < seq.Count; i++)
if (!CreateXmlType(seq[i]).IsSubtypeOf(typBase))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the type of "item" matches the xml type identified by "idxType".
/// </summary>
public bool MatchesXmlType(XPathItem item, int indexType)
return CreateXmlType(item).IsSubtypeOf(GetXmlType(indexType));
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the type of "seq" is a subtype of a singleton type identified by "code".
/// </summary>
public bool MatchesXmlType(IList<XPathItem> seq, XmlTypeCode code)
if (seq.Count != 1)
return false;
return MatchesXmlType(seq[0], code);
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the type of "item" is a subtype of the type identified by "code".
/// </summary>
public bool MatchesXmlType(XPathItem item, XmlTypeCode code)
// All atomic type codes appear after AnyAtomicType
if (code > XmlTypeCode.AnyAtomicType)
return !item.IsNode && item.XmlType!.TypeCode == code;
// Handle node code and AnyAtomicType
switch (code)
case XmlTypeCode.AnyAtomicType: return !item.IsNode;
case XmlTypeCode.Node: return item.IsNode;
case XmlTypeCode.Item: return true;
if (!item.IsNode)
return false;
switch (((XPathNavigator)item).NodeType)
case XPathNodeType.Root: return code == XmlTypeCode.Document;
case XPathNodeType.Element: return code == XmlTypeCode.Element;
case XPathNodeType.Attribute: return code == XmlTypeCode.Attribute;
case XPathNodeType.Namespace: return code == XmlTypeCode.Namespace;
case XPathNodeType.Text: return code == XmlTypeCode.Text;
case XPathNodeType.SignificantWhitespace: return code == XmlTypeCode.Text;
case XPathNodeType.Whitespace: return code == XmlTypeCode.Text;
case XPathNodeType.ProcessingInstruction: return code == XmlTypeCode.ProcessingInstruction;
case XPathNodeType.Comment: return code == XmlTypeCode.Comment;
Debug.Fail($"XmlTypeCode {code} was not fully handled.");
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Create an XmlQueryType that represents the type of "item".
/// </summary>
private static XmlQueryType CreateXmlType(XPathItem item)
if (item.IsNode)
// Rtf
RtfNavigator? rtf = item as RtfNavigator;
if (rtf != null)
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Node;
// Node
XPathNavigator nav = (XPathNavigator)item;
switch (nav.NodeType)
case XPathNodeType.Root:
case XPathNodeType.Element:
if (nav.XmlType == null)
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type(nav.NodeType, XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(nav.LocalName, nav.NamespaceURI), XmlSchemaComplexType.UntypedAnyType, false);
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type(nav.NodeType, XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(nav.LocalName, nav.NamespaceURI), nav.XmlType, nav.SchemaInfo!.SchemaElement!.IsNillable);
case XPathNodeType.Attribute:
if (nav.XmlType == null)
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type(nav.NodeType, XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(nav.LocalName, nav.NamespaceURI), DatatypeImplementation.UntypedAtomicType, false);
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type(nav.NodeType, XmlQualifiedNameTest.New(nav.LocalName, nav.NamespaceURI), nav.XmlType, false);
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type(nav.NodeType, XmlQualifiedNameTest.Wildcard, XmlSchemaComplexType.AnyType, false);
// Atomic value
return XmlQueryTypeFactory.Type((XmlSchemaSimpleType)item.XmlType!, true);
// Xml collations
/// <summary>
/// Get a collation that was statically created.
/// </summary>
public XmlCollation GetCollation(int index)
Debug.Assert(_collations != null);
return _collations[index];
/// <summary>
/// Create a collation from a string.
/// </summary>
public XmlCollation? CreateCollation(string collation)
return XmlCollation.Create(collation);
// Document Ordering and Identity
/// <summary>
/// Compare the relative positions of two navigators. Return -1 if navThis is before navThat, 1 if after, and
/// 0 if they are positioned to the same node.
/// </summary>
public int ComparePosition(XPathNavigator navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)
return _docOrderCmp.Compare(navigatorThis, navigatorThat);
/// <summary>
/// Get a comparer which guarantees a stable ordering among nodes, even those from different documents.
/// </summary>
public IList<XPathNavigator> DocOrderDistinct(IList<XPathNavigator> seq)
if (seq.Count <= 1)
return seq;
XmlQueryNodeSequence nodeSeq = (XmlQueryNodeSequence)seq;
return nodeSeq.DocOrderDistinct(_docOrderCmp);
/// <summary>
/// Generate a unique string identifier for the specified node. Do this by asking the navigator for an identifier
/// that is unique within the document, and then prepend a document index.
/// </summary>
public string GenerateId(XPathNavigator navigator)
return string.Create(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, $"ID{_docOrderCmp.GetDocumentIndex(navigator)}{navigator.UniqueId}");
// Indexes
/// <summary>
/// If an index having the specified Id has already been created over the "context" document, then return it
/// in "index" and return true. Otherwise, create a new, empty index and return false.
/// </summary>
public bool FindIndex(XPathNavigator context, int indexId, out XmlILIndex index)
XPathNavigator navRoot;
ArrayList docIndexes;
Debug.Assert(context != null);
// Get root of document
navRoot = context.Clone();
// Search pre-existing indexes in order to determine whether the specified index has already been created
if (_indexes != null && indexId < _indexes.Length)
docIndexes = _indexes[indexId];
if (docIndexes != null)
// Search for an index defined over the specified document
for (int i = 0; i < docIndexes.Count; i += 2)
// If we find a matching document, then return the index saved in the next slot
if (((XPathNavigator)docIndexes[i]!).IsSamePosition(navRoot))
index = (XmlILIndex)docIndexes[i + 1]!;
return true;
// Return a new, empty index
index = new XmlILIndex();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Add a newly built index over the specified "context" document to the existing collection of indexes.
/// </summary>
public void AddNewIndex(XPathNavigator context, int indexId, XmlILIndex index)
XPathNavigator navRoot;
ArrayList docIndexes;
Debug.Assert(context != null);
// Get root of document
navRoot = context.Clone();
// Ensure that a slot exists for the new index
if (_indexes == null)
_indexes = new ArrayList[indexId + 4];
else if (indexId >= _indexes.Length)
// Resize array
ArrayList[] indexesNew = new ArrayList[indexId + 4];
Array.Copy(_indexes, indexesNew, _indexes.Length);
_indexes = indexesNew;
docIndexes = (ArrayList)_indexes[indexId];
if (docIndexes == null)
docIndexes = new ArrayList();
_indexes[indexId] = docIndexes;
// Output construction
/// <summary>
/// Get output writer object.
/// </summary>
public XmlQueryOutput Output
get { return _output; }
/// <summary>
/// Start construction of a nested sequence of items. Return a new XmlQueryOutput that will be
/// used to construct this new sequence.
/// </summary>
public void StartSequenceConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
// Push current writer
// Create new writers
output = _output = new XmlQueryOutput(this, new XmlCachedSequenceWriter());
/// <summary>
/// End construction of a nested sequence of items and return the items as an IList{XPathItem}
/// internal class. Return previous XmlQueryOutput.
/// </summary>
public IList<XPathItem> EndSequenceConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
IList<XPathItem> seq = ((XmlCachedSequenceWriter)_output.SequenceWriter!).ResultSequence;
// Restore previous XmlQueryOutput
output = _output = _stkOutput.Pop();
return seq;
/// <summary>
/// Start construction of an Rtf. Return a new XmlQueryOutput object that will be used to construct this Rtf.
/// </summary>
public void StartRtfConstruction(string baseUri, out XmlQueryOutput output)
// Push current writer
// Create new XmlQueryOutput over an Rtf writer
output = _output = new XmlQueryOutput(this, new XmlEventCache(baseUri, true));
/// <summary>
/// End construction of an Rtf and return it as an RtfNavigator. Return previous XmlQueryOutput object.
/// </summary>
public XPathNavigator EndRtfConstruction(out XmlQueryOutput output)
XmlEventCache events;
events = (XmlEventCache)_output.Writer!;
// Restore previous XmlQueryOutput
output = _output = _stkOutput.Pop();
// Return Rtf as an RtfNavigator
return new RtfTreeNavigator(events, _nameTableQuery);
/// <summary>
/// Construct a new RtfTextNavigator from the specified "text". This is much more efficient than calling
/// StartNodeConstruction(), StartRtf(), WriteString(), EndRtf(), and EndNodeConstruction().
/// </summary>
public XPathNavigator TextRtfConstruction(string text, string baseUri)
return new RtfTextNavigator(text, baseUri);
// Miscellaneous
/// <summary>
/// Report query execution information to event handler.
/// </summary>
public void SendMessage(string message)
/// <summary>
/// Throw an Xml exception having the specified message text.
/// </summary>
public void ThrowException(string text)
throw new XslTransformException(text);
/// <summary>
/// Position navThis to the same location as navThat.
/// </summary>
internal static XPathNavigator SyncToNavigator(XPathNavigator? navigatorThis, XPathNavigator navigatorThat)
if (navigatorThis == null || !navigatorThis.MoveTo(navigatorThat))
return navigatorThat.Clone();
return navigatorThis;
/// <summary>
/// Function is called in Debug mode on each time context node change.
/// </summary>
public static int OnCurrentNodeChanged(XPathNavigator currentNode)
return 0;
// 'true' if current Namespace "inherited" from it's parent. Not defined locally.
private static bool IsInheritedNamespace(XPathNavigator node)
Debug.Assert(node.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Namespace);
XPathNavigator nav = node.Clone();
if (nav.MoveToParent())
if (nav.MoveToFirstNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local))
if ((object)nav.LocalName == (object)node.LocalName)
return false;
} while (nav.MoveToNextNamespace(XPathNamespaceScope.Local));
return true;